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Futuristic Galactic Empires


The general took the map. "I think it's best if you guided me through when I explain which routes to take."

[The All Father]

Half an hoir had passed as the ships began to descend into Xenoras. Once the ships broke through, they made their way to the Military port where fhe All Father was guided off of the milotary vessel.

The E.F troops guided him into black vehicles as they guided him in and shut the door allowing for the vehicles to take off.

Inside, was the High Chancellor herself. She was young. Too young in some peoples eyes to be ruling an entire federation. She had piercing red eyes that looked at the All Father. She gfeeted him as the troops assisted him inside.

She said something in the Akraien native tounge before turning back.

"Before I gi any further, no one is to know about anything. This meeting never happened. Anyone who questions, you must deny."

"So, before we go about the order of business, is this your first time comming to the E.F capital? All Father?"


The Secretsry seemed to nod at the proposals but made a very doubtful fsce at the flproposal for immigration.

"Mr. Azic, I would gladly support your points but the immigration. We simply can not do."

"Earth, is a very sensitive topic. They. How should I pit it. The people of Earth have not really matured enough. To fully take in what id around them. They are technologocally more less advanced than Seraine."

"Heck they're still two decades away from even landing ghe first human on mars. You might not understand but, there are a lot of Political, and social issues on Earth. And aliens ,they face the risk of being isolated from society and facing terrible, un speakable discrimination and attacks. Which is why Earth is a No zone."

"Immigration to Seraine and other galaxies that are human dominated we can work with. But Earth is just too complicated. There would be at least years of talks just to allow even one alien to love on earth."
"Yes it is, Chencellor" he said in his rumbling way. "I have heard little directly, yet some of what this place is trickles to me. It is a pleasure to finally be here and to meet you."
One of the diplomats sighed "I understand and expected this result. Hopefully, we will be able to approve the other acts if at all possible. I'm very glad you're understanding of The Morrow. Immigration to Seraine would be terms I'd be happy to agree on. With implementation of our temperature suits, immigration could work in the opposite direction.
On the new colony

"WAIT, WHAT!?" Se'a Fut IV yelled. "THEY GLASSED OUR PLANETS? THAT. IS. IT. SEND A DIPLOMAT TO THE MEETING. GIVE HIM THE NEGOTIATION PAPERS. THEY. WILL. PAY!" She screamed. A diplomat asked "Why is she freaking out? She is always calm, no matter what.." He got a reply. "Not all of her family evacuated. When the planets were glassed, anyone who didn't evacuate..."

The Diplomat

"Are you sure about this?" Someone asked Dii Nuk. He replied "I think so..." A radio transmitter turned to his station. "Calling E.F... This is a peaceful ship. We mean no harm. We are attempting to get to the meeting. Do not shoot this ship down." With that, they blasted off.
[All father]

The High Chancellor had peered out the window. "Well we're almost here. What is it that you waned to talk to us about exactly?"

[Tau Empire]

Several E.F Fleets were seen going on a routine patrol around the solar systems of the Tau Empire.


Several move tanks had arrived with the same white paint and emblem on the side.

"Load up. Patrol here is done. We have to go back to the E.F."

The Troops began to climb onto several vehicles, including the tanks as they continued to move through the jungles.

One of the soldiers had stopped in his tracks. He was still carrying his assault rifle in one hand. And a map device in the other.


The Admiral watched as the last planets were being glassed and made uninhabitable.


The shuttle would have made it to the E.F's capital solar system. They would have seen the massive defense rings that encircled the solar system along with defense satellites, stations, and outposts, along with a massive military presence.

Several E.F vessels had begun to escort them.

"Follow our directions exactly or get shot."
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[Tau Empire]

The Empire was busier than usual. Air Caste warships could be seen moving around, assembling into large fleets, eventually assembling into two large fleets. On each planet, Fire Caste soldiers were running into Manta drop-ships, bringing several other types of infantry, and vehicles. An assortment of other alien vessels could be seen, joining the main Tau fleet.

"Unknown ships spotted at sept 3, sending military response ships... now!"
[Tau Empire]

"Admiral. We seemed to have spotted several ships of military origin." The First officer said.

"Tell the fleets to ready their weapons incase. It's probably just the locals mistaking ua for hostiles."

The fleets continued on their routine course.
[Tau Empire]

The admiral of the ship started to speak, angrily. "State your reason or we will be forced to destroy all of you. No-" The voice was shut off, and a new voice started to speak. "Don't worry about him... he hasn't been... focused lately. This is Ethereal Ao'n, and we would be pleased if you would meet us on our homeworld." The fleet started to head toward a certain direction, gliding slowly.

"It's nice to see you too." Dii Nuk grumbled as the escort surrounded them. As the shuttle got closer, the young Kaa'dri got nervous. "Do you think they're going to kill us?" "Absolutely." was his only reply. That made him feel so much better.

As the ship began to dock, Dii Nuk was legitimately scared.
A message was sent to the admiral facing the Tau ships. "Hello admiral, I'm William Knope, admiral of the artic neptunian fleet. I have respect for what AUSM is doing, and contrary to popular belief, some pirates have a code of ethics. Now, to the point, the Tau are a group of religious zealots that conquer civilizations like its going out of style. My fleet and I would love to help you, if you let us. Also, I'd like you to let my men sort through your scrap. Now, I know the AUSM can take them, but if you wanna take them without quite as many casualties, the artic fleet would be happy to oblige. I await your response, admiral." The artic fleet boasted one sea serpent. Two tiger sharks, twenty barracudas, and three dozen pilot fish. It was the second largest fleet in the Neptunian armada behind Harlock's personal escort.
The speaker exploded with laughter, eventually quieting down. The admiral sighed, and finally spoke. "We only spread the word of the Greater Good. We do not conquer planets, we simply annex them. People are willing to join. Everyone has equal opportunities. You may search if you want, but not much is in the scrap pile."
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[Tau Empire.]

(Just to be clear, there are no humans living in Extraterrestrial Federation controlled territories. The E.F are in a way anti-human. They despise the human race and all the alien civilizations that decided to side with the humans. Humans only live in the AUSM controlled half of the universe. And there is a massive, highly militarised border between the Extraterrestrial Federation and the AUSM. Just to clear things up. )

"Admiral?" The captain asked facing the Admiral. There was a screen with two other Admirals who were awaiting for a reply.

"Contact E.F Space Command. Tell them to have the 30th elite armada ready to extract us if anything goes wrong."

"Follow them." The Admirals and captain nodded. The E.F

Vessels began to follow.


The ships escorted the Kaa'dri Diplomat's shuttle down to Xenoras capital city. The ships had taken the shuttle to a space navy dock where the docks assisted in landing the Shuttle.

A tube had been installed to the doors of the shuttle.
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"I believe that no one will vote against the proposal of immigration to Seraine. Or to any other Human dominated galaxy." The Secretary said to Azic. "Unless they're alien-phobic which would result in an automatic death penalty for discrimination."

The Secretary leaned forward. "The Extraterrestrial Federation is in turmoil right now. There are insurgencies, several criminal activities, there's apparent corruption within the government itself. If the E.F collapses, we will have a massive humanitarian issue. Since the E.F basically supplies all the civilizations with money. And guards all the trading routes as well as giving military protection. I don't know at this point."

"The Extraterrestrial Federation is a mess right now. When I look back, they were more organized during the war than they are now."

(I'm confused as well.)
"That is very good and very bad to hear. The Morrow, as you likely know, are a peaceful species. I must say, if both sides were willing to compromise, many lives could be saved. I realize this sounds like a sort of fever dream, but there is a saying on Niall, The Broknar that helps the Myphis, helps itself."
[Tau Empire]

The ships eventually step at a small planet, seemingly barren. They docked at a massive station, and waited for a response. Several dropships were sent down.

"Nothing can get past that border that divides the universe into two. Nothing. That border is so militarised that it takes a quarter of our annual spending just to keep it that heavily defended. We're not locked in a cold war. It is is simply, we don't want to communicate. But the Chancellor of the E.F is willing to start over the relationship between the human race and the akraiens. As well as the President Commander of the AUSM."

"But there are two civilizations that are blocking this. Both the Chancellor and the President Commander could easily overpower all the other senators of the different civilizations. But, the Kavs. You've heard of them."

"The Kavs are the Akraien's best friends. And they hold the second most influential and powerful seat in the senate."

"And then there is the COV Federation. The human race's best friends. They too hold the second highest, most powerful and most infuential seat within the senate in the AUSM as well."

"And if you know your history, both the Kavs, and the COV Federation absolutely hate each other. And they're the only reasons why talks can't go anywhere."

[All father]

"So, what is it that you want to talk to my government about exactly, All Father?"

[Tau Empire]

The Extraterrestrial Federation navy had sent a message saying that they were sending dropships as well.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1cf5eba8_download(2).jpg.2940731d5e98411587a6b7223309efb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45193" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1cf5eba8_download(2).jpg.2940731d5e98411587a6b7223309efb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The dropships were also sent down to the planet surface as well



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"I was wanting to bring this before the whole Senate. And I still plan on doing so, protocall and ediquett are all very important to the people." he said. He was calm, and gave off the feeling of a boulder amidst the stream. The water flowing around it, and the boulder refusing to budge. "My people, they are grateful to the EF. I cannot stress that enough. Yet the balance I hold is small. Tribes hold equal amounts of land, or are happy with what they have. And some are hostile towards your soldiers because they so seldom visit our planet. Outposts on our surface would disrupt what balance I have created, and provoke the hot blooded youths into doing something stupid. I strongly argue against putting any military outposts on our surface. Orbital stations are acceptable, the tribes have no real interest in space beyond trading partners." This was all a lie. He didn't want outposts on the planet's surface because he was planning on rebelling. They were a free people, with their own laws. They would be forever grateful to the EF for protecting them against the AUSM, but they were a free race. And hiding orbital defencive cannons and what not in jungles is much easier if the EF stay in space.
[All Father.]

"I understand your perspective. But, having bases on the surface would be the best way to be able to restock for fleets. It os a more quick way of getting our military to where it needs to go." The High Chancellor said.

"But we interfier with your society or your laws. No policing. I don't know how my governkent wiol respond but I ak willing to pay for all damages."

"Because your race was one of the first to join. And is one of the E.F's most trusted. Personally, I like your civilization. And I trust your race."

"But at the same time, i am concerned that you are nerveous of my military. And that they will try and report anything on the surface that they might see as violstion of the laws. Don't worry about that. They will be under strict curfews and under strict military laws."

"Some of my senators advise me not to trust others too much. Even the closest. I trust your statement to be true. Because I trust your civilization. And I know that you are not lying. Because that would be very shameful."

"One the most trusted civilizations, lying to the E.F and the High Chancellor, and betrays the Federation. You know the consequenses of that too. Honestly, I would take it personally. And I would feel heartbroken and betrayed."

The High Chancellor looked out the window at the massive buildings. And soon, a massive dome like building.

"We're here."

The E.F troops heard movement and pointed their guns at the area as the hunter revealed itself to the E F troops.

The E.F still had their guns pointed for a few more minutes before lowering them.

[iron Talon's palace.]

The ten special forces waited. Until finally, they received another transmission.

"Boys." The General said trough the video link.

"General." The soldiers saluted. "What is it sir?"

"Listen. The Senate says that the shield killers won't arrive until two days. We can not allow this talon to escape or amass an army and attempt an attack on Xenoras. We need you to shut it down manually."

"We have the map of the palace. We'll guide you through."

"When we do take the shield out, what will happen next?" One of the special force had asked.

"I'm sorry men. But we can't get you guys out." The general stated.

"Does that mean we won't survive sir?" The leader asked.

"I'm afraid so." The General nodded. "I'm sorry for bearing such bad news. But we need to cripple them the minute those shields are down."

The leader looked back at the other 9 special forces. They all got their weapons ready.

"We're ready to die sir."

A couple special forces had creep ed out slightly from their hide out with their guns pointed.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." One said as the two crawled back into their little hide out.


The General put Jei on the communications.

"From this point forward, the leader of Iuor shall guide you to the control centre. Kill anyone who stands in your way. Show no mercy."

[Kaa'dri Diplomats.]

There was roughly 40 E.F soldiers that all ran through the dock to the terminal where the Kaa'dri had landed. The E.F troops all began to crouch down, taking cover as they pointed their guns at the automatic doors awaiting for what they thought were going to be hostiles.

"Any sign of hostilities, you may open fire." The officer said as he took cover as well, peering out.

"i don't care if they are peaceful or not. They act hostile, kill them."

[The Morrow Diplomats]

The Massive skyscrapers began to fade as they were replaced with government buildings.

The secretary looked through the window and could see the AUSM capital building . "We're here."

Outside, in front of the capital building, several politicians and the vice president were standing awaiting the arrival. The black vehicles began to pull up, in front of the entrance as they stopped. A few agents opened the doors allowing the Secretary to exit. And also opened the doors to let the diplomats exit.
"Thank you for meeting with me in private, High Chencellor. I have a feeling the decision regarding my planet has already been made regarding the outposts. But I thank you for hearing me none the less. I will see what I can do regarding the tribes." Stepping out of the vehicle, the being of nature, made from stone, vines and moss growing on him like hair, moved towards the building. What the Chancellor said troubked him. They trusted him. But then why did they not trust him enough to let his people govern themselves. And the mention of shame also caused him to hesitate. Perhaps he should not go theough with this revolution. Then, he made his decicion, stood up straighter, and walked into the Senate Building.

((Feel free to puppet the All Father. I feel like this is going to be like in Star Wars, but just in case.))
The Neptunian captain spoke to his men "Hold....hold...hold...FIRE!" All at once the pilot fish gave all they could at the iron transport hoping to seize it. A barracuda warped in a kept up the attack, if all went well, these ships would be reduced to rubble, or join their crew. The captain spoke over an intercom to the iron transport "Hello, sorry about this, I'm going to give you a chance. Join my crew and eat well, be wealthy, and survive. Don't, and the opposite happens. You have until your life support gives out to decide."

There was a massive wall and a barricade protecting the building. There were soldiers who were patrolling who slid a card allowing the All father to Enter.

Inside, the building was massive. In front of him was a hologram layout of the entire senate building. There was a total of 70 floors to the building.

"Right this way." One of the soldiers said guiding the All father through a long hallway as the soldier opened a door at the end. Inside, was a massive audience and there was a podium along with other senators sitting in chairs.

"You may enter." The Soldier said.

[iron Talon's palace]

The special forces soldiers checked their weapons as they got ready and awaited for the first orders from Jei.


"Time is of the essence." The General said.

[Kaa'dri Diplomats]

Two Soldiers were ordered to enter the tube connecting the shuttle. The two soldiers took cover as one opened the doors manually as the two entered with their guns pointed. They had reached a turn as they began to take cover.

They saw the shuttle doors open. "Sir, they're coming out."


The several soldiers took a step forward but stopped.

"It's just a local. I think." One of them said.

"Hey. Where are you from?" One of the officers asked.

"Well don't mind us. We're just the Extraterrestrial Federation doing our routine patrol. Don't take our sign of patrolling here be provocation or a disturbance. " The Officer said.

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