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Fandom Fairy Tail: Bonds of a new Guild

Gamer Wizard Justin

Commander Of The Justin Force
All wizards guild was disbanded and only two were re-created a dark guild Blazing Moon who only seeks power and won't hesitate to kill anyone in their way. Then there's a guild named Soul Phoenix they always want to help others and destroy Blazing moon.
Blazing Moon Guild Hall:


Soul Phoenix Guild Hall:


Justin woke up in the morning and he got on deck of his the ship and Looked at the ground. Justin sighed and just sat down on a chair "When will we get to this New Guild... We may still have to show them whose the rulers around here...: He said outloud and sighed.

Jason sighed as he sat down on a chair in their guild hall and he was about to be sent to a meeting and he hasn't even picked a leader for the arcs. He sighed and closed his eyes and began to think.
Crystal sucked on her lollipop as she floated about on her wings, what should I do today... Sighing she made her way towards the guild master hoping he might have something interesting to do for her.


Stepping in front of him Crystal looked at Jason as he pondered about something.
Raven smiled he was already on the deck of the ship and was eagerly waiting this new guild. "Lets toy with them at first you know how I feel about boring things they are well boring." Raven said smiling looking over the ship to the scenery below.

Yumi was sat reading a book in the Soul Phoenix Guild Hall she had nothing better to do so she wanted to gain some more

knowledge the old fashion was rather than just using her archive magic.
Justin Looked at Raven "I'm Only going there to test my skill against the strongest..." He said to him he didn't care for team work though he was told it was for the best of them.

Jason Sighed and looked at Crystal "Oh Hi Crystal your early for once..." he said and looked at her "Did you get full control of your transformations?"
Crystal pulls a crystal from her wings and creates several forms and shapes, "I can make larger ones but..."

She looked around the room and looked at Jason, "You can see why...."

Creating a single form she placed it on Jason's desk, "Are you alright though?"
He sighed at her comment "Well, I have a meeting soon and I Don't know who to put in charge since i don't have a leader for the Arcs"
Crystal looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "Is it important? If so just place me in charge. I might not be the leader but I can look after this place while you are gone Jason."

She had normal robotic face but a small twinkle of a smile was glinting in her eye. She only was like this with Jason due to him being the closest to her in the whole guild.
Raven smiled. "You humans and your arrogance its cute you all think your stronger than each other and just need to prove it." Raven said looking at Justin.

Yumi finished reading and put the book back to where she got it from. She walked over to where to guild master normally was and saw him and Crystal talking so she decided to wait.
"Crystal I would but you haven't had realized what it means to be In charge of something." He said to her. He sighed and relaxed then saw Yumi "You need anything?"

Justin just punched him in the face "Don't forget who is the leader here, I've proven to all three of the Drops that I'm the strongest." he growled at him he hated when he said thing like that.
Crystal stepped slightly and gave a nod, "Pardon my rudeness."

Taking out a lollipop she sucked on it and looked at the floor.
Raven just smiled as he took the hit. "You haven't proved squat human or did you forget I wasn't able to fight you." Raven said smiling since at the time he was destroying a town for his own fun and games but they was a chance that Justin was stronger but it wasn't proven.

Yumi smiled. "Just wondering if you have anything for me to do its getting boring around here." Raven asked with her hands behind her back and a smile on her face.
Crystal looked at Yumi and gave her a nod sucking on her lollipop she took it out and then popped it back in thinking that it would be better for her to stay quiet.
"Yumi, since you have archive magic for now I'm putting you in charge. It's the best way to go" he said before walking out of the guild hall
Yumi scratched her head. "In charge wait what?" Yumi asked since she didn't know about the guild masters meeting but it was a bit late since the guild master has already left the guild hall.
Bills352 said:
Raven just smiled as he took the hit. "You haven't proved squat human or did you forget I wasn't able to fight you." Raven said smiling since at the time he was destroying a town for his own fun and games but they was a chance that Justin was stronger but it wasn't proven.

Yumi smiled. "Just wondering if you have anything for me to do its getting boring around here." Raven asked with her hands behind her back and a smile on her face.
He growled "Prove it to me, try to even lay a hit on me!" He growled and he held his death orb. "I'm not afraid to kill you and replace you, we all have our own goal don't we." he said to him
Raven nodded his head side to side. "I guess you would need the advantage of me only being able to use one curse wouldn't you." Raven said mockingly since he could only use the thorn curse since the others may destroy the guild hall.
Justin sighed "I'm only here to be stronger than your creator. As you could see, I have one of his magic powers..." he said to him. He then saw the guild hall in the clouds "If I'm Correct we will wait till they are weak... but we don't know anyone's abilities..." He said and created some sun glasses and put it on looking at the ground. "I got a plan but I won't say until we are all prepared."
Raven got rather angry when Zeref was mentioned but he then burst out laughing. "You stronger than Lord Zeref don't make me laugh." Raven said smirking. "You should be glad i'm the one here and not E.N.D or Mard since I think they would have killed you right there." Raven added since he was one of the calmer when it came down to Zeref.
He sighed "I was already given a title that goes by the name of 'The Copy Fighter' and I think you know why because of my magic." He said to him and sighed "Also Raven, I'm not gonna put you in on the front lines, I need you to stay behind the other drops your cursing is useful from a distance. Long as your able to use them." he said to him.

Jason looked up feeling dark presence and he sighed then used Amaterasu and focused at the ship. "They will not get away from me now, I have a team of my own Hell Drops..." He said out loud but not loud enough for them to hear then he continued walking.
Raven blinked. "Not a chance in hell i'm sticking back my magic better for close combat if you think i'm sticking back i'm jumping over board right now." Raven said angrily he hates fighting at range since its harder to humiliate his opponents and makes the fight boring. He then noticed that they was a purple mark around the ship and he didn't know what magic but he could tell it was from an enemy. "You may want to crouch a bit." He said before covering the ship in five to six layers or thorns to use as cover for the ship.

((OOC: Which Amaterasu spell?))
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The Explosion was sudden and all his thorns were exploded and little damage the ship took. Justin stumbled to his feet "Dammit I remember seeing that magic before when we all were just normal members..." He said to him and looked around through the clouds seeing no one.
Raven was able to keep balanced mostly due to knowing it was coming. "I don't remember it, all you humans and your fancy magic names you can't just make things simple can you." Raven said looking over the side of the ship to see if he could see who cast it.

((Maybe we should wait for the other we don't want to go to far do we?))

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