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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay

Bonita watched with eyes wide open, she was curious about what was happening and what or else was. Her eyes gleamed with intrest and she couldn't take her eyes off the scene. "What are you going to do to him?" She asked.
Bonita turned to face Ripper, she took his knife, hoping to stop anything bad from happening, to him because she didn't know what was going to happen next. She knew that he might try to take it back so she tossed it to Bonnie.

Bonnie caught the knife, she smirked at Ripper, surprised that weak little Bonita even managed to take the knife away. She was getting bored so she disappeared taking the knife with her.
"Uh, okay then, sure, take the knife, I always have a spare just in case, but I wasn't going to hurt anyone." Ripper said.
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"Kick his butt, kick his butt, kick his butt..." Alexia was muttering under her breath, "KICK HIS BUTT, POLICEMAN GUY!" she eventually shouted, wanting desperately to see Grape Koolaid in pieces.
(Great! For a while I thought ALL the role-plays I joined were going dead.) "Whoa whoa, whoa... whoa. Wait... what?!" Springtrap shouted, confused, taking a couple steps back, holding up the axe defensively. "I'm not gonna just let you kill me or anything, Mr. and Mrs. Judge, Jury, and Executioner!"
((OCC: NOT TODAY *CSI: Miami theme intensifies*))

"Hey, I only wanted some light butt-kicking to occur, Mr Part Time Smarty-Pants and Full Time Murderer of Innocents." Alexia scoffed. "Besides, watch this." she said, and floated straight through Sir Deaths-a-lot. "Ghosts are on a different plane of existence, remember? Different aura triggers different orientation of realms and it just so happens the 7th, ghost world, and the 1st, human world, merged. It doesn't happen often, to say the least, but... Uh... Heaven's not real, but there are beings in the 4th realm that resemble what some people believe in. There's a God and a Braman and an Allah and- What was I talking about again? I think I got off subject. Look, bunny boy, you're a psycho and your mother never loved you is what I'm trying to say."
(OOC: Ha!) "Well, I'lll have you know my mother didn't love me! But I still followed her example of raising kids and living life!" Springtrap said.


"Yup, and you turned out great!" Springtrap said.

"I'm a wanted criminal in multiple states for murder!" (OOC: On a lot of people, mainly those he saw was evil, or was told was evil by the old restaurant's animatronics, like security guards.)

"Atta boy!!"
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"Sorry pal, but if you murdered multiple children, including yours truly, bloodspiller, and your son is a fugitive because you tortured him and crap, you should probably have gotten an abortion, because you're a super bad role model. Oh, sorry, you weren't the mother? I find it hard to believe you don't have lady parts." Alexia sniggered triumphantly. Sure, now that Grape Koolaid had a brand spanking new body he'd be harder to get rid of, but at least she could have a mini win in the form of insults. Alexia honestly thought she sounded smarter than when she was talking about dimensions and stuff.
"Hey, don't doubt my parenting skills! He turned out to be just what I wanted, even if he's a little hindered by "morality", "mercy", and "feelings"." Springtrap said.

Wait, he should have had an abortion? On me or him? Because most of the people I killed were night guards. All the other animatronics did the same thing, everyone was convinced, including myself, that ALL guards were bad, because of this guy." Ripper said. "ENouGH Of ThIS!" Ripper suddenly screeched, voice glitching, twitching all the while. "YOu ArE gOnNA PAy FoR alL YoU'VE DoNe! AnD mOre! YoU WILL BE tHe oNE ScReAMIng To bE SavEd, nO mORe Of uS sCReamInG "SaVe TheM", YoU thinK tHAt You Can Be SaVEd, BuT, YOU CAN'T! YOu MaY esCApe OnE, bUt WE are MaNy! And WE THIRST FOR BLOOD! ThE ReD BlOoD Of VenGEancE! EvEN ThE BloOd TainTinG yOuR BluE suiT, WE WANT THE PURPLE BLOOD OF A MURDERER! AfTEr AlL oF thesE yeARs, We CaN be FREE, Or At LEasT Drag YoU DoWN To HeLl wiTh uS!" Ripper stared at Springtrap with eyes that betrayed a hatred beyond his years, stretching back to the first murder. Ripper could feel the anger of the children filling himself, and he let the anger take over his body, his mind. He lifted his hand up, and Spring was flung against the wall.

"Urk! What is going on tonight!" Springtrap yelled, standing up.
"Uh, while you're awesome, Ripper, I don't think good old Purple Haze was ready for parenthood. And, dude, if I were in Chloe right now your face would equal a big hunk of crap. Oh, wait, it already is, at least I can screw-up-ify it to a heavier extent, Mr Knife Happy. Also, no comment on the lady parts thing? Now I'm seriously concerned you bleed once a month and want to kill everybody more than usual." Alexia warily smiled. Regaining presence in Grape Koolaid's plane of existence would be helpful right now, Chloe would take over and blast the lilac coloured creepazoid's butt into outer space. "Ripper, Chloe's bazooka hand is functional if you rip it out of the skeleton. I'm sure she would approve in this situation." she then said.
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"HmM? A LaUnCHEr? WhIlE We aPpREcIate ThE IdEA, ThE mAn iS sTilL DeAD. HoWeVEr, iT mIghT huRt hIs SuIt." Ripper said, turning around and taking the launcher.

"Woah, woah... woah. Also the lady parts joke is twice noted, Ghosty Goo. Also WOAH! You're gonna bazooka me?! Uh, no thank you!" Spring said, charging at Ripper with his axe.

(OOC: I had a thought earlier, but it wouldn't take affect unless you guys approved. Basically, Ripper and Spring would merge, becoming a new thing altogether, and there might be some kind of mega battle between Riptrap and the team, just an idea, in fact, it may turn out that I wouldn't want to do it.)
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(Great! I thought it might be cool, if I can, I might make either a SFM poster or animation of what happens, and the Riptrap character.)
Death sat in the corner of the Storage room waiting until she could move anywhere.

(starting post...SO SHORT)
(Don't worry mate, it almost always starts like that, at least in my very limited experience.) "TaKE tHis!" Ripper screamed, firing the launcher at Spring.

"AHH!" Spring screamed, his suit groaning as it slammed into the wall. A small crack appeared in the suit, something... black and misty slowly came out.

(Expect the merge to happen on Friday or the weekend, as that's when I'm able to work with SFM.)
The night sky had come and 'Lesily Death' stood her ears pricked up as she heard a sound. It was a ruffling, scratching sound. 'Lesily Death" fell to the door and commanded the door open. A screech came from the door as it opened, as soon as the sound was at least loud enough for the night gaurd to hear he/she was basically screaming with fear. 'Lesily's' eyes opened wide and her voice whispered into the ear piece that wasx connected to the night gaurd's room. What was said sounded like; "i'm comi--SCREECH ng fo- for you" it had many screeches but if you heard properly you'd be scared. It also said; "Be- be read- ready for -Screach- m- me".

A long period of time was wasted whilst 'Lesily Death' figured out how to attack and kill their new friend the night gaurd. 'Lesily Death' walked over to the door of the night gaurds office and peeked through the window then waited for the door to open. The gaurds premises was inside the very door infront of Lesily.

Lesily waited. She probably waited to long. After about a few more minutes of waiting the door finally opened but as soon as the gaurd saw a slight inch of lesily's face the door shut close with speed and fear. Lesily's claws almost stuck through the metal but nonetheless they were to weak to feach the core. Lesily ended up walking away and sitting near foxies den. Foxy reminded lesily of herself when she was in use.

Lesily just sat until she felt the need to see if foxy was present. Her voice was croaked she still persisted despite the fact that her voice box was iun need of a tuning and did not sound much like voice at all. "Fo-Fo-Foxy" the voice sounded screechy but still could be heard. "Are you in? or are you un-functionable?" she asked with meer dissapointment.

Lesily walked away and sat out the front of the night gaurds door. Lesily stood and went back to Foxy "foxy?" she asked with a screech still in her voice. After the event of the question she saw a small girl who had been locked in to the pizzeria. "do you know where i am?" she asked "Can i go home?" she said her voice was soft and unlike, Lesily's it wasn't hearable at a distance. Lesily stood and screeched over to the young girl that looked about seven, She had brunette hair and was quite short. Lesily picked up the girl then took her to the closet in which Lesily had almost lived in.

Lesily tried to be kind and comfort the girl as tears fell from her eye's. Lesily's grammer wasn't the best so dhe siad to the girl "Me Lesily...What you?" she looked at the girl and the girl just laughed then smiled and then said in a soft weepy voice "Baily" she said then hugged Lesily with ease.

After a while she Baily asked Lesily why she was not on attraction then Lesily said "Me not know. But was" Baily peeked out the door and saw freddy run past, or at least pace faster then usual. Lesily pulled Baily back into the room and shut the door "Danger" she said hugging her whilst playing some old music. Lesily played london bridge and after a while Baily was fast asleep in her arms.

Morning cam and lesily was not in action. she was currently sitting with the little girl in her arms.

(Back! @DarkLordFTW and @CelestialBunny I wrote a little more.)
xXMiaXx said:
The night sky had come and 'Lesily Death' stood her ears pricked up as she heard a sound. It was a ruffling, scratching sound. 'Lesily Death" fell to the door and commanded the door open. A screech came from the door as it opened, as soon as the sound was at least loud enough for the night gaurd to hear he/she was basically screaming with fear. 'Lesily's' eyes opened wide and her voice whispered into the ear piece that wasx connected to the night gaurd's room. What was said sounded like; "i'm comi--SCREECH ng fo- for you" it had many screeches but if you heard properly you'd be scared. It also said; "Be- be read- ready for -Screach- m- me".
A long period of time was wasted whilst 'Lesily Death' figured out how to attack and kill their new friend the night gaurd. 'Lesily Death' walked over to the door of the night gaurds office and peeked through the window then waited for the door to open. The gaurds premises was inside the very door infront of Lesily.

Lesily waited. She probably waited to long. After about a few more minutes of waiting the door finally opened but as soon as the gaurd saw a slight inch of lesily's face the door shut close with speed and fear. Lesily's claws almost stuck through the metal but nonetheless they were to weak to feach the core. Lesily ended up walking away and sitting near foxies den. Foxy reminded lesily of herself when she was in use.

Lesily just sat until she felt the need to see if foxy was present. Her voice was croaked she still persisted despite the fact that her voice box was iun need of a tuning and did not sound much like voice at all. "Fo-Fo-Foxy" the voice sounded screechy but still could be heard. "Are you in? or are you un-functionable?" she asked with meer dissapointment.

Lesily walked away and sat out the front of the night gaurds door. Lesily stood and went back to Foxy "foxy?" she asked with a screech still in her voice. After the event of the question she saw a small girl who had been locked in to the pizzeria. "do you know where i am?" she asked "Can i go home?" she said her voice was soft and unlike, Lesily's it wasn't hearable at a distance. Lesily stood and screeched over to the young girl that looked about seven, She had brunette hair and was quite short. Lesily picked up the girl then took her to the closet in which Lesily had almost lived in.

Lesily tried to be kind and comfort the girl as tears fell from her eye's. Lesily's grammer wasn't the best so dhe siad to the girl "Me Lesily...What you?" she looked at the girl and the girl just laughed then smiled and then said in a soft weepy voice "Baily" she said then hugged Lesily with ease.

After a while she Baily asked Lesily why she was not on attraction then Lesily said "Me not know. But was" Baily peeked out the door and saw freddy run past, or at least pace faster then usual. Lesily pulled Baily back into the room and shut the door "Danger" she said hugging her whilst playing some old music. Lesily played london bridge and after a while Baily was fast asleep in her arms.

Morning cam and lesily was not in action. she was currently sitting with the little girl in her arms.

(Back! @DarkLordFTW and @CelestialBunny I wrote a little more.)
Noice, if you can, you might wanna integrate into the story, unless your waiting for the Riptrap.

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