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Fandom Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA)

Richard Hemway

Richard nodded as he leaned down on the ground to put down his bad, "Correct I will be testing you soon. Do take note I come from a family of Witch Hunters, though it seems people are forgetting that," a frown formed on his face, "Point being I'm trained in Krav Maga as well since it is quite an effectual form of self defense. I also specialize in Wing Chun, Muay Thai, and Boxing. As such I'm quite in tune with my body." he stated firmly as he started to look through his bag. The fighting styles he learned before coming the academy were all oriented around adaptability, endurance, and precision attacks. While close range fighting was his forte Richard wasn't a fool and made sure to cover his weakness to long range attacks. Out of his bag he grabbed a pair of brown leather gloves that seemed quite worn down. They had been with him over the last few years of his training.

Strapping on one of the leather gloves he looked towards Rayne, "Before we trade blows lets get some stretches done to avoid unneeded cramps and promote blood flow." he stated as he picked up his bag again and headed outside. The day was quite gorgeous with a nice balance between the humidity and the pounding sunshine. He dropped his bag onto the leaf litter and strapped on his last leather glove before starting his normal stretching routine. "I brought two water bottles, which are in my bag. So, if you get thirsty don't get cocky and hydrate to keep up your stamina. I plan to test you to your limits. Understood?" he stated blatantly as he did an over arm stretch.

In his mind Richard was reviewing the basics of Krav Maga. The form of fighting itself incorporated many other styles of fighting in it, thus it rightly resulted in a dangerous artform of attack and defense. Having practiced the fighting style himself he held a bit of confidence in fighting the guy, though his ability to partly transform could prove to be an interesting factor. All in all Richard was more then ready to tussle and gain a few bruises. Such minor injuries would be nothing compared to what would occur in a real battle.

She takes the lance spinning it in front of her. Wind seemed to just pick up slightly and form almost what seemed like a shield. She was kind of in awe about the power this was getting her. She picked wisely about her weapon even though power wasn't everything to her. She stabs the middle of the shield waiting for some reaction.

@Shade Wraith
An explosive wind funnel would launch forward away from them and push back the Meister and her weapon a bit because of its sheer power. As it dissipated the shield would hover in front of them for a minute or two and then vanish. "That was a good job. You are really getting the hang of this I think."
"I think I am too." She says relaxing slightly. She didn't notice really until now that it also took some energy out of her also but it was fine really. She spun the lance in her hands again just liking the feeling of having a good weapon in her hands and beaning able to use it.

@Shade Wraith
"I think we should focus on those techniques first and go from there. Otherwise I think we are in pretty good shape." He stated smiling from the blade. "Any questions?"
"Nope." She says still in slight awe for what she could do. She still handled the lance like it was going to break though. She now has to take care of her weapon, they were partners and she was hoping this would go well.

@Shade Wraith
"Ha ha you're so funny." She says sarcastically. She didn't know exactly what to do. She did want to try using the wind to push herself in a direction but not face planting this time. She starts moving around slightly using the lance. She started to get the jist of it more and more.

@Shade Wraith
She almost lost her balance a couple times but managed to stay on her feet. "Your really bad ass weapon." She says stopping and smiling. She looks at the place where he typically appeared on the weapon.

@Shade Wraith
Rayne gave a grin when his partner listed his training disciplines. The whole witch hunter family was slightly intriguing to him, but fighting and fighting well was much more interesting. "So this should be exciting. You have practice and are probably a better fighter if you have even half mastered each of those arts. But, I have the ace up my sleeve with transformations." he replied with a ready look in his eyes. He took pride in his ability to be autonomous, even if he wasn't nearly as good as others, he could easily manage to hold his own against more skilled opponents because of it. Seeing that Richard had already pulled out a pair of well worn gloves, Rayne removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

Hearing the suggestion to stretch before the fight, Rayne gave a silent mental sigh. I know it's important and all, but I really hope it doesn't happen right before a real fight, he hoped to himself. Imagining what that would be like, a scene of Mr. Hemway starting to stretch and an opponent simply swiping him away in one motion played; resulting in a chuckle from the teen as he began to stretch. Richard's words about the waters only barely got to him, Rayne responding with a thumbs up and grin. "Speak for yourself. I hope you can endure a few good blows, because I surely can. But don't worry about me, I know to drink up." it was a good day to fight and train. He was surprised no one else was testing their potential partners out here. The wooded area made a nice place for it.

Quickly finishing up his stretches, Rayne paced a few steps away from Richard and set his feet to take a stance. "Whenever you are ready Mr. Hemway." he stated with a slightly sarcastic tone and grin. If a guy can't take a joke, he's going to hate me.

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Richard Hemway

It seemed the guy wasn't keen on stretches as he slipped back his sleeves and got into a battle stance. Richard wasn't keen on the fact that his weapon was disobeying him, but it seemed Rayne took well to fighting. In that light he would simply assert himself as the more powerful force to be obeyed. Richard provided no remark to his weapon's sarcasm as he took off his glasses. The silver framed reading glasses were from his grandfather and he had no plans on them getting broken in a little tussle. Ensuring his leather gloves were properly strapped he looked towards his opponent with an emotionless mask. Time for chat was over as they would now communicate through show of force.

Raising his arms to defend his chest and abdominal region he eyed his opponent's stance. His present stance was full of openings that Richard could take a jab at, but being cautious he wasn't quick to attack. He had both his arms raised to protect his chest and abdominal region as he studied his opponent. Knowing the fighting style Rayne was trained at wasn't enough to motivate him to go in for an attack. It would only prove to be a hazardous choice since he couldn't pinpoint the exact way Rayne conducted himself in battle. Based on the few minutes he had been around the weapon he could determine the guy grew up in a sub-urban area, based on how he spoke and conducted himself. Based upon the fact that he learned all his techniques from his father it was likely his movements wouldn't be as well trained as his own considering he had multiple teachers. An undisciplined fighter before him likely would incorporate odd attacks that weren't fully distinctive of Krav Maga. This would bring a little randomness into the battle he couldn't account for until he experienced it. Having determined what he could on his opponent from thought he took in a deep breath to steady his body and mind.

Slamming one foot forward Richard wasted no time in closing the gap between himself and Rayne as he burst forward. He jeered to the left to avoid an upfront punch and to get on the left side of his opponent. Quickly adjusting his body he held up one arm to defend his chest and face and with the other he tightened his fist as he launched a punch into Rayne's left side. Expecting no mercy himself Richard held nothing back in his punch. The intention of the hit was to unbalance Rayne and test his endurance.

"Well thank you." She says with a smile. She was happy that he thought this of her and it put her at ease. "So do you want to head back into Death City or keep training?" She asks still looking at the lance.

@Shade Wraith
"Well what do we have here?" A pool of blood appears a few feet away and out steps a woman clad in victorian style clothing and white hair, "A couple of fresh students it seems. Perhaps I will kill you or let you leave for now. It depends on my mood."

"A witch," He hissed to her seriously, "We need to..."

"Whats the rush little weapon? Why not stay for a spot of tea?" She cooed ominously.

She turns and sees the witch and she didn't honestly didn't know if she should attack or run. She had barely practiced with her weapon and things could go so wrong, so fast. She kept a firm grip on the weapon. They were outside of Death City so they were on their own, no one to really help. "What do you want?" She said between clenched teeth to the witch.

@Shade Wraith
"Oh is that any way to speak to someone you just met. Let me teach you a little manners. First you say your name," She sneered a bit, "My name is Orona, and you are?" The witches power could be felt from where they were and it was nothing to scoff at. If anything it was terrifying that anything or anyone this strong at snuck up on them almost undetected.
She didn't really say anything. She didn't know the extent of a witches power and didn't know if them knowing your name gave them some power over you. "I'm sorry but I'm not obligated to say anything." She says not really bothering with manners.

@Shade Wraith
"I see that the DWMA doesn't create good mannered students. It seems a... more direct approach is needed then." She raised her hand high above her head sinister smile etched on her face, "Yes I think 5% of my power is enough to teach you manners. I, Orona, the Witch of Corrupted Blood, will educate you fools." A rather large, black flaming 9 point star appeared high above them, its visage blocking out the sun. Without warning or any form of clouds in sight, black blood began falling behind the witch pooling into large bodies of black ooze. From out of the liquid came black bone like spires which ascended high into the sky, their black and red surfaces blocking the paths of planes that were flying their way. Pointing in the twos direction something akin to black clouds began to escape from the towers interior. Upon closer inspection it could be seen that they were bats or some form of bat like monstrosities. "Drain them dry." She ordered, her eyes watching them with an intense gaze.
She was trying to think as to what she should do but she knew she had to make sure none of those things touch them. She was desperately trying to think some of the techniques that she was practicing earlier. Her mind was blank. "God damn it, think." She says softly to herself. She tried to remember. She finally thought of something. She used the weapon to go up in the air slightly and turned the tip down and throwing it to the ground, creating a tornado around them. 'Hopefully this will work' she thinks to herself.
The tornado would whip around catching the bats and dragging them away from them slamming them against the spires from whence they came. However, the moment they exploded they became black blood which splattered across the sand to,"I see, wind is it? then perhaps I should take a more... direct approach." The blood that freshly spilled began mixing with the sand slowly turning into a large, towering armored sand beast. Its black body and beady red eyes watched them carefully, its razor sharp claws digging into the sand a bit to increase their length a bit.
"Um, like I said before, run. If we did fight this thing we would need a lot of height and from where we are that is not possible. If we somehow could get on top of a spire and lure that thing there we could get enough momentum to at least stagger it. But that would mean passing the witch, getting further away from the school and fighting a witch and those bats head on. At least in Death City we have the advantage and she can't follow. Even if her over sized sand turtle can follow us we can freely move and it would be limited to what it could do."

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