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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay

(I know, but we can't fix it now. Besides, none of this is canon, if it were, none of this would have happened.Also, Ripper has animatronic, or robotic, strength, also, he is being helped by an animatronic.)
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The Son of Darkness stood there, staring at the corner of the wall in storage. The Daughter of Corruption turned her head towards him and hummed "Ring Around the Rosie" to him.

"Don't cheer me up..." He muttered in a robotic voice that almost no one could understand.

The Daughter of Corruption smiled "Whats wrong... A song about the Black Plague always cheers you up?"

"I don't care..." The Son of Darkness 'shushed' the Daughter of Corruption.
"BASTARD. SHE'S AN INNOCENT GIRL, AS WAS I! YOU JUST LOVE MAIMING PERFECTION, DON'T YOU?! SICK F**K. YOU'RE LUCKY IF I DON'T SLOWLY FILLET EACH OF YOUR VITAL ORGANS!" Chloe screamed. Her ghost was now making an appearance. "You're scum. I've seen Charlotte, she's smart enough to run; she knows of the murders. She knows about Chloe's rocket hands that were taken from her. In fact, Chloe, I'd say a mini-missile to this repulsive man's crotch would be a great idea." The little girl's voice rang throughout the room. With a disturbing robotic smile, Chloe pulled off her hand's exoskeleton and once more spun around the handle.

"And this time," Chloe said calmly, "It'll do much more than nothing."

((OOC: If he doesn't wind up dead in a bit and does manage to kill Charlotte, she's going in Valentine, and I'll make a sheet for her. One of the reasons the kid's love Valentine is that she doesn't smell like corpse juice from the bodies))
A faint clicking sound could be heard from behind a set of black curtains, with white stars oddly placed all around a small black room. Within a faint light flickered on above a small stage that layer dorment. Dust layered the ground, walls, and everything around. In the middle of the stage stood a rabbit, a flickering light started from the eyes. Just as the light fainted to nothing, a small tone started, and the head popped up, eye lit up. "It feels good to be awake!" A voice said, as the rabbit leaped off the stage. The 'thing' walked over to a light switch and flipped it up, it took a moment for them to come on.

Once the lights flickered on, a sing above the stage started to flash, the lights around it blinking. It reading, 'Jinx The Magic Bunny' she giggled a little as she remembered all the fun times before she was shut down, do to something.

(Hope it's ok...)
The Purple Man's eyes widened and he twisted outta Ripper's grasp and bolted for the door, and ran towards the nearest hostage he could find,"I remember you, Chloe, I remember your delicious screams and the lights in your eyes going out! This one you like? Charlotte?" A rueful smile touched the Purple Man's lips as he said this," And Gray, I know you enjoy killing as much as I do!" Ripper's eyes widened at his name, his real name, there was only one living person who knew his name. His father."CHARLOTTE RUN! IT'S THE KILLER! FATHER, PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!" Ripper screamed. Purple Man grabbed Charlotte and pulled her to the kitchen. Ripper ran after them.(Ooc: @Jinx it is very good.)
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"You're nothing but a hallucination, a ghost, a memory. You can't even touch me." Purple man stated confidently. Ripper ran in after him and saw him moving towards the cutlery area in the kitchen."NO!" Ripper yelled as he tackled him. Purple Man, Ripper, and Charlotte all fell to the ground.
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Chloe could've sworn she exploded inside at the thought of Charlotte killed. She sprinted after them, to see Ripper holding the Purple Man down. She snatched up Charlotte and ran back to the main area where people still lingered. "Tell your mommy that something bad happened and you want to go home, that man killed many children." she said quickly while maintaining a well-meaning tone. Charlotte whimpered, and ran over to her mother, but not before asking a question that Chloe didn't know how to answer, "Is that your robotness talking or your ghost?". "M-my ghost, sweetie. You don't want to know what he did to me. Now go." Chloe decided on the reply after a few seconds of thought. After Charlotte was in the car with her mother, Chloe stalked over to the kitchen where Ripper still struggled with the man in purple. Chloe rushed over and held the Purple Man by the throat. "You messed with the wrong kitty cat. Meow." She breathed ominously, her voice distorted and glitchy. She pulled out her knife and cut off his hands, scattering them across the tiled floor to burn them later. "That's so you can't masterbate to corpses, like I suspect you do."
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"GAH! YOU FU-AH! MY HANDS! Your gonna pay for that, cat!" Purple Man growled."No, she won't." Ripper said coldly,"I'm going to skin you alive. I'm going to slice off your legs. I'm going to make you hurt even worse than I made her hurt. I'm going to kill you." Ripper stared right into the eyes of the man. The man was scared now, he was surrounded by animatronic corpses, a kid with an endoskeleton for a skeleton, a cat with rocket arms, an old, broken down bird, and a puppet. But then, the man had an idea."They wouldn't love him as much if they knew who his father was." He thought."WAIT! Before you all kill me, you should know that someone in this room is not who they say they are. Someone in this room is... My child. And he is standing right in front of you. You wouldn't kill your daddy,now would you?Gray? Or should I call you, Ripper." The man asked with a wide smile. Ripper looked around at the animatronics faces."That's right, he is kin to me. My father." Ripper then took his knife, and cut into the man's stomach."I'm not your son anymore, murderer." Ripper said,"If they don't trust me then fine, I wouldn't be surprised." Ripper said this over his father's shrieks of pain as he cut into him, but he did not kill him, though they both knew Purple Man was not gonna be able to escape now."Do you all trust me? Now that you know?" Ripper asked, resisting the urge to just tear away at the man.
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the puppet slammed his head onto the purple man, bringing one last message to the purple man's mind "there is a difference between one who caused the child's birth and the one who raised the child. the fact you don't know is what became your downfall"
"You seriously expect us to kick and thrash because the one who is helping us avenge ourselves is your son? You really are sick in the head. Scum." Chloe's ghost spat. Chloe came close to smiling. No hope for the bastard now.
With hearing what Chloe said, Ripper smiled, and stabbed the knife into the Man's skull. Or at least that's what he would have done, except he was going into a fit. He instead carved into the Man, ripping him to shreds. Ripper let out a bloodcurdling shriek and laughed and laughed."FINALLY! HA! YES! I HAVE KILLED YOU! NOW YOUR GOING TO STAY GONE! NO MORE NIGHTMARES! No more nightmares! No... more... nightmares... No more. Yes. I'm so happy. I'm... at peace... But there's still work to be done." Ripper said firmly at the end of his fit,"We must dispose of him, but how?"
Rex woke up, then stretched. Geez, today had been one rough day. It was fun though, and worth it. As his back left the wall, he heard some stranger than normal screams and screeches. Hm. He looked around the area, his tail flicking behind him cautiously as he made his way to the kitchen. He stopped dead in his tracks as he stared at the man's corpse. His eyes hovered there for a moment, then he roared. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!" He walked over to the others. "I... Can't believe... Why..?" He said, though his voice was soft and rang with no sympathy for the Purple Man, only disbelief and horror.
"I could ask you the same, sir... But, I am Rex. Prehistoric mount of the Pizzeria, and Protector at that." He stated simply, his gaze still staring at the human. His fatherly-atmosphere was showing, as his face became concerned for the other animatronics. "What happened here?" He asked softly and calmly, his eyes wishing for answer. His arms shuffled behind him as he waited for an answer from any of them, his tolerance levels high.
"Oh, Rex, my name is Ripper. What happened here is the death of a murderer, and a son...erm... saying goodbye." Ripper said.
"Ripper? Thats a very suspicious...-!" He stopped, realizing what he just said. "Wait, murderer?!?" He hissed, looking at the body. His hostility again turned to Ripper. "Do you realize what you've done!? His soul is still here!!! Killing him makes us no better than he was, but now its much worse!" He says sternly, his gaze steely. His tail flicked behind him impatiently.
the puppet dropped to the floor again "give him nothing to inhabit and he will leave and fall into damnation where he belongs"
"Wha? Oh, God I'm confused, I only wanted to bring the bastardly dasta- bas- dastardly da- Oh, forget it, i wanted to bring the bastard to an end, to stop more innocent kids from dying. Now we've gotta burn him I suppose, and remove the blood. How the hell do we remove the blood, the room looks like a torture chamber! And I suppose it was. But still!"
Cursed heard torture coming from a room he wasn't familiar with due to his long time asleep, he put his claws into the doorknobs lock hole and twist it unlocking the door, he stepped our the room to a new fazbear pizzeria ".............." His tail swayed slowly and stared around the new pizzeria ".......who's here?" He said calmly walking around like he was a passive creature but inside he was a ruthless killer.

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