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Fantasy Department of Defense Against the Supernatural

Luke laughed from behind his computer screen. "Do you think I made it up? These reports have been coming in fairly recently over the past few months. For something that doesn't exist, this shouldn't be happening that often. As for how I found it, I've cross-referenced 10 websites and 7 reference books. I don't deliver fragile reports."

"No matter how I look at it, I don't see a solid human lead. No human would ever leave a place so flawless, and a body so perfect they can be mistaken for someone sleeping. Every human will mess up somewhere, and it mostly happens either during the crime, immediately before, or immediately after. Supernatural beings basically have a green light because they know humans will just write it off as a heart attack. The girl was 25, and a softball player. What are the chances of having a heart attack? No one came into her room during the week of footage I got, so no one could poison her. I'd bet 3 months of paychecks it's not a human-human crime."
"Agreed." Corin said with a nod. "There is still a chance of curse objects, though. Something she was given or mailed recently that would act as a poison or a silent killer? Honestly, it's starting to sound less likely than these not-hell-hounds, but we should still look into it." Corin then turned to his partner, "So, Piper, what do you want to do first? Family? Objects? Personal belongings?

(I think we need some black dog characters, who wants one? Lets limit it to... 3 max? does that sound good?)
(Sounds good to me.)

Piper turned back to her own computer. "I'll take the possibility of cursed objects," she said, glancing at her partner.
"Right, we should interview the family together, so I suppose that leaves me with... ah, right, going through the girls diary. On second thought, maybe I'll take the family on my own." Corin said. "Thanks Luke, you're super helpful."
"I can go to the crime scene, as long as no other officers are there. Let me check it for Magic residue. The last thing I want to do is to tell their families that their precious daughter has died. You can take that crap."

Luke got prepared to leave for the crime scene. Bringing back the Battle Copter, Luke shut it down and it disappeared.
Corin nodded at Luke's RC copter then realized: "Right, they still haven't been told. On third thought, I'll go get Tulalula and have her search through the diary with me, and then we'll go get the family together, how does that sound Piper?"

After she responded, Greyston got up to go find the young trainee. He wondered to himself if he could convince her that his paper work fell into the category of being her job. He'd still have to review and sign it, but that still cut a lot of boring time out!

Once he got to where she was, Greyston called for her to come with him.

@Sleipnir @sitanomoto
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Tulula was working behind her small desk on her computer, typing up her spare-time rom-com story. When she heard Greyston call, she ran out, her pen behind her ear as always, looking eager. "Yes Greyston?" Ooh, maybe I'll get a case today! she thought excitedly. "What do you need me for?"
"I thought you may enjoy stretching your legs some and heading down to look at some evidence with me, from my case. I just don't feel right going through a woman's diary without a woman present, you understand?" Greyston said, motioning for the girl to follow him. "I'll fill you in on the way, if you'd like, though Piper may be better suited for that."
Tulula smiled and nodded. "No problem," She said, walking with him. "What's up?" She bounced around different scenarios in her head:

Murder? Suicide? Murder made to look like suicide? (Those were always fun to figure out!) Robbery? (Kind of boring.) Agent gone bad? (oooh, now there was a story worth writing about!) Maybe something new!
"Well, right now? A very non-human murder. A pretty young lady was found dead in her fancy new apartment she recently moved into. The apartment was perfectly clean, nothing out of place, and the girl looked like she could be sleeping. Right now we're thinking it's these things called Black Dogs, ever heard of them?" He asked, glancing back at her as they walked towards the evidence room. "I only remember hearing about them once from a crazy neighbor when I was a kid."
Tulula nodded. "You mean one of these?" She shifted into a Black Dog like the one he was talking about. She crouched down and snarled menacingly, closely matching the expression of the monster.
Luke started walking out the building, pulling up his hood and covering up his face. He waved to Piper and Corin, as well as the newcomer to the office, "Call me up when you get the information." Getting into his car, he went swiftly to the apartment complex, and up to the crime scene. He crossed the crime scene tape and showed his badge to the officer there. "We've determined this is a DDAMPSEA case. A human lead isn't likely in this case. I'm Agent Cross of the Intelligence Department. If you don't mind, I'd like to do my work in peace."

Cross's word had a lot of weight, and he had a lot of respect among the cops. If he ever went to the crime scene, something was definitely up. The cops were very cooperative and left promptly. Luke summoned a scan bot


He found some magic residue in extremely small amounts. Eh...........This wouldn't cut it. Luke thought back to his training. The residue was black like Black Dogs, but Magic Residue has 2 layers, the outside which is determined by the genes, and the inside which determines the type of magic. The outside dissolves after about 6 hours, but the inside residue stays around for about 6 months.

If this residue was black, then that means that black magic was used. Luke sighed. This was a non-human case, but it didn't confirm that Black Dogs were the cause. Corin was definitely right to an extent. He looked around some more. He scanned and got some clothes from the woman's closet after finding residue on it. He found something insane in the closet. In there were 2 weapons: a sword and a gun. Scanning for more residue and finding something different than the woman in question, he took those too.

Luke sat in the house for about 10 minutes. He noticed a tapestry on the wall. Neither Piper and Corin, neither did the cops know what this tapestry was. It didn't look good, compounded by the sword and gun. "Hmmm." He took it.

Luke shot Piper and Corin a text. "Looks like cursed objects may really be a thing. I have a couple of items for you to look at. Also, ask about her childhood."

"I- you know, honestly I'm not entirely sure what I mean. I've never actually seen one, and it sounds like theres some variety in color. If I had to guess, I'd guess the hostile ones look an awful lot like that, though." Corin said. He then got a message on his phone. 'Will do, Luke. great work.' When Corin and Tulula got to the evidence room, Corin checked out the box with the diary in it, and laid it out on the table so that Tulula could read it over his shoulder.
Tulula changed back into a human and read over his shoulder. "'This is the third person I've'.... No, that can't be right...." She reached over his shoulder and picked up the book to look at it more closely, and her eyes widened and she shuddered. She read on. "'The tapestry in my room is beginning to move in a freaky way, as if it's beckoning me.....'" She kept reading. "Greyston, look at this!" She showed him a sketch of a hand. No arm or torso, just a hand. It had sharp fingernails and it looked like it was grasping, more accurately clawing, at something. "And there are more..." She flipped through pages and pages of hands, feet, eyes, even an elbow. "Why was she drawing these?"
"Practicing drawing, maybe? I'm not sure. You'd think the local police would have mentioned this, they said she wrote about the black dogs, but must have written the drawings off as normal. I think we should definitely look into that tapestry though," Greyston said. He pulled out his phone and texted Luke, 'Did you notice a large tapestry? One that seemed a bit eery? I was only in the living room area of her place.' He put away his phone and looked back at Tulula: "Say, what was the end of that first sentence you started reading aloud? I hadn't gotten that far before you snatched it away."
"Beaten? Does she mean beaten beaten? Or is she just referring to some kind of epic ping-pong game, I wonder? She was into sports, maybe she didn't mean it in a sinister way." Greyston said, trying to figure out why a 25-year-old softball player would be actually beating people. That had to mean cursed object, if that's what she meant. 'we'll know more when we speak with the family, I'm sure' He thought to himself.
Piper glanced at her phone, then immediately turned to her computer.

She paused to text the other two back: "I'll check on that tapestry. Can you see if she knows where it came from? That could be important. It wouldn't be the first time a spell has been woven into fabric, but That's usually a talent of fairies or fauns. Not the types to create something so menacing."
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"Yeah...." Tulula said, settling on that reason. "I'm pretty good at ping-pong if I do say so myself," she said randomly. Realizing what she said, she mentally face-palmed and backpedaled. "I mean... Not that that's relevant or anything..."
"Ha! We should play some time, but I should warn you, I've had ages to practice!" Greyston said, easily switching from what little "work mode" he was in to "casual mode" Though, he rarely actually left casual mode, to be fair
Tulula laughed, glad that Greyston was being casual. "Oh, you are so on!" She grinned widely at the thought of her kicking his butt. "So the tapestry, the sports, the diary, the Black Dogs. Is that all we have to go on right now?"
"We taking bets? I'll go start the office pool!" Greyston said, then, to her question he replied with, "For right now. Luke said he had some items for us to look at when he gets back, and we still need to talk to the family. Oh, and her grandfather died about three months ago in the same apartment, his death was ruled a heart attack, there was no reason to think otherwise at the time. There still may not be, but it's worth remembering, probably." Greyston checked his phone, and then added "First Black Dogs and now Evil Faries? And she acted like dog haunting was stupid." The last bit was more of a mutter. 'Let us know what you find,' Greyston took the diary back from Tulula to search for the first mention of the tapestry in her diary.
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Luke was still in the apartment when he got the text. He texted back "Yea. I got it for you to look at, as well as some other items. This woman definitely has a couple of a hundred of screws loose. I'll be getting back in a few minutes."

He picked up his items of interest, and got the scanbot to pick up the large tapestry. He left quickly and headed back to the station
"Ah, here we go, 'moved into my granddad's apartment today. It wasn't as bad as I expected, there was an elevator, and I got to keep most of his old stuff. Though, there is this weird carpet art in the bedroom...'" Greyston quoted, reading from her diary. 'looks like it was inherited from grandpa, either someones been planned this and knew it would look suspicious, or the tapestry is the key.' He texted the others, thinking about how nice it is that portable communications were invented.

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