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Futuristic Galactic Empires


"Yes. As a matter of fact, several ships are to return to Xenoras to resupply and be re deployed." The High General said.

"I will contact the military and tell them to notify the senate."

[AUSM military transport.]

"Eve station, this is the USS Talvera aproaching at 100 kilometers an hours. Three clicks out." The radio transmissions could be heard from the neptunian ships.

"USS Talvera, approach authorised. One kilometer out, we shall provide armed esscorts to the hangar to unload cargo."


Ghe AUSM military cargo ship continued it's route.

In the distance, the AUSM militsry station could be made out as the cargo ship was nearing it's destination.

"USS Talvera, we will be sending out the USS Greely, USS Shakeston, USS Hound, and the USS Emirates to accompany yoi to the hangar in the next ten minutes."


The troops lowered their weapons and allowed the diplomats to pass through down to the platform. While on the platform, the officer had given his apology for the misunderstanding and reassured the diplomats that this was all for security measures.

"Hm..Alright. When will the bombardment begin?" Jei asked, looking about among the hustle of everything on the planet. What was usually calm and peaceful and quiet, now was rushing and getting things down.


"Oh, I assume those have something special in store for my planet..." Talon smiled. "Unfortunately, I must deny the kind offer of imminent destruction.." He walked over to a control center, and began pressing away. What he had done was deploy a magnetic repellent field around the planet, Consisting of many large, hexagonal invisible panels in the sky. Nothing got in, and nothing got out.
[iron Talon]

"Admiral. It seems the enemy has activated a shield." One of the captains had notifed.

"Is it destructible?"

"It could be. But i'd rather not take a risk."

"We could try nuking. But we run the risk of the emp wave from reaching us." The admiral took off his hat and hlbegan to massage his forehead in frustration.

"I really with we were the AUSM. They have weapons that can take out this shield installed onto their ships."

"Captain jura. Keep an eye on the shield for me please. I'll contact the High senate. And ask for a solution."

[iron Talon Surface]

A group of E.F special forces who were adbandonded by the rest while retreating were hiding within the palace.

"Captain. I just got a hit." One of the special forces soldiers whispered.

"The E.F sent two mega fleets. They're armed with."

"Armed with what?"

"Weapons of mass destruction."

"They say a shield has been raised. The Admiral is awaiting the senate's decision on the transfer of the new shield killer missile."

"They said that they'll contact us and extract us."

"Okay good."


"Yes? Okay. Understood." The general put the olphone down.

He turned to Jei. "Semms like the Talon raised a planetary shield."

"Little bit of a set back." The general paused.

"Do you know a way to take it out?"

"I just got off the phone with the admirals. They said that the Senate is deliberatiolng on whether or not to send the Shield Killers. Not only that, we have several troops still down there who were abandoned."

"Do you know a way to take the shield out?"

Jei thought momentarily. "I'm...Not sure.." He thought. "We have a shield system similar to this, but it only keeps out ships." He shook his head. "Clueless....We need to get to him before he can escape, or worse, repent.."
In the battle

Kaa'dri Warriors continue to fight as hard as possible. "Are we ready?" The scavenger leader asks. "I think so." Replies the map monitor. The scavenger leader nods and sends a message to the ground. "Launch Operation Lakehorse."Immediately, a massive battleship (1/4 of the size of earths moon) warped in. "You know they have bigger, right?" A junior officer asked. "Yes, but this will buy us some time and do some damage." The scavenger leader replied.

In uncharted space

The evacuated Kaa'dri start settling down on the planet they found. A scientist asks his superior "Any signs of life?" The superior replies "Surprisingly, yes. The southern end may even have a small jungle. We may keep this colony even after the war, because we also found some medium Kaadrite and Silver deposits." All around them, workers set up living areas, farms, and mines.
(First planet resource. The planet is open to everyone. But you must claim it before any other race and be able to defend it from others who want to take the planet from your race.)



Moons: 3

Circumference: 40 175

Surface area: 510 451 000

Average temperature: Min: -89 degrees, Max: 56 degrees

Lush forests, jungles. 500% of the planet is covered in water. There is an abundant supply of fresh water. The planet is rich with many metals. Including non solid metals. The planet also has many volcanos making molten magma easy to extract, the planet is also reported to have a massive supply of gold, silver, diamonds and platinum. There is zinc on the ocean bed.


What the Kaa'dri did not know was that the smartest and most feared Admiral of the E.F space navy was sent to deal with the Kaa'dri.

"Admiral. I really hope that your plan is going to make up for the four frigates and 3 destroyers sunk." The Captain advised.

"They should be hear any minute." The Admiral said looking at his watch. "In, 5...4...3...2...1."

Suddenly, from behind the Kaa'dri fleets, massive heavily armoured vessels of the E.F along with vessels from other civilization's armed forces had exited out. All of the E.F vessels were much much larger than the Kaa'dri battleship. The E.F has just out flanked And surrounded the entire Kaa'dri fleet.

"Activate shields, and smart defenses." The Admiral said walking away. "Tell all ships that they are clear to fire."

The captain nodded. "All ships, you are clear to engage."

The E.F vessels finally began to move as they broke formation. The E.F had the Kaa'dris surrounded from both sides as they began to send a volley from both sides. The more advanced E.F navy was now firing their much more advanced and more devestating weapons systems at the Kaa'dris.

While engaging, several more frigates and destroyers of the E.F had been sunk from the damage that they had taken.

One cruiser was heavily damaged and fire from the Kaa'dris had hit the bridge causing the cruiser to erupt into flames. Another cruiser had been heavily damaged from the blast.

"Admiral. Four more frigates and 5 destroyers along with a cruiser were sunk." The Captain said. "Another cruiser is heavily damaged. One battleship has just lost one of her main guns."

The admiral scowled. "Command's not going to be happy to hear that a cruiser went down."


The General had received another call. "Yes?"

The general began rubbing his forehead as he let out a frustrated sigh. "Yes. Thank you Admiral."

"It's times like this when I really with we were the AUSM space navy." The General said.

"The Senate arms committee says that they will allow shield killers to be used. But they will not arrive until two days." The General began to think.

"What if we were to use our stranded special forces to take down the shield manually." The general asked Jei. "We have 10 special forces troops who were left behind. Maybe we can use them. Do you know where the control room is? If you do, you can guide them there and they'll shut it down manually."


As the Vastanas would have inched closer, they would have seen many of these figures. They were all wearing the same armour, and had tanks and other armoured vehicles with them. They all had the Extraterrestrial Federation markings on them.

The some of the vehicles also had the Extraterrestrial Federation flag attached to their tank.

Their armour gave the impression that they were skeletons as they moved forwards.

"Lets go. Move it." One of the officers had shouted in the Akraien language.
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Giving the EF officir a nod of appreciation, the All Father walked towards one of the indicated ships. 'I must meep outposts off of the planet. The jungles can hide much from space, not from the planet.' he thought.

Meanwhile, with the traders. One of the guards radioed in. "There are some asteroids floating about. Keep your distance Barge-1." Little did he know, those asteroids were the pilot fish. "Understood." said the leading barge, which also happaned to be the messenger. Making the minor course adjustments needed, the convoy continued their pace through the emptiness of slace.

The dropships began to take off, taking the all father with them. The ships only took several minutes to reach the fleet as the dropship had docked into the hangar of the capital ship.
[Tau Empire]

"Coordinates received! Warping in..." The ship had already left, witht he commander ticked off. "Come on guys!"
Three Neptunian pilot fish along with one Barracuda landed on a planet designated as 40, 175. The pirates then began running scans to pick up other life forms or important geography on the planet. If all went well, this would make an excellent safe house.
[Tau Empire]

"Run an analysis on the planet. Now."

The ship projected a small holofield, showing four ships on the radar, and a planet in front. The commander of the ship zoomed in, looking at it. But he had never seen these kinds of ships. Could be a new race... maybe he could even annex them!

"Send a Manta down there, and bring one Water Caste diplomat. Some Firewarriors too, just in case."

The Manta undocked, flying down to the ship, to wait for the newcomers.

Manta: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/6/6a/Manta9.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121103025521
The captain of the barracuda spoke over the intercom "Hello intruder, I understand we've landed on the same planet. Now, my superiors might let you stay here on two measly conditions. One, we'd like half of the planet, at least. non-negotiable. Two, this location is between my boss and your boss. So, would those terms be agreeable?"

"OH SE'A, THATS A BIG FLEET." The scavenger leader said. "At least the plan worked..." said his junior. "WARP OUT! NOW! OPERATION SIDESTEP COMPLETE!" The scav leader yelled. Soon, all the Kaa'dri ships were gone. The planet was evacuated. Not a single Kaa'dri soul remained on any of the former colonies. The distraction had worked.
[Tau Empire]

The Captain laughed, and simply replied. "We do not come for these petty conflicts. We simply come to spread the word of the Greater Good, and enforce it. It wouldn't be wise with me, you should speak with the diplomat on the planet." He cut it off, sighing, and waited.

[Tau Recruitment Squadron]

The team waited on the planet, silent, looking at the planet. Without translators, they spoke in their native tongue.

Tau Fire Warrior Team (Consists of 12 soldiers, and 2 gun drones.): http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs9/i/2006/150/9/9/Tau_Firewarrior_by_AIBryce.jpg
(The landing site troops, 6 per pilot fish, 12, per barracuda. 40 in total.

"What exactly would that greater good be exactly? Some kind of religion? Those on my ship are free to believe whatever they'd like from Sut to Alezatorianism. Captain, I don't want to fight either, but I do want this planet."
[Tau Empire]

"Surrender to the Greater Good, and no one shall be hurt. We do not need any blood to taint this land. Surrender now, and you may keep all your beliefs, and customs. 42 planets have joined us, and we would love to include your kind to help us spread the word of the Greater Good. If you don't... we'll see about that."

[Tau Recruitment Squaderon]

They waited, seeing the ships, and started to grow anxious. The Water Caste diplomat shouted commands at them, and they started to take over, waiting.
"You still haven't told us what the greater good is, but at his point I'm assuming it's you. Ya see, Neptunians don't turn themselves over to the authorities. So, you've just threatened me and my men; agree to my initial offer, or this'll be the last planet you ever see." The troopers cocked their guns and pointed them at the battalion. "So, do we have a deal?"
[Tau Empire]

The commander sighed, closing his eyes. "Me? I'm just a small scout... nothing more, nothing less. It looks like you cannot be reasoned with." The soldiers had entered the Manta, already leaving. As soon as the Manta entered the cruiser, it warped away.
The Captain said "Alright Meade, we're packing up and heading back to orbit." The Captain then got an audience with Admiral Neil of the Atlantic fleet and said as the ships went into orbit "Found a planet with ideal resources, but brainwashed zealots say we need to join them or die. Requesting backup." The admiral responded "I'll dispatch the fleet, this location is becoming unsafe by the day, keep out of conflict until we arrive."
(First senate meeting for both the AUSM and the E.F all civilizations representatives must report to the capital planet of each Federation.)


The E.F had secretly shot one tiny microscopic tracker onto one of tge Kaa'dri ships.

"Admiral. They're getting away."

"It's alright." The admiral said looking down at a table displaying the Kaa'dri fleet. The tracker had a short life span to prevent detection.

"We have all the information we need. Plot a coirse. Follow them. Tell all other fleets to glass their planets. Inhabited or abandoned. Make them all uninhabitable."

"Send word. We lost a total of 9 frigates, and 8 deztroyers, and 2 cruisers. I'll takr full responsibility."


The tram stopped at the space elevator. The doors opened to a massive room.

"This elevator will go down to the first floor of the city. The Secritary of Foreign relations shall meet you there."

[The Federational House]

"Mr. President Commander." A woman knocked on the door.


"There seems to be diplomats here to talk to the AUSM congress." The secretary said as she was tapping on a glass tablet.

"I see...Has the Congress been notified?"

"Yes. We've sent Mr. Waltfeld to accompany the diplomats."

"Maria." The P.C said as he turned around to face his secretary.

"Notify the Americans, Koreans, British, Canadians, French, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Turkish and the Russians. We need to discuss the posibility of an attempted invasion of earth and seraine."

(Is there anyone here who are interested un playing the role of the Kavs? They are the co founders of the Extraterreatrial Federation and are the Akraien's best friends. If anyone is interested, let me know.)
((Given some more information, I might))

The diplomats proceeded to enter the space elevator and departed to floor one of the city, eventually arriving to the secretary. The leader of the group stepped forward and said "Greetings secretary, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Azic Tur of Miïst." The diplomat bowed in traditional Maq'zuquian tradition.

The Secretary acknowledged Azic as he guided them to the black Versatran sedans.

Inside the vehicles, the Secretary had opened up a glass tablet as he began to look at the files.

"I see you are here to discuss relations." The secretary looked up. "On the mqtter of trade was it?"

[Dadurdam. All Father]

The ships carrying the shuttle that contwined the all fsther had jumped out of slip space as the ships entered Xenoras home system.

Outside, the window if the room the All Father was given, it showed towering rings and defense systems and stations encircling the E.F capital solar system.

"20 minutes till we reach Xenoras." An officer had come in to notiify the All Father
Jei thought. "Yes, I have a map reported by some spies of the entire palace..I will retrieve it." Jei ran off, and came back some time later. "Here.." He said, handing over a folded piece of paper.
"Thank you." he rumbled in reply. They were nice to him. They were nice in general, hope they could forgive what he was planning. "Please tell the senate members that I am here and wish to request a meeting. I shall make a more formal request once I am on the planet."


"Sir. Those asteroids aren't getting any farther away." a guard said, commenting on the "asteroids" that were following.
One of the diplomats replied, among other things, yes. We would like to discuss trade, education, and immigration. I would like to bring up four points. We'd like data files on human history to teach in our schools, We'd like to make trade negotiations regarding our silicon and platinum veins recently discovered, allow Maq'ziquians to immigrate to Earth given proper documentation, and finally, we'd like to trade technique for building our temperature suits in exchange for instruction on building your. improved engines"

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