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Futuristic Galactic Empires

(@SirFlabberghaspy Don't get the reference, but the omni tool just seemed obvious with such a tech forward race as the Suugwin. My guess is androids, Multi-ships, just stuff I'd think a race such as them would make in their time.)
(@GrieveWriter Ah, you must not know Mass Effect? It's a sci-fi video game series. It has a character called Mordin who thinks aloud like Madreler, and omni-tool is a device used throughout the entirety of the series, but it is a general name for most Sci-Fi things, I would think.)
[All Father]

Several E.F ships had made their way to dadurdam as several E.F senators were on board.


The AUSM had ignored the All Father's message as they did not take orders from the E.F and especially a member of the E.F


GrieveWriter said:
[High recreations center, Suugwin colony Menorah]

Just as Bomol prepared to move a piece, a flash of light came into existence. An image appeared in it showing another Suugwin.

"Eldan, All Father has requested a reconvene of the delegates."

Eldan released a deeper sigh "What do the senators say of this request?"

"Response pending."

"Very well," he stated before turning back to the game "prep the ship, but we will be going nowhere until a definite response has been given by the E.F."

Once the screen blinked out of existence, Eldan gestured back to Bomol "I believe it was your move, General."
The E.F gave permission to send diplomats to the All Father's location.

SirFlabberghaspy said:
"We've never been informed of this 'Extraterrestrial Federation', and have never encountered anything known as the EF resource agreement. Threat recognized: HWYWWATBMFITU. We will fight to the last man, so long as you're crippled. Nevertheless, organics are greedy, and will do such things to get their way. Will comply, so long as you explain this resource agreement", the Captain responded, raising his hand.
They all put up their weapons, folding them into little cubes, about 3 cm by 3 cm in size. The cubes rolled up each Synbiotic arm, making their way through a number of small entry points into the frontal chest reason, in a matter of a second.
"All E.F member states must get the permission from the E.F High Senate to collect resources from an uninhabitable planet. There will be a certain limitation as well as E.F Advisers to ensure the limit is not being abused. Any nation or civilization caught or suspected of mining resources without the legal procedures, will be reported to the high chancellor and the E.F government where legal prosecution shall be taken.
"EF has no domain over Synbios, Synbios belong to no galactic group. No civilization was scanned on this planet, and therefore is unclaimed under realistic circumstances", the Captain reasoned. If they claimed to own the planet, the Synbios would have to demand an audience with this so-called "Chancellor"

Damn organics claim everything just to have it...
"This half of the universe is under E.F control. Nations are allowed to be independamt but ultimatwly, the E.DF governmwnt is the one in charge and the one to make all decisions." The commander said.
"Rejection. If you do not use it, you do not own it. Simply saying you own half of the universe doesn't mean you actually do. This so-called EF seems to be full of itself. Will reject. System sees it as our best interest to withdraw", the Captain would respond. The beam stopped hauling the massive amounts of resources, and the devices flew up into the air, only to land on the backs of multiple engineers.

The Synbiotic ship closed off it's warp-gate, and the Synbiotics were being lifted off of the ground by an invisible force. They were taking leave, and planned to completely retreat to the other side of the universe, if need be.
"Father!" one of the deldurdam citizens called to the All Father. "They are here! The Senators are here!"

"Good. Clear out the landing area and meeting place, we don't want anyone getting eaten during the whole thing. Make sure they are shown to comfortable living quarters." he said before leaving to go prepare himself.

With a quick nod, the deldurdam citizen scrambled out kf the room as only living rock could, which was more of a role. And he kept that pace until he reached the landing sight. "Clear of predators. Clear of predators." he shouted before going to where the first ship landed. "Right this way, we will show you where you will be staying. The All Father is getting ready and the Meeting Hall is being cleared."
[All Father]

The Shuttle landed as E.F troops came out protecting several Akraien and Kav Senators.

They approached the All Father as they greeted him. "There are no human delegates. Because they do not take orders from the E.F. Which is why they are not here, because they most likely ignored your message."

"But we have an Akraien Ambassador for the human race."
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[suugwin Colony Menorah: Eldan's Private Speeder]

"The politics never end," Eldan commented with a nonchalant shrug as he and Bomol floated up the gravity lift into his personal Speeder "seems like our time and effort is requested once more."

"That lousy Treeminder better have a good reason for dragging us from our game!" Growled Bomol as he began walking to the on-board lounge "I was about to unveil my winning hand!" Eldan sighed as he followed "I'm certain you were, General." he stated before waving his hand and summonibng a floating image of another Suugwin "Have the dear Doctor informed of this impromptu gathering. He must be on standby if necessary."

"Yes Eldan." the Suugwin bowed slightly "I shall contact him post haste."

[Omega Facility: Stimulant Division]

Madreler continued adding notes to his Omni-Tool's interface as the Orklians herded the other researchers into the bridge that connected to the Omega Facility's hub. "Doc, come on that thing could show up any second!" one of the Orklians shouted

"Don't worry," Madreler commented as he waved him off "my servant, Herethor will be coming soon."

The Orklian put a hand to his large face and groaned "Look, Doc, I know personally that Herethor is grand combatant. But training only does so much against things that are literally beating their way through shields like it was tin or something-1"

"Pardon Me"

The Orklian was interrupted by the highly unannounced entrance of another Orklian, one who was noticeably taller and had pale white armor instead of the normal green or red. The Orklian glanced down at his comrade before looking past him to Madreler "Sir, I hear you have need of me."

"Herethor, perfect timing as always." Madreler stated before closing his interface and turning to him "Come, We're sealing off this lab, activating the Synthetics and getting rid of that thing before it destroys the majority of my Genetics Division."

"Stupendous plan, sir." Herethor stated as he pushed passed the Orklians and tapped the panel at the doorway's side.

"Damnitt Madre," shouted the Orklian guard "You're gonna get yourself kill-"

The blast doors slammed shut, cutting off the Orklian's voice. Madreler rolled his eyes before floating away "Come," he stated as he brought up his interface again "If we can lead it to this area's Incinerator we should be able to sear through its armor."

As he continued talking, they stepped into a long hallway. One end sealed off by blast doors and the other blaring a loud siren as the light above it spread a red tint to the whole hall. Madreler floated towards the Siren's source, with Herethor glancing around cautiously behind him.

"Okay," Madreler said as he finished several lines of commands on his interface "the Synthetics should be on route to our-" He was interrupted by the sound of crushed metal alloys. The two turned to see a large helmet wedged through the blast doors, it shifted to gaze at them with various yells and snarls of ferocity. The Enraged Orklian began forcing its way through the blast doors as if they were made of butter.

"Sir," began Herethor as he glared at Subject-3 "how long exactly, until those Synthetics get here?" Madreler offered no reply as he took in the extent of damage left behind by the Subject "Oh," he said as he placed his head in his palm and tutted "all those research funds... gone."

"Of course." Herethor said before cracking his gargantuan knuckles "Sir, I ask that you get to the Incinerator. I shall hold the beast here." As Subject 3 tore through the Blast door's final resistance, he leaned low before roaring violently at the two as sparks from the savaged hall behind him flared repeatedly.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/x_com_enemies___muton_berserker_by_dragonlord965-d5ijccw.jpg.60b516cf627f4b1ca10d01286ec84479.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/x_com_enemies___muton_berserker_by_dragonlord965-d5ijccw.jpg.60b516cf627f4b1ca10d01286ec84479.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Herethor braced himself as the Subject began its charge, shattering the floor beneath it with each step. As it closed the distance Madreler calmly opened his interface and began his recording once more.

"Subject 3 seems to still retain some of his combat capabilities from before the procedure." He stated as Herethor brought both clenched fists into an upward swing that crashed against the underside of its mask "Though it seems that the majority of his sensory nerves have been severed to provide the Endurance previously mentioned."

The Subject smashed Herethor into one of the walls, the Servant bringing his leg up to force the beast back a bit. Subject 3 roared again before full on throwing himself at Herethor. Herethor quickly leaped to the side as the large mass of fury wedged itself into the wall where he once stood. "Perhaps the uncontrollable rage is a side effect of the overabundance of Adrenal Stims, perhaps a reduced quantity of Isthenol in the next Subject could benefit the outcome."

As the Subject struggled to rip itself out of the wall, Herethor turned to see Madreler floating there absently recording them. "Sir, not that I question your methods," Herethor began "but I suggest you-"

"Listen." Madrler began in a disgruntled form "This thing took exactly three months to get started, then three weeks to get a subject who didn't keel over and die immediately after the procedure. Now we have it up and about Herethor, I'm damn well getting some statistics off of it!"

"But-!" Herethor was interrupted as the Subject careened into him with a savage charge from behind

Madreler rolled his eyes before backing up to the doorway and letting it slide open automatically. As he flew out onto the catwalk that was connected to the door, the two combatants rolled out behind him in a mass of limbs and violence.

Madreler sighed before floating away along the edge of the catwalk as the two hashed it out. About halfway there the door on the opposite side of the Catwalk slid open as several synthetics entered. Their glowing eyes took in the scene of Madreler floating along the side of the catwalk as Herethor and Subject 3 approached in the midst of a violent scuffle. They took in the information, then raised their weapons as one radioed to their comrades.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/CBelitelancer.jpg.1ae4b54ff42f91b733b6dca7dda5ae8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46464" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/CBelitelancer.jpg.1ae4b54ff42f91b733b6dca7dda5ae8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Subject 3 en route to Incinerator, Preparations continue. Additional units recommended." He stated as the other tried to get a bead on the subject through the grapple.

"Are they finished setting up the incinerator?" Madreler asked as he floated by "Nearly." Replied the Synthetic "Additional time necessary. Hold Subject Until Incinerator has charged." Madreler turned to look at Herethor, "You here that? We just need several minutes!"

As he yelled that, and the Synthetics took off on back-mounted gravitation packs to begin circling the battle, another flash of light popped up beside him. He groaned before swiping it open, he turned as the Subject shoved Herethor back and the Synthetics began taking pot shots at him with their plasma blasters to distract him. When Madreler opened the interface message, his eyes widened as Eldan appeared on it.

"Doctor, where are you?" Eldan asked with a slightly miffed expression "Bomol and I are already in orbit around Dadurdam and you're nowhere to be seen. Didn't you receive this information?"

"Sorry" Madreler stated as the sounds of beastly roars and plasma fire rang behind him "I was a bit busy, Eldan. And I don't usually check my messages when dealing with possible life-threatening issues."

[Dadurdam Orbit: Eldan's Speeder]

Eldan ignored the sounds of battle "Just listen, All Father has called another meeting-"

"The Treeminder? Again?" Madreler said with barely restrained disinterest "Shouldn't he be busy making toothpaste from grass or something? Why does he-"

"You will be there." Eldan stated "And you will arrive soon." Madreler groaned with annoyance as what looked like the severed head of a synthetic flew past him "Very well your Greatness, just give me fifteen minutes tops."

"If they request your expertise, Madreler, do not think I will hesitate to throw you under the bus." Eldan stated "Yeah yeah, I get it Sir. Let me just-" Madreler looked away for a moment as a loud beeping noise came on, he turned back to Eldan "Ten minutes, Tops." As Eldan sighed Madreler gestured to someone off screen "Push him in!!!" As the video cut out and the ship finished its descent, Eldan pressed his hand to his head.

The ship lowered down through the Atmosphere, taking cues from the E.F. shuttle. It stopped and began daintily hovering silently as Eldan and Bomol rode the gravity lift down to the ground.

"So the Doctor ain't coming?" Grumbled Bomol "He will." Eldan replied before disembarking from the Gravity lift and throwing a large, floating silver disk down which he stood upon. As he rode the Silver disk with Bomol trailing along side him, he leaned toward the general as they found the group of senators who gathered near All Father "Stand back for now, General, this shouldn't take too long." Bomol just shrugged and folded his arms behind his head "Yeah Whatever, let's just get this over with." He grumbled as Eldan floated over on his disk and joined the other Senators.



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The senators were surrounded by a number of E.F soldiers. Their black suit and the E.F's trade mark white coloured armour attached to the black combat suit gave the impression that they were skeletons. With their glowing blue eye slits, it gave a skeletal machine look.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/armor-suits-video-games-rig-dead-space.jpg.3a46d5bf8aa5fa543a27d2193a0cb3f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46477" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/armor-suits-video-games-rig-dead-space.jpg.3a46d5bf8aa5fa543a27d2193a0cb3f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

There were a number of E.F soldiers closely guarding the senators all armed with assault rifles.


And there were several E.F soldiers who were heavily armoured and carried machine guns.





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"Thank you all for coming." the All Father began, guiding them to the Meeting Hall. His rocky foot steps thudding against the ground with each step he took. "I am honestly surprised at how quickly you all arrived. But I am glad none the less." As he finished, they reached the Meeting Hall, and the Senators were showed to their seats. "Guards, keep an eye on the skies. A Rosho has been aighted nearby, they like exotic meat." That was not a threat, but a simple fact in the eyes if the deldurdam. "Now," the All Father said at a rather large podium. "I called this meeting because of the recent events in the EF. The deldurdam are now a free state due to our contribution of soldiers. So, even if the rest of you disagree, I will make sure the deldurdam do not follow. I wish to remove weapons of planetary destruction from our arsenals. It is beyond barbaric, destroying a whole planet full of innocents, simply because you were provoked. I do not like to believe that we are so heartless to let whole species and cultures crumble and die because of some war. Empires fall, that is something proven by history. But that is no reason to make sure that there are no survivors of that empire. The attendants are now passing around a copy of the legal document. In it, it states that all who agree and sign will dispose of their weapons of planetary destruction. It also states that any involved will come to the aid, and claim redemption if it comes to it, of any survivors."
Eldan looked over the document as he floated on his disk. He glanced from the document to the All Father several times. Oh the poor, poor treeminder. It wasn't that he disagreed with him, the Suugwin were probably the most disgusted by the sheer waste of resources that planetary destruction entailed. But he knew for a fact that the E.F would never give up their WPDs while the AUSM still had theirs, it just wasn't smart military-wise. Maybe they could ease up with the idiotic over indulgence, but that would be their decision. Poor Treeminder, Eldan felt that at the very least he could help ease the impact of their eventual denial.

"Problem is, we don't just poses weapons of mass destruction, we have super weapons as well. And we are not planning on dis-arming any of them. Because that is up to the High senate and the Chancellor. And they want the E.F to poses these weapons." The senator said.

"Also, All Father, you must know something. The AUSM does not listen to anyone. The only take orders from the U.S.C, AUSM high command, and the President Commander. If a nation demanded the AUSM demolish it's existing stockpile of super weapons, the AUSM would ignore them. Even if it was the COV Federation who requested it, the AUSM would still refuse."

"You must know, that the Human race has mastered technology that even the E.F has not yet mastered. The humans always find more clever and more destructive ways of killing." The Akraien senator said.
Ignoring the obvious show of fear from the Senators, Eldan made sure to glance over the specifics of All Father's document one last time as the Senators offered their completely anticipated denial.

"Though in terms of Aid for the surviving victims, I have to agree that current conditions must be rectified to keep the Kaa'dri from going extinct." He began casually "The Senate is wise to retain hold over our current armaments, however I must admit that the constant usage will begin to put a strain on available resources in due time. Nonetheless, if the Kaa'dri simply cannot be saved at this point then I recommend some form of Preservation program be instated on the Tyraanids."


As Bomol sat down near the Landing Area, feasting on some raw meat, he felt a sizzle of energy nearby and looked up to see a much smaller Suugwin ship exit slip space above and rapidly descend. It floated next to Eldan's Speeder as a space on the side slid open.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Space_Pirate_Battleship.png.fe6fdf9941d83fa5ceb55025ac8f61d2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Space_Pirate_Battleship.png.fe6fdf9941d83fa5ceb55025ac8f61d2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A familiar floating Suugwin exited and flew down to Bomol as two floating Synthetics carried Herethor down with one hand each. Madreler mumbled to himself as he approached Bomol, looking tired for someone who was mostly cyborg at this point. The Orklian waved at the researcher in greeting while continuing to devour the raw meat.

He swallowed his latest mouthful before chuckling "So the Metal Suugwin arrives." Madreler just sighed as he closed the distance "I see you're doing well General, still eating like a savage but I'm definitely seeing some improvement here."

"Ah, blow it out your hyper drive machine." Bomol groaned

"Funny," Madreler mumbled "I could've sworn that you were actually using that Balmere nut-sized brain of yours to come up with an insult like that." The General just grumbled and continued eating as the two Synthetics set Herethor down not too far away. Madreler looked in the direction of the meeting hall "So how much did I miss exactly?"

"Not much," Bomol said with a yawn "Senators probably yapping about how much better the humans are than us. Wanna bet? I didn't bring any Deno with me but I can offer an I.O.U." Madreler just rolled his eyes before casually floating in the direction of the Meeting hall.

"Ain't you gonna hurry?"

"With Senators? No, I have more than enough time."

As Bomol watched Madreler slowly leave, he resumed eating just as Herethor stomped near him. "Sir, if I may be so bold," Herethor began "what exactly are you eating?"

"Rosho flesh," Bomol replied in between chomps, he then jerked his thumb to the side "the rest is down there if you want some." Herethor just shrugged and turned to silently take in the sights as the Synthetics stood by quietly.



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SirFlabberghaspy said:
"Rejection. If you do not use it, you do not own it. Simply saying you own half of the universe doesn't mean you actually do. This so-called EF seems to be full of itself. Will reject. System sees it as our best interest to withdraw", the Captain would respond. The beam stopped hauling the massive amounts of resources, and the devices flew up into the air, only to land on the backs of multiple engineers.
The Synbiotic ship closed off it's warp-gate, and the Synbiotics were being lifted off of the ground by an invisible force. They were taking leave, and planned to completely retreat to the other side of the universe, if need be.

"That's because we have out posts scattered all around this half of the universe. Including a major outer sector outpost just a few light years from this planet." The Commander said looking at the Synbios levitating.

"Even if you flee, you will still be in E.F territory. Unless you can find a way to bypass through the iron curtain border. And even if you manage to cross it, you will have to deal with the AUSM on the other half."
"I once heard a saying. If you and someone you would want to kill more then anything, and vice versa, were standing up to your waist in M'oren oil (which is highly flamable, burns hot, and burns a long time). You have a match, and he has two. Either way, you are both going to die. I will try to cross the Ion Curtain to the AUSM to propose the same thing. I will bring my flag ship if I have to, just to get through that wall."
Meitor Kudario Kaa'dri (Kaa'dri high command)

Se'a Fut IV was dead. She had screamed something about "nightmares and fog" and jumped off a building. Dii Nuk sighed. The Kaa'dri couldn't afford a civil war over succession. Either that or complete control and isolation by the E.F. Then a messenger rushed up and whispered something to him . Dii rushed into the transmitter room. He pressed a couple buttons. "This is diplomat Dii Nuk. A matter has come to my attention. The Kaa'dri are requesting investigation of the E.F. military for inadequacy due to the fact that they believed a scavenger captain in the middle of nowhere with no political ties had the right to declare war for the Kaa'dri. Thank you."
[All Father]

All the senators looked at the All Father. One of them let out a deep sigh while a couple others looked away in frustration.

"All father." One of the senators spoke up putting his glasses down on the table. "I think that you really don't know politics. And I have the impression that you are living in a fantasy world in which you are unaware of the reality." The Senator said.

"You have no clearances to cross that border. Even though you are a senator of the E.F, that does not give you any level of clearance." The Senator said making sure that their point would sear into the All Father's memory.

"If you think you can cross a border that stretches thousands of light years with landmines, military outposts, ships, defenses on either side. You are terribly mistaken."

"This so called peace with the AUSM? Does not exist. It is a flimsy peace that can be shattered with one incident that can cause the AUSM to declare war on us."

"How many times must we tell you that the AUSM WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU?" The Senator said saying the last few words strongly. "They will NOT allow you to cross into their territory. They don't care if you are there for peace. They don't care if you are a leader. All they care about is that you are from the E.F. And your actions are in violation of the 2003 armistice and they WILL. Not might, WILL Sink your ship."

"The Human race won't listen to you. STOP imagining that the human race will magically allow you to enter their territory. And if you talk about disarming, they will shoot you in front of their senate and make and example of you. The Humans do not want to dis-arm."

The Senator paused. "Matter of fact, the human race produces more weapons of mass destruction. They prefer to produce more and more weapons of mass destruction and build more weapons than to disarm. They won't listen to anything you have to say. They won't let you pass through into their territory, and they will most certainly kill you."

Another senator looked at the All Father. "But also, if you go through with this, you and your race are violating the 2003 armistice treaty signed by both the AUSM and the Extraterrestrial Federation to end the Human/Extraterrestrial war. And it specifically states that if one side is found responsible for violating the armistice, the other side has all rights to retaliate back."

"In other words, if you go through with your plan, there is a high chance that you will start another war between the AUSM and the Extraterrestrial Federation. And this time, the AUSM will claim total victory. And we will have to take legal action against your race if you decide to try and enter into AUSM territory." Another senator said.
"Have any of you actually tried crossing? Going through those check points, going through all those hoops? I will go through in an escale pod if I must. I will cross, and as an Independant State, as announced by the High Chancellor, I will not be violating anything. The Deldurdam are the only ones at risk." He didn't mention that he was a poor polotician. He could admit that he was not a good one. But he did know that he was determined, like an Earth crocodile when it got a hold of something tastey. "I may imagine a perfect world, but at least I am trying to do something about making my imagination a reality. I'm so far taking it that the EF will not dispose of their WPD, but at leadt think about the second half of the document."
"We should focus on our current problems regarding the Kaa'dri." Eldan stated before the Senate could lose their temper with the Treeminder once more "I know and understand where you're coming from All Father, really I do. But the I think I speak for all of us when I say that the risk of losing several planets far outweighs the risk of entire Empires falling due to war. If there were a way, trust me, we would have found it. But before we can even think about finding ways to reduce the damage to the natural resources of planets, we have to focus on quelling the Turmoil that brews within the Citizens of our Federation."


Madreler approached the Meeting Hall with as little enthusiasm as he could muster. As he did so his Omni-tool issued a small alert to him. He pulled open his interface and checked it before glancing over message that had been received by the E.F from a Kaa'dri diplomat. As he looked it over he frowned a bit before making haste to the Meeting hall.

[Meeting Hall]

"As loathe as I am to admit it the Kaa'dri are not the first group to voice their displeasure with us, just the most radical." Eldan continued "And I do not think our impromptu destruction of their empire will do anything but stoke the spurn of the masses. I'm sorry All Father, but we have more important things to deal with than your 'perfect world'. We have a Federation to hold together, and poking and prodding the AUSM will do nothing to aid us."

Eldan didn't like being so dismissive of All Father's ideas, but appearances were worthwhile. The Senate would never even risk negotiating with the AUSM if they could help it. And with their WPDs gone they would lose one of their greatest hopes of defense. Like if a wild animal were trapped in a cage with a slightly larger animal, why in the world would they remove their claws? He had to make sure the Treeminder was aware of the risks his 'vision' held. He needed more time, he couldn't let the E.F fall... not until his backup plan was finished.
[All Father]

"The border was designed to prevent anyone from crossing. Unless it was of E.F military only. And even then, we are still in our territorial border." The Senator said.

"How will your escape pod dodge, our mines?" Another senator asked. "More importantly, how will your escape pod manage to escape the more advanced AUSM mines and defense systems?"

"Please tell me. The AUSM has advanced further than the E.F has in the past 26 years. And they have replaced all their equipment. Tell me how you plan on finding the technology to evade their more advanced scanners and weapons. You would have to accelerate your race's technology for centuries just to reach the E.F's technology level."

"The AUSM does not care if you claim to be independent. You are still inside Extraterrestrial Federation territory and the human race will deem you a part of the E.F. And will kill you without hearing any form of fair testimony from you."

"You are in violation still. Even if you are Independence." The Senator brought out a copy of the Armistice of 2003 and gave it to the All Father.

"It specifically states the following: All empires/civilizations who reside within either empire may not cross the border by any means. This also accounts for any independent states that reside within either empire. For even their independence may not be a viable excuse for crossing the iron curtain into either Extraterrestrial Federation or Advanced United Sovereign Military territories. Failure to meet these demands by all civilizations and empires will include not only a legal prosecution of the Federation that allowed this empire to probe the other Federation. But legal or military action will be taken to ensure that the empire who committed the act will be brought to justice. The crossing of an empire from either side, member of the senate or independent, will be seen as an act of aggression and the Federation has all power to take all steps necessary to ensure their safety and security."

"The thing is, not to be offensive, but you really do not have the power of the right to request the E.F government to disarm it's weapons of mass destruction. That power resides with the Akraien race and the Akraien race only. Only the High chancellor and the Akraien government has the right to make that decision."

"So this document" The senator said holding it up. "Would be seen as an act of attempted seize of authority. All Akraien senators here will not sign because that power is with us. We are the only ones who decide whether or not we remove weapons of mass destruction and this paper would be seen as an abomination and disgrace by the Akraien government if they ever got their hands on of one of these documents. So i'm sorry All Father, but we are not signing this. Because this document goes against our doctrine. We will not tell the government about the weapons of mass destruction. But we will tell them of your other proposal. And that is all we can do." The senator said putting the paper down.


"We can't probe the AUSM. The human race wants to end this armistice and force an unconditional surrender on the E.F. And by us probing the AUSM gives the AUSM and excuse to invade us."

"Also, this federation was built to ensure the safety and security of all races against the AUSM and the heathen aliens who saw the human race as liberators and saviors and took the human's side. And based on your stance in the senate, I find your comment a bit odd and out of place. If you truly care about this federation then you would have contributed and made more efforts to making it better and safer."

"But also, the AUSM is rumored to control their half of the universe with an iron fist. Any sign of patriotism or defiance is crushed. And crime is punished by death with no fair trials. The AUSM has gotten one thing that we the Extraterrestrial federation failed to do. Which was fully integrating all races into our society and giving security and resources. Making sure that they are all treated equally. And passing laws to ensure safety."
Eldan shrugged, "Not for lack of trying I assure you. Though the Suugwin and Orklian races have found a quite comfy position in the Federation we still divert aid and funding to our *Ahem* less fortunate neighbors of course. Believe me, if it were in my jurisdiction we would've had the Restoration front of the OCA en route to remodel the devastated Kaa'dri colonies to a less hazardous state by now while providing a means of proper food production to keep them from starving before the Restoration is done."

At that he patted a spot in front of him on his hover disk that slid open and allowed a show of light to extend from it, it hummed a bit at his urging and soon his own copy of the Armistice of 2003 was materialized. He grabbed it and flipped to a specific page before continuing.

"However, the Armistice of 2003 chapter 12 subdivision 8 states that any and all intentional redesigns/modifications/reworking of natural or unnatural properties of E.F. controlled celestial objects must be approved by the High Senate. And since the Kaa'dri have fully lost their independence that means their devastated planets can only be fully restored under the E.F's sole approval." Eldan said before slowly sliding the Armistice closed "We have been waiting on the senate's go ahead for sending in OCA restoration squads, but currently the reply has been up in he air. The Suugwin always contribute and wish to now as well, but we will not overstep the boundaries the E.F itself have already laid down."
"What you politicians don't know is that our relationship with the AUSM and specifically with the human race has been deteriorating. There is a very high chance that one mistake from either federation will result in another war. And I am confident that none of us men here want that." The Senator said.

"The AUSM will rip this sheet in front of your face. And tell you that your ideas are useless and worthless. Just like what several Akraien politicians would hav done if they saw this document."


[QUOTE="Fishman Lord]Meitor Kudario Kaa'dri (Kaa'dri high command)
Se'a Fut IV was dead. She had screamed something about "nightmares and fog" and jumped off a building. Dii Nuk sighed. The Kaa'dri couldn't afford a civil war over succession. Either that or complete control and isolation by the E.F. Then a messenger rushed up and whispered something to him . Dii rushed into the transmitter room. He pressed a couple buttons. "This is diplomat Dii Nuk. A matter has come to my attention. The Kaa'dri are requesting investigation of the E.F. military for inadequacy due to the fact that they believed a scavenger captain in the middle of nowhere with no political ties had the right to declare war for the Kaa'dri. Thank you."

There were reports of he E.F being a bit too tyrannical and aggresive as they began to arrest all those suspected of having ties with several Kaa'dri politicians.
"They would blow a hole in the side of my ship. If I don't go through the proper steps to get to the other side. And if they do, in fact, rip my document up in my face, I will at least know I tried. I can have another document written up agreeing to support survivors and victims of a WPD attack.

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