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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay

Bonnie looked up and saw someone, she smirked, then quickly she said "I'mpartofBonitasspiritignorethat besides that I'm part human part purple bunny and part ghost, my name is..." She trailed off, thinking of what to name herself besides Bonita. Bonita is too girly, she thought. "I'm Bonnie" she replied.
"Ooookaayy theenn..." Ripper said, quite confused."So your a hybrid ghost bunny girl. K then. Wait, how did you get out of the suit? I thought you were stuck in there for good. It's obvious your not the same Bonnie as in the one over on the stage, so you wanna explain what happened when I ran out of the kitchen?" Ripper asked, so seriously confused his head might pop off, roll to France, get in a rocket, and fly to the moon.
Bonita saw the other ghost, walk away curiously she followed. Then she realized "Omg! I'm not a robot anymore" she had overlooked that fact and know she was overjoyed. Although, she forgot she was a ghost. She saw Ripper and smiled, "Ripper!" She tried to hug him, but instead she went through him and landed on the ground, "ow" she said feeling the coldness of the floor. She didmt know how she was suppose to be a ghost.

Bonnie saw Bonita come, "Ugh, it's her" she mumbled disappointed, then chuckled lightly to herself when she saw her fall, but realized she was going to ruin everything. She was going to tell the truth about their freedom.
" I am not an animatrotic anymore! Can you believe that? " Bonita said excitedly, and with a smile. " I don't know how, but me and her just popped out of the suit."

It was going pretty well until she said they both got out of the suit. Bonnie sighed annoyed at her goody goody side.
"Not sure if innuendo or general speak of my desired species, also, oil exists, f**knuts. It's like robotic blooood!" Chloe grunted as she managed to turn Reanimated Corpse Bunny onto his back and resumed her "Kaboom Kaboom" assault. "The Walking Dead called, they want their zombies back!" she growled as she attempted to light a match while struggling with an asshole rabbit-atronic trying to swing his axe at her. She jammed her hand into his mouth and tried to rip his jaw part off. She managed to dislocate it, at the very least. Match lit and hand out of Pretty Purple Flower Guy's, Chloe jammed her hand back in and dropped the match. "Last time I checked, oil and fire don't mix too well!"
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Polly looked one last time out the entrance, and gave up on the police. He then looked up, and his central processing unit nearly exploded.

"What is with these two rabbit ghosts? They smell of demons~" Polly's ghost spoke up when Polly didn't say anything.

"CRITICAL ERROR DETECTED! SHUTTING DOWN..." Polly finally chirped before his strangely pleasantly glowing eyes slowly turn off.

"Oh dear, Polly! ...I-I'm free, for the first time since the incident~" a ghost slowly seeped out of Polly, and looked towards the two "rabbit ghosts", "How do you two do?" the ghost bows very humbly towards the two.
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Bonita looked over at the ghost that came out of the Polly suit and giggled, "Hello! I'm Olivia- well I guess not I'm still Bonita because of this" she said signaling at her ears and her blue dress. "I died at age 4. I've been in Bonita since then." She explained.

Bonnie rolled her eyes, "Might as well introduce myself too. I'm also Olivia, but her bad/hateful side that Bonita kept hiding from everyone" she said. She hadn't realized she was wearing a purple tank top and a skirt that reached her knees.

(How does Polly's ghost look like? Gender? Please and Thxs)
"ACK, first of all, they were cat puns, pussy, as in pussy cat (Seriously, that's what I was trying to do, make cat jokes, sorry if I offended you) , and second of all, the spring suit animatronics didn't have oil in their stomach, they were made to hold a person there! The oil is distributed through many different wires! It works almost like a bloodstream for the suit! Now get off of me!" With this Spring pulled out a knife, twisted his arm around, and stabbed it into a space between the arm and the socket. Once he got a good grip, he flipped her over again."I can tell this won't end soon, and when it does, both of us will probably be in disrepair, sooooo, I'm going to stick you to the floor and wait a bit longer to fight, maybe a sneak attack, also, if your wondering where I got the knife and axe, I put a looot of things in this suit, it, or i guess I, am like a Swiss Army Knife. It was really uncomfortably with a axe poking my back." Spring said this as he pinned Chloe to the floor and ran back out to the main part of the restaurant.

Ripper stood there, now there was three ghosts that somehow got out of their suits, standing right in front of him, he was so dumbfounded that he didn't notice Springtrap run by, stop,and make a rude hand gesture before resuming his retreat.
((OOC: I'm not offended in the slightest, I just ran out of insults for the time being; That's why the oil=robot blood comparison happened. I suck at lief. #cri)) Chloe got up and leaned against the wall in a vague attempt to hide axe marks, hearing the stampede-like footsteps of the children returning upon seeing I-Need-A-Bodybag leaving the tower. She heard shouts of "Are you ok?", "Did the rabbit hurt you?" And even a few of "I hope you pulverised that mangy old thing, I saw that it had an axe!". Chloe rose her hand, and they all followed, creating an eerie silence. "First off, I don't like to lie, so yes, yes he did. Second off, you all need to go home, as that rabbit is very dangerous, and yes, he did have an axe, and a knife, and some other things, apparently." Noting her own knife lying on the floor, she added, "He left a knife here and I don't want any of you to touch it, as it's sharp.". The younger kids whimpered and some burst into tears, while the older ones were muttering and growling and some curling their hands into fists. "Do we have full permission to kick his a- Err, butt?" An older boy asked Chloe. "No, as you wouldn't do him any damage." Noting the boy's violent additude, she whispered in his ear, "Trust me, I dislocated his jaw and he didn't even flinch, and I honestly thought that I had already called in the Daleks to exterminate Chuck Norris' babies." To which the boy erupted in giggles. A faint smile made its way onto her face as all the kids left, wiping away tears and some humourous kids saluting her in mock-professionalism.

Boom, boom, SWAT team in the house!
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"Would ya look at that," Springtrap said."Those kids freakin' love her and hate me. Cool." He said as he walked off toward the kitchen, where he was killed, but before that, he turned and gave another rude gesture with his hands at Ripper, who was still dumbfounded by what happened to Polly and Bonita. Thugh he could probably be seen by Bonita's ghosts.
Bonita didn't understand what Ripper was doing, just standing there with a weird look on his face.Then she noticed an old ruined dull yellow bunny suit, doing some weird hand gestures Bonita has never seen, she turned to face Bonnie, and innocently asked, "What does this mean?" She copied the hand gesture that the old suit did to Ripper, she looked back at Ripper and said, "Are you okay?" She ghostly eyes still shined brightly as she made a small confused face.

Bonnie groaned and rolled her eyes, "How stupid can you be, Bonita? Seriously! That's a rude hand gesture." She said in an annoyed way, alas she leaned on the wall, waiting a little bit before asking, "How long are you going to take, I need were technically immortal because we're dead, but you humans don't have all that time." She said, impatiently.

Bonita blushed embarrassed that she had done something wrong, even though she was a ghost she was colored, only transported or ghostly blurry when she wanted, her cheeks flushed pink when she blushed. Then, she felt hurt, she didn't like being called mean thing, "That's mean" she said tearing up. Then, she covered her face with her arms you could see white tears fall, but disappear once they touched the ground.
"Ah!" Ripper said, snapping back into reality."Yeah, that's a mean hand gesture, but when did you learn to do that, Bonita? Did someone just do it to us or something?"
(lol I was going to find a gentlemanly ghost figure, but inactivity killed the roleplayer)

The gentleman who emerged from Polly stylishly wore an all-black suit with a ghostly white tie, an unrealistically tall, black top hat with a white stripe just before the top, a dark brown wooden cane, and a golden, glistening monocle, "Calm down, you didn't mean to offend anyone. I was going to attorney school before I died, y'know. I suggest a ghost-trial."
"Now now, we don't need a trial-by-ghost, what we need is to find the culprit, Bonita? Would you kindly tell us who it was?" Said Ripper, trying to sound fancy. (This is so silly, we are dedicating this to the fact Bonita didn't know what le' gesture meant. I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT!)
"Now now, we need the defendant's attorney to go first. Anyone? No? That's what I thought." The ghost grabs the withered rabbit suit and pulls it onto the stage, where he recites, "Listen up, children, I need your attention as witnesses! Today we are gathered here to mourn the tragic murder of several helpless children-me included! My name is Jacob Williams, and may it please the court to find this ex-employee guilty of murder~"
Bonita giggled, the Jacob guy was funny. Embarrassed to answer Ripper's question, she just mumbled, "The weird old yellow suit did it when your back was turned". "Wait, what culprit?" She asked Ripper, then she turned to the Jacob guy, and asked, "what a defendant? What's an attorney? What about a mourn and what is murder?" Her eyes widened with the spark of learning the weird complicated (to her) words.
"Ah! Where did you come from you... handsome rouge!" Springtrap yelled. "Crimes? This ain't court buddy! Wait a minute... I remember your face! Your that ace attorney that I... um... didn't do annnnything to, that's right kids. Don't you worry!" Springtrap said, panicking.

"There you are! Good work Polly's ghost! Your a crack shot at this Holmes!" Ripper yelled."Quite great I must say. We've found you, you scoundrel! Prepare for your trial!" Ripper yelled at Springtrap.

"What is going on, has the whole world gone mad!? I've done nothing wrong Watley!" Springtrap said, trying to make this as if it were a play to fool the kids.
Most of the pizzeria was gone upon seeing Not-Plagiarism Bonnie The Undead Bunny, so Chloe followed the rather obvious trail of gross gunk that he left behind. Entering the room that she had left only ten minutes ago, a faint light radiated from Chloe, barely bright enough to be noticed. That same light erupted into a blazing spotlight, then abruptly halted. A glowy figure hovered above Chloe. "My name is Alexia, I believe. I more strongly believe that the rabbit you see in front of you is a killer, does not need a trial to prove it, and the reason us spirits are loose from our suits, hopefully permantly, is there is a shift of aura in this room, and the beacon is... You." Alexia pointed to Ripper. Chloe flopped to the ground, eyes dim. "And you," Alexia pointed to SpringBong, "Are a despicable being. I hope you burn in hell."
"Oh yeah? Hell's gonna have to catch me first." Springtrap said, spiting the words out."I'm gonna get away, and you know what I'm gonna do?" As he said this he got close to Alexia."I am going to KILL SO MANY PEOPLE, I'm gonna go on a RAMPAGE!" Springtrap screamed with all his might, his voice glitching out horribly.

"A difference in aura? What am I doing that's so different that would have you all come out of your suit?" Ripper asked calmly as he knew his father wouldn't attack just yet, Spring would wait for an opening.
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"I am currently unsure, maybe emmiting powerful emotion. Whatever it is, I'm surprised that it hasn't affected Grape Koolaid over here," Alexia pointed to said Spring-Ass ((I'm gonna stick to Grape Koolaid. I liek it.)), "In any way. He should be a loose spirit by now. And, Grape, I'm afraid you can't do that." A faint smile made it's way onto her face. "All animatronics, including Spring Bonnie and Fredbear, are physically bound to the pizzeria. They simply cannot leave due to programming; You can't change it. Chloe's responsible, mainly because the pizzeria was sued because she blew up a dump or something. Sorry about that, moron-a-tron." Alexia giggled because she knew that she sounded smart talking about aural rifts and things.

"Oh, and by the way, leave the birds to Chica."
"Oh trust me, I know that I can't leave, but I can hide here, I've already gotten away once, and I can do it again." Spring said, smiling in a weird, animatronic way.

"Really? You have no idea? You seemed like you knew exactly why, but whatever. The real threat here is YOU!" Ripper yelled, turning to Spring."You are never going back! You've been trapped, SPRING-TRAPPED! In fact, that's your new name, Springtrap." Ripper pulled out his knife, his eyes were glowing, he was ready to kill.

"Ah crud. Whelp, I guess it's time to fight then." Springtrap twisted his arm around, and then, splitting his jaw open, he pulled out an axe from inside the suit, then he promptly closed his mouth up again.
"Excuse me sir, but this is a weapons-free zone, the animatronics can testify to that. I will need you to put your weapon on the ground, and interlock your hands behind your back~" The ghost suddenly changed costumes, into a police outfit.
The ghost changes shape, into a darker being, barring teeth, and physically pushing Springtrap, before changing back, "now, please put your weapon down, or else~"

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