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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological


The Almighty Wizard

Welcome to Exitium Academy

An Rp all about a prestigious school for other-worldly beings.

It's on an island, and it's pretty big

(for more info check the Overview Tab)

Rules Are as follows:

1. You may be any mythological/supernatural being (no humans, they get kinda boring .-.)

2. Cursing is allowed

3. OOC is only allowed in OOC NO WHERE ELSE

4. If you want something to happen in the story ask in OOC first

5. Good grammar please

6. Romance is allowed (Stay within the RpNation ToS [fade to black if it gets too serious you can go to pm's if you want])

8. One character at a time (if your's dies or something happens to it you may make another no more than 3 and you still must submit a character sign-up)

7. Fights are allowed

Fighting Etiquette:

No godmodding (Which means no controlling other peoples characters)

No killing other characters unless you get an okay from the person who made the character

Fights have to be realistic

No one shotting

You can dodge but not every attack

Not all of your attacks will hit

Property destruction is frowned upon

I'd like to begin the Rp when we have at least four people join. That being said, if you're interested, tell your friends to join and give this thread a shoutout.

Thanks x3

Ryu sat near the back of the ship that was transporting all of this years new students to the island. All of their belongings had already been setup in their dorms. I really hope I don't get a roommate, that'd be annoying as hell, she thought to herself over her loud music. She sat in her seat with her legs up on the seat with her like she was in the fetal position. She looked around at all the other students talking to one another, she just hoped that she'd meet someone nice.

Suddenly everyone got a bit more lively, Ryu could faintly hear something like bells or sirens over her music. She quickly removed her headphones in case there was an emergency, instead a voice began to speak over the intercom.
"We have arived at Exitium Academy, please exit the boat cautiously, we don't need another fire elemental falling in the water this year." The man chuckled, "I'm kidding that didn't happen, don't worry. Still though, please no pushing or runing. Thank You."

Ryu stayed seated and waited for the crowd to thin a little before getting off the boat, she didn't like crowds very much.
I'm glad we were the first boat to arrive, I'll have lots of time to settle in.

@Love You to Death




@Nina Jones
Evangeline watched as the students around her exited the boat from her seat. She wondered breifly what her roommate would be like, if she was to get a roommate that was. She had mixed thoughts on the idea. While it would give her a sense of companionship it would also mean she could never let her mask slip. She would always have to be the happy, people pleaser she always pretended to be.

A stray hair fell out of her bandana and into her vision. Startled out of her thoughts she brushed it back and looked around once more. With a small gasp she realized the boat was almost empty and jumped up. She snatched her bag up off of the ground and strode towards the exit.
Ceil had been sitting in her seat, her talon was tapping nervously on the floor making a clicking sound. To say she was excited was a major understatement. The moment the ship got there and the voice told them they could get off, she didn't even hesitate. She pushes through the crowd of students in an attempt to get there sooner. She wanted to see the dorms, she wanted to see the cafeteria, heck she wanted to see everything. She was also excited at the thought of having a roommate. The small harpy almost considered flying to get there faster but decided against it. Walking meant she might actually meet people.
Shawn exited the boat. He shifted his backpack around to get it more comfortable. I hope I see some hotties. Remember what Papa said Shawnie. Did it hurt?.... When you fell from heaven gorgeous. NAILED IT! He laughed to himself and continued walking towards the dormitory to set up his room with his various plants and video game consoles. The campus looked interesting. Well let's get this show on the road. I've got one hell of a year ahead of me.He thought.
Rose sat with her hands folded neatly in her lap, her head lowered to face the ground. She was in one of the back seats of the ship, not wanting to really sit near anyone else. She couldn't start her time off here with guilt on her consciounce. A light sigh left her thin, rose petal lips and her eyelashes fluttered closed. She wasn't too keen on leaving her aunt behind, but she really was excited to be around others who may have experienced what she felt. Who were different from everyone else.

She jumped at the sound of the alarm, lifting her eyes to look up towards the ceiling. Rose's head cocked to the side curiously as she heard the comment the man had made about the elemental, already seeing the scene unfolding in her mind with graphic detail. She recoiled and quickly shook her head, closing her eyes again. "It didn't happen..." Her voice was soft, obviously directed to herself as those around her had already left their seats.
Vanna sat down and put her hood up she hated the out doors, she was a little concerned about the rooming situation mostly because she doesn't sleep, she could hear the alarm, she didn't get off the boat as fast as she probably could have, she looked around at all of the other people and quickly figured that they were all different species. She decided to wear her heels and her skinny jeans and a nice black jacket. She had put her hair in a side braid, she followed everyone in. The only this that she was sure of at this point was that she was thirsty.
Evie walked out of the doors once the was off of the boat and towards the dormatories, excited to see what her next year would be like. As she walked she pulled out a pair of earbuds and put them in her ears before blasting her music. As she neared the dorms, she began to wonder what it would be like and if she would have a roomate or not. She saw another girl not to far ahead of her and jogged up next to her. Evie took in her figure and paused, the girl seemed to be part bird. Shrugging it off she continued on her way. She tapped her shoulder in order to get the girls attention after tugging her earbuds out of her ears.

"Do you know where the dorm lists are posted?" She asked, her voice soft and melodic.
Ceil stopped when she felt her should being tapped. Turning she looked to see a pretty cute girl talking to her. This day is amazing already. She thought to herself. Mom and dad did say people would be friendlier here! They weren't just joking, I'm already being talked to! She had been so absorbed in her own thoughts that it took her a moment to realize she had asked her something. What was it? Something about dorms? Dorm list? Lets go with that.

"I'm not sure." Ceil replied, trying to seem calm and collected. "I'm actually about to try to find those myself, wanna join me?" She asked the girl with a grin. It would be nice to have already met someone and who knows this could possibly be a new friend.

@Love You to Death
Rose gathered her self getter and stood, having been one of the last ones to leave the ship. With gracefully small strides, she made her way down the aisle and out of the ship. Her eyes widened at how amazing the island looked and how many people like her were here to stay. The tiniest of smiles lifted on her lips as she followed after the crowd, growing curious as they spoke of dorms and roommates
Ryu slowly stretched her legs which were sore from sitting in that position for so long. Nearly everyone was off the boat at this point, she walked lazily off the boat while hanging her headphones around her neck. She was a bit blinded by the sunlight but her eyes quickly adjusted, and what she saw was beautiful. The building was huge and the forest surrounded it was beautiful, this put a little smile on her face. She looked down at a small piece of paper that she grabbed from a bulletin board on the ship. Looks like my dorm number is 183, she thought as she stuffed the paper back in her pocket.

In an attempt to avoid as many people as possible she rushed inside the building, and to the large map that would tell her how to get to the dormitory.
"Straight ahead and out the doors to the grounds, then take the second path on the left," she spoke aloud without realizing it.
Evie nodded at the other girl with a smile. She ran a hand through her pony tail and directed her gaze back towards the dorms. Out of the corner of her eye she notice another girl not too far behind her. She seemed much more delicate than the others, but looks could be deveicing she supposed. After several moments she directed her attention back towards the girl next to her.

"I'm Evangeline, but if you'd like you can call me Evie." She said, offering the other girl a hand.

Rose tilted her head as another girl raced past her, speaking of her dorm number. She shrugged it off and took a piece of paper from her pocket, reading the number across the top of it. She gave a determined nod and stuffed the paper back in her pocket, noticing a couple of other girls in front of her. She paused before shaking her head, walking in the direction the hurried girl had gone
Shawn looked around confused. He wasn't sure where he was supposed to be headed. He noticed a girl standing in front of a map. He jogged up and looked at it. It confused him even more. What did all the squares and lines mean? He looked down to the girl next to him when he heard her speak aloud. "Now you sound like a person who's figured this thing out. Wanna help me figure out where the dormitory is? That is if it isn't any trouble to help a small fairy out."

"The names Ceil, nice to meet you Evie." Ceil replied still grinning. She looked down at her hand and froze a bit. A lack of hands really made this part awkward for her. She compromised though by lifting a talon and shaking Evie's hand with it. It was that or awkward bump her hand with her wings. At least this way felt more like a handshake. "Alrighty, now onward!" She exclaimed before starting her way in the directions of the dorms.
Vanna noticed people going towards the dorms and followed them, she grabbed the paper with her name and room number on it, she followed a group of girls and figured that her room would be somewhere down the same hallway. Vanna realized that she actually wouldn't mind having a roommate she already knew that most of the people here weren't full human and that when she was walking they didn't appeal to her, in fact some of them had a gross odor to them so now the only thing she had to figure out was if she had a roommate would they be scared to room with a vampire
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"Oh, I'm such an airhead. Sorry." Evie blushed darkly, as she realized how rude she must have seen. None the less she folllowed Ceil towards the dorms. "What dorm number are you?" She asked, glancing down at her own paper. "I have room 183," Evie added as an afterthough. She breifly wondered if the Ceil would be her roommate. It wouldn't be a terrible things, although the chances were low. Ceil seemed nice, if she had to have a roomate she couldn't hope for anyone better.
Rose forced a small smile as she looked at her paper again, noting her room number as she began to get closer and closer to her dorm. "185." She looked up at the numbers on the doors and slowly followed each on until she got to the 180's.

Rose stopped and took a deep breath, holding the paper right as she continued down the hall. Her heart raced as each number grew greater by one digit. The hallway seemed almost endless by this point.
Ryu turned slowly toward the source up the voice, looking up at the boy next to her, hoping he wasn't talking to her. He was, she sighed and brought her finger reluctantly up to the map. She began to point at various points on the map, "we're here, and if you walk out the door that is behind this sign and take the second left then that path will take you to the dormitory." She gave him an awkward smile and wave goodbye, "I'm gonna head there now- uh, you can come if you want i guess..." she turned around and started on her way.

Ceil shrugged but her spirits fell a little bit. She knew that it wasn't that dorm, but she shouldn't let that bring her own. Just means more friends probably. We don't have to be roomies to hang out. She thought to herself. "Ummmm I think like 184 or 185. I don't really remember. I have the paper somewhere in this bag." She muttered looking at the bad that she had slung into her shoulders. "I'll double check when we get to the dorms." She thought it was probably 185. At least they would be neighbors.
Evie let a small pout cross her face but it quickly disappeared. She pulled a map out of her bag and quickly consulted it. 183 wasn't too far from the numbers, they would at least be neighbors.

"Hey, we can still hang out right?" She asked, her voice barely loud enough for the other girl to hear. She hated to seem so weak, but she wanted someone to talk to at the very least. She nervously fiddled with her earbuds as she waited for Ceil's answer.
Rose smiled brightly as she paused, looking up at the door. Dorm 185. She grabbed a key from her pocket and slid it into the tumbler, turning it to the right. She bit her lip as she slowly opened the door, swinging it back into the room. She stepped inside and smiled happily when she saw her things all set up, some lights strung above her bed just like at home.

That is, until she saw other unfamiliar things in the room. That must mean that she had a roommate... Her smile faltered just slightly as she walked into the dorm, closing the door behind herself
Ceil grinned and nodded. "Heck yeah! I don't see any reason why we can't." Part of her was feeling happy that Evie seemed to want to hang out with her still. She hoped whoever her roommate was would also be as friendly. Maybe they could all hang out together. Like an awesome little posse! She thought excitedly. "Oh look we're almost there!" She added, pointing to the doors to the dorms. "this is going to be so awesome." She murmured, obviously pumped.
Evie relaxed, a small girl crossed her face. She rushed over to the doors and pushed them open. She stared at the hallway beyond the doors and looked at her map once more.

"I think we go this way," She murmered hesitently, pointing at another hallway. "Or maybe the other way." She said, fliping the map over and studing it once more. She let out a frustrated sigh and reexamined the map once more.
Rose sat on her bed, running her fingers over the soft sheets. All of her sheets had a light scent of roses. Her aunt had always used a special detergent. Tears stung her eyes as thoughts of home came back to her, making her miss her aunt. She quickly wiped them away and looked up at the ceiling, the faint lights illuminating her face in a soft, golden glow

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