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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay

"Oh, well then." Ripper said,"Where could his soul be now and how can we put it in pain?" Ripper asked, but, noticing Rex's hostility, he kept on his guard."And who might you be, new guy?" Ripper asked Cursed.
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Cursed looked at ripper like he was still confused about what happened while he was a sleep for long long years "........cursed..... Or as they know me now is 'the devil'" cursed said "......do you all have.....brains like me?"
(Apparently all we did was have him possess something, most likely it'll be the springtrap suit. Also yes, I will fill out a sheet.)
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(He's dead, and his ghost is now possessing something. Polly has already figured it out.)

"I think Polly knows Purple Guy's ghost's plans~" Polly's ghost says as the broken-down parrot hops onto the shoulder of the violently-shaking spring-locked suit
(I'm not going to talk as Purple Guy until she accepts the form, but I will still play Ripper.) "What could they be?" Ripper asked. He ducked and looked into the eyes of the suit, they stared back, glowing, as if it were alive."Aw come on, can't you die already?" Ripper said as he kicked the suit.
(Oh whoops)

Bonita realized she was alone, she gasped and when to look for them. When, she was looking she realized that she was technically in a mechanical bunny suit. She sighed remembering her miner, then she snapped out of it and eventually found them, "What's happening?" She said
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"We killed a murderer, and now his soul is sitting here in this suit. Seriously why can't this guy just die?" Ripper sighed, hands in his pockets."I wouldn't go in the kitchen for a while by the way, it looks like a blood bath. I bet your wondering who he is though, let me get the body." Ripper went back and retrieved Purple Man's corpse."Does he look familiar to you?" Ripper asked."I hate this man, he is the worst of the human race. He killed all of my friends, who now have possessed the suits around here. He also tortured me all my life as a kid, before I came here and was raised by Mr. Mario. and do you want to now why I wasn't able to get away from him until I ran to here? He is my father." Ripper looked down."My father..."
((OOC: Sorry for not being around to accept the forms, school's started again where I live and it's a pain in the ass.)

"Ah, s**t. The mofo really likes being around to kill people, huh?" Chloe sighed. "Yet another mini-missile wasted on the crotch of a seemingly immortal d**khead. Not to mention Charlotte's still in danger. Can't we just free him or something? Speaking of which, if we find a way to release souls, I'm using it after everyone I want dead is dead. Including Mr Grape Koolaid over here." Chloe punched the suit in the nose, obviously not expecting any signs of pain. "Bastard." She whispered solemnly. "Kill another one, and I'll go all mad scientist and find a way to torture souls."
"Ugh..." Springtrap stirred from his weird trance-like state right as Ripper kicked him. "Yeah, kiddies, looks like I'm here to stay. Also, thanks for the new body, but I do have a question, who in the world are these two?" Springtrap motioned towards Rex and Bonita." Last I checked, there was not a T-rex or blue- wait! Bonnie? From the old attraction? Wait a minute, I recognize that bow! Your Bonita, that mistake!" Springtrap (snicker) sprung to his feet saying this, but stayed standing, ready to make a break for it if need be.
"SQWAK! STOP THAT!" Polly warns as the old suit groans under the murderer's ghost's strenuous demands.
Rex's eyes sharpened at his crude statement. "I'm a Utah-raptor, thank you. And, you, seem to also be a rabbit. No need to go talking trash about one when you are one." His tail lashed behind him again, as if confirming his statement and telling them he was done talking for now. His tail stretched behind him, adjusting his saddle to a proper state. He blinked a few times, realizing this was the man that was just killed.
"Wait, what?! I'm a bunny?!" Springtrap looked down at himself."What?! This old thing again?! So many years in the suit, and the day I get out, I'm stuck in it again! Ah well, at least it don't hurt no more. Also, Utah Raptor? Is this science class? Anyways, Polly, I can do whatever I want, these machines were built to last, I swear I might'eve even hammered it a little, and it's still going strong. So, are you gonna torture me now, or are you afraid that you might hurt the merchandise? Cuz, I'll getout of your way if you aren't, in fact, LOOK OVER THERE!" Springtrap pointed at the music box that Ripper used to keep calm, it was playing it's signature tune,"My Grandfather's Clock". Springtrap turned and ran towards the main area of the restaurant.
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"OH FOR F**K'S SAKE, DID HE REALLY JUST DO THAT?!" Chloe snarled in annoyance. Making her way back to C&C castle (After triple checking that no blood lingered on her suit), Chloe noticed many kids were flocked around her painting area. Trying not to ask what they were doing there aloud, she realised that they were there for her. Some were crying, others letting out huffs of annoyance, some older ones cursing under their breath. When she stepped foot in the small "Tower" of the castle, they all ran over to her. One small girl asked, "We heard you had bomb hands. Can you blow up that scary rabbit? He looks like a zombie.", to which Chloe (Practically foaming at the mouth that Sir Jolly Rancher was waltzing around, probably abducting kids) replied, "Uhh... I don't know what you're talking about, but I may know who you're talking about."

Yeah, Chloe wished she could blow up the damned "Scary Rabbit".
DarkLordFTW said:
"Ugh..." Springtrap stirred from his weird trance-like state right as Ripper kicked him. "Yeah, kiddies, looks like I'm here to stay. Also, thanks for the new body, but I do have a question, who in the world are these two?" Springtrap motioned towards Rex and Bonita." Last I checked, there was not a T-rex or blue- wait! Bonnie? From the old attraction? Wait a minute, I recognize that bow! Your Bonita, that mistake!" Springtrap (snicker) sprung to his feet saying this, but stayed standing, ready to make a break for it if need be.
Bonita ignored everyone else after that comment, she was feeling something weird, she knew she was a robot now so she shouldn't have emotions, but she somehow shed a tear. Unfortunately, this made her robotic body malfunction, and she shut down; but the weirdest part was that two spirits came out of the robot body. A purple and blue human bunny hybrid.
Polly hurriedly hopped towards the phone, where he texted (to a fazbear mechanic):




then hopped towards the front entrance, where he waited for the mechanic
Ripper looked around, still wearing the guard outfit, he wasn't able to see the transformation of Bonita as he had ran out of the room before it happened. "Stupid freaking murderer." Muttered Ripper,"always trying to kill someone, wait till I find him, he will pay." As Ripper said this a child walked up to him and said,"Are you a guard here? There's a creepy bunny around here, I think it want's to hurt someone." Ripper replied with this,"Don't worry, he won't hurt anyone under my watch, kiddo, what's your name?" "Bob" the child answered."But I like to be called Bonk." (Revenge, Dawn2Dusk, revenge.) "Well then Bonk, don't you worry about anything, why don't I give you a pass to the Cheer and Charm Castle?" Ripper said as he brought out a couple of passes and handed them to Bonk. "Really!? Oh thank you mister guard, thank you!" Bonk ran off to the Castle, pass in hand. "Nice kid." Ripper thought. Meanwhile, Springtrap watched Chloe and her kids from behind a curtain in the Castle, waiting for a good moment to strike, and to size up the area."I'm gonna get you and Charlotte, just you wait, you crotch shooting piece of trash." Springtrap said aloud to Chloe, still hiding, but he said it loud enough for her to hear it.
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"Hey kids! Valentine's reading the story about Foxy, why don't you go over there and listen? If I see the scary rabbit I will sprout bomb hands and he won't hurt anyone." Chloe said almost immediately after she heard Duck Song ((I'm running out of grape related nicknames for Purple Guy #cri)) speak. Some kids giggled, others looked concerned, but never the less most kids ran off until the girl who spoke to Chloe was the only one who remained. "I thought that the rabbit was the one who... Um... Bye bye." She said with a polite curtsey, and rushed off to listen to the bootylicious adventures of her pirate comrade. Cute, Chloe thought, but I honestly don't want to know if what I think that girl is talking about is what she's really talking about. "Look, BunBun, why don't you go fap to your dead body or something, because I'm not sure if you know this, but I have a job to do, and you're in the way of it. If you like, we can have a battle royale after all the kids are gone." Chloe growled, getting ready to get all rocket launcher up in this bitch.

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"How about we fight now?" Springtrap said, rushing at Chloe, an axe in hand."Your gonna pay, you pussy cat!" Springtrap yelled as he charged at Chloe.
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET A DAMN AXE?!" Chloe screamed, narrowly dodging the axe swinging. She picked up her knife which she'd concealed in a nearby take-away bag and readied herself, slamming the door to the tower shut so no kids could get in for now. "Hey f**kface, think fast!" She shouted as she slammed the knife into the shoulder socket of the old suit, attempting to pry off the arm. She jumped on his back so he couldn't move as much, and resumed attempting to tear off his arm. "I guess we could call you an AXE-hole!" Chloe was unsure of why she was making puns, but sure as hell was this harder than when Grape Nerds was human. After tugging and slamming the knife into the machinery of Springtrap more times than desired, Chloe grabbed her matches.

(0-0 Woah)

Bonita looked at herself, she wasn't in the animatronic suit. But she still had the bunny ears and tail. "That's weird" she mumbled, she stood up and realized she was a human-Bonita hybrid. She felt weird, the feeling of hate towards her death was gone, replaced by her normal happiness of making friends. But she also realized she was a ghost "Woah!" She looked up, and saw a duplicate of herself, just this ghost was purple and she was blue. She couldn't wait to show the others, but before she did she concentrated and but her animatronic body back into the back closet.

Bonnie was free, away from the goody two shoes Bonita, "How did we split were the same person" she mumbled to herself. She got up and explored around.
"Oh, now ya done it!" Spring twisted his arm around and grabbed Chloe, slamming her into the ground. Then, he struck her with his axe."Oooo! Ooo! Oh, this is great! I'm so much better now! Thanks for killing me, best life choice ever! Now to return the favor! It was so easy to kill you before, now I can't be beat!" Springtrap yelled as he continued his assault."Ha! Whats the matter pussy? Cat got your tongue? Ha! I wish you bled blood though, but pickers can't be choosers!"

Ripper saw a pair of purple ears and went over to investigate, noticing that it was not regular Bonnie."Hello? Who are you? Are you... human?" Ripper asked.

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