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Futuristic Galactic Empires



The soldiers inched closer. Several troops had come insude with machineguns.


"Be thankful that you did not do this in the AUSM. You think this is bad? The AUSM can do far worse."

"We'll claim responsibility. But yiu admut to raiding space stations and robing many civilizations of their anual funds and rescources."
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"Our creators could no be reached at the time. You may presume that they are extinct. There are several billion of us in number in this planet. Other settlements of us could not be reached. We are likely the last of our design. I am unit 5673 Delta Omega S51. When our creators first observed you, your species was using sticks and stones to wage brutal wars with one another. They thought it best to not bestow interstellar travel onto humanity."
(Sorry Ghostpal. You need to make a character sign up sheet beforyou can post.But also, you eeally can't control the soldiers as they are off limits.

If you want to join just go to the character sign-up sheet and fill it out. And i'll accept you and you can start posting.)


""Hate to break it to you. But we are currentky the strongest species in the universe. With half this universe under our control." The boy said.

"Don't ask how we did it either. What do you mean by your creators are dxtinct?"
The robot simply repeated "Our creators are extinct. I have an inquiry, what is it you plan to do to us? According to your previous ventures it is possible that you would have us destroyed. Is that your plan, youngling human?"

"You pose no threat. There is no reason why we should destroy evidence of ancient evidence of life." The young general said.

"Tell me. Are you from the time of a great war between two civilizations? We've recently discovered a planet with hyrogliphics depicting a war between two races."
"You destroyed all the life on a planet!?" the All Father spluttered out. "For what a small group did? That is barbaric! Even more so then what my planet was like before we discovered space travel. At least when a group of younglings attack a border tribe, I do not give the authority to have a whole tribe destroyed! They have their own culture, their own way of life far different then any others."

"You never told me about this." The High Chancellor said to her aids.

"Chancellor, Admiral Vestenew did it with the best intentions." Her top aid replied.

"I understand that we don't particularly like the Kaa'dris. But glassing their colonies is just too extreme."

"Chancellor. We did it because we believed that they were uninhabited. But to make sure that the Kaa'dri will be stranded." The aid replied.

"No. The military did it because they wanted to see a civilization burn."

"Chancellor." The Aid said. "They destroyed 8frigates, 5 destroyers and one cruiser. Now count how many service members will be recieving the terriblw news. Over 600 families will now have to spend the rest of their lives without their loved ones. This race is provoking war with us. And we simply responded to their provokations."

"They should feel lucky that this is the E.F that they are dealing with. If it were the AUSM, their entire space navy would have been crippled, along with their planets glassed. As well as their race being sent to lqbour camps along with a mutitude of crippling sanctions. And a blockade. As well a spies to kill off the government."

The chancellor took a deep breath. "Who is the leader?"

"You are chancellor." The aid said.

"Who has the legal power to direct anything?" The chancellor asked.

"You do chancellor."

"Then why did you disobey me?" The chancellor asked.

The aid could not reply.

"I want a report on my desk by tomorrow morning." The Chancellor said.

"Now tell me why the Kaa'dris sent diplomats here?" The chancellor said facing the kaa'dris.

Blood hand giggled slightly and quietly said "This is interesting, glad I came."

afterwards Blood hand looked around interested in the happening

The E.F troops still had their guns pointed at Dii Nuk.


Several fighters were also seen in the sky as they patrolled the skies for any suspicious activities in the air and on the ground.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/alliance_fighter_by_nach77-d6a37eu.jpg.edcf28e15881bd54936a7faf39c76ea4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/alliance_fighter_by_nach77-d6a37eu.jpg.edcf28e15881bd54936a7faf39c76ea4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Also, what happened here on this planet?" The general added.


"Well? I'm guessing that you've come here to talk about the incident that my government has committed behind my back?" The High Chancellor said as she faced Dii Nuk and the other Kaa'dri diplomats.

"I agree with you, and the All father that my military has committed a terrible crime. And I'll make sure to hold those responsible accountable. But, you must also acknowledge that you decided to build weapons of mass destruction under our noses. And apparently launched many of them at Akraien colonies. Which in turn is a direct threat to billions of lives. You also threatened to kill innocent people. Although my military apparently decided to secretly take it a step further."

"I have no knowledge of what my military has done to your planets until you brought it up. I had nothing to do with the planning of this attack. And If I did, I would have stopped it."

[uros trader diplomat]

The trader diplomat would have seen that he was getting a series of very hostile warning messages from the AUSM space navy that was on patrol in the area.



  • alliance_fighter_by_nach77-d6a37eu.jpg
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Dii Nuk continued to yell. "OH, I APOLOGIZE THAT 600 FAMILIES WILL GET BAD NEWS. THAT JUST NULLS OUR 2 MILLION WHO WILL LEARN OF DEAD LOVED ONES." He started to calm. "The Kaa'dri have sent diplomats to inform you that by glassing our planets, you have made it ACTUALLY impossible to stop this war. There are many reasons for this, but I'll give the main one. Religious. By glassing our planets, you destroyed all but one of the holy sites for ALL of our major religions. If we tried to negotiate peace, a rebellion would rise up, we would lose, millions of Kaa'dri killed, and the war would still be happening under a new religious regime. Another side effect of this is that any non-Kaa'dri follower of these religions will be pulled into the war, giving us more soldiers and tech. Just a warning, religious soldiers won't have the same sympathy for enemies that normal soldiers would. Be prepared for suicide bombers, hostage killings, and civilian massacres, especially from Kaa'dri Etiirius. We don't support this activity, but it WILL happen. The next announcement is that the Kaa'dri are no longer under E.F. or AUSM rule. Our starships have found that the universe is-SHOCKER-infinite, so you can't really control all of it. Our remaining citizens now live in colonies outside of either rule. Our last announcement is that we are looking for allies. We understand if you find us evil and stay neutral, or even join the E.F. against us, but if you find our cause worthy, then we will be grateful for your support."

With that, the Kaa'dri diplomat and his escort turned around and headed back towards their ship. Dii Nuk yelled "Oh, and by the way, let me remind you it is a war crime to seize or kill a diplomat who has made no hostile action."

"Seize him." The Military aid said.

The E.F troops began to hit the diplomats with their guns. Thet brought restraints asthey cuffed several diplomats.

The Military aid walked down.

"Are you really going to risk a war with a super power?" The General asked.

"You have religious soldiers? Nice. We have the deadliest killing machines in the universe. If I were your leader, I'd rather second guess going to war."

"What would you rather have senator? Millions dead or billions dead? Because If you go to war with us, I can not guarantee your race's survival."

"I'd rather settle this peacefully than have to go through a short war. And also, thank you very much for reminding the senate that once again, our universe in infinite."

The General said turning around the room.

"Now why do you think we spend 4 quarters of our spending on our military? It's to make sure that all of the universe's territory is under our control. To make sure that any gaps are to be seized."

"You might have billions of troops. But we have a force that is far greater. And I don't want to be the general who had to wipe out a member of this Federation."

"AUSM? You've never been under AUSM territory and as far as I'm concerned, your race would have already been wiped out if your were under their senate. You know the human race. They strive for military and economic superiority. And they have far deadlier weapons and soldiers than we the E.F has. You would not last a month if you went to war with them. They manufacture their god dam soldiers god dammit. The time it takes for you to train one soldier, the Human race can produce 100 natural born soldiers. Feel lucky that this is the E.F that you are dealing with."

"You don't know just how ruthless the AUSM is. I know because I fought them during the Human/Extraterrestrial war. And I lost millions of good soldiers to them."

"We'll supply your race with billions of funding to rebuild. As well as make a public apology. Along with reparations for all those who are affected. And we will do more if you wish. We will also re-build all of your worlds as well as supplying aid for your religious groups and re-building religious temples. Anything."

"Think of our offer. And tell it to your leader. I expect a reply by tonight."

"Let them go." The E.F soldiers released Dii Nuk and his men. "Anyone who tries to harm him will be shot. Understand?"

"We will never join you criminals!" One senator shouted. The all other senators began to sgree as they shouted at Dii Nuk.

"Leave before they try to kill you." The General said. "Because that is what you will be facing if you choose war. An endless army."
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Blood hand stood up and began to spoke "I can provide troops if needed"

afterwards he looked around.

Blood Hand said calmly "E.F of course! I am no criminal, if you don't know about the stuff at my halls then yeah, I am not a criminal."

"We'll talk about your terrible alien rights later senator Blood Hand. Right now, get your soldiers ready for war. All of you." The General said.

[All Father]

The High Chancellor had gotten up. "This senate is dismissed."

"All Father. I'm still not finished talking to you. In my office." The High chancellor said to the All Father.
"This planet was destroyed my enemies of our masters, it was formerly a construction facility for automatons."
Dii Nuk started laughing. "Did you guys never discover sarcasm? We've known it's infinite since grand o'l Se'a Fut found the crashed ship. You literally can't control half the universe because it's infinite. If you sent a ship to warp in one direction forever, it would never reach the edge. It is physically impossible to control infinite space. And like we said, if we tried to negotiate peace, religious people would take over and just keep fighting. We don't have a choice. I actually voted to try and stop this conflict, but I am a servant to my people, and I do as they ask me. I swear to every deity in every religion, I don't want this war. But we have to. And as for your agents, yeah. We know. But you seem to forget you're not the only group that can have agents." The Kaa'dri enter their ship and leave.

On a medium sized E.F. administrative center.

An unknown man runs into the center. He screams "KAA'DRI ETIIRIUS!" An explosion follows, wiping the center and everyone in it out of existence. The religious war has begun.
Blood Hand walked back to his ship and as he was walking inside he said to an office "Prepare the Army troops"

the officer nodded as the ship raised up and flew out back into the orbit

after a while one of the sergeants followed by two soldiers said to Blood Hand "Soldiers will be ready soon, ships are being readied too"

Blood Hand replied "Good..."


(The sergeant)


(The soldiers)

"Was this planet of any value that the enemy would strike it?" The General asked.

[Dii Nuk]

One alien had followed Dii Nuk.

"Dii Nuk. I'm right tnow your only chance. All the senators have declared war. Except for me and my race. We are going to assist you. But can you please listen to what I have to say."

"May I correct you on something Dii Nuk. The Akraiens had known that the universe is infinite hundreds of millions of years ago. Far before your race even existed. The Akraiens are one of the oldest civilizations in the universe. They have this much technological superiority because they are from the old universe. Before the humans. Before the COV Federation. Before most of the aliens in the Senate. They and the human race know and they seize tons of territory each day. To ensure that their empires are at full capacity."

"You've just begun your own civilization's demise. You can not win against the E.F. And don't underestimate the E.F's special forces and elite troopers. Especially the order. You have never seen them in combat. They could be in your own race's parliament right now. Waiting for the order to kill Se'a. They can blend in. Be careful. The E.F has many tricks up their sleeves. And they'll use them."

"I can only say this. Your race made a foolish decision to go to war with the E.F. You wont't last one year. At best, at least 4-6 months. I just hope that the E.F will go lightly on you."

"The Order are in your government. I guarantee it. Find them before they can cause any harm to your government. That is the only way you can last at least one year against them."

"We won't win that war. But we can stall them."

"Oh an one more thing." The Alien senator looked across as he saw E.F troops. The senator began to flee.

[blood Hand]

"Kill them with brutal force. No child, female, male, elder shall be spared." Was sent to Blood Hand.

[E.F Administrative centre.]

There were soldiers helping the wounded and other law enforcement officers hunting down anyone.

A gunship had landed as a young Akraien soldier had walked off.

"Sir." One of the officer ran up to him and saluted.


"Estimated 400-450 dead. Another 50 injured." The officer replied.

"Who did it?"

"Kaa'dri." The officer said.

"Inform the government." The Boy said running off into the crowded streets towards an E.F embassy."

"Sir. There are reports of other Kaa'dri terrorist attacks within the outer colonies!" The officer shouted.

[Kaa'dri parliament]

An Akraien threw his disguise on the ground as he faced a door.

The Akraien looked around before he kicked the door of the senate room with the politicians inside. "Why hello." The boy pressed the trigger as he began to kill Kaa'dri politicians. He threw grenades at crowds of Kaa'dris as he shot them not caring their gender.
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Some time later an officer came to Blood Hand and said "The ships are ready, Orders?"

Blood Hand said "Orbit the planet look for any enemies"

Officer replied with his hands behind his back "Understood"

Some pilots walked past over to the hangar.

Ships began flying in from light speed and began to orbit the planet.




Meitor Kudario Kaa'dri

"OH SH*T!" Someone screamed as the Akraien fired. One older woman pulled out a hidden pistol and put a bullet through the gunner. "Bring him to the interrogation room." Se'a Fut IV said wearily. "That's 2 more politicians killed." A city-state leader spoke up. "Enemy ships incoming. What do we do?" Se'a sighed. "Evacuate again. Go farther this time. Get the warships ready."

A small E.F. Colony (only a couple a villages scattered around the planet)

Kaa'dri troops land on the planet and begin a takeover. Followers of Kaa'dri religions are assimilated into the army. Resistors are killed. The planet is now occupied by the Kaa'dri.
[Kaa'dri parliament]

An Akraien turned out to be a member of the order as he dodged the bullet before spinning back around and turning on his invisibility.

He then with great speed. Cut down a number of politicians with his sword as well as the female who shot him.

He then reappeared as he gunned down a number of politicians again before disapearing again. Beeps could be heard through out the parliament as the invisible Akraien began to casually walk out of the senate office leaving many politicians dead.

As the elite soldier of The Order walked out of the parliament building casually, he kept walking before he felt he was a safe distance away before turnign around. He pressed the detonator as a number of rooms in the parliament exploded into flames. The Order member watched as he saw a number of flame engulfed bodies jump out.

"Command. I failed to take out Se'a. Cover's been blown. Need an extraction."

As The Order member turned around, he looked at a horde of Kaa'dri soldiers surrounding the parliament building.


[small E.F Colony]

There was a lot of suspicions as there were no Akraiens or many E.F troops. Indlstead. It was a small colony of the Kavs.

The Kavs were begging not to be killed off as some were being executed.

There was still Kavs soldiers that were giving resistance.

[blood Hand]

A message was sent to the ships.

"Go to the parliament. Extract our elite soldier."
Se'a just sighed. "Make that 4 dead and 6 injured." Her mind was too overloaded. Her emotions were dulling. She got out by evacuation. She hoped to her great-grandmother that they wouldn't glass this planet too. That would leave them at 10% of the pre-war population. Her emotions flooded out all at once. "KILL THE FUCKING CHANCELLOR! KILL FUCKING ALL OF THEM! MURDER EVERY LIVING THING ON THAT FUCKING PLANET!"

The E.F. Capital

One Kaa'dri diplomat stayed behind. His earpiece said to start Operation Regret. He sighed. He'd hoped it wouldn't come to this. He pressed the button that killed everything within 25 miles without a force field.

Occupied planet

The Kaa'dri put a puppet government on the planet. They were allowed to be free, in exchange for a 25% tax and mandatory military service for the Kaa'dri when required.

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