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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay

"Hello? I heard Mr. Mario was waking up, I wanted to make his acquaintance, and probably make sure he didn't- oh..." Polly hops upstairs, and sees the current situation
*the puppet slams it's head onto nightmare's detailing what the revived animatronics were intended to do and that nightmare would be killed if it doesn't change it's ways*
"Hmm, bad time I presume? I'll just go and... wind this then." Polly slowly makes his way to the music box and starts rewinding it.
"heh, whatever you're thinking of, both polly and me have seen worse. Try being stuffed into a box for several years after being the center of attention, or being tormented and tortured for years, and then dying a slow, painful death at the hands of a greedy murderer. We have yet to regret anything." Polly's ghost made the point clear, they weren't going to just let the Marionette blindly rage on and possibly end a few lives before someone rewinded his music box.
"POLLY! and uhh, I can't even remember... It's been a very long time since I have been told my name." The music box starts up again abruptly, "THERE WE GO! All FIXED!"
"No!" Ripper yelled."Why!? He calms down after a while, now when he reawakens he will be furious!" Ripper screamed, his right eye glowing and sparking."I never got to say goodbye! He means well! Wait... WhErE is My BoX!? My PreSeNt!" Ripper feels in his pockets, and finds a box, winds it, and the song that plays is My Grandfather's Clock. He calms down and says quietly."We have to contain him, else he will hurt someone. Where is a spring suit?"
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"I'M GOING TO FOLLOW YOU! and I'm going to work on turning down your voicebox's volume~" Polly hops after the two.
Ripper walked in to the safe room and looked around. He stared when he saw it, the twitching mass of an animatronic suit. He stood there in silence, dumbfounded. However, he was not dumbfounded because of it, he was dumbfounded because he knew who and what it was."MURDERER!" He screamed after a long while,"Murderer! It's him!" Ripper sounded angry and scared at the same time,"You killed them! WHY!? You were going to kill me too! You murderer!" Ripper pulled out his knife,"I'm going to make you pay for what you did! They were my friends! I can recognize that guard outfit anywhere, it used to be blue, but now it's purple from their blood! You are the worst human being, why did you hate me? I found her, and I ripped into her! She is dead! I've looked everywhere for you! And now I've found you, don't worry though, I'll continue the tradition after your dead, but I'll rid the world of those who deserve the death sentence, unlike you!" Ripper took his knife and plunged it into Springtrap's shoulder."There is more where that came from, you murderer! I just have two questions for you, why did you kill them, and why did you hate me so badly, 15 years you hated me, and then I escaped from you and came here, why did you hate me?I thought that you loved me!
the puppet fell to the ground directly behind him "he is why I came back as the puppet. I was also a victim of this place."
"WHAT!? You killed him too!? I'm going to make you pay! I'm going to torture you every day of your life! You are heartless! It's bad enough that you tortured me ever since I was born, but you've killed so many of my friends!" Ripper screamed.
a wiry hand grabbed his shoulder "no. he didn't kill me. but he haunted me until I died. it was a childish prank gone wrong that caused one of the springtrap suits to crush part of my brain. I was then haunted by beings brought upon by him even the man himself until my body finally gave out, all looking like the nightmare you talk to daily. his first victim brought me back to stop the catastrophe of freddy fazbears from continuing"
"Prank?! Prank?! He was working at Fredbear's Family Diner when you died! Did he lift you, a child, into Fredbear's jaws? If I remember right, your brother did that!" Ripper yelled. He turned back towards his... nevermind. (lol secrets) He then stabbed him again. "Nightmare, Bonita, Polly, do you know who this is?! He is the reason I hate humans! He is the true murderer!" Ripper turned back towards the Marionette."And you, Mr. Mario, you cant destroy Freddy's! This is my home! I love you as a real father Mr. Mario, but I will not let you destroy this place! These animatronics have LIVES OF THEIR OWN, THE SAME AS YOU!"
the marionette avoided the stab easily "I never said I was going to destroy this place. until all the souls have been laid to rest I will be here, watching over you all. though" at this point he leaned in looking at ripper in full rage "if you dare become the cause of more tragedy I will not hesitate to bring golden freddy to damn you"
Ripper stared right back, undaunted."Don't you dare touch them and we will be fine. Bonita, Nightmare, and Polly, look upon him. I have no love for him anymore." With this he turned and said to Springtrap,"I am going to rip you outta that suit, and I'm going to torture you for days, weeks, and maybe months. I am going to make sure that this is your hell, just as you did to me for 15 years." Ripper stared at him right in the eyes,"Father" Ripper said with a smile." Now your gonna see real hell, from a real murderer, get ready, there is no Freddy, only me now. I hOpE YoU LiKE KnIVEs! HA!" Ripper uttered a spine chilling laugh."AND EVERYONES GETTING A SHOT AT YOUR HELL! HA!" Ripper plunged the knife over and over into Springtrap with unmatched precision, as if he knew all the most painful points in the human body that, when damaged, would not be lethal.
Chloe heard the ruckus as she instructed Charlotte how to wind the small music box. "I'll be right back, sweetie. In the meantime, you finish that pretty butterfly painting, it looks great!" She cooed st the small child. Charlotte nodded in silence, understanding that strange things happened in this pizzeria. As Chloe drew closer to the others, she stopped outside the saferoom door and heard the promises of Ripper, the promises that could've only been made to one man.

The man who took her life.

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"Chloe? That you? Wait... YOu KILLED HeR tOO?!" Ripper screamed, infuriated by what the Purple Man had done,"I'm gonna take this knife and shove it up your- wait no, I'm gonna make your hell even worse! Why are you so horrible?! Why!? ANSWER ME! 15 years you tortured me, along with my mother, but I took her out, HAHA! Her screams were AMAZING! BUT WHO CARES, I DOUBT YOU LOVED HER ANYWAYS! I'll continue the 'family tradition' though, you remember that, I will kill, but not those who are innocent, only those who I deem necessary to die." With this Ripper shoved his knife into the eye of Purple Man, and started to tear him out of the suit,"GET OUTTA THIS SUIT! I'M GONNA SHOVE YOU INTO A REAL SUIT! SEE HOW IT FEELS TO BE STUFFED FOR REAL!"
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Chloe ran closer to the man imprinted in her mind and thought about tearing off his face. "YOU F**KING PEDOPHILIC SCUM! WE ALL HAD A FUTURE! WE WERE ALL GOING TO ACHIEVE S**T YOU COULD NEVER DREAM OF! YOU KILLED US AND OUR HOPES! I'LL F**KING BURN YOUR FACE OFF!" Chloe screamed, feeling the urge let her soul cry, and stuck her arm in the suit, helping Ripper pull the man out.
"THEY WERE GONNA LIVE! HOW DARE YOU TAKE THEM OUT, YOU TRIED TO KILL ME! WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU! PREPARE FOR RETRIBUTION!" With this Ripper pulled him out of the suit, slammed him on a table in the room, and choked him, but not for it to be lethal. He still needed him to answer questions."Why? Why did you do it? Why did you kill so many? I guess you hated me and them. Speak now, and answer my questions." With this the Purple Man said,"Son, I did it because I hated you and because it was fun. How about we do it again? Maybe with that Charlotte girl I've heard about."

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