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Futuristic Galactic Empires

[Talon Supremacy]

"I'm giving you a chance here. A lot of E.F Senators want to fire bomb your planet right now. But the High chancellor, and several other politicians including me, are giving you a chance to redeem your terrible reputation." The High Ambassador said.

"There's two options, either you can travel to Xenos, the Akraien home world, and the capital city of the E.F. And you apologies in front of the politicians, and the high council, and the high senate. And we will cut your debt by half from 70 trillion Reznes to 35 trillion Reznes. And we will give you a 10 year extension to pay it off." The ambassador said.

"Or, you can refuse my offer in saving you nation, and you can go to war with the second most powerful military in the universe, which will quickly overwhelm your forces."

"Sir, I don't think reasoning will do anything with this savage. We should just launch the planetary bombardment." One of the lieutenants said in the Akraien native language to the Ambassador.


"It seems that you have failed to pay the annual tax as well as evading the monthly military inspection." The General said. "But seeing as what you've said, I can only assume that the Talon Supremacy is the one who is at fault."

"Also, the E.F requires that you sign this." The General said handing Jei a piece of paper attached to a clipboard.

"This will take care of all the expenses from the constructions."

"The E.F expects great things from you. Do not disappoint them."


The High General stopped. "Why would I need to send my troops to their graves, when I can just bomb your civilization into submission from orbit?"

"You know the E.F, and their military capabilities. We are simply here because some civilizations think that we have loosened our grip. But they are wrong. They want to see the complete and utter collapse of the Extraterrestrial Federation."

"Now think Mr. representative. After the war, the human race had devastated many of the civilizations with their unspeakable armaments. The E.F, being very kind and generous, assisted these races in rebuilding their empires. Supplying extraterrestrial aid, and funding and rebuilding governments. But some, do not see the kind, and generosity that the E.F has shown."

"We are going to build military bases, including orbital military stations in space. But we are not going to interfere with your race's politics, or law. And if any of those tribal leaders has a problem. You can tell them, that they can tell their problems to the High chancellor, and the E.F government."

[Kaa'dri space]

E.F ships were now in position as they began their blockade of the entire Kaa'dri space. More ships began to exit from slip space to patrol all trade stations as well as setting up defenses and minefields to starve this civilization.

The AUSM as well had begun to move their assets into position to prevent the Kaa'dri from entering AUSM held half of the universe. As well as setting up massive military presences across all trading stations.

[Maqzi'quian diplomats]

The destroyers had guided the ships through the solar system to Seraine. There were tons of rings encircling the inner planets as well as tons of defenses and ships patrolling the Human race's home solar system.

Several distances away, they could make out Earth. Earth was three times more heavily defended than Seraine was.

As the ships entered closer to one of the massive rings, a message was sent again giving specific directions.

"Move to terminal M. Docks 1-5. Your ships shall be refueled and the AUSM will do a quick sweep through of your vessels as you meet with the AUSM government. These procedures light sound like a threat. But be assured, they are to ensure the safety of the Human race."

[Neptunian ship]

"It's true that the E.F will suffer heavy losses, as the AUSM is far more powerful than us." The Admiral said. "But you're wrong as well."

"Have you not seen militaries that have challenged both the E.F and the AUSM? Their ships were pieces of paper when they faced our vessels."

The Admiral recieved a video feed. It turned out to be a human general. The man looked to be in his middle ages and had his entire uniform on.

"We've recieved your information. Please play this through your channels to these beings." The Admiral had no other choice but to listen to the general of his country's enemy as she reluctantly linked this message to the neptunians.

"These beings are scoundrels. By executive orders from the AUSM high command. they are to return back into AUSM territory at once." The general said in a very stern voice. "They shall not try to argue back. Because if they do, everything that they say will end up in a document handed to the President Commander of the AUSM."

"The E.F government has contacted us. And we can not believe what we were hearing, until they gave us footage. Tell them that they are to take their ships out of E.F territory. They don't have any rights to stick their noses into E.F matters. We are giving them the next 30 minutes to leave E.F territory, otherwise, we have granted the E.F military to use force to remove you."

The Admiral stopped the link as the message finished.
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((You wouldn't have the contact information for basically any of Neptune's ships, probably)
"I had no idea you and AUSM were so buddy-buddy." The Captain then turned to a ship-mate who happened to be a Kaa'dri and said "We're headin back, these numbskulls just gave us all the time we need." He then said to the E.F. ship "Thanks numbskulls, have fun finding out our little surprise." The ship then activated FTL and took off to a Neptune safehouse doing the best to mask their signature.

OOC- Just to clarify, what the Tsunami did was release smaller pilot fish vessels which are dispersing into the E.F. side for recruitment. -OOC


"We are quite use to this by now. It is not a problem, though we do urge you to avoid are life support system. Damaging it would likely cause significant damage to your station along with killing all of us."

"Well, So be it. If war is the answer, then war is my conclusion. Fire away..." It seemed as if Talon was bored with the conversation, even though he just declared war. He seemed to emit an aura of energy. "The Talons will crush you pitiful scum...Starting with you..." Talon's guards crouched and readied their weapons. "Fire at will." He ordered.

(Any sort of combat system?)


Jei signed, handing back the clipboard. "We really don't have a military. These people-all these people-are willing to fight on their own behalf, I am no leader, as I said before." Jei explained.
((Yes. One post at a time. One event after another. I don't want it to get too chaotic with ten different events happening all at the same time. The usual RPnation rules. ))

[Talon Supremacy]

"Get down sir!" The Lieutenant said in his native language as the platoon of men began to encircle the High Ambassador. The More well trained troops began to walk back as they were leaving the palace.

One of the E.F soldiers was hit as he fell to the ground. One of the troops grabbed the limp body and began to drag it across towards the dropships.

Outside, the E.F troops were holding their ground as they began to retreat from the palace Quad.


"General. Word has just come. The Talon supremacy has just declared war on the E.F" One of the officers said. "And they risked the life of High Ambassador Padilin."

"The Talon should know that this war is not going to last very long. It's suicide what does he think he's doing? Going to war with a super power? Is he asking for a death sentence?" The General replied puzzled by the Iron Talon's decision.

"Well. It seems like that offensive you were talking about has to be launched now." The General said. "There's a reason why I told you that the E.F expects great things from you."
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Back on Yriitl-37T896H

A general gets on an intercom and immediately calls the E.F. leaders. He leaves one message: "WHO WANTS TO PLAY 'CATCH THE NUCLEAR MISSILE WITH THE POWER TO ANNIHILATE HALF A PLANET'?" With that, he turned around and pressed the button he'd secretly always wanted to press.

Back on the scavenger ship

The scavenger leader saw something bleep on his interface. "What the.." he says as he checks it out. He looks at the Neptunian proposal. He sends back a message. "I guess we need as many allies as we can get. We accept your proposal." He turns towards the second message. It's from the Meitor Kudario Kaa'dri. It reads "Get all the scavenger leaders. I don't think the E.F. knows just how many we have out there. Gather them up and launch a counterattack on the blockade from the outside." He sends this message out to all the scavenger leaders and prepares to charge.

In the space outside Bian Dekuu

As the E.F. vessels block everything, a massive fleet of everything from cargo tankers to battleships appears from warp. The scavenger leader gets on his radio and transmits to every single vessel surrounding Bian Dekuu "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, PREPARE FOR THE BATTLE OF YOUR LIFETIME!" With that, the scavenger fleet opens fire.

Talon laughed over the gunfire, watching the troops recede from the palace. "Good luck to you then..." He sighed, he stood up and trotted around the throne room, giggling like a maniac. "Oh...OH! I bet they'll bring that Jei fellow to his death too! Amazing!" He jumped around, overjoyed.


"Now? Now..." Jei considered the thought. "Alright...we'll load up the ships now..." Jei walked pass them, and began whispering orders to various birds who were watching the whole scene. They fled in multiple directions. Jei shook his head. "He's not this stupid...he has an Ace...Be wary.." Jei spoke to himself. The younger Fefeff, and took his talon. "Alright, I need you to go and get anything of value to you. I'm taking under my wing, Tell your family, they'll be okay with it surely." The bird looked stunned. "I don't have any family..or anything valuable to me..." He spoke. His stunned expression was quickly replaced with joy. "Well, All the better, right?" Jei smiled. "Do you have a name?" He asked. "Er...Yeah, Depi...Odd, I know, but I like it.."

The E.F troops were busy as they ran aolround the fields through the massive make shift HQ. There were people talking in the widely spoken language of Akra. The language of the strongest alien civilization in the E.F.

"The troops of Iuor are to be deployed only after our planetary bombardment. Which will last 48 hours max. Supply ships along woth more navy vessels are comming over soon."

The general pulled Jei aside. "We sill be using weapons of mass destruction on the Iron Talon. That means that in the next 2 days, your planet will be a barren wasteland. Littered woth radiation that can melt you. Are you okay with that? Don't worry. We have the Order. They'll take care of any of his Aces."


A reply was sent back. "Nuclear weapons are nothing to us. It's the weakest weapon of mass deztruction we posses. If you think you can some how attack us with nukes or any other weapon and think it will work, you are wrong. If you think you can protect your systems, you have deeply underestimated the power of the Extraterrestrial Federation."

Tactical smart anti-air guns began to shoot down the nukes from the defense rings installed onto planets. Demonstrating the power of the E.F military.


The fire for the most part seemed to do little against the shields of the mich larger vessels. But for the smaller ships, they began to show some sign of draining.

One frigate was hit in the engines as that engine broke down causing the vessel to veer off course and hit another corvette. Heavily damaging it.

Another destrouer was hit in the port side as it's were heagily affected making it vulnerable to fire.

A few other frigate had smoke comming from their hulls as they were hit multiple times in the same spot.

"Admiral?" The captain said. "Awaiting orders."

"Let them think they have the upper hand." The admiral replied.

"Sir our men are dying. And our ships are taking heavy fire."

"Patience captain." The admiral replied. "Do not fire until I and the other admirals give the command."

((I'm perfectly fine with the recruiting thing. But remember, almost all of the civilizations wants to stay with the E.F. or are okay with the E.F as long as they change some political views, others who are just okay with the E.F, and only a very tiny fraction actually wants to rebel. And the chances of you getting discovered are high. My best advice is attemp recruiting the lesser states on the edge of the known universe.
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Jei stared. "Well, relocation won't be difficult, but is it necessary to use such force..? I don't see how the sacrifice of this planet is quite worth the fate he forsees." He looked around. Over the time, they had built so much...too watch it be destroyed would be too much for him. "I cannot allow it. Perhaps position them on a nearby moon, but not here."
The EF were very good at insulting people without trying. Bomb an entire planet just for a few people disagreeing? That was flat out bad buisness and bad form. "I assure you..."

"You are dismissed." said a low rumbling voice, like the earth itself decided to speak. A Dradudam much larger then any other walked into the clearing, shoulders covered in moss and vines growing up his legs. It was immediatly clear that this was the All Father. "I understand that you plan on building military outlosts on the surface. There is already a delicate balance of equal land destribution. These outposts would throw all of that into chaos. In orbit would be optimal. I will see to men and resources to help in construction of these orbital outposts." He stated this as if it were already decided, his emerald eyes portraying wisdom beyond the ages and a steady will, like gravity, constantly pressing down. And imperseptively, more a vibration through the ground then anything else, he sent a messege to the representative. 'Send party to AUSM. We free.' it said.
((The Neptunians aren't about overthrowing corrupt governments, they're basically just space criminals. Do you think I should modify my recruitment plan? Also, would it be okay if the few ships I snuck over started to commandeer vessels/general piracy in the E.R.))
(Recruiting is fine. It's just there is a higher risk since most civilzations prefer to stay in the E.F. only a fraction wants to rebel. I'm fine with recruiting as long as it doesn't turn into a rebellion.)


"Oh no, not this planet. The Iron Talon's planet. Not this planet." The General reassured.

"Will you be okay?"

[iron Talon]

It would seem as the Iron Talon has "claimed" victory against the mighty E.F. army.
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"Hm..Well, I was actually hoping to use that planet, but if it cannot be spared, do as you must. I'll be fine, I will be partaking in one of the fleets, takeoff is as soon as...a day." Jei nodded.

The ships did nothing as the E.F navy was continued to be heavily bombarded.

Several ships have begun to to take too much as they began to explode and sink. While others were taken out of service.

"Admiral?" The Captain said once more. "We're losing ships sir. We can't go on like this."



"No need." The general spoke. "I was simply speaking from past experiences. Your race has been loyal, and a very active member of the E.F. and the government thsnks you for that. But you must also understand that I really don't have power. The E.F government wants the constulruction of military bases on the surface. I really can't change the demand. You would have to personally apeal to the Senate."

The High general said in a respectful manner


"We shall supply your men with the needed equipment to fight once the bombardment has seized."

The soldiers had set up a massive holo-screen in one of the palace's large rooms as the general was watching the footage from outer space.

"General, the High Ambassador has made it aboard the Xelnma safely. Unfortunately, 10 of our troops have been K.I.A. And an additional 5 are W.I.A."

[iron Talon]

The Orbital satellites and ships were in position as they all began final preparations, including unlocking of safety locks and finishing the loading of the final missiles, and bombs.

The satellites and Ships began to position themselves over major population centres above the planet and all places where there were reports of life.

But in Talon's palace, there seemed to be one E.F soldier that was still around who did not get into the dropship in time. He had killed several of Talon's soldiers but was wounded as he retreated into the Iron Talon's palace.

[Neptunian Tsunami]

The E.F Admiral had sent one last message to the Neptunian ship before it left for FTL.

The Message was a document from the AUSM High Command. It stated:

"The map to Seraine has been attached. We shall give you 9 kilotons of resources. Only if you provide us with you complete cooperation and full-truthful answers."


In the distance, there were several figures that were slightly hard to see because of the dense vegetation. They were all wearing white and black, and had glowing turquoise lights for their eyes.

They were all walking in a specific direction like a pack of animals.

"Follow me." One officer said to the diplomats as marines were entering the dimplomat's ships.

"Right this way." The officer said as he slid a card on a control panel, allowing the doors to open.

"This will take us to the 10th floor. From there, you shall be esscorted to a tram station to a space elevator. I advise that you take out all personal belonings, including the AUSM passports and anything else that might be of diplomatoc ties."
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-10_13-18-54.jpeg.66c556e6698f4f48af7b44631c4dccf7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44940" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-10_13-18-54.jpeg.66c556e6698f4f48af7b44631c4dccf7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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((I was just kidding, anyway))

The diplomats revealed their passports along with a small metallic disc. Anyone who knew anything of Maq'ziquian culture would know that the disc was a starmap.
(Oh, then should I put it back up then?)


The officer looked at the items. "Please keep them out as weapprosch the security check point."

The elevator hqd stopped and the doors opened. There were scanners and several armed soldiers and security personnel. "Please drop off all belongings and walk thriugh the detectors."
((Up to you))

The Diplomats put their belongings down and walked through the detectors. They'd find no weapons, but they would find metal and an extremely high concentration of heat.
(Yea I think I'll add it back)


The metal and heat caused the metal detection alarm of the scanners go off.

All the marines pointed their assault rifles at the diplomats.

"Check them." One security officer said.

Several soldiersslung their guns across as they began frisking and doing an additional check. But nothing turned up.

"What metal are csrryung tbat you have not declared?"

There were rumors of the AUSM increasing it's military presence through out AUSM controlled space.

There were also reports of several AUSM military supply vessels making their way to a nearby AUSM military outpost. The supply ships were on a routine trip in supplying the stations and outposts with the much needed supplies to keep the stations and outposts running.
"Then I shall meet with the Senate." the All Father said. "Do you mind if I use one of these fine shuttles here? That is, unless you are not heading straight back to the capitol. I would hate to be a bother." Meanwhile, the representative had left. Once he was out if sight, he broke into a much faster pace. Eventually, he reached another space dock, one with more native pilots. Finding one that would keep his mouth shut wasn't hard, and a merchant to boot. So off the trader was sent, with his cargo of iron to be traded and a small escort to keep most pirates at bay.
One of the diplomats stated, somewhat frustrated. "Our biological composition has a temperature too extreme for most species to bear, so all Morrow wear these suits to contain our temperature and life support. None of us are military trained and it is a bit disheartening when your soldiers aim loaded weapons at our nation's leaders."

Several Neptunian pilot fish along with a Barracuda stalked the iron transport waiting for the moment to strike. That shipment would be just what Harlock needed to start the first E.R. shipyard. When the moment was right, the ships would reveal themselves and fire upon the escort.

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