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Futuristic Defenders of Earth - OOC

Maybe after the time skip he’ll go full movie star? Lol
Oh right, should ask just how long the timeskip would be considering… well, I had fully intended him to be 28 at the start of the rp considering his background and what not.
I did say we would be young heroes who age into our roles. Probably something like 5-7 years
Hmm, I see. Well, it should still be a bit hilarious seeing this older individual being a new hero a few years after leaving prison. But yeah, maybe Abel would become something of a celebrity or a movie star sort of hero (like Johnny Cage somewhat) during the timeskip
So just for a bit of lore, the reason that KL got there late is he ran to New York.


Then, to recharge he had a bite to eat, THEN he went to the tower. in case the meaning behind sprinting across the USA wasn't clear

Think of this like the Flash if you have to. He just isn't able to defy gravity or phase through objects or crazy stuff. just really really fast. so not necessarily speed force levels of power, just able to well, dodge lightning if he knew it was coming. sneak attacks will still hit. he isn't all seeing or has the force or whatever, so even if he's quick, he can't tell if someone has a gun ready to shoot him 10 seconds before they pull it out or anything crazy
So just for a bit of lore, the reason that KL got there late is he ran to New York.


Then, to recharge he had a bite to eat, THEN he went to the tower. in case the meaning behind sprinting across the USA wasn't clear

Think of this like the Flash if you have to. He just isn't able to defy gravity or phase through objects or crazy stuff. just really really fast. so not necessarily speed force levels of power, just able to well, dodge lightning if he knew it was coming. sneak attacks will still hit. he isn't all seeing or has the force or whatever, so even if he's quick, he can't tell if someone has a gun ready to shoot him 10 seconds before they pull it out or anything crazy
I did notice that when I was reading. I am kind of lost as to how realistic of a speedster you’re going for. Like you said he can’t run straight up 90 degrees a building but he can move at Mach 2, as you put it. He should probably not be so fast going forward since he hasn’t matured into his powers
I did kind of imply you’re supposed to have one power, and it seems like Kid Lightning has four. Non-aging, speed force, lightning shocks, and radio broadcast. They should all be weakling versions of what they’d be as more powerful single mutations, understand?
yeah I can edit that a bit if needed. His original speed was as fast as a lightning bolt, but only for around 8 seconds before he got winded.

I can scale it all the way down to that if needed. Mach 2 is a bit much considering not being able to run on glass. or would just "faster than a gunshot until he exhausts his energy" work?
His whole shtick is Self-Energy-Control. It isn't that he has 4 powers, it's that he uses his own energy in his body to convert it to electronic uses such as wiretapping or computer hacking, but he can also use it to overclock his muscles.

In retrospect, this should come at a high cost, such as him always being starving or something. feel free to suggest edits to how I proceed in the future
I think you ought to keep the complicated stuff like hacking and tapping out of it and just keep the speed and shock powers. It doesn’t make sense to have those abilities. If he can hack as a skill that’s another thing.
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See this is why I said I was rusty. non-realistic viewpoints on my characters... I don't plan ahead very much as a result.

I think his having natural "computer smarts" is fine instead of a living Swiss army knife of a PC. again, I made the mistake of giving him too much power.

So going forward, his power is Electricity control, and he can use this to speed himself up(IDK if this is more of a second power or just a reference to the speed of a lightning bolt) but he gets REALLY hungry the longer he runs, and can't actually move fast for super long periods of time, (again, around the length a bolt can exist, so 8 seconds)

Any other changes I need to make?
No problem. sorry for the confusion, this is my first group RP in around 6 or so years, so there were bound to be hiccups
No apologies needed. The purpose of the intro is to get everyone on a similar scale of power. I gotta poke and prod to get all my duckies in a row
As I needed to scale him back a bit I changed my first post a bit so it doesn't seem like he's starting out OP.

Now I modified the descriptions of his entrance and stuff in the post to more closely reference "Hacker with fast powers and electricity" rather than the other stuff
so now he's just computer smart and able to zip around places and shock people
Also, I don’t think I may be capable of making a post, at least, for now. Preparing for something today and may be busy for a while

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