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Futuristic Galactic Empires

Walking up to the podium, tha all father stood up straighter, squared his shoulders, and spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate. I come before you to ask for something. I wish for the military outposts set for construction on my home planet to not be built. Orbital stations mean the fleets do not have to land to resupply. We can send up supplies regularly. And it will not disrupt the delicate balance of the tribes. I also have one last thin to say. I planned on betraying the EF. I admit to this, and accept full responsobility. But, having words with the High Chancellor has changed my mind."

The captain, paniced, nearly missed replying. "What about what you pirates usually do. Just take the cargo, take some credits, and let us go. I do not know how to be a pirate, I cannot be a pirate."

The politicians were all listening to what the All father had to say.

But as the All Father brought up the topic of him planning a rebellion. Some, senators stood up. Other leaned in.

Above, there was a separate seat that was divided so that no one except for the High Chancellor and her aids along with several high profile members of senate were allowed to sit.

The All Father would have seen the High Chancellor looking directly at him. There was one man in a military uniform who whispered something into the High Chancellor's ears as he glanced at the All Father. The other high profile members were all crowded around the Chancellor. The look on her face did not seem too happy by what had just come out the the All Father's mouth. Instead, it was a look of agitation.

"At first I was going to reason with you. But seeing as how you wanted to rebel against us. I don't see anything or any reason of you coming here."

"You. No."

"You mean to tell me that you were planning on stabbing us in the back?"

"We've supplied you with trillions of Vuzex to fund your economy and government. We've provided extensive extraterrestrial aid and assistance in re-building. We've given tons of food. And now you want to rebel against us?"

"What you just said, just convinces me more that we SHOULD have military bases on the surface of your moons."

All of the most of the senators were lecturing the All Father. While some were arguing among st themselves, and some were just not talking at all.

The High Chancellor had taken her gaze off of the All Father and was talking to her aid an the other high profile senators. One of them pointed at the All Father and she turned to look at him again.

[unknown planet in uncharted space]

An AUSM fleet had come out of shock point as they drew near the unknown planet.

Several destroyers had come back from the dark side of the planet.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/unsc_frigate_andraste_by_toraiinxamikaze-d3550xq.png.fb6d2282c3908b4335c56c7b93fb020b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45295" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/unsc_frigate_andraste_by_toraiinxamikaze-d3550xq.png.fb6d2282c3908b4335c56c7b93fb020b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

From the capital ship, the admiral looked at the planet from the main floor of the bridge.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Charon_New_1.png.6d727c8d909d0e8c23ffdd3567078c21.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Charon_New_1.png.6d727c8d909d0e8c23ffdd3567078c21.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Admiral. The captains have reported that there seems to be no sign of life. There seems to be structures but no sign of activity on the surface." The Captain said walking to the Admiral.

"I want boots on the ground ASAP." The Admiral said.

The captain nodded as he went away. The Admiral turned his attention back around to the planet.

Several dropships had been deployed from the ships as they made their way down.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Vulture_scheme.jpg.ba778d66b571459a4d92c1c1da4792c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45296" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Vulture_scheme.jpg.ba778d66b571459a4d92c1c1da4792c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After half an hour, the dropships had made it to the surface. The dropships landed and out came AUSM soldiers.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1d19632b_ausmmarine.png.ebe7285c43cd81bfb89d4b312f37891f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45297" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1d19632b_ausmmarine.png.ebe7285c43cd81bfb89d4b312f37891f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

To their surprise, they had landed on a decaying city.

"What the hell is this place?" The soldiers began to walk around, observing the rubble from the aging building that had eventually collapsed from not having maintenance for a long time. There were still banners that were flying on some of the buildings. And some of the vehicles seems to be in an okay condition.

"Well. By the looks of it, it seems like they either left this planet, or something happened." Another replied.

"Keep alert."

"Hey!" One of the soldiers in the distance shouted at the main group.

"We found something!" The Soldier pointed a a hole in one of the buildings.

The soldiers all ran to the place, as they went inside, they found that there was a machine. An AI.

"Do you think we can re-program it?" The Officer asked as he took a closer look.

"I might be able to. Might take a while though." One of the soldiers replied.



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The machine booted up, it's eyes flickered on blue before speaking in dialogue that couldn't be understood by the AUSM. The system scanned the nearby humans, they were bearing weapons, but were not the enemy. The automaton took every chance to understand the foreign language. It even spoke in every known dialect of its time "Akim key, Nathanamaha, Oglamis Tortim, Mattrom gloxk alp bom." This was most unusual. The robot then noticed that it's brethren off of this planet were not responding to communication. He would need to awaken his local brethren. In a moment, robots of similar make were dragging themselves out of the ground and standing perfectly still. At least a hundred could be seen from where the soldiers were standing.


Beowulf said:
Walking up to the podium, tha all father stood up straighter, squared his shoulders, and spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate. I come before you to ask for something. I wish for the military outposts set for construction on my home planet to not be built. Orbital stations mean the fleets do not have to land to resupply. We can send up supplies regularly. And it will not disrupt the delicate balance of the tribes. I also have one last thin to say. I planned on betraying the EF. I admit to this, and accept full responsobility. But, having words with the High Chancellor has changed my mind."
The captain, paniced, nearly missed replying. "What about what you pirates usually do. Just take the cargo, take some credits, and let us go. I do not know how to be a pirate, I cannot be a pirate."
"We appreciate the honesty, but we really can't have the E.R. know we're here. So, any of you good at accounting, making food, piloting a ship? I'd really rather not have to kill you." A few of the ships stopped firing to keep the escort from being destroyed. "Any mechanics? Doctors? Engineers?"

The soldiers all took up defensive positions as they pointed their guns at the machines.

"What the hell did you do corporal?" The Officer asked the technician.

"I simply re-activated the machine. I don't know what I did if I did anything wrong."

"Tell the Admiral to send in tanks." The Officer said.

"Keep alert. We don't know what they might do." The Officer said still pointing his assault rifle.
The robot was a getting anxious. The fleshy creatures were pointing their ranged weapons at it. Luckily, he found in his data banks recordings of the language of being using sticks and stones as weapons. He would be able to speak their language. Or as the humans would say Huzzah! "I inquire, ceaseth aiming thou weapons towards my direction. I am not a hostile. Aggressive action must be preformed if you proceed in dueling. Many of your numbers may be injured. Tally ho."

A young boy had entered the building. He looked to be in his late teens. Probably 18. He had light armour on and waswearing an all black uniform. Along with it, he had pitch black glasses.

He had two devices strapped to both his arms.

"What's the problem?" The new figure asked.

"Sir." The Officer saluted.

The boy looked around. "Stand down." The soldoers all lowered their guns obeying this new person's orders.

"What are they?" The boy said looking at the machines.

"We found it here sir. Whatever it is, the nativesof this planet abandoned them. Along with their planet it seems."

"It's routine to patrol solar systems and planets. We can only do so much just by patrolling space." The officer said.
IlovetanksMBT said:
A young boy had entered the building. He looked to be in his late teens. Probably 18. He had light armour on and waswearing an all black uniform. Along with it, he had pitch black glasses.

He had two devices strapped to both his arms.

"What's the problem?" The new figure asked.

"Sir." The Officer saluted.

The boy looked around. "Stand down." The soldoers all lowered their guns obeying this new person's orders.

"What are they?" The boy said looking at the machines.

"We found it here sir. Whatever it is, the nativesof this planet abandoned them. Along with their planet it seems."
One of the robots spoke up. "It hath been made apparent that this form of your language is past due. Allow us to access your current language so we may communicate."

"How does that machine know english if it's hundreds of years old?" The officer asked.

"We don't know sir." The technician said.
"I understand your hostility. But it is a measure of my loyalty to the EF that I have changed my mind. The EF have dome much for us. But, we do not wish to be held under your thumb and wriggle like worms caught in the beak of a bird. We are a free people, and most of us are hard headed." he said, tapping his own stone head for emphasise. "A diplomat has been sent to the AUSM. If he has not been attacked by raiders, he would probably have made it to AUSM held territory and made our case of freedome. I tell you so that you can prepare as you wish."

"But that being said, a war will come if you do not plan your actions carefully. If I die here, by some accident of course, the Daldurdam race will revolt immediately. If outlosts are placed on the planet, tribes will band together, push you off the moon and eventually out kf the surrounding space. And if the diplomat made it, I or we must explain the cause of this mess. I can ease tensions, but not everything. My people want to be free, not a part of an empire that rarely visits them and does not respect the laws already set in place by my people."

"They want to govern as they will. They want to have their own economy, be self sufficient, not rely on outsiders."

As he spoke, he looked around the room, meeting various Senator's eyes until they looked away then swiftly moving on. As he finished his speech, his eyes landed on the High Chancellor.


All the Senators began to let out frustrated groans when they heard that the All Father had sent a diplomat to the AUSM.

"How do you plan on getting past the heavily militarised borderline? There a a massive minefield. Along with a DMZ and a fully militarised military patrol on both sides."

"And how do you know that the human race will listen to you? Do you know why they have never had a revolt ever? It's because they rule with an iron fist. Any sign of patriotism, is suppressed immediately. They are brutal and very good at what they do those humans. They will kill anyone who is suspected of corruption or being a fugitive."

"I think we should let the chancellor speak. Seeing as how she talked to the All Father about this on the way here. I think we should hear what our leader has to say." The man in the military uniform said. The senators all went quiet as they sat down.

"I find it ironic how I talked about betrayal on my car ride here. And now I'm hearing one of our most loyal members wanting to rebel." The High Chancellor stated.

"Let me ask you something All Father. Do you honestly think you can win a war against us? We might loose millions of troops and hundreds of equipment. but do you think you can really, truly, defeat us?"

"Regarding the diplomat. I'm not too sure if you know, but there are a series of check points that you must pass. very complicated and a long process. Because that border is the most heavily defended border this universe has ever seen. And even if your diplomat manages to be patient and manage to get across into AUSM territory."

"How will you convince the AUSM government to, somehow fund your revolution? They hate, the E.F. And want nothing to do with any of our matters. I can certainly guarantee that they will shrug you off if you were to make your case. Because they know that funding a revolution will most certainly re-start hostilities, and eventually war between us and the AUSM again."

"And I don't think you or I wants to see the human armies marching across the border again." The Chancellor said. "Because your people have seen, and experienced battles with the human race. They are relentless, vicious, and genocidal. Your race has fought them, so has mine. And we suffered too much from the humans."

"And I don't think this time around, we will be able to stall them. Or even use attrition against them."

"The reason why we have rarely visited you is because there is only so many of us. And I don't know who disrespects your laws but they clearly did not take their oaths seriously. And we have given you so much freedom. We've poured tons of money for your economy and government and infrastructure. We've let you start trading independently."

"I can't say anymore. But know this. We've supplied your race with unimaginable amounts of aid, and eased our grip and allowed you to create your own laws. And if this diplomat provokes the AUSM. We will ultimately place the blame on your race's shoulders. For provoking war with the human race."
A dark red ship covered in Empire of Hermast colors and insignia came out from light speed and began flying towards Xenoras afterwards in the control room of the Xenoras spaceport a voice was heard "This is Blood Hand flagship requesting permission to land"


(The Blood Hand's ship)
The machines attempted to interface with nearby computers, but failed to understand the system of code they were using. Another machine spoke up "Interfacing data logs. Time passed since last activation: 9999. Soldiers, I inquire thou provide access to thou language."
After Blood Hand received permission to land the big ship landed as troops began exiting the ship as they escorted Blood Hand to the senate, afterwards he entered the senate and sat in one of the empty seats.


(The look of the troops)
The trader diplomat combo spoke, panicked. "I can pilot a ship. I can get you all a good trade. Most of my crew can do that, and cook."


"Traders can get through almost everything rather quickly, particularly if they are trading legal goods such as iron. And as I have already stated, I no longer have any intentions of rebelling. The High Chancellor has persuaded me otherwise."
"How do you think the AUSM will react then?" The High chancellor asked.

The E.F soldiers had walked up to the Blood hand.

"Please take your troops out of the senate building and back to the port sir. This senate is already protected by soldiers of the E.F, there is no need to bring your own troops."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/armor-suits-video-games-rig-dead-space.jpg.fbd6996856f1f303dde5197e96390534.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/armor-suits-video-games-rig-dead-space.jpg.fbd6996856f1f303dde5197e96390534.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Blood Hand waved off the troops,


they nodded and walked back to the ship, Blood Hand continuing to sit in the chair looking around.

"Explain to us, how you are planning on convincing the human race to support you." The Chancellor said.

"They have tons of heard headed politicians. And a congress that will be hard to convince. What is your plan of action."

The E.F troops were all standing by the door ways as they had the stocks of their guns resting on the floor. They were looking around for any suspicious movements.



The boy walked up to the machine. "What year is it?"

"Who created you?"
(sorry I haven't posted in a while)


Dii Nuk walked in and saw more soldiers than he even saw at military training. "SE'A! Are we really that wanted? Wow, this is unexpected. So glad to see you could all make it." Dii Nuk's pilot said. Dii Nuk just shuddered and started heading towards the senate room.

As the Kaa'dri diplomats enetered through the long hall way and into the centre of the room where the All Father stood.

Tons of mummering had begun as Dii Nuk entered.

The High Chancellor looked at her aismds as they gave confused looks.

Then suddenly, the doors to the Senate room had burst open as E.F troops entered with their guns pointed. They all encircled the balconies as they pointed theor guns at Dii Nuk and the other doplomats.
Another one of the machines responded "We are unknown to what Human date it is. We are not allowed to inform you of our master. All further questions will go unanswered until we are given access to a current format of thou your language."
"Being good trade partners open many doors." the All Father said, right before the Dii Nuk entered and the soldiers. "What is this?" he asked. "This is against all protocol of the Senate, and to a member of the Senate."

"Being good trade partners open many doors." the All Father said, right before the Dii Nuk entered and the soldiers. "What is this?" he asked. "This is against all protocol of the Senate, and to a member of the Senate."
A senate member shouted "This is an Outrage!"

"Who sent you?" Cried another. One of the older Senators pulled out an Arc pistol.


(Arc Pistol)
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The boy tapped something on his device as a tiny chip popped out. He then inserted it into the machine's body.

"Who made you?"


"We keep telling you that any type of conversation with the AUSM is primitive."

More E.F troops entered into the senate building as they began to protect the senators including the All Father.

"You see all father. This race, the Kaa'dri. Threatened war with us. Just because they had disobeyed our laws and raided multiple trading stations."

"Which in turn had millions be taken out of our economy. Which would have affected your trading as well All Father."

"They, launched nuclear warheads at our colonies, destroyed several E.F military ships. And in turn, we glassed every one of their colonies. They have no respect and I don't know why they are even here."

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