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Fandom Fullmetal Rewrite


“You’ve got strong legs. You’ll get up and use them, won’t you Edward?”

Rose’s words echoed throughout Edward’s brain.

In a ballroom hundreds of feet below Central City, The Fullmetal Alchemist stood. His two arms, flesh arms, were painted with red patterns to pair with those across his chest and face; transmutation circles crafted to align with the very Grand Arcanum he stood atop. The same circle that had taken his brother away from him, and Edward was going to use it to bring him back. No matter the cost, Edward was prepared for what was surely to be his last transmutation.

By now Rose and Wrath should be close to the surface, far enough to where they wouldn’t find out just what Edward was about to do. But if or when they did, then Edward hoped they could only understand why.

Then without the stone, it was doubtful Dante could last much longer in her- no, Lyra’s body considering its state. Without the stone, Dante was destined to rot away, finally freeing Amestris from her control.

And then there was Envy, he didn’t know where the homunculi ended up, and yet…

As he recalled waking up, tears falling and Al’s name on his tongue, Edward felt something pang inside of him, as if to tell him Envy would no longer be an issue. All he’d be able to do was trust this feeling.

After all, there was so much more that Edward was about to abandon. Izumi, Mustang, Hawkeye, Ross, and so many more were caught in the midst of a power struggle against the might of a puppeted state fueled by the war and violence it perpetuated. He wouldn’t know whether they’d come out on top in the end or if this had all been for nothing.

Although for Edward, the mere possibility of reassurance was going to become nothing more than another sacrifice for the gate.

If this was going to work, he’d need to offer all he had left.

Edward's eyes remained downcast, face slack as he gazed toward the hardwood floor. His voice, once so often filled with confidence, was rendered a strained whisper as he muttered to himself.

“If what my dad said about the gate is true, Al’s old body and mine should still be there; and now his soul is there too”
|Water, thirty-five liters. Carbon, twenty kilograms. Ammonia, four liters. Lime, one point five kilograms|

“Maybe life has no equal trade. Maybe you can give up all you’ve got and get nothing back”
|Phosphorus, eight hundred grams. Salt, two hundred and fifty grams. Niter, one hundred grams. Sulphur, eighty grams|

“But Still...Even if I can’t prove it’s true, I have to try”
|Fluorine, seven point five grams. Iron, five grams. Silicon three grams. And fifteen other elements. Those are the elements to make a human body|


“For your sake, Al”

The ballroom was consumed with light, and once more Edward found himself standing before the gate. An oppressive structure of black marbled stone stood within an endless haze of yellow. Where once the sight of those grand marble doors would have struck crushing fear into the alchemist, now Edward gazed upon them, his eyes glowing with steadfast resolve.

Perhaps there was still a part of him that feared what would happen once the gate opened, yet at that moment, Edward found a strange closure in the reality of what was about to be done. He supposed it was the finality of it all. Whether he died here or ended up in that strange world on the other side, this was it.

The doors creaked open, hundreds of black spindly arms pouring out as they grabbed at the boy, dragging him towards whatever lay on the other side. Though Edward wouldn’t fight back against the force, as he was pulled further and further into the gaping maws of the gate, he found himself sparing a hesitant glance as the doors began to close behind him.

“Goodbye, Amestris”

With a bang, the doors slammed shut and Edward drowned within its darkness.

Except, he didn’t.

Inky blackness made way to what could only be described as a blinding white void, the only thing of note being the much smaller set of black doors before him.

One second he’d been at the gate but now, Edward honestly couldn’t tell you where the hell he was.

Edward lifted an arm to rake a hand through his hair, only to stop when he caught sight of it.

“My Automail?”

Busted hand and all, his right arm and left leg were no longer of flesh and blood as they had been moments before. Edward gave his wrist a hesitant flick back and forth as he mulled to himself.

“If I’m in my old body again, then did it work? Is Alphonse back in his?”

Edward didn’t exactly have any means to prove or deny such a theory, but for his own sake all he could do was take comfort in the possibility of it as he continued to examine the strange location he ended up in. Even in death, Edward couldn’t deny his curiosity.

Although considering the lack of, well anything here, the only actual examination Edward could perform was walking towards the set of doors to get a closer look.

From a distance, they did bear some similarities to the gate. Both were made from a black marble-like material and had been carved with various ornate patterns. But, where the gate depicted humanity straining to carry the weight of its existence, this door was far different in its design. In scripted into it was some kind of diagram, but Edward couldn’t tell what exactly it was meant to depict.

Slowly, Edward placed his hand against the door’s surface, only to shoot back in surprise as the doors quickly rumbled to life. Once more Edward was greeted by those black arms and began to be pulled into the other side of the door. Yet, as he struggled and writhed against their gripe, Edward could have sworn he saw someone standing across from him.


Edward called out, but it was too late. He wouldn’t be able to tell if there truly was or if it had been a mere trick of the eye, as soon enough Edward was once more greeted by the sight of black doors closing shut before him.


This was day two of the search for The Freezing Alchemist, otherwise known as Isaac McDougal. After Major Alex Armstrong’s encounter with him earlier that evening he and all of the soldiers stationed in Central were on high alert for any signs of the man on the run. With McDougal's goals to assassinate Fuhrer King Bradley known, he was a national threat, thus making it all the more imperative that they locate and detain him before it was too late.

Amongst those prowling the streets were none other than the Fullmetal Alchemist alongside his young brother. Pulled all the way from East City, their trip to Liore and any other duties were put on hold as they were reassigned to join in the effort. With their alchemical skills and prior confrontation with the man, the two brothers would surely be of monumental help.

However, they needed to find him first.

Night had long since fallen by now, Central City only illuminated by street lamps, headlights of vehicles prowling the roads, and the glow of the moon above. Naturally this made searching through the dark alleyways quite the chore, as every sound that came from the various rodents and strays had to be given the same level of scrutiny, in case it in actuality belonged to McDougal.

That’s what led fourteen year old Alphonse, seven foot armor and all, to end up in a nearby alley after hearing a loud bang come from further in. Unfortunately it didn’t seem to have come from the Freezing Alchemist, unless the little orange furred cat sitting by the dumpster was secretly him in disguise.

Alphonse knelt as gingerly as he could, extending his hand out for the little kitten to sniff.

D’awww, You’re a noisy little guy aren’t you?”

The cat would briefly hesitate, before eventually leaning in to rub against the leather of Al’s gloves. As the kitten purred, Alphonse could feel his metaphorical heart practically melt into a puddle.

“I’m sorry I can’t play with you, Brother and I are on important business right now”

He fondly gave the creature one last scratch behind the ear before pulling himself back up, the cat getting startled by sudden the clink clank of his armor and quickly darting off into the darkness.

“Still…I’m surprised a cat as small as that was able to make such a loud noise”

Alphonse hummed to himself, continuing to gaze into the alleyway. For a moment he’d take a step forward, only to stop.

“Speaking of brother, I should meet back up with him soon. Hopefully he’s found something by now…and isn’t too mad about me heading off on my own”

With one last hesitant glance towards the alleyway, Alphonse shook his head and turned around, leaving the alley’s entrance as he headed towards where he remembered Ed had last been.

Unbeknownst to Alphonse, he’d been right about one thing. That noise hadn’t come from the cat at all. Further into the alleyway a teenage boy lied passed out across the cobblestone ground, looking a total mess with his black clothes all ruffled up, blonde hair strewn about and red paint(?) smeared all over his forehead.

For whatever reason, the little orange kitten seemed to take a particular interest in the boy, bumping its adorably wet nose against his cheek.

“Nghh…” The boy mumbled, haphazardly trying to swat the kitten away. The cat gave one last playful headbutt before finally giving up and scurrying away. That was enough to fully wake the boy, as with a groan he pulled himself together. Leaned against the wall, Edward hissed as he felt an oncoming arrival of a nasty headache.

“Ugh…What happened?”

The last thing he remembered…was being in the underground city. Envy had- Envy had killed him and Alphonse brought him back to life using the stone. Then he’d told Rose to leave and-

The transmutation!

Edward shot up from the ground in a panic, nearly tripping over himself as he stumbled towards the alleyway entrance.


Only to hurriedly pull back behind the wall when he caught sight of soldiers running past. Amestrian soldiers.

This wasn’t that London place on the other side of the gate. This was Central, against all odds he was somehow still in Amestris. This realization didn’t comfort Edward, not in the slightest.

“I can’t be, it was supposed to be apart of the exchange! But if I’m here then that means he’s still-“

No, Alphonse can’t be gone, he just can’t.


In what was certainly a last ditch effort on Edward’s part, he scanned the alleyway for any signs of his brother, calling out in hope that by some miracle his fears wouldn’t come to fruition.

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