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Fandom Fairy Tail: Bonds of a new Guild

Yumi smiled. "Seems that way Crystal and that for now bit was not very appreciated." Yumi said happily before she opened achieve and began to monitor the guilds members locations. ((@EternalMusic))

Raven finally found his way to the Soul Phoenix guild hall he walked in. "This wouldn't happen to be the Soul Phoenix?" Raven asked smiling acting like a rookie magic just here to join.
Crystal nodded and looked around creating ice magic in one hand and holding her lollipop in the other, "Have anything you want me to do?"

She never spoke this much usually but with Yumi she felt comfortable. Not comfortable enough to give her a lollipop (yet) but she enjoyed talking to her anyway.
When Raiko noticed that Jason wasn't moving, he stopped a few feet away from him. "So. What kind of magic is that? Absorption? Looks like little baby has grown a little bit." He said smirking at Jason. He Let go a huge burst of Darkness from his mouth, Dark God Slayer magic.
((question Dark God Slayer is that like the magic Acnologia seems to use except a god rather than dragon one))
"Huh, no way I haven't seen magic like that before!" He jumped back hardly missing it "Can't we just fight sometime later I'm already late to go to the magic counsel unless you want them to wipe you out?" He asked and sighed.
Yumi began to think then noticed an unknown person entered the guild hall. "Talk to the male who just entered the guild hall please." Yumi asked still focused on her archive magic she then noticed her guild master was fighting when she improved its scanning range. She used archives telepathy to try and get into contact with him. "What's going on boss." Yumi asked worried.

Raven was getting annoyed he had entered the guild hall to be greeted by no one but he would still wait in case someone finally would show up.
Nodding Crystal flew over to him sucking on her lollipop and looked him over up and down, "Yes. Yes it is. Why?"

She had never really dealt with the new people and wasn't sure what to do with these male that had entered.
Raiko laughed. "Ahh, so you haven't heard of the God Slaying Magic. You are still just a little boy! It is quite fun to use, boy. If you beg to me to let you live, then I will let you go. Your choice boy." He started to laugh at how naive he was. He put his hand out for Jason to kiss it.
Raven put a fake smile on his face. "You wouldn't happen to be looking for members would you?" Raven asked he could barely keep himself from attacking her put where's the fun in that.
He smirked and walked over to kiss it then suddenly he requiped and slashed at his chest. He then rolled away and spoke "Yumi, prepare for the worst. The drops will some be entering your base"
Evangeline looked at him and called out to Yumi but then stopped, there was something strange about this one. Flying up higher so she was looking down at him she raised an eyebrow. Now I will ask her.

Yumi blinked. "Is they a way to spot a drop?" Yumi asked just in case they was a clear sign. He then connected Crystal to the telepathy. "Hang on crystal something could be wrong." Yumi said concerned she could clearly see they guys face since she was quite far away.

Raven was once again alone so he took the privilege to get a drink from behind the bar and drink it while waiting.
Crystal sucked on her lollipop making sure that her expression didn't change not that it was hard for her with her robotic face. What's going on? Do you want me to come to you? OR do you want me to keep an eye on the guy...? Sucking on her lollipop Crystal looked at her fingernails.
Yumi sighed thinking. "Keep and eye on him just tell him what he wants to hear and try and trick him with questions that could reveal to us if he is a drop or not." Yumi said as she kept her archive open in case things went sour.
Crystal nodded, okay... Flying back to him she spotted him taking a drink.


Looking at him she then looked lollipop and popped it into her mouth, "Why do you want to join us? We can't just let anyone enter. Please try to understand."
Raven bowed his head. "I apologize but." Raven said this as his face turned to a sadistic smile. "Joining you was the last thing on my mind." Raven said as he used his Calamity Curse to make a hefty amount of wind from his body and aim straight for the girl talking to him, it was the Calamity Curse gust spell he used.
Raiko saw Jason requipping from a mile away. He moved back before he could get even a scratch on his chest. "If you really have to go just go. I was just joking with the kissing of the hand thing. I was just going to crush your throat." He said laughing. "I'd absolutely hate to inconvenience you, boy." He said to Raven, Be careful I think they know who you are. If you need help, just ask. Hehe.
Senira glanced over at Justin. "Yes," she answered. "This should be quick..."

(Thanks for tagging me. >.<)
Crystal flew up and glared at him, grabbing the crystals from her wings she watched as they regenerated and she began to join several together creating a shield and then began to shoot ice shards at him. Yumi... We have a imposter...

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