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Futuristic Galactic Empires

"The buisness has already been dealt with." the All Father replied. "They are guilty, they have admitedit themselves. And their previous leader has snapped under the mental strain. What the Kaa'dri need is not total supremecy, and to be ruled over with an iron fist. No, what they need is guidance."

Turning to the senator that spoke, he says "I am not starting a war. The Kaa'dri must be punished for what they have let happen. But they are being tried by EF law and by a EF court. You are here to supervise, not pass judement yourselves."

"We are here to advise the Judges and Jury. Since this is the E.F's first time trying a race." the human ambassador said.

"They need guidance. But, they must earn our trust again. And until then, they will be under a military occupation. With a military government. Until they can reorganize and start to rebuild their credibility." One Akraien said.

"Meaning, all those responsible for the war will be brought to justice. The leader, for now, all charges are dropped because of her mental state. But ber daughter still has charges and must make her case to prove her innocence."



The E.F soldiers seemed to be having difficulties trying to restrain the two guilty Kaa'adris as they requested for support.

"We should allow the humans to take them away since they are better at these kinds of things." One of the Akraien Judges said to another.

"I agree."

The Human ambassador looked at his lieutenant who was standing beside him. "Lieutenant, call your men over. It seems that the E.F really needs to restructure their justice system. And their government in general."

The Lieutenant nodded as he radioed the troops inside. The doors opened once again, only this time, human soldiers came in.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1deb3469_ausmmarine.png.0e8237dc7255cf585ac47e466427eee9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1deb3469_ausmmarine.png.0e8237dc7255cf585ac47e466427eee9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Some pointed their guns as the Kaa'dri as others rushed with stun guns. The E.F soldiers stepped aside.

The AUSM soldiers hit the Kaa'dris as they began to restrain them while they still had guns pointed at the two.

"This is not legal." One of the senators sitting beside the All Father said to himself.



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The Kaa'dri diplomats did something Kaa'dri rarely did anymore. They bit. As you know, Kaa'dri are a bit like dinosaurs, and with that comes nasty teeth. Kaa'dri stopped biting to show they were civilized, but these two wanted to keep their lives, so they chomped as hard as they could and tried to escape. One even took the arm off a soldier.
"I agree. And an insult to boot." the All Father whispered back after he took his seat. He was going to say something, but he waited until after an arm was removed from a human. After that, he stood up quickly. "We are not savages.We do not beat captives, and we most certainly do not rip each others arms off. I am deeply ashamed to see such a display. Can you not see that they fear for their lives? They are taking on the responsobility of ruling a galactic empire, one that was poorly handled recently. Did you humans already do something like this once? I believe it was in one of your pre-space wars, a world war, the second one in history. The leader if the losing party took his life, because he knew he would have been found guilty on the war crimes he had commited. Punishment was given, the losing faction was forced to pay for damages and their country carved into peices for the victors. Their people were prosecuted for what one man had done. And I thought you humans had more sense then this."

"Take him to the ER and get his arm re attached." One said finishing restraining the two Kaa'dri.

Several E.F soldiers began to tie down the mouths of the two Kaa'dri.

As rhey tied down and prevented the two from bitting another guard.

"Please don't compare us with the humans on Earth. We had nothing to do with the second world war. And it was a twmporary occupation since the german government needed to be restructured and several people brought to jistoce for terrible crimes." The Human Ambassador said.

"Myy troops are simply taking these two away since the E.F solfiers are struggling, other than that, we have no business or interest in any of the E.F's business."
The captured Kaa'dri stopped struggling and just broke down crying. They stopped struggling and let themselves be taken away.

"We appreciate your words of wisdom. But we are not dropping the death sentence on those two. We might consider them pleading for a life sentence but that seems unkikely." One akraien said
"I will speak with them later." he said, nodding in the direction of the Kaa'dri. "I have spoken my part. And though my words have been brushed aside, I will say one more thing. "How will the whole Kaa'dri race react to their leader's public execution, I am assuming it will be public. I think, that they will go to war once more, and this time prove a much larger threat. The Deldurdam would stand aside, and offer medical aide and only medical aide for both sides. That is, unless, weapons of planetary destruction are used. Then we shall act as the independant state the the High Chancellor was kind enough to grant us independantly of the EF."

After that, he slowly eased himself back into his chair. He was old even to his kind. And the weight of age and responsobility suddenly started to weigh down on him.

"Not public. They will be executed in a military prison. But since the E.F is civilized, they are treated well and well fed up until their execution day." The Akraien politician said.

"Unlike the humans, who have a problem with this matter. shooting people in public, executing people of all ages."

The human ambassador simply looked at the Akraien before looking back down at the pieces of paper.

"There is a difference between humans of earth and humans of the AUSM. Mr politician. Sure we might have done barbaric things but that is not to say that your race is all pure either." The human ambassador replied .

The Akraien politician looked at the human ambassador before facing the front again.
"No race truely is 'pure'." the All Father said from his seat. "we have all done bad things in the past, things that stain our race as a whole. But that is the past, and that cannot be changed. The present can, as well as how others see you. I see the destruction of entire planets barbaric and do not hesitate to add that so do my people. But we can change that." And then he took out a writting utensil, and something to write on. Then he wrote something down, something to be brought up in a more appropriate setting, such as in the senate building. What he wrote down in his native language read, 'bring up possobility of banning use if weapons of planetary destruction.'
[COV Federation]

"None others that we need to wait for." The Admiral of the AUSM ships said.


The E.F troops were busy cutting down vegetation and taking the vegetation away from the site. They have also begun building several buildings as well as a makeshift armoury.

There were also several small reconnaissance parties making sure that there were no animals or hostiles in the area.


Large amounts of E.F troops were seen landing on the Kaa'dri colony in vehicles.

"From this point forward, the E.F military shall act as the police and government of this race until the Kaa'dri can re-organize their government." The speakers said.
E.F. soldiers

The ragged Kaa'dri civilians glanced wearily at the soldiers, then continued daily business. This was a ghetto, home to over 2 million Kaa'dri refugees. Blasted out hulks of towers from an ancient war dominated the skyline. Tents, shacks, lean-tos, and any other possible shelter were crowded into the ruins of the city. Tent markets sold stale bread and rusty tools. This was the expected life for Kaa'dri civilians now. Even worse than pre-war, when they had to raid stations to survive. Dii Nuk walked up and stood next to the commander and looked out at the scene. "This is why we need help. If not from war or internal conflict, the Kaa'dri race will starve to death." Several corpses were scattered throughout the muddy streets of the ghetto. People just ignored them.

More vehicles were seen patrolling the streets.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/101216020046884677318818.jpg.0f2e569f1b90a1af59c70702b02caa28.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46093" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/101216020046884677318818.jpg.0f2e569f1b90a1af59c70702b02caa28.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other vehicles were driving down the streets with E.F soldiers sitting on top of them as they maneuvered through the crowd.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/TheArtofMassEffect-069Archive-Scans-Copy.png.72f25a05215293d01f8ff61bde5a6cb4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46094" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/TheArtofMassEffect-069Archive-Scans-Copy.png.72f25a05215293d01f8ff61bde5a6cb4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

There were also several tanks parked right across from the parliament

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[COV Federation]

"The USS Venator and it's fleets has already gone ahead of us as a scouting party." The Admiral said. "We are awaiting for them to report."

[Remote planet in uncharted part of E.F territory]

A massive E.F scouting party consisting of vehicles, tanks, aircraft and ships had landed on a remote planet in un-mapped territory of the E.F.

Several E.F soldiers of a different scouting party had made their way through the desert as they saw ships striping resources from the planet surface.

The Commander of this scouting party could see through his binoculars that there were Synbios on the ground in the distance where the huge chunks of spoils were being brought up.

"Command, we have encountered an unknown race. We shall proceed with contact but we will remain alert and assume hostilities." The Commander said through his radio.

He then motioned for the vehicles and troops to continue their patrol as the vehicles made their way through the desert towards the Synbios.



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Two squadrons of Synbiotic engineers were rummaging through multiple devices, all active. The devices guided the ship's beam to the certain coordinate, and set up a sort of barrier around the beam, to prevent accidents. Each squadron, made of five, were positioned around the beam, with one focusing on security, and the other maintaining the beam's energy flux.

Soon enough, one of the engineers spotted unknown organics. It raised its rifle, and looked back at its fellow squadmates. They also drew their weapons, but the Captain of the squad ordered them to lower them, as a war was unneeded. They complied.

The Synbios then stared out towards the incoming vehicles and aliens, unblinking, and un-moving. The Captain made his way past the front engineer and raised a hand, as in to acknowledge them. These resources were needed by the Fleet, and this alien force looked deadly.
SirFlabberghaspy said:
Two squadrons of Synbiotic engineers were rummaging through multiple devices, all active. The devices guided the ship's beam to the certain coordinate, and set up a sort of barrier around the beam, to prevent accidents. Each squadron, made of five, were positioned around the beam, with one focusing on security, and the other maintaining the beam's energy flux.
Soon enough, one of the engineers spotted unknown organics. It raised its rifle, and looked back at its fellow squadmates. They also drew their weapons, but the Captain of the squad ordered them to lower them, as a war was unneeded. They complied.

The Synbios then stared out towards the incoming vehicles and aliens, unblinking, and un-moving. The Captain made his way past the front engineer and raised a hand, as in to acknowledge them. These resources were needed by the Fleet, and this alien force looked deadly.
The vehicles drew near as they soon halted in front of the Synbiotics.

Soldiers of the E.F had come out of the the back of some of the apcs as their white armour helped repel some of the heat from the sun.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/armor-suits-video-games-rig-dead-space.jpg.a2fabff3cd6571027bb937b30d6aee33.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/armor-suits-video-games-rig-dead-space.jpg.a2fabff3cd6571027bb937b30d6aee33.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Commander came out from one of the vehicles as he approached the synbiotics.

"State your reason for being here." The Commander said as he held a clipboard.



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Secret Kaa'dri base

"Was nice being here." A soldier said to Betu Kaot. "What do you mean?" Betu replied. His friend said "The government no longer has enough money to keep this place running. Millions of Kaa'dri are starving, and they need the cash to feed them." Betu stared in sadness as the base began to shut down. The Kaa'dri had lost independence.
"[FILE/AINTERACTION/PROCESSING.../PROCESSED/SCANNING/ORGANIC/INQUIRY/SEARCHING...", the Synbiotic Captain would process in a milisecond, though it sounded like long lines of gibberish to the organics. It then nodded, and looked at the Commander, it's mouth glowing as it prepared to respond.

"Stripping for resources. Flotilla demands it, required for further survival. Note: Aliens not trusted, led to previous downfall. Warning: Hostilities unwanted, but Synbios are ready to fight.", the Captain would reply, looking back at the beam. Large chunks of dirt, rock, and valuables floated up to the donut-shaped ship, a spear-like protusion coming from it's end. The beam entered the large prism that was the ship's cargo hold, which acted like a black-hole of sorts, pulling the materials into it, and processing them through a warp-gate into a storage ship within the Flotilla.

Several E.F troops were disregarding the starving Kaa'dris. While some gave little money.

There were also E.F soldiers putting up wanted posters of all the Kaa'dris who were unaccounted for in the court.

"Position the tanks there." Another officer across the road ordered a group of 21 tanks.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Tank_by_flyingdebris.jpg.150fa215761eb2223c7baec95a0c49d0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46275" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Tank_by_flyingdebris.jpg.150fa215761eb2223c7baec95a0c49d0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The 21 tanks made their way in front of the capital building as they parked the vehicles blocking off a portion of the road.

Several more tanks were seen parked in crowded roads with the tank crews on top of the vehicles awaiting orders.

The disregard that the Kaa'dri were receiving from the Akraiens and Kavs were making them wonder what life under Human and COV Federation Control is like.

SirFlabberghaspy said:
"[FILE/AINTERACTION/PROCESSING.../PROCESSED/SCANNING/ORGANIC/INQUIRY/SEARCHING...", the Synbiotic Captain would process in a milisecond, though it sounded like long lines of gibberish to the organics. It then nodded, and looked at the Commander, it's mouth glowing as it prepared to respond.
"Stripping for resources. Flotilla demands it, required for further survival. Note: Aliens not trusted, led to previous downfall. Warning: Hostilities unwanted, but Synbios are ready to fight.", the Captain would reply, looking back at the beam. Large chunks of dirt, rock, and valuables floated up to the donut-shaped ship, a spear-like protusion coming from it's end. The beam entered the large prism that was the ship's cargo hold, which acted like a black-hole of sorts, pulling the materials into it, and processing them through a warp-gate into a storage ship within the Flotilla.
"May I see your contracts and paperwork saying that you are allowed to strip planets?" The Commander asked.



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"No such thing is required of a free race. If this is your property, planetary defenses should have made that clear, but none were spotted. Never again will the combined forces of corrupted men commit genocide, we will not allow it. If this is indeed yours, then we will depart. Otherwise, you'll have a war on your hands with the biggest fleet in the galaxy. First choice seems reasonable: Diplomatic.", the Captain responded, his single reticule glowing a bright red as he looked over at the many organics ahead.

The entire squadron of engineers unleashed their guns, but had them lowered. Their fingers rested on the triggers, and they were prepared to defend the Flotilla at any cost. Never again would they be wrongly subjugated and slaughtered. Never again would they fall under another's heel.

"So, tell me, are you the ones? Are you the Chosen?" , the Captain would inquire, his finger nervously sliding towards the trigger. The Chosen, as known to all Synbiotics, were those who brought down their race, and forced their syntheticization. Those who wrongly accused them of genocide, and killed countless innocents...

Just the thought of this made the small hivemind of the squad go rapid with generated emotions. Each engineer's reticules glowed red at the question the Captain brought up.
"Biggest army in the galaxy, how will you wage war against the biggest military force in the universe?" The Commander asked.

"We're here on routine patrols making sure nothing illegal is taking place. And right now, unless you take those weapons out of our sight, we must assume hostilities. Now, papers. If you don't have them, then you are in violation of the Extraterrestrial Federation's resource agreement. And we must take the necessary steps to ensure that the agreement has not been breached."

The Commander stretched out his hand. The other E.F troops did not have their guns shown as they were not appearing hostile.
"We've never been informed of this 'Extraterrestrial Federation', and have never encountered anything known as the EF resource agreement. Threat recognized: HWYWWATBMFITU. We will fight to the last man, so long as you're crippled. Nevertheless, organics are greedy, and will do such things to get their way. Will comply, so long as you explain this resource agreement", the Captain responded, raising his hand.

They all put up their weapons, folding them into little cubes, about 3 cm by 3 cm in size. The cubes rolled up each Synbiotic arm, making their way through a number of small entry points into the frontal chest reason, in a matter of a second.
The All Father was once more home. Yet something stull bothered him. There was nothing he could do about the Kaa'dri prisoners. They seemed to be set in their decision of execution. But perhaps he could do something that would be better for both the EF and AUSM. "Call up the other senators. And the AUSM reps if they are still here. Ask for a meeting. I wish to speak to them."
[High Recreations Center, Suugwin colony Menorah]

In a massive dome of floating hexagonal plates which shifted as if they had a mind of their own, a large platform floated in the center. In the center of that platform , two figures sat at a table. Well, one sat while the other hovered on a floating silver disk of some type.

General Bomol and Eldan sat across from each other, both staring down at the Brunal Board. Several pieces of various color hovered off the board a bit, Eldan's pieces gaining considerable ground against Bomol. The large, red-armoured Orklian mumbled to himself a bit as he contemplated.

They had been like this ever since the meeting concerning the Kaa'dri had ended. They had fortified patrols around the colonies until things died down. Since the Kaa'dri were mainly after the heads of the F.E. for the impromptu slaughter, the Suugwin had decided to stand back until requested to intervene. Unfortunately for them, the whole war was over faster than expected. Yes, the pitiful thieves beat down into a state similar to that of housepets. It was expected.

"General," Eldan said as he raised his head to look the Orklian in the eyes "do you wish to postpone this-"

"Shhh!" growled the General "Let me think."

Eldan sighed lightly, he wondered if those researchers at the Omega Facility ever have to deal with moments of boredom like this.

[Omega Facility: Stimulant division]

Madreler flew out of the room, he jabbed at a panel near the side as several Suugwin ran out followed by two Orklians. A plasma shield sprung up behind them and Culrite doors slid closed over it.

As the researchers caught their breath, Madreler flexed his shoulder. The omni tool on his shoulder cycled through several colors before settling on hyper blue. It projected a holographic interface in front of him which he interacted with.

"Hey Doc" one of the Orklians grumbled "I don't think your little science project is supposed to... oh, I don't know?.. BEAT ITS WAY THROUGH HYPER VINE SHIELDS!!!"

"Calm down." Madreler stated before starting a recording using the interface "Subject three seems to display the strength and endurance heights sought, though higher reasoning is pretty much decimated. On the other hand, it would make an excellent shock trooper if needed-"

As he said that, a large Orklian fist broke through the door,followed by a ghastly roar of pure rage.

Madreler sighed, "Somebody call Inventory and have them send some of the bigger assets our way!"

[High recreations center, Suugwin colony Menorah]

Just as Bomol prepared to move a piece, a flash of light came into existence. An image appeared in it showing another Suugwin.

"Eldan, All Father has requested a reconvene of the delegates."

Eldan released a deeper sigh "What do the senators say of this request?"

"Response pending."

"Very well," he stated before turning back to the game "prep the ship, but we will be going nowhere until a definite response has been given by the E.F."

Once the screen blinked out of existence, Eldan gestured back to Bomol "I believe it was your move, General."
[The Divine]

"The two factions, AUSM and EF, are interesting. Benefits could be made. Subject known as the All Father has asked for a meeting, as received by our Redeemed insider. What are we to do?"

"I believe a direct redemption of their military leaders would suffice. That way, we have control over their militaries"

"But", another Chosen interjected, "these organics are quick to replace one leader with the next. We must do more then just wait for the moment to strike. We must make it. Chaos, that's what we need. We must make the two factions war, and destroy and redeem the survivors. We must prepare for the Ark"

A large raise of voices occured within the Chosen Council, and one of the high priests raised their hand in power. "Enough!", the priest bellowed out, looking around itself as it gazed at it's brethren. "As the last remaining High Priests of the Divine, I will sacrifice my title for the absolution of this Chosen's plan!", the Priest boomed, pointing over at the Chosen who made the last suggestion.

With that, the meeting ended, and the Paladins were being prepared for any kind of combat. Redeemed insiders were carefully collecting data wherever they went, and their information was being shipped to the hivemind.

This meeting would change everything.

@GrieveWriter (Nice Mordin-vibe you've got going there. Really got my attention when I saw the word "omni-tool". Eh, what else are you going to use in the future, iPhone 200?)

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