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Fantasy Forest of mythicals!

Zacharie felt uncomfortable with so many monsters staring at him. Sure, he'd normally leave, and run, but this place had so many valuables... and it was quite nice.. and no other humans? Jesus, this was just begging for him to stay here....

Spring hesitated for a small while glaring at Zacharie "name?" she asked with one raised brow. Before she could repeat the question she noticed Nate on top of her head. "Hey Natey, how are you?" she asked rubbing her fingers under his chin her other hand waved to Missy, a warm smile formed on her lips. "Hi Missy, nothing much, just a few traspassers" she replies.

Ashley slightly glared at Zacharie. he looked a little familiar.. he was a human too so it could be possible she saw him in town before. (Could Ashley like know.. about Zacharie who is a thief, perhaps she saw him before out the window or so?)​
Xillia ended up behind a tree, watching it all go down. She made sure to keep hidden, worried that she might spur a negative reaction like the other did. Her orange attire wasn't the best for hiding, so it wouldn't be hard to see her despite her position behind a tree. She peeked out, scowling a bit.

Revnoir watched silently, his tail flicking subtly careful not to move too many leaves and make too much noise.
(Zacharie's not really as known as a theif as he is somewhat a legend. Sure, he steals some things, but he is well known for his items, in which he sold in his stands that sprung up in random, strange locations, and sold mystical or amazing items to those with enough credits/money to pay for them. His masks are seen in books, on a statue, in posters, paintings, etc.)

"I am Zacharie.." He said somewhat confidently.
Missy nodded her head towards spring. "Okay and you." Missy pointed at zacharie. "Why have you wondered this far into the forest?"
"Heheh, well this crazy guy was attacking me, and he chased me into here. I was trying to find my way out. Heh."
Missy gave him a cold look. "How do I know youre not lying?" Missy pointed to an item. "It looks like you're trying to steal items from the forest." Missy crossed her arms over her chest.
Revnoir watched, and almost felt insulted at their words. Stealing isn't as bad as you make it seem... He sighed quietly and kept his eyes on the scene.
"PPffht, nooo, noo! Not.. stealing.. not at all." He drops the item she pointed to on the ground, grinning under his mask, and also sweating from fear.
He shivered at that look. These things had more power than him. Sure he could pull out a quick spell, or even his baseball bat, but he was afraid it wouldn't last him very long. He tried to go along with them, avoiding death for the moment.
Nate jumped off springs head and went twords Zacharie,"If you try anything I'll destroy you" Nate whispered to him
Zacharie's eyes behind the mask would become horrified. He was just trying to make a living. It wasn't even really stealing, as the junk lay all over the ground, where nobody touched it anyway. He let out a huff of terrified breath, shaking a little. He couldn't fight, he realized. Every single one of them had backup. There was no escape for him. He'd be caught if he left, and caught if he stayed. There was no hope for him, and he looked down a little, whimpering. These creatures surrounded him. They were everywhere. Zacharie was screwed.
This was getting out of hand... Revnoir decided to speak up. "Isn't this a little unfair, here? The poor guys getting interrogated by you all, you shouldn't gang up on the poor thing." Revnoir said, jumping down to a lower branch to be seen now. His ears twitched, waiting to see if they even heard him.
Missy looked at revnoir. "I don't think its a little unfair. Its his fault that wandered this far into the forest.
"So you assume he's here to harm..? What you should really be doing is giving him a warning and letting him leave with a slap on the wrist. Not forcing useless answers out of him." He said, a tinge of annoyance present in his smooth voice. His tail slowly lashed from side to side, his annoyance slowly growing just by watching the situation. It irked him that these people were less than understanding.
Missy gave him an annoying look. "Then you deal with him then." She walked away annoyed. Before she left she splashed water on revnoir and zacharie.
"What a temper she has..." Revnoir muttered under his breath, his sharp gaze locking onto Zacharie. He didn't look angry, but... He looked pretty intense.
Nate knew the guy was right so he jumped onto Zachorie's head and whispered into his ear,"Sorry I'm new at this I'm only 8.That's pretty young for this"
Zacharie smiled nervously. "It's fine. I can never hold grudges against anyone, especially anyone of the feline species." Before anyone could see his face, at an insane, and unnatural speed, he switched to his cat mask, and patted Nate's head. He suddenly noticed Revnoir's gaze, and gulped.
Missy stopped walking and turned around. Once she got back to the group she apologized. "Sorry you guys." She rubbed her arm
"It's aight. I have about twenty of the same sweater anyways. Hehheh." He shrugged at Missy comically.
Revnoir ignored Missy. They had already gotten off to a bad start, it seemed. He looked at Zacharie with a disapproving scowl. "So. Time for you to leave." He said with a subtle low growl. He wasn't too fond of cats, it seemed. Wait... Why's an 8 year-old making death threats..?! Where's this kid's mother?! He shook the water out, trying to air out his clothes. They were thick, and seemed to absorb water well. Not the best for him in this case. It kept him warm, yes, but when water got in there it became a nightmare to dry. As he moved, the sheathed swords on his hips jingled like bells.
Zacharie didn't want to leave, even though it was dangerous.The items here were great, and would keep his name famous for his wares. He needed that to survive. He needed those weak humans and other things in the adventuring and fighting biz buying his junk. It was all he had. No house, no family, no friends, no love, nothing. All he had were his wares, his masks, and his credits, and maybe a regular customer or two, that seemed to conveniently pop up everywhere his stands appeared. This place was perfect, and he just kind of stood there, thinking deeply. He must be arrested, jumped, and/or attacked if he left this forest, then again, he might get all of that, and then some in here....
Missy walked over and picked up Nate. She petted his head and walked back over to her spot among the trees. She silently watched zacharie

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