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Futuristic Defenders of Earth - OOC

Basic Info
Name: Kiera Ashcroft
Age: 17 (unknown time skip)
View attachment 1164472
History: Kiera was born to two loving parents on the outskirts of the city where she lived a very regular childhood. She went to school, was never too popular, but had a few close friends - just how she liked it. Her life couldn’t have been any better.

Then was the night of the rift. She was actually asleep and didn’t notice anything at first. Not even that her eye color changed from grey to blue (the color of her hexes). She got up like every regular day to go to school and started to get ready. But it all started with her shirt being inside out, so she had to take it off, turn it the right way around and then back on. Without giving it much thought she continued - tripping over her own feet at the top of the stairs. Her parents obviously came to check what was going on, so because of that Kiera‘s breakfast got burnt in the pan and her father accidentally knocked over her glass of orange juice when he got up.

At this point it was now too late for breakfast, so she ran to the bus stop to catch the bus, when it suddenly started raining, drenching her completely to her underwear. That’s also the point she started wondering what was going on. When the bus then also never showed up, she decided to walk to school now (since both of her parents were at work now) to figure out later that one of the tires had a hole and that they hadn’t found a replacement in time. That morning she made it to school, about 2 hours late, as that had only been the beginning, and dripping with rain, leaving a trail of water behind her, and when she turned to sit down on her chair, one of the legs broke and she face planted onto the floor.

The rest of the day went on in that fashion and the next day she couldn’t go to school, because she caught the flu. Though this time, she didn’t mind that, because she now had an easier time researching this mysterious rift and the strange cases of illnesses that somehow started showing up as soon as the rift happened….

Hero Info
Power: Bad luck powers, basically (yes, inspired by Jinx but I don’t care). So, probability manipulation for the worse to whomever it‘s directed to, but she can’t manipulate the body failing. Like, for example, she can make the person have a really bad day that might end them up in a coma (by them getting hit in the head with something or falling from somewhere because they slipped), but can’t give them heart failure
Strengths: Having constant bad luck herself, caused her to become adaptable very quickly. She can adapt quite fast to any situation and is always on the lookout for new solutions. She‘s very compassionate and would do anything for her friends.
Weaknesses: Has issues controlling her powers/often subject to the bad luck herself (but a lot less harmful), she‘s also borderline paranoid at times and doesn’t always trust herself when handling delicate objects, as she never knows when her powers act up against herself.
Skills: She can sing very well and is a good painter, she‘s had Karate lessons when she was 4 until she was 12 years old, but she never was amazing at it. Though despite that, she knows how to throw a punch - more or less.

Misc Info
Ideals: Her friends and mostly also because it’s the right thing to do. And also to prove to herself that even if you have bad luck powers, you can also be a superhero.
Gear: mostly just her powers, and sometimes whatever‘s lying around at the moment.
Alrighty, picture is updated!
On that note are we going with a posting order or is this free for all?

I like to know ahead of time
In that case I felt the need to get them closer to Questmaster, so I moved the story a bit with a second post. feel free to tell me whenever I need to wait or whatever
I mean I fully expected you to get there on first post. This little interlude is fun though
Hmmm we have two female spellcaster types. I’m gonna have to make a lady bruiser to woop their asses :P
Unluck Spellcaster: "I cast... MEND BUTTCRACK"

Idea: maybe a water-based villain for Kid Lightning's nemesis? or some sort of rubber-based one?

either way, it's up to you since it's not my OC's world and I have little say how this one goes.

And yes, he was initially made for something else, which is why I had a 3D render of him
i have some ideas, especially one that would be a huge threat to everyone without even being a damage based mutant.
Unluck Spellcaster: "I cast... MEND BUTTCRACK"

Weeeell, that’s not really how it works. She could make KL‘s shoe laces untie so he‘ll trip the next time he uses his super speed and gets hurt in the process
Meanwhile KL just trotted up to the guy in charge and started Hyperactively poking him
Man, I just woke up after sleeping and you guys already had made a decent amount of posts in the rp
True, true. It’s just a bit to catch up on. But now, to figure out a way to the top, either take the elevator or jog right up the stairs… it will probably be a bit hilarious having Abel go up the stairs and not be exhausted one bit despite it
Hmm, although I should try and find a way to explain how he is about as late as everyone else. Oh yeah, perfect idea… his car got held up by New York traffic. Sure, he could’ve walked there, but why not drive there in style instead?
Oh no, he is not that kind of individual. Sure he has a bit of cash on him considering his family background, but he lives a lifestyle more similar to an Upper-middle class individual. Nothing on the level of private helicopters and butlers.

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