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Futuristic Galactic Empires


The senators let out a deep frustrated sigh.

"Your escape pod will be blown up the minute it enters AUSM territory. Why? Because the AUSM has weapons that will detect your escape pod and blow it up before you can even go through their side of the iron curtain." The Senator said.

"Can you please act as you have a brain? Please?" Another senator said.

"We the Akraien race know the humans far better than you do. And they are in no mood to hear your voice in their senate. So please stop talking about this nonsense. You can never get past all the defenses. Stop saying you can. Stop saying at least you tried because the human race will put a bullet through your skull. How many times do we have to tell you All Father. That the human race will not listen to you."

"Think realistically right now." Another senator interrupted clearly mad at the All Father's failure to recognize the situation.

"Your race is nothing but a nuisance to the AUSM."

"Do you realistically think in a magical little world of yours that the Human race." The senator said. "THE HUMAN RACE." The Senator repeaded the last words slowly. "Will listen to what you have to say?"


"So please shut up about going to the AUSM. Stop! We are here telling you the consequences and all you are doing is showing and demonstrating your idiocy to all of us. And I swear to my family that if you even think about crossing that border, we are going to make sure that your race pays the legal consequences for starting another god dam war!" The senator yelled slamming his hands on the table in frustration.

"All father. Do you even hear what is coming out of your mouth?" Another senator asked. "You are being stupid by thinking that you can reason with the human race. A Super power."

"We are still at war with the human race. All father." Another senator said raising his voice. "The Human/extraterrestrial war never ended. We simply agreed to stop killing each other. If you follow through with this, the AUSM will immediately mobilize their armed forces and marched into Extraterrestrial Federation territory. And it will be you and your race's fault when the Extraterrestrial Federation collapses."
"Are you all quiet done repeating each other? I could have sworn this place didn't echo." the All Father replied, voice low and filled with just as much frustration as the others. "Fine. Keep your weapons. Keep the ability to burn planets away to dust. Let entire species go extinct. See what I care. But I still maintain that the second half of the document is a necessity. The survivors become the property of the faction at fault."

"You know what?" One senator said standing up.

"To hell with your stupidity. Go. Go. Go." The senator said clearly mad.

"Go." The senayor pointed at the all father. "Go ans try and reason with the humans. You'll see that in the end thatvwe are right and that you were too blind to eben losten to our warnings." The senator said as he left the room back to the shuttles. As he was leaving, he was esscorted by sevwral E.F troops.

"All Father. Here is something. You have no true power to do this. This documwnt of you requesting the E.F to disarm is illegal. You have no ppwer or authority over this. You should feel lucky that some of ua here are reasonable and will not report this to the Akraien government."

"But at the same time, you are being very atupod thinking you can demand the AUSM to disarm. They will make sure your race is sent to processed killing camps. You are trying to tell the moat power race in the universe to disarm. Please think about that. You are thwir enemy. Indepwndant or not. You will die by their hands."

"So, we won't stop you of you plan on going through with your plan. But knowthis All father. Do not comw asking us for help when the AUSM committs cromes that are undiscribable. and inhumane."

The senators all left the room with the rest of the E.F troops following.
"And good riddance." the All Father said as the last senator left. "Eldan, I thank you for coming. And I am terribly sorry for you to have witness this. Damned senators. 'You have no right.' Bah! Might as well not have a Senate, rule us like the AUSM supposedly does their citizens. Well, we shall see." After that, he walked out and saw the dead Rosho, with Bomol(?) contentedly munching away. That was a surprise, but not a big one. Rosho were large, but possibly the dummest thing in the known universe. Probably broke it's neck trying to crush the general. "Prepare my ship." he said quietly to a deldurdam nearby, meant to take any requests.
Eldan sighed quietly in displeasure as the senators left, he needed just a bit more time. The Treeminder's plan was going to ruin everything! As the meeting hall emptied Madreler entered, floating by the last of the senators and approaching Eldan with his usual expression of unconcern.

"So yeah," Madreler began as he prepared to display the Kaa'dri message he intercepted. Before he could, he was immediately seized in Eldan's grasp.

"We have to leave, now." Eldan stated before zipping out of the Meeting Hall on his floating disk with Madreler clenched in his hand. He zipped outside of the building and hovered in the air for a bit as he glanced around the platform before spotting Bomol, finishing a meaty meal not too far from All Father. Narrowing his eyes, Eldan floated up toward the Suugwin ships with the completely bored scientist in tow.


Licking his fingers clean of flesh, Bomol patted his stomach before rising to his full height. Towering over the rest of the present company, he glanced around for the Synthetics only to find that they were still standing at his sides. Like the freaky machines hadn't even flinched since he had sat down for his meal.

A message flared up on one of his gauntlets, Bomol rolled his eyes before checking it. He read over it a bit sloppily before finishing with a satisfied grin on his face, despite it being covered up by his helmet. He looked for the Uros, finally spotting him as others readied his transport. Bomol just shrugged and turned to the Synthetics, he gestured and they both grabbed the general and hoisted him up into the air as their gravitational packs activated.

Soon the two Suugwin ships had darted out of the Planet's orbit and off into space.
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Several frigates had entered into the iron curtain as they began their routine check up of all defense systems and mines.

"Anything out of the ordinary?" The First Officer said leaning over a communications officer's seat.

"Nothing yet. I'll alert you when I see anything abnormal."


"The All Father has just dug his own grave." The senator said.

"We'll just inform the E.F government of what he plans on doing. That way, if war starts, we will have evidence to veto and sanction him and his race."

"He is going to get shot. Also tellthe high senate to inform the army to ignore any S.O.S from him. It's going to be his fault and he has to get out of it."

There was a full armada that had come out of slip space as the massive cluster of ships was close to the Suugwin systems.
"What? Unhand me!" the All Father shouted, struggling as much as he could. But to no avail, a machines grip is much stronger them what is first expected, and he was forced onto one of the ships.
AUSM troops began pointing their guns at the All Father.

On whipped the stock across the All Father. "Come on."

The soldier said as they brought him to the bridge.

"Captain. Look at what we found. A pesky little insect trying to spy on us. Probably affiliated with the E.F."

The captain and the first officer looked up.

"What are your orders captain?"

"What does he have to say?" The captain dlsaid giving thee All Father a chance to speak.
Eldan and Madreler were soon reentering the orbit of Abbasi 5, the Silver Edict's leader rubbing his forehead as he prepared his transmission. Unlike him, Madreler immediately took note of the influx of reports coming from outer Suugwin colonies of ships gathering close to their space.

"Sir," Madrler began as he scanned over the reports "You should take a look at this. Seems we have company."

Eldan glanced over to him and sighed as they neared a massive mechanized hole in the metallic planet's surface. He opened up the ship's interface and began swiping at it as they descended deeper into the Bowels of the massive construct.

He attempted to contact the currently unknown armada "Identification and reasoning?" he asked evenly

(So, who was apprehending All Father, the Synthetics or the AUSM? Because now I feel as if we skipped something.)

(Okay, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was a combination of my lack of detail and various misreads. The one who the Synthetics were supposed to carry aboard was supposed to Bomol, not All Father. Not anywhere in the recent posts do I see word that he even left the planet. So the solution seems to be that either Beo or tanks edits their post. If not I guess we can follow Bomol kidnapping since it could still work in context. Either way a change in direction is necessary to resolve continuity. It doesn't really matter which. Volunteers?)
((But I thought your synthetics grabbed a uros, the All Father. Or was it just a random one? If just a random one, posts shall be edited.))
(Like I said, probably my fault for not writing more specifically. I never specified who was being hoisted up by the Synths in my post. I stated that Bomol gestured and the Synths each grabbed an arm and hoisted him up without specifying whether it was the previous sentence's focus or the current sentence's focus that it was being applied to. Due to Bomol needing to use the Synths to fly around due to his current lack of an Anti-Grav pack, I rushed through the last couple sentences and barely skimmed over it in the spellcheck. I'll fix it after this post, then we can delete these OOC conversations and pretend this never happened.)
"I am the leader of the Independant State of Deldurdam, simply called the All Father by it's people. I am also a part of the EF Senate. I came here, in peace, to legally cross this ridiculous Iron Curtain to talk to your leader. I came in only a small pod, barely big enough to fit me, and with only things such as food, water, and fuel. Feel free to search the entirety of my ship, strip it down and put it all back together for all I care. I just wish to speak to your leader for diplomatic reasons."
The captain bent down. "There is no such thing as legally crossing. I for one don't care that you are independent. You just admitted to being a part of the E.F senate. And therefore, a part of the E.F Federation. That makes you an enemy. Not a peace delegate. You should feel lucky. All Father. That three frigates were present, because our defense systems would have blown your escape pod the minute it crossed into our territory."

"I am telling you this once. You crossing this border is a violation of the 2003 armistice. Do you know how big of a deal this is? Thanks to you, we could use this as an excuse to re-ignite the war with the E.F and finally end this war with an unconditional surrender onto the E.F. I'm very sure that if word reaches your senate that they will be very angered for you triggering hostilities again."

The captain then stood up. "Detain him. We'll make an example of him in front our government and the public." The Captain said. "List him as a spy of the E.F. Here to conduct espionage and steal valuable military and government related information."

"Feel lucky All Father, because I spared your life. Other captains could have easily shot you dead. You are not meeting our President Commander. Or the Vice-President. You are going to stay in a labour camp, where you will work to death."
Kaa'dri scouting station

A soldier ran up and reported to his commander. "Sir. Our spy radars have shown the All Father's ship has been apprehended, and it doesn't look friendly." The commander got up immediately. "We have to do something. The humans will do something horrible to him, and the E.F. will just sit and watch. The All Father can't die. He was one of the few who supported us." The soldier blinked nervously. "Sir, if we attempted rescue, there is a 99.99 chance that the AUSM will declare war on the E.F. What do you suggest?" The commander began typing on a console. "We will go around the main border. As said earlier, the universe is infinite, therefore the border is not. Once we take the long way around, we will have to get wherever the All Father is being kept, attempt a rescue, and retrace our steps." The soldier laughed nervously. "Sir, that plan has a 2.46 percent chance of working." The commander wouldn't budge. "Then you'd better start writing your will, soldier."
"Fine. Do as you will enslave the leader of a whole race that is in control of a gas giant and all it's moons. I was only trying to have you dispose of your WPDs. If a war started, there is no doubt the AUSM would win. It just bugs me that all the WPDs will be launched and hundreds, thousands, no, millions o planets will be turned to dust. Their inhabitants, gone, extinct. The rest of the Senate was right, you humans are little more then war mongering savages." At his last word, a gun stock was whipped actoss his face, and he could distnatly hear a soldier shouting something. Now it was determined, he would either die a public death or in a labor camp. Either way, he was going to hold his head up high, and do his best to be above the filth the humans think is enlightenment.
The captain looked down. "We have more just WPDs. We can cause destruction on a galactic scale. So can the E.F And you have no right to tell tge most powerful civilization what to do. Esspecially if you are an enemy."

"Wake up stupid little shit. Stop living in a fantasy world. This is reality. You have no power. Esspecially here. And if you feel our weapons are too destructive then keep it to yourself hippie. Because no one likes leaders like you. Thinking you have power and trying to force a civilozation that can end your race with a single bomb to dispose thier most powerful weapons. Take him away."

"This would never have heppened if the Akraiens and the kavs never attacked us. Blame the rulers of the E.F for starting the war."
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Eldan waited for a response from the armada, then mentally checked the time. He turned and gestured to Madreler, who was sitting off to the side messing with several translucent figures.

"See how Bomol's doing." Eldan said before returning to his waiting.

Madreler rolled his eyes and did just that.


The Orklian General was still in slipspace, his destination being considerably far even by slipspace terms. The Synthetics stood nearby as they traveled, silently waiting for action.

The silence was interrupted by Bomol's gauntlet flashing, he checked to find a message from Madreler. He groaned, despising the very thought of wasting his time with the researcher. He gestured to one of the Synthetics before getting up to endure the pain of talking to him.
Unfortunately it stopped a while ago, but I would be willing to do it with some other people if we got enough.

Orrkon said:
Hello, don't know if this rp is still going on, but I'm interested in it

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