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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay



Also the poster is beautiful and you're beautiful despite the fact that you have a snake for a tounge and you're a hideous reptilian thing

also yey let's be underfail trash together i can make butterscotch cinnamon pie but if not i'll just eat it and cry at sad comics k thx))
(Okay, I've decided that instead of creating an SFM poster that I will keep on forgetting about, I'm just gonna screw it and start this Riptrap thing! LET'S GO, FOR THE ARGONIANS! BLACK MARSH BELONGS TO THE ARGONIANS!) Ripper walked over, or more or less floated over to the launcher on Chloe's remains. "You're coming down with uS!" RIpper screamed as he grabbed the launcher and pointed it at Springtrap, and, he was about to pull the trigger when Spring rammed right into him, and at the same time, knocking the children's spirits out of Ripper's body and nearly knocking him unconscious, "I don't think so, kiddies." Springtrap said as he had a wonderfully horrific idea. He was going lock Ripper in and merge their souls together, and hey, with all things that have happened the past two days, it was plausible. So Spring opened the suit in stomach area and carefully shoved the dazed Ripper into the suit. Ripper barely had time to say something before the suit closed on him, but what he said was clear. "Kill us, for me, and for everyone else who died to him, we require retribution!" And then, in a flash, the mouth of the suit closed, and a horrible crunching sound came from the inside of the suit as the springs locked in place. Springtrap, while he still was Springtrap, opened his jaw to show the life drain from Ripper, until they both were no more. The suit fell to the ground. The suit became surrounded with blackness as Ripper' and the Purple Man's souls merged, father and son became one, in mind and soul. As the dark cloud surrounding the suit cleared, new features were shown. The suit had became black, and red oozed out of every crack and crevice, except for one place on the body, the mouth was stuck in a large smile, the same smile that Ripper's shirt had. The monster stood, breathing heavily, waiting for the reaction from the team. He did say something though, in a harsh, evil voice. "Like the new digs, guys? I do." He laughed. It was obvious, Ripper and Spring were gone, now there was only Riptrap, a monster.

(Here,for those who may have not received alerts from this, @CelestialBunny , @Dawn2Dusk , @TheRubyWolf , @fma fan , @Yandere Aqua , @CheezPaw , @ferociousfeind , @Musicomar4 , @aonly9470 , @TrueBananaz , @ayumukatsuchia , @Jinx , @MoltenLightning , @TheRPingMudkip , @xXMiaXx , And that's all, hope I got everyone who actually rped, sorry if you didn't and have lost interest.
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Alexia's throat hitched as she saw the horrific creature she was faced with. "You... I don't... I can't..." Her voice was barely audible, and her whole body (Though it ceased to exist) was quivering. "You F**KING BASTARD! WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU, I'LL... I'll..." Her eerie shrieks slowly trailed off as a malicious grin crept upon her face. "Back into your suits, people. I promise it'll be for the last time." Her heart was set on killing this beast, to set Ripper's soul free and to end that of the Purple Guy's. She would save all future victims of the horrible murderer. She promised that.
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The gentleman heard the call, and reawoke Polly from his slumber, "Polly, it's time to return back to life~"
"Ha, what'll you do? I'm a ghost and I'm alive at the same time! You. Can't. Win. Pure and simple. If you become corporeal, I can smash you into the ground, if you stay a ghost, I can still obliterate you. I bet'cha I have some new abilities too. I'm going to murder all people, worthy or not, and you won't stop me" Riptrap's grin widened, somehow, and he laughed. "It's time for a exorcism!"
Polly's startup sequence finished, and he said, "DAMN STRAIGHT! SOMEONE CALL AN EXPERT EXORCIST, THIS DEMON JUST GOT WORSE"
"Uh... He's right. We need an exorcism or something. Pure force isn't gonna beat him, and neither is pure force in ghost form." Alexia paused for a few seconds to think before she fused into Chloe once more. "Alright, kitty cat's back, motherf**kers! And, uh, to be honest, sweetheart... You're completely hideous. I wonder what we four souls would look like if WE fused. How about we find out?" Chloe purred, waiting for an answer from the others.
"You wouldn't dare do such a thing. IF you fused you would lose all semblance of your self, you wouldn't be you anymore, you'd be something entirely different, and by the looks of it, its an irreversible process. I'm not Vincent speaking, nor am I Ripper, I am an amalgamation of both of them. Oh yeah, and you're not getting a chance to fuse, because you disrespected the new digs." Riptrap said this and waited for the moment the would let their guards down.
"Eh. It was a s**tty idea anyway. I'm just waiting for opinions. Oh, and by the way, I'm ever so sorry I disrespected the 'new digs'. I'm just jealous of the disgusting red stuff oozing out of you. Is that blood? To be honest it looks like putty. I'm a girl, why don't I give you a makeup tutorial?" Chloe snarled, dually noting what RipTrap said.
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"I knew you'd see reason. Now then, I think you'd better attack, because I don't think I'm gonna take makeup lessons from a cat whose missing an arm because Ripper tried to shoot Vincent. And if you don't..." Riptrap inched closer, and whispered. "I'll cut you down and use your pieces for scrap and the remains of your souls to become even more powerful, and then... Many more kids are going to die, and not just them, everyone is gonna die by my hands, and then I'll turn my gaze to even more powerful sources for souls." Suddenly Riptrap mimicked Ripper's distorted voice and laughed and laughed at his plan, he would destroy every living thing if he wasn't stopped here and now.
"Alright, bring it on. If we don't beat you, the military will. Think my bazooka amplified by a thousand. And if the military don't, I'm sure some exorcists will come along and send you into the depths of hell where you belong. Plus, we'll be rid of our prisons- Oh, sorry, I meant bodies. And even if you kill the military, you won't be able to kill absolutely EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING on this planet. You'll have failed. And do you REALLY need to resort to violence? Can you not just be a pacifist and move on? Ha! No. You kill for fun. Come to think of it, we're two birds of a feather. We kill innocent nightguards, you kill innocent everybody, it's rather hilarious! But still, what's so great about mass murder, aside from Vincent's excuse; It's fun. We kill for vengeance. To temporarily relieve the pain of being STUCK. The pain of being DEAD. The pain of not passing on. If you're alone, and you've killed absolutely everyone, what will be there to relieve the pain of the blood on your hands? Or are you so sadistic that you don't mind the loneliness of everyone being dead around you? I'm usually one to jump directly into violence, but I'm geniunely curious. WHY exactly are you so hell bent on destroying everything that breathes? Wouldn't you rather be free to kill stuff in a different life, in many different lives? Or would you rather slowly go insane as the entire population of the earth dwindles at your hands until you are left with the voices in your head, constantly reminding you of eight billion corpses? Eight billion... How long would it take you to achieve THAT without getting contained in a lab with scientists dissecting you? No, not dissection. You'd murder them, too. You'd just be lock in an impenetrable room. Did I mention that it takes years to learn to traverse dimensions? Unless, of course, you are sent by someone in the fourth. So please, can we just NOT resort to violence?" Chloe didn't know how she managed to give this speech completely off the cuff, but she did know that it gave her time to remember one thing; She didn't have a single rocket launcher.

And it seemed those who stripped her of her usual one didn't remember either.

((OCC: sUpa spOOpi plOt twizt! yAyA!

You don't want to know how long it took me to come up with all of that.

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"..." Riptrap stood silent. Recollection and sudden feelings of remorse flashed in his eyes. The two voices in his head were locked in an insane combat over who should have the most influence over Riptrap. ".....Don't..." Riptrap slowly raised his head to meet Sonja's eyes. "Don't make...us say it...Please..." Riptrap's body shuddered, and he started wheezing similar to Darth Vader without his helmet on. (Your last post was great Dawn!)
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((Lel. You called Chloe Sonja. *Chloe grabs a medigun and heals her team mates* Also, thank you! I really appreciate it. :D ))

Chloe's mind drifted away from her last remaining weapon and onto what RipTrap was saying. "... I'm sorry. but... Say what...?" Chloe honestly didn't know what the demonic bunny was trying to say. "Are you... Not wanting to fight anymore? We can try to find a way to unfuse your souls... To set you free? Or are you in pain? We can try to relieve the pain if that's it..." Chloe tried listing a few suggestions for what might be what RipTrap was trying to say.
(Oh my gosh. I'm such an idiot. Sorry for my idiocy.) "It...hurts..." Riptrap spoke in almost two different voices, something Chloe said had reached both souls in the robotic body. "N-no, you are my enemy, all you want to do is have me let my guard down so you can hurt me. That's how its always been, I've learned that in this world, its kill or be killed. Your trying to trick me, well sorry, cat and friends, but I'm not going down without a fight!" Riptrap pulled himself together and lunged at Chloe with such speed and fury that most people wouldn't even be able to see him, and he slashed and clawed at Chloe's exoskeleton.
"ARGH, F**K! YOU KNOW WHAT?! I DON'T CARE, CLAW AWAY AT ME ALL YOU WANT BECAUSE NOW I KNOW THAT THERE'S STILL SOME RIPPER IN YOU. I KNOW THAT YOU'RE IN PAIN. I'LL HELP YOU. WE'LL HELP YOU. STAY CALM, BECAUSE I'M NOT GONNA FIGHT." Chloe was trying her best to contain her rage. She could, in theory, blow everything in the pizzeria up, but something was stopping her. She didn't know why, but she was not going to fight back, no matter what.

((*Chloe has found a blue and purple sweater.

*It fills her with D E T E R M I N A T I O N.))
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Riptrap stopped clawing at the hardest parts of Chloe's suit, though he knew where the animatronic weak points were, he did not strike there, something, or should I say, someone was stopping him from dealing a fatal blow. "Just STOP!" (Determined? Or Detemmied!?)
Polly hopped towards the two, locked in combat, "HEY, YOU TWO! CALM THAT DOWN. VINCENT, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE, STOP IT. I WILL POKE YOUR EYES OUT. RIPPER, KEEP DOING WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING, YOU'VE GOTTA BE DOING SOMETHING GOOD, RIGHT?" Polly turned his head to the side, and squawked. Good old Polly, here to dissolve intense conflicts for you.
"Thank you, Polly. I agree completely. Though I doubt our friend has the same opinion. He can keep scratching me all he wants, because I'm not going to hurt him whatsoever." Chloe was getting impatient. Her remaining arm was itching to be used for combat, but she knew, deep down, that she could set the fragments of the two souls free.
Baby Foxy wandered aimlessly. He was bored and was looking for the others. Sadly, most of them didn't like him due to him not hating the humans and being cute, not fierce.
"SQUAWK! It's an infant animatronic." Polly turned his head towards the Foxy model, "Why are you out, master Foxy?"

(back in "the day", adolescents were called misters, and children were called masters.

ALSO: Polly sees all variations as the same thing, simply hiding their true form, such as Foxy and Baby Foxy, so he doesn't doubt Baby Foxy's capability to scare, or regular Foxy's adorable aspects)
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