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Foreteller Fairy of the Library


Blind writer cat

The moon hung low in the sky as a boy padded across the carpeted halls of Waterford academy. The air was cold and frigid, Soodi having wished he brought a jumper with with as he wrapped his free arm around his middle. His walking stick bumped across the ground with little taps, Soodi recalling the route to the library as he took a right at the end of the hallway. The school was dead quiet at night, it was easier to navigate without all the hustle bustle muddling his senses. He kept his head low as he listened for any approaching footsteps, though so far the only thing that passed his ears was the brush of his shoes against the rugged floor. 

Soodi paused mid step as he realised he was close to the library, tightening his grip on his cane and swinging it round to search for the door. It snagged halfway, using his hand to trail down the wall until his palm enclosed around the cold metal of the door handle. The door creaked open, Soodi wincing hoping nobody heard it. Taking a small breath, he went through the words his friend had told him that morning.

After midnight and sit near the shelf on the right at the furthest row, you'll hear the helping whispers.

Well it was definitely after midnight, the deadly silence and the resounding snores of his roommate enforced this. Though usually calmed by the silence the night brought, Soodi couldn't help but feel unnerved as he counted his way through the rows. Maybe it was the dusty old book smell, or the book cases that didn't end when he smooth his hand up the side of them. However that didn't stop him from perching himself cautiously on the edge shelf, cane brandished like a weapon as he whispered crookedly into the air, "Um- am I supposed to say something now?" 
Alone in the school library at night was something she was used to. Some kind of tradition that she had started ever since the start of the year. However, it was different with how she seemed to have a requirement to come here in which she did not really mind. One of the reasons was because with the vast amount of collections in the library, it was just an endless reading session. Another purpose of her being there was give others assistance. A mystical assistance is what she called it. Unbeknowst to every single person that had heard about the whispers giving them advice about their troubles after midnight strikes in the library, she was the one that earned the nickname 'The Foreteller Fairy of The Library' in which she had actually liked it instead of calling her some kind of supernatural spirit. It was much more elegant and she thought it was very suitable in terms of her being some kind of magic humanoid being.

Tiana was snugly hidden between the gap of the shelves enough for her small body to fit as she sat with her knees close to her chest, not one would be able to notice in the darkness that only little moonlight peeked through the windows with thin curtains. Hearing the echoing footsteps inside the school library alarmed her the presence of another, hurriedly tapping into her powers and detected the person nearby. She found out that it was a male student that had a few classes with her, nothing too rare since she had even helped out her close friends through this method. There was quite a pause after he had spoken in confusion, trying to find what his problems and little by little figuring out the solution to solve his troubles.

The girl was aware of his blindness, admitting that she herself would take pity on his condition. She did not think he was bothered about it until her abilities said otherwise, blinking a few times before closing the book she was reading and placed it on her lap. In a usual manner, she spoke in a formal tone to play the part as the rumored fairy. "A rare type of guest? Ah, I see." She purposely turned quiet as if she was thinking before whispering more words that echoed inside the library. "There is no need to fret. All you require is to act convincing in front of your peers. Any other would believe that you are the same as all humans." With that, the silence returned once more. After hearing every single advice of hers had worked before, she was very confident that this one would be no different.
Masood jumped with a start at the echoing voice, taking a sharp intake of breath. He swore under his breath, having half expected this to have been some kind of joke his friends had pulled. Though the formal voice permeating through the bookshelves said otherwise. The voice sounded feminine, ringing clear with clarity he quickly decided he definitely liked the sound of the voice. He couldn't help but feel a little bristled by the 'rare' comment, instead leaning back onto the wall listening intently to the beings advice. 

Though what wisdom was given had Soodi furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "Put on a convincing act? That's a little difficult when you can't see anything," there was humor in the statement though hinted with a little bitterness. There was a pregnant pause before Soodi spoke up again, "Tell me oh great library spirit, how exactly to I act so convincing that people don't realise I'm blind?" His sarcasm was definitely seeping into his voice now, the strain of having to stay up past midnight letting him voice his usual inner monologue. This was starting to feel like yet another pity party, a patronising speech on how Soodi 'just needed to believe in himself!'
Not planning to speak anymore, she deemed that the male would have leave but instead he had refuted of her ways and seemed to want more clarification on her suggestion. She raised an eyebrow at the hint of sassiness in his tone, never did she held a conversation with him before to discover that he could be snarky to a certain extent.  How he had addressed her made her gave out a small sigh, knowing that he did not really mean her as something to be that great as what he had claimed. She scrapped her nails at the cover of the book, unsure whether she should reply to that however there was no harm to actually say more when he did not seem to be moving from his spot. There was a risk of being found out, not that fond of students to bombard her with questions that would be beyond her abilities. There is a difference in helping someone out and doing their dirty work for them.

She purposely made echoes of herself or rather the fairy clearing her throat, letting the echoes of it fade before she began to speak once more. "It seems that you are mistaken. You should not try to deny your disabled characteristic. Instead, have people think that it is only a mere trait of yours that does not hinder any of your capabilities as a normal human. Simple as that." She explained as she eyed at the direction of where he was, only able to see his shadow since if she were to, her own figure would be known as well.
Pursing his lips Soodi dug his fingernails into his palm. He supposed what they were saying was simple, but a thousand questions were flying through Soodi's head. Should I get not use my cane? Should I try and write? Should I not ask my friends to guide? Because he had resigned himself that there were some things that he just couldn't do, yet here was this omnipresent mystical being telling him that nothing had to hinder him. It sparked a little hope, Soodi having resigned himself since childhood, but if he was desperate enough to sneak out at midnight to talk to a disembodied voice he supposed he was desperate enough to take it's advice. 

He coughed awkwardly into his hand, wobbling up onto his legs. "Thanks I guess?" He said, unfolding his cane in haste to leave the library. Though he didn't feel ready to leave yet, rooted to his spot he made the quick decision to fire some quick questions into the void around him. "Do you think I should stop using my cane? Could I play sports and stuff? I just I don't-" he cut short, not wanting to air all of his insecurities to a mysterious voice. But the statement clung to the back of his mind: I don't know how to be normal.
Her face dug into her knees as she waited for his immediate departure, not exactly hearing him do so moments after and wondered why. Tiana herself wanted to get out of the library and head back to her dorm, wondering if her roommate had noticed her missing but push the thought since she was a heavy sleeper. His uncertainty was obvious from the questions he had rained on her, slowly tracing a question mark on the book when he had halted himself mid-sentence. "Although I did say to act convicing, do not do something beyond your limits." She calmly stated, the formal manner a bit loose since she had never been confronted to those who was brave enough to stay so long.

What he wanted to say was a completely mystery to her, unable to use her power since that will exert herself. It was already past midnight and she would soon need a good night's rest, hoping that none other will seek out the fairy's help. He was really a rare guest of hers in various aspects, one that she had suddenly taken interest on because of his behavior rather than his odd feautre. In her opinion, there was no need for him to hide the fact that he was blind from others. Everyone who knew him was aware and he surely only desire to change the views of his close friends on how they treated him, hoping that what she had provided would be enough to help the male.
He let out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding at the voices words, lowering his cane to the floor to make a quick retreat. He stumbled out into the corridor with no further words, feeling optimistic about the advice given to him albeit a little anxious. Walking back to his room, Soodi pondered on the seemingly mystical experience he just had. It was strange that this seem to be a well guarded tale among students, fiercely protected against those who mocked the helping whisperer. It was almost strange how the teachers had never investigated something so supernatural, maybe the voice only helped students. Maybe it was a teacher secretly counselling students behind a bookcase. Whatever the source was, Soodi was intrigued and entranced. 

He slowed his steps as he came to room, his roommate, Toby, having set up braille numbering under the door plate so Soodi could always check he was in the right place. Out of forced habit he trailed his fingers over the braille, smile etching into his features as he opened the door carefully so not to disturb his Toby. Yet it was difficult to disturb someone who could probably sleep through a bombing, Toby's obnoxious snoring causing Soodi to buy ten packs of earplugs. Folding up his cane before popping his earplugs in, Soodi rolled into bed feeling a little less helpless. 
There was a soft sigh that escaped from her as she carefully stood up and remove herself from the gap of the shelves to peek at him leaving, the silhouette of his fading little by little. Tiana brushed the dust off her skirt that had collected a bit while she had stilled there, running her fingers through her locks of deep black hair as she adjusted herself to look proper. Searching for her book bag that she had left nearby her feet, she kept the book that she had held onto although it was not really registered as borrowed. She was the school librarian, she could do that tommorow morning while on duty before and in between classes. Once everything was in order and she thought Soodi would be far enough from the library to see anyone going out from it after him did she decided to leave the building, locking it behind her which she was supposed to do but it prevents people from breaking in and vandalizing the library just to see the fairy.

It took a few minutes for her to reach her dorm and finally her own room, slowly turning the dorm and peeking into the dark room which her eyes were able to adjust quickly due to how used to she was in doing this. She tiptoed inside and head straight to her closet, hanging her sweater after she swiftly removed it then jump onto her bed that was just beside. She cuddled herself into the covers while she laid on her side, her roommate, Layla sleeping quite soundly on the bed across hers and she herself closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.
High pitched beeping blared out, shaking Soodi out of his slumber. The blaring rang in his ears, making him groan as he reached out an arm to slam out on the alarm clock. Rubbing at his eyes, he could feel the bags hanging below them while his limbs felt like logs. The midnight meeting with the magic voice must have gone on longer than he expected, Soodi practically rolling out of his bed. The usual fumble to find his glasses began around the same time he heard Toby start to stir, no doubt seeking a cup of coffee. 

Perching his glasses in the normal place, Soodi went about dressing himself for the day, having no trouble finding his school clothes. He had the plan of his room mapped into his mind now, Toby helping him conveniently place things at the beginning of the school year. The pair had been roommate for two years now, Toby having long grown used to Soodi's predicament, though still prone to some worry in certain situations.

Soodi perched on the end of his bed, haphazardly running his hands through his hair hoping it would resemble something that looked fashionable. Whatever fashionable was. He heard a chuckle from the otherside of the room, hearing Toby's approaching footsteps Soodi lowered his hands.

"Let me do it, you're gonna be walking around with permanent bedhead otherwise," Toby mocked, his Irish accent thicker in the mornings. Soodi quickly batted his hands away, feeling the confusion radiate off of Toby. Soodi recalled the words of the voice the night before, eyebrows furrowed at he returned to his hair with his own hands. 

"I can do it myself," he said a little firmer than he intended. He felt Toby back away, his warm presence faltering. "Are you sure? No offense Soodi but you-" Soodi cut him off quickly with a glare, Toby not having to make eye contact with the boy to know it was for him. 

Soodi went to breakfast that morning with his hair in an awkward array, refusing Toby's offering to help guide him to the lunch hall. Instead he gracelessly fumbled stuttered his way through the crowds with his cane. So far he only felt more tired and embarrassed then empowered, Toby having to eventually guide him to the correct table where Soodi knocked back two large mugs of coffee. He let out a sigh, feeling less determined then he did when he first woke up. 
Tiana looked back at her own reflection on the mirror, her bed hair making it obvious that she had just woken up as well as the bags below her eyes accompanying it. Layla nudged her by the shoulder with her elbow as she collected her things for a shower, pausing for a while before turning around with a smile. "Wha...?" She managed to murmur in her very exhausted state even after some sleep, rubbing her eyes a little bit. While her roommate went to bed early, she was an early bird as well and was all prepared to get class, after having breakfast that is. "Wow. Reading late again?"  Her roommate responded with a hint of snark, hands on her hips as she tapped the floor with her foot and tilted her head just a little bit. The student librarian gave her a small nod, hurrying it up to not waste time for both of them and head to the showers. She was refreshed when she returned to her room, fixing up everything and soon was ready to go. Layla was playing with her phone while she waited, sighing as the girl pretended that everything was fine as how practically every single morning goes like that.

Layla was sure that Tiana had let out the world's most loudest yawn as they were walking to the lunch hall, giggling to see that people around them had heard them with her roommate just blushing in response. "Really bad night?" She inquired since that was the only thing different from before, the lunch hall already in their view. The black-haired girl let out a short hum, shaking her head as she smiled at yesterday's events. "No. Just... different?" She had said as if it was a question, not being sure herself which in return made her roommate giggle some more. It was truly unusual for her to stay more than a few minutes after midnight in the library, students easily getting creeped out and fleeing without ever turning back around.

The two of them soon entered the mixed lunch hall, both males and females of the student body being present and the whole place filled with chatter. Once they had got their breakfast trays, the two sat on a table actually not far from Soodi in which Tiana had not yet noticed, Layla being excited about some kind of boy band and she was the one who needs to listen even when she held no interest of it or whatsoever.
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The dining hall was alive with chatter, Soodi having zoned out as he picked at his food. He has scooped up his own food that morning, despite Toby's protests Soodi was still determined to get through the day with as little help as possible. However that meant he wasn't actually particularly sure what he had smushed onto his plate, opting instead to pick ideally at the mystery food. 

Toby wasn't subtle with his sighing, dramatically retelling the story of how Soodi had been so moody when innocent Toby so willing to help was cast aside by his so called friend. "Come on man let me fix your hair at least, it looks like a bird nested in it!" Toby lamented, stuffing bread rolls into his bag to keep him lasting through the day. Soodi grimaced at his plate, turning his face in the general direction of where he heard Toby's voice, "I don't know what it looks like so why should I care?" He snapped back, letting out a sigh of his own before gulping down some more of his over sugared coffee. Toby seemed to quieten after that , dramatics falling flat as Soodi's frustrated aura.  The blind boy realised too late that he had risen his voice above what he meant, some of the other students around him also having fallen quiet. 
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Tiana was in a pattern of nodding her head at her friend and continuing to munch on her breakfast, a simple egg sandwich which she had a tendency of buying every day. Her legs were lightly kicking in the air under the table, restraining a sigh to avoid from offending the girl who seem so passionate on whatever she was talking about at the moment. She was sure her roommate had already gone through various topics, not really able to catch up with her enthusiasm.

The sound of a male's voice at a nearby table suddenly being louder than he should made the librarian jumped, her eyes widening before slowly recognizing the voice. It had brought both of the girls attention to him, "Hey, it's the blind kid. What's up with him?" She blinked at her friend, eyeing him while returning her focus to the girl that seemed to wait for an answer from her.  "And why are you asking me?" She replied with a slight hint of being apprehensive, not realizing how she sounded like herself. They were not even trying to whisper, being used to the loud mixed voices drowing it down. While Layla found it odd of her to act that way, she continued onto what she had furiously discussed about although her friend's focus was elsewhere, on a certain student that looked like he did not made any effort in getting dressed.
Soodi could feel the tension around him, resorting to picking at his food again. A hand curled around his shoulder, the gentle squeeze alerting Soodi it was another one of his friends other than Toby. "Are you okay?" Martha, the aforementioned friend asked lowly her hand retreating while Soodi continued to circle his food around the plate. He only sighed and briefly shook his head, Martha leaving the conversation for the time being. "You're mixing mashed potato and cucumbers together by the way," she opted for light hearted banter instead, drawing some attention away from Soodi and his earlier outburst. Soodi cracked a petite smile at that, while Martha palmed a breakfast bar into his hand. 

"Did you do the thing last night?" She carried on, munching on her own breakfast bar. The girl had been the one in the first place to recommend the legend of the foreteller fairy, having had a supernatural experience herself in third year. "Yeah," Soodi replied around a mouthful of breakfast bar, "It was... weird. To be honest I can't believe it was actually real." He recalled how he had basically jumped out of his skin when the voice permeated through the bookcases. "It told me to show people that my characteristic doesn't hinder me," the tale was told with the same confusion he felt that night, with a sour hint. Martha hummed, urging him to continue. "It's just I've tried that this morning and all I've got is tangled hair and mushed up potatoes and cucumber!" He punctuated the statement by waving his fork at said dish. "Maybe you're taking the advice wrong?" Martha offered, words still muffled by oats. "Yeah but I'm blind! Of course it hinders me," Soodi took another large bite of his breakfast bar, sighing as he went. Maybe he could visit the fairy again, maybe he wasn't clear enough with his questions. 
Tiana was trying very hard to focus on what they were saying, never had she heard her advice in progress of 'working' is what she assumed. The disturbance of everyone talking at the same time made it much difficult, only able to make out some words which made no sense to her. "You're eating your fingers." A sudden voice entered her head before realizing that she was indeed nibbling on her own digits, wondering when did she had finished her sandwich. The girl looked at her friend who seems to have this look of concern, smiling to assure everything was alright.

A thought of curiousity sprang to her mind, wanting to hear what the two had talked about even though she knew it was a bit of invasion of privacy. Well, she pretty much had done it for years so why would this be wrong anymore. Tapping into her powers once more, she opted to figure out what they were saying before. The problem is, she was in a crowd which she did not realized that she have not yet tried in the kind of situation before. At first, the information coming to her was just the same before more things came flooding into her mind which she had not asked for. She was experiencing a growing head ache and winced, standing up quickly and tried to endure it while she picked up her things. "I have to go." With that, she ran out to somewhere much quiter and Layla hurriedly followed in worry.
There was a bash followed by the screech of a chair, brisk retreating footsteps bringing Soodi out of his conversation and onto the noise. He craned around to better pick up what was going on, wandering if someone had fallen. Alerted by a panic stricken voice Soodi tapped Martha on the arm, asking what had happened. Matha leaned back into her chair, skimming over the situation before reporting back to Soodi. "Tiana Heinsburg from English just walked out and some other girl ran after her, nothing too interesting." Martha prattled, having scrunched both hers and Soodi's wrapper into a tight ball now ideally aiming to throw it into Toby's coffee mug (who was still sulking after Soodi's outburst at him). 

Tiana Heinsburg, the name rang a bell. Soodi tried to picture her voice, muffled muted chimes ringing clear in his ears as he tried to recall some of the things she had said in English. "Is she the one who works in the library?" Soodi piped up over Toby, now having discovered Martha's game, bickering with Martha. Martha put her attention back on Soodi, further frustrating Toby, "Yeah, she's in there all the time." Toby face suddenly dropped, hand gripping his hair, "Crap that reminds me! I forgot to hand in my library book!" Both arguments now forgotten, Toby dragged both his friends to his feet, shoving Soodi's walking stick into his chest whilst dragging them both along. "Come on there's 20 minutes left before first bell, I can get it in before I get fined for the book!" 
Tiana was panting heavily as she kneeled on the grass covered ground, finding herself in the garden near to the library. The members of The Garderning Club always tended to the place, the reason the scenery was so beautiful and peaceful as well. Layla approached her with a sigh when she finally found her friend just lying down on her back with her eyes closed, sighing at the sight. "Are you okay? Did you have to do that to go to the library?" She questioned, somewhat tired as her arms folded in front of her body. The girl was somewhat used to her running away to do her librarian duties, guessing that was the case for this time as well. The librarian gave her a nod, sitting up and faced her. "Well, I'll be off then." She added before walking away after a pat on her head, remembering that she needed to do something. Their first class was together so she was not that worried on seeing her roommate again.


Unlocking the library, she calmly entered the building as she took a deep breath. The overwhelming inaudible whisperes were still crawling around her mind, her head slightly throbbimg because of it as she let herself fall onto the librarian's chair behind the checkout desk. Remembering that she had borrowed a book yesterday, she began writing her name on the card at the back of the book before keeping it in the drawer. Feeling slightly woozy, she rested her forehead against the desk as she waited if there was any returning books.
Trying to catch his breath as both him and Martha were hauled into the library, Soodi barely had time to unfold his cane before Toby was briskly tugging him across the library. The atmosphere of the library in the morning contrasted somewhat with the library during night. The hushed chatter, musty smell and bright lightening was somewhat comforting compared to the eerie silence and pitch black void. Lighting difference had an effect on Soodi's awareness, the only thing his eyes could detect behind his misty glaze was light variation, everything else was pretty much null and void. 

Having dazed off Soodi was brought around when a sharp elbow to the side from Toby, who as far a Soodi could make out was also hurriedly trying to find his book in his bag from all the rustling. "Soodi did you see my book back in our room?" Toby asked, the rustling abruptly halting once Toby realised his mistake. Martha attempted to stop herself from crumpling down into laughter while Soodi's face soured. "No Toby I did not see your book back at the room." Martha lost it at that, doubling over in a fit of giggles while Toby tried stuttered out an apology. Soodi only sighed, a small smile etched into his features while Martha calmed herself down. "Looks like you're just gonna have to tell the library you lost their book," Soodi chimed out mockingly as he used his cane to guide himself to the front desk. He could hear the idle breathing of the librarian, Tiana he remembered as his cane hit the front desk. "Hi, my friend had a book to return but he has something he needs to tell you." Soodi could hear Toby indignantly squawking behind him as Soodi spoke to the librarian. 

(OOC: It's okay if you want to control Martha or Toby, they're only minor so I don't mine)
Once she heard the echoing footsteps once again, this time in midday, Tiana lifted her head and gave a bright smile to the oncoming students. Her eyes widened for a moment to noticed it was Soodi as well as his small group of friends, trying very hard to not look somewhat suspicious in her behaviour. She watched the blind boy's actions mostly, how he seemed more calmed in the atmosphere compared to before and she could understand with the library being similar as a home for her. Quickly taking a book nearby after some time, she pretended to read while her focus was on when they will approach her. Their conversation that took place was a mystery for her, only being able to hear the girl's amused laughter and wondered the reason. The tapping sound of his cane made her look up at him, smiling warmly out of habit even though he could not actually see it.

Listening to what he has to say, she tilted her head a bit to look at the male that had made an odd noise behind him. "And the friend would be the one behind you?" She questioned with her voice slightly confused but remained its cheerfulness, able to guess what it will be about since it was not that hard and she had been doing the job for a few years already. Closing her book and placing on the side, she went to the computer to open the list of checked out books that has not been. "Is he going to come here?" She asked Soodi, a bit wary of her words with him for some reason that she was not sure herself.
Soodi nodded at her tentative question, fingers absentmindedly brushing across the smooth surface of the desk. "Yeah just give him a second-" Soodi paused twisting round so his voice could reach Toby, "Toby how long does it take you to return a book?" Toby approached quickly at that, elbowing Soodi sharply in the arm before sliding up to the front desk. He cleared his throat, Soodi's smirk already growing. "Well you see," Toby's accent had softened, a trait of his whenever he was in trouble or flirting, this situation being the former. "It seems I may have misplace my book.." 

As Toby rambled on Soodi pondered on Tiana's voice. He felt such a strong sense of deja-vu when she spoke in lilting soft tones, though he couldn't quite place it. He reasoned it was from the absent memory of her voice in class, but that didn't sit right in his mind. Possibly done speeches in assemblies, maybe it was just a distant memory of her tone from coming into the library. Soodi couldn't quite let it go, wanting to hear Tiana's voice a couple more times before he left the library. Toby having finished his rambling, dejectedly at that (Soodi had zoned out for the last part of his conversation with Tiana) Soodi gently leaned forward onto the desk, accidentally knocking Tiana's book. "Sorry! I was just, I remember you from English and I was wondering if... we had any homework? I can't remember." Soodi inwardly cringed at himself, hopelessly trying to straighten the book he had knocked over though he could see it much less find where it had fallen on the expansive desk. 
Tiana watched the boy's brisk approach, a quiet gasp as the blind male was being elbowed by her friend and soon he was right in front of her. Well, this was not really something she would experience every day when someone had lost the book they wanted to return. Her smile remained as she listened to what basically excuses he had to offer, used to the behavious and happily nodded along as if she had understood his predicament.

When she was about to respond after the mumbling male had finished speaking, there was a small shriek as her book suddenly slid over to her and she managed to catch it from falling off the desk after standing up. Her attention was mostly away from Soodi so she was not really sure why he did that but his flustered words returned her smile as well as taking her mind of the thought, taking the book in her hands and wanting to calm him down. "No worries. I got it already." She lightly tapped the book at his knuckles while his searching hands moved about all over her desk, unable to refrain herself from softly giggling. "English? Let me see..." It was just a short pause before she continued, hugging the book on her chest. "I don't think so." She casually replied before turning towards the male beside him. "And you. Toby, right? If you want, I can give you another day but not more than that. I can't really help you anymore if you really can' find the book." She mentioned with a bright smile, sitting back down as she typed his name into the computer and picked out the one that was about to overdue. As a librarian, she would usually be lenient though did try to not let other students took advantage of her too much.
Soodi pulled his hands back down to his side after Tiana lightly tapped his knuckles with her book, a smile stretching across his lips at the small gesture. Her laugh was cute, not that Soodi was listening that closely. He did however try and keep his ears open as she spoke, trying to place her tone somewhere in his memory. "Okay, thank you," he murmured in reply to her help, Toby practically falling over the desk in thanks to her leniency. Soodi stood a couple more seconds, stiffly at that as Toby skipped back to Martha to tell her what Tiana had said. "Thanks again, I'll see you in English." He hoped he sounded less awkward, attempting a smile in her general direction before zooming round with his stick hitting the desk with a clang. Soodi cringed at himself, apologizing quickly again then briskly marching towards his friends. 

He endured the relentless teasing from his friends as they dawdled to their first class, Martha zipping off quickly to physics when the first bell chimed out. Soodi had French first, which went relatively slowly with his teacher's droning voice cutting through the dead silence of the class. He typed away at his braille writer with little urgency, silently thanking his parents for buying him the quieter edition for his birthday. His next class was English, Soodi a little more eager to arrive so he could try and place Tiana's voice again, the paranonia of not being able to work out her tone in his mind itching at the back of his brain. 
Tiana was relieved herself to see the blind male having eased up after her attempt, her eyes glimmering as she changed the information on the library's registry for Toby since she assume that he will surely hand the book in the next day. Her attention returned to the two soon after she was done, beaming at his gratefulness as she noted the way he returned to their female friend. "Anytime. See you in English." She responded before making a light huff of amusement at his clumsiness, hoping that she had not offended him in any way. She waved them goodbye, forgetting for a moment the fact that he was blind and would not be able to exactly see what she was doing, slapping her own forehead after a pause of the realization once they were completely out of sight.

Seeing that they had left her alone in the library reminded her that she had her own class coming up soon, she packed up most of her things while most of her novels were left alone in the drawers of her desk. Tiana's first class was Math though she would not exactly say it was her favorite subject, being terrible at numbers or calculations even when her life is at stake. The teacher had a tendency to call upon students to answer questions and seemed to see herself to be bless to have the easiest question, doing it without any trouble. As class ended, she parted from her roommate and took her seat in English class which was somewhat right in the middle of the room.
Cane tapping along the ground, Soodi declined any help offered as he found his way to his seat, fairly close to the front of the room so he could hear what the teacher was saying at all times. His English teacher was probably one of the best when it came to Soodi's disability, speaking loud and with clarity minus the patronizing tone so Soodi could take clear notes. Finding his seat with little hindrance, Soodi pulled his notes from his bag along with his braille writer, the contraption plonking on the table with a thud. He idly wondered where Tiana the librarian was, or if she could read braille. He didn't think the library didn't have any braille books, maybe he could ask her next time he was there. 

Staring straight ahead he trailed his fingers over his notes, doing some light revision before class started. The room was filled with muttered chatter, the teacher running late from his morning briefing. Soodi leaned back in his chair, fighting with himself if he should go and seek out the librarian, giving her another half executed excuse just so he could work out where he heard her voice before. Soodi inwardly sighed at himself, getting attached to problems with paranoia at the seams was a habit he just couldn't seem to kick. 
While she did not make a habit of staring at the students that was entering the classroom, Tiana could not help but search for Soodi as the room was slowly filled. He was finally sat not that far from her, being directly in front of her but seperated by another person in between them. She was observing him at first as he had casually brought out his braille writer along with his notes, eyes widening to ponder whether it was quite light for him to carry that thing every class he goes.

Although she had decided to not talk to those that had comforted themselves to the fairy the day before, she had just spoken to the blind male and he did not seem to be able to tell. She tapped at the shoulder of the person right in front of her, requesting for an exchange of their seating and was glad that she had no qualms in heeding what she had asked of. Not having brought out her study materials just yet, it was convinient to just get up with her bag and sit back down where she was now facing her last client's back. Leaning in with a grin, she did the same to grab his attention before beginning to whisper to him. "You're name is Masood, right?" She inquired in a soft manner after having recalled his name, hoping her sudden approach did not seem to odd.
The light tap on his shoulder gave Soodi a start, bringing him out of his reverie. It took him a few seconds to realise Tiana was talking to him, her soft voice quietened down into a whipser. "Yeah, but you can just call me Soodi," he replied with his own hushed whisper, leaning back further into his chair so he could hear her better. "Your name is Tiana?" He already knew but he felt it would come off odd if he just started using her name like they'd known each other for years. "Um- thanks for letting my friend have an extra day on his book, he's kind of forgetful!" He trailed off into a chuckle, still bothered about the voice conundrum.

Feeling restless about the whole thing, Soodi had to get something out or it was going to drive him crazy. "We- uh, haven't done something together in the past or anything? Like a group project maybe because your voice just sounds really familiar and I can't place it," he gave her a crooked smile, an awkward twist rising into his posture. 

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