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Fantasy Forest of mythicals!


New Member
~Based on an Idea I had the other day~

So, I would usually have an opening paragragh or two for such roleplays, however, I couldn't think of one fitting enough, so apologize in advance! However, to begin with, this roleplay is basically one where you roleplay a mythical creature of sorts, living amongst the walls of this forest inwhich they all call home. However, some daring humans venture to this forest, some creatures will welcome them, others prevent them leaving with their life, perhaps yours may even find love within a human? Or, perhaps just another mythical creature which roam these woods will be their significant other? Whatever it is, life here is always changing and filled with magic, or darkness! So, where shall you begin?

~Form for Mythicals~


Mythical type:

Household setting {Tree, cottage, tunnel, lake, etc}:





~Form for humans~






Will they stay, or leave the forest:

Will they fall in love with a Mythical:

My form:

Name: Spring

Mythical type: Spirit of Spring

Household setting {Tree, cottage, tunnel, lake, etc}: A cottage located in a small clearing/meadow amongst the misty forest

Crush: Open, preferable human

Age: Immortal, around 9081

Appearence: https://i.paigeeworld.com/user-media/1429142400000/552f802819fedff504735028_552f8424eb1b1c715704c0de_rz.jpg

Personality: Very sweet, and caring of others, hence why many humans go to her for help and warmth beside the fire which burn within her cottage. She'll always be smiling, but, will always stick up for what is right, evem if she has to go against her own will, needs or happiness.

Name: Ashely Joans

Age: 16

Personality: Daring, brave, boastful at times and sometimes not very modest of her past times. She ventures to the forest for thrill, and adventure, and to return with the head of one of it's residence, but ends up finding she really doesn't have much say in fate

Gender: Female

Appearence: http://data3.whicdn.com/images/63396048/large.jpg

Will they stay, or leave the forest: Stay

Will they fall in love with a Mythical: Can be human, or a mythical, only time may tell!!

Spring sat upon one of the wooden benches in her garden; a garden only she knew of, located in the centre of the forest. Her dirty blonde locks blew in the movement of the wind, swaying back and forth, left and right, lightly. She sat crossed leg upon the bench, blue orbs shut, flower-coated vines growing around about the garden, flowers blooming beautifully, and trees sprouting from the earth. Her gem, a emerald green, flower-shaped gem, hung around her neck, glowing with a green tinted aura.

Ashley walked through the woods, the leaves and branches crunching under her feet, her both hand held in front of her pushing all the branches that were in her way away. "Forest of mythicals- more like forest of trees!" she shouted "why did i even come here!"​
Nate was outside playing with yarn ball,until he heard someone yelling and saw a human,so he quickly turned cat and went into a ball.
Ashley's backpack belt was slowly slipping down her right arm. Before it could fall she grabbed both the belts and put the heavy, full backpack on er back. Once her head turned forwards again she noticed a ginger kitten appearing out of nowhere. Her orbs rested on the cat as she hesitated for a few moments before walking towards the kitten avoiding the leaves and branched that kept getting in her way. Once she reached the cat she crouched down and ran her long, slender fingers across it's head gently, a soft smile forming on her bright pink lips. "What's a kitten like you doing out here?" she said quietly in a amusing voice.

Nate started to feel relaxed when the human touched him then he uncurled and jumped on the humans head still in cat form.

A giggle escaped her mouth when the ginger, tabby feline jumped on her head. She took off her backpack and un-zipped it, searching for something. She got her hand out holding a can of tuna fish. "I hate fish anyways" she mumbled and opened the can. "Are you hungry?" she asked as she showed the can in front of him to see i he would like it first.

Spring finally left her garden and started walking towards a river. Before she could get there; she heard a voice close by. Her blue orbs stretched wide with curiosity as she gently moved the leaves away from her view and she spotted a human with a familiar kitten. Oh Nate, just do not let her know you are a mythical creature! She can't know, she can't tell anyone!

She thought frowning worriedly.​
Nate noticed Spring and saw the worried look on her face.She obviously didn't want him to say anything,then the girl showed him tuna.Tuna will keep him quiet so he started eating the Tuna fish.

Spring sighed in relief, glad that he noticed her and still slightly worried. What if she finds someone. She shook the thought off and moved back one step as she accidently stepped on a twig that cracked under her foot. Her pupils narrowed slightly, her teeth pressed together in panic.

Ashley blinked happily a wide smile held on her pink lips. Before she could close her bag again the snap sound of a twig cought her attention. She frowned and carefully started moving towards the sound a dagger held in her right hand.​
Revnoir could be found in the trees, watching the situation with golden eyes. He had his swords attached to the sheathes on his hips and he held them in place to keep them from rattling in the subtle breeze. His eyes reflected the light, making them seem as if they glowed dimly. It would be hard to find him, but his eyes would be the only thing you'd see if you managed to pinpoint him. His pupils became slits then circles, then settled as normal orbs as he focused his sight on the girl with the dagger.

Xillia wandered the outer edges of the forest, still not quite brave enough to venture any deeper than her current position. The only weapon she had with her, regrettably, were her shoes. What if she was
secretly your abuela? Moving on, she tiptoed through the forest, excitement making her movements a bit louder than one would expect for a tiptoeing girl.

(If the font is too small or anything just say so, I'll change that.)

A man was chasing Zacharie, as he sprinted through the trees, the man's wallet in his hand. The man refused to pay for his last product, so Zacharie took it upon himself to get payment. It was only fair... yet this customer reacted badly, pulling out a large stick, and chasing him with it. They had been running for at least thirty minutes, Zacharie tripping and falling, yet still staying ahead. Finally, Zacharie hides under a fallen tree, curled up in fetal position.


Zacharie stayed silent, clutching the stolen wallet. His grin under his mask increased, as his pursuer gave up, heading the other direction. He snickered, sitting up, and counting the amount of money he had gotten away with.

Spring backed away slowly, her head repeatedly swiped side to side untill a idea lit up in her mind. She moved both her arms back and sprinted them forwards, her fingers tightened together as several vides came cracking through the ground forming a huge monster puppet she now had control of.

A roar escaped the monster's mouth "You better run little one, or else you will end up like the rest of the explorers.." it said-of course, still under Spring's control

Ashley's eyes grew wide, her hazel orbs resting on the monster. Both her arms held down as her head was lifted up. "That is-" she trailed off trying to find the fitting word. "Awesome!" she finally exclaimed after a long hesitation, a wide smile formed on her lips

Zacharie stood up after counting out almost three hundred credits. Easy deal.

"This place is nice. Maybe I'll find more junk to sell."

He grinned extra wide, exploring the forest, picking up any artifacts, shiny rocks, or other interesting, easy to sell junk. It was a gold mine! He could never leave this place! And nobody to be seen! All for him! So many credits... Zacharie caught himself drooling at wealth, as he tumbled around, adventuring happily.

Spring sighed, rolling her eyes realizing the girl was fearless. She let go of the vines as they were slowly slipping away. "Fine, i give up. Your... fearless." Spring said slightly surprised at the same time. She walked closer to Ashley taking her left with her right hand. "I'm Spring by the w-" before she could end the sentence, she noticed another human picking up everything that was in his way. her orbs flashed towards the human, one arms raised in front of her as the vines curled together once again. The 'monster' wrapped its huge fingers around the human roaring. "What do you think you are doing!?" Spring spoke in a voice filled with rage.

Ashley was pretty shocked and excited at the same time, all of this was actually real! The legends.. everything!​
Missy sat by the lake with her feet inside. She looked down at the water and seen tiny fish's swimming around. She moved the water with her fingers to mess with them.

Zacharie becomes nervous, sweating. He chuckles nervously.

"Heehhhe... uhmm, well, I'm.. pff.. eugh.." He thought a second, and then smiled politely under his mask, his voice shaking a little from fear, yet confident and convincing at the same time.

"Helping the environment! All this junk on the ground.. it's killing the.. plants."

He chuckled again nervously, scratching his head a little, and then pulling at his turtleneck in fear.
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Revnoir watched it all unfold from his position on a thick tree branch. He didn't look too impressed, but he did give the girl credit for making such a large object move like that. After all, all he could do was move shadows and even then, it wasn't too grand. Other than that, his only abilities were for combat. Better sight, quick movement, silent steps, things of the sort. After awhile, his abilities had grown boring to him. If only he could find something to entertain him...

Xillia shrieked when she heard the loud noises coming from deeper inside the forest. She hesitantly took a few steps closer, silently wondering whether it was worth it. She always loved seeing things that were as if they were straight out of fairy tales, but half of her was screaming at her to just leave the forest already. She had a feeling it would become dangerous, but she followed her heart anyway. She quickly made her way towards the loud noises coming from deep inside the forest.
Candy walked into the forest. "If I don't come back alive he's dead," she mumbled to herself and looked back to her friend Camron. "Trees,trees, and , more trees," she said to herself. "I give up," she said loudly and sat on a tree stump.

Spring studied him for a moment still holding him. "nice try, but in case you didn't know, no one knows about our forest!" Spring said between her teeth that were pressed against eachother. She could feel the forest had more humans walking through it.She sighed finally giving up. "Fine! Leave the forest and never come back or stay" she said the monster uncurling and disapeared into the ground dropping the human on the ground.

(Go ahead guys, just jump in if you want, or RP with another roleplayer :D )​
Nate was so tired of being on top of the stranger's head so he hopped on Springs head."Hello Springy" Nate whispered.
Missy decided to see what was going on. She came across spring. "Hey what's going on?" She questioned as she glanced at the human then back at spring
Jacob woke up in his wolf form and stretched out his muscles. He finished stretching and strolled out of his cave. He liked the silence that surrounded his home but at sometimes it could be boring. So he set off to get his morning meal and maybe some of lunch too before he meets up with the others. He heard soft footsteps and he quickly stopped. He heard them say something but he was too away. He got down low so they wouldn't see him and crept towards them. He saw a girl sitting on a tree stump all alone. He changed into his human form and walked up to her.

"Hello are you lost"

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Filiatum slowly flew over grass in bright light beam, he looked around, some very quiet squeal could be heard, he flied in way of and found little blue bird, laying on grass, some stick falled on it wing, and it couldn't fly, Filiatum took away the stick, and putted bird on tree, it flyied away, sometimes crashing intho trees, Filiatum said:

Revnoir's tall black fox ears twitched when he heard the cat talk, as quiet as it was he still heard the whisper. Do they know each other..? He growled lowly to himself, barely audible. He switched angles, jumping onto another tree. The only sign that he was there was the subtle bristle of leaves as they were pushed away so that he could see. He was being clumsier than usual, letting a few leaves fall from the branch he stood on. How boring... He watched with golden irises as the event unfolded. What it unfolded into, that was what might be worth his while, but there was no way of guaranteeing that. For all he knew, it could end up with him wandering the forest as usual. But... If the cards were dealt right, then he may just find his solution to his seemingly never-ending boredom. Now that would entertain him.
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