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Fandom Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA)

"Do not be afraid," He said while still in his weapon form, "you have plenty of time to figure out how to fight with me. As I have said I am the Lance of Wind." He then remembered the necklace that Excalibur gave him, "One second..." He turned back into his human form and fished out the necklace from his pocket. "Here take this. Its old but I am told that since it is from my family it will help us train."

She takes the necklace and looking at the necklace carefully before putting it on, figuring it was what she was supposed to do. It looked like the tip of a spear almost. "Well Lancelot, what do you want to do now?" She asks curiously looking up slightly. She was wondering what the necklace really was, it didn't seem like some normal necklace, but she couldn't put her finger on exactly what made her have that feeling.

@Shade Wraith
"Hm, I know we just got here and all, but why not look around a bit. I guess learning where everything is could be helpful." He said thinking to himself.
"Yeah, that might be useful." She says figuring she really didn't want to get lost and end up late to class. She has heard stories of when people were late to Steins class so she was going to do her best.

@Shade Wraith
"Okay are you in my head or something?" She asked with a dry laugh. It was normally extremely hard for another person to tell what she was thinking. She looked around her, her Amber colored eyes catching the sunlight. "So which way do we go first?" She asks

@Shade Wraith
"I can't read minds but that face you made gave it away. I am thinking...starting from the first floor. We can get a good idea of where things are." He gave her a nod and put his hands in his pockets.
She nods to him and starts walking towards the first floor figuring that he would just follow her. She crossed her arms in front of her out of habit and kept walking, looking around, trying to memorize where everything was.

@Shade Wraith
Richard Hemway


Richard was sure how long he was lost in the pages of his book because when he looked up Dr.Stein wasn't doing his apparent job of teaching. Instead he seemed content turning the bolt in his head with a cigarette puffing in his mouth. Richard frowned at the pathetic sight, "Is that really all he had to say." stated Richard as he got up from his seat. It seemed he was right about it not mattering if he came in late. Still the teacher's irresponsibility had brought about the part of the day he was waiting for, weapon choosing. The main reason Richard had joined the academy was to reclaim his family's status, that seemed to be falling into obscurity. As such he knew his main tool to progressing towards becoming a Witch Hunter was his weapon of choice. Through gaining such a title he thought he could reaffirm his family's proud linage. Richard held his book under his arm, since he still planned to read it. He himself was worried about how his time in school would go if the professor were all slack jaws.

He looked around at everyone in the room with a steel gaze as he judged each one with a passing glance. Richard was raised in such a fashion that a weapon was the meister's tool, not partner. He needed someone he felt confident in pressing his dominance onto. As such he was looking for someone obscure and cowardly in their demeanor, as such his gaze squared down on a little girl that seemed nervous and frightened even. He walked over to her and looked down to find she was quite short and her behavior was only making her seem smaller. This only boosted his need to have her as his pawn. She seemed like a clean slate that could be worked upon and Richard was more then up to such a project.

Maybe he was getting little head of himself as he slammed a book down on the desk in front of her, "Okay Ms.Fabian as my weapon I will insist on you doing some required reading." the book he slammed down was called How to be a Weapon, "Oh, I should ask more formally I suppose." he moved his hand over and gave her a firm handshake. It was clear she wasn't ready as her hand shake lacked a certain of toughness. "My name is Richard Hemway, though I prefer to be formally addressed as Mr.Hemway. I have decided that you shall be my weapon. I can assure you that it is in both our calculated interests." he stated as he started to walk away from her as he headed to the courtyard. "Unless you have any insightful questions please follow me. I need to access your potential as I see a fair amount." he stated as he pulled out his own book again.

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With a quick nod and a clear presence of relief in his expression, Adam made his way towards an empty seat, much like the many other students after him. Some with arrivals just as discreet as his, some not quite, but in the end, there they were, a new class of Meisters and Weapons. It was as if this moment had sunk in at last on him, driving him to a lingering nervousness which would, little by little, turn all the more visible, from fidgeting and throwing side glances from time to time at those around him. He could not recall all the roles of each student, much to his self-disappointment, which made the task of eyeing for a possible all the more difficult. Ah, wait, would he not come across as noisy? Or creepy? Or anything like that? Ahh, maybe he was just making a big deal out of it. But what was he supposed to do? Just let fate do its thing? He wouldn't want to come across as a sleazy Meister either. And most of all...he could not afford to waste time for his own personal reasons.

The arrival of the famous Death the Kid and his twin partners, Professor Stein's words, all further culminated in a boost of reassurance of his task. As...peculiar as these characters were, they had a point. No student of DWMA could achieve anything without someone by their side. Some could have more than one, case in point being the former speaker's, but if he were to expect that to happen, he would most likely end up with reality slapping him on the face. Adam did not ask for more than he should, he was well-aware of his skills. Hell, he couldn't even use Soul Perception for more than a few minutes, let alone handle two weapons! No, no, he needed a partner, someone he could trust, someone he could resonate with, someone who would balance him. He could not help but watch in awe as students such as Iyan and Mr. Hemway easily handled this process, confident, fearless even.
It really shows how Meisters can differ from one another, huh... Ahh, he really needed to step up his game. Otherwise, the possibility of ending up alone in this whole class would become a dreadful reality.

Focus, Adam, focus. Slapping his cheeks once, twice, the young purple haired boy regained his composure and, naturally, his smile. His body rose from his seat, as many others had before and along with him, shyly stepping out of his comfort zone in order to scan the classroom. Closing his eyes and opening again, a little ritual he had long grown used to over the years, his eyes observed each soul in the classroom. As he had expected, all seemed to be healthy, strong...one in particular led him to jolt in surprise, as much to his shock, he was nearly unable to see it. W-Witch?! No, it couldn't be, right? If so, he would not be able to see it at al, just like when--

He shook his head, banishing memories he did not wish in the slightest to reminiscence. Turning away from said female student as a result, he found his Soul Perception to show signs of failure, as he became more and more exhausted. Yes, it was time to stop. Clearly using this technique would not aid him any further than this, as well as reaching its limit for a while. Adam closed his eyes, holding his head, trying his best to suppress a faint headache. Perhaps the years to come in the academy would be able to end this ridiculous limitation of his... Well, he hoped so, at least.
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James Deous-Weapon

James sat through the entire orientation. It was really quite odd to see death the kid come in and leave just as quickly when there weren't a symmetrical amount of students. Regardless, now was the time to select his partner. There had to be someone who linked together well with James' soul...but who? He stood up from his seat and only began to look at all of his meister choices. James knew none of these people, and wasn't really sure if he felt much of a connection. So, he only sat back down, hoping that maybe a meister would pick him.
Looking around the room she had seen a few become partners right away wile others like her just sat there. She wasn't wanting to go by personality it would be by there weapon and she hoped for a type of blade or perhaps someone that isn't afraid to work with a half witch. She would be alright with that even if they weren't some type of blade.

Looking around she seen one of the guys jump then put his head in his hands. What was his deal he had to of jumped for some reason, my soul is hidden... Right. She really was bad at this magic came harder for her then others and with no-one to teach her it was harder. She shook her head she should be alright hopefully anyway. getting up with a sigh she moved to the front of the class then to the corner so she could look at the class, how should she do this? she couldn't just walk up to a random weapon and just ask can she? she took a deep breath and waited she would wait for a Weapon as she glanced at the boy behind her hood that had jumped, slightly worried he had noticed she was a witch.
James Deous-Weapon

James watched as a girl moved over to the corner of the room. He caught a glimpse of her tag, she was a meister! James stood up and silently walked over, the fear of rejection lingering over him. He waved to the girl and smiled, "I'm not sure if you'd be interested, but I'm a weapon. Would you like to weild a snake sword?" James said with a obvious hint of nervousness in his tone.

@Srion Receno
Crimson slightly moved off the was as her eyes caught sight of the boy walking to her, he was a weapon maybe one she could deal with. when he said he was a snake sword she almost smiled, but held it back as she nodded. "yes i would" she said as she noted his nervousness, would he be able to except her? "Crimson Rose" she said as she slightly held out her hand to him, if he didn't notice then she would tell him when they were alone...if she could trust him anyway.

James Deous-Weapon

James quickly took the hand and shook it before smiling,"James Deous." he said as he seemed to be getting less and less nervous. Chris then took Crimson's hand as he led her outside. It was a wide open area, so both Crimson and James had less of a chance of breaking something. He looked at Crimson as he spoke,"A bit of a warning in advanced. The weapon I turn into is a bit...odd. It may take time to get used to my weapon. You just about ready?"

@Srion Receno
She was surprised when he didn't let go of her hand and was pulled outside. What was this guy thinking was he this eager to try this partnership out? Making it out she nodded at his words, she was alright with it needing a little practice. "let's try this out then...im ready" she only had a calm look to her even if she was a little nervous about this.

James Deous-Weapon

James took Crimson's hand once again and suddenly turned into a basic blade. The only real defining feature of the blade was a simple emerald at the hilt that looked the same color as James' eyes. Suddenly, James appeared on the blade of the sword. "Alright, let's just start off nice and simple with my basic blade form. After a while, you'll find out what exactly a snake sword is."

@Srion Receno
"alright..." as she said this she looked at him in her hands, he was a nice sword and lighter then most in her hand. She swung him around a bit to get the feel of him in her hands. "your a lovely blade you know that" she mumbled as she turned and started to actually move around more with him.

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Agnes looked at weapon who walked out of the classroom. She seemed somewhat arrogant to her, seeing how he was assuming that people cared about him enough to follow him. Then again, someone actually did follow him, so maybe she was just being too cynical. However, now wasn't the time to think about other weapons. At least not before she found a meister herself.

The short girl looked around, gazing on the multitude of faces in the classroom. She had no idea who was a weapon and who was a meister, arriving last, and she had even less knowledge about the personalities of these people. The short girl pondered on what she should do. Was she just supposed to just randomly go speak with one of the students, hoping they were looking for chainsaw weapon? However, she din't have to ponder for long, as soon she got approached by a white haired meister known as Richard Hemway. Or Mr. Hemway, as as that seemed to be how she was supposed to call him. She shook his hand with hesiation, not sure if she really wanted to partner with him. His serious and demanding way of acting was somewhat intimidating to her, but he also seemed to be analytical and well prepared, both traits Agnes was fond of.

Ultimately, the short girl decided to follow Mr. Hemway, glad that she had acquired a meister so quickly. She grabbed the book he had handed to her and ran after him, her short legs having trouble keeping up with him. While tailing her meister, Agnes cast a glance at the book. How to be a Weapon it read. The short girl felt that she would have to read this book many times in the upcoming months. She looked at Mr. Hemway.

-Um... Thanks for the book... she started. I-I mean... I accept, I will be your weapon.

James Deous-Weapon

James waited for the girl to get used to swinging him around before his image appeared once again on the blade,"Beautiful! Alright, this is where things start to get a bit more complex. What I want you to do is thrust skyward. Just trust me, you'll have to get used to my second form as well." he said as he waited for Crimson to follow his orders.

@Srion Receno
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"alright...like this? " she did as she was asked and thrust him tword the sky, as she did this her hood fell from her head. she looked up at him with bright blue eyes, as she waited for him to do something.
James Deous-Weapon

The moment James was thrusted into the air, there was a soft click and it almost appeared that the swors had broken up into about ten or so pieces. This would normally spell disaster for any normal sword, but a keen eye would notice that it was all connected by a wire. The seperated sword bits flew threw the air for about a good second before retracting back to the hilt in the normal shape. James only smiled as he looked at Crimson,"That's right, I became a bladed whip. That form takes a lot more time to get used to rather than my normal blade form. I'm sure you'll get used to it."

@Srion Receno
Seeing him come apart she let her mouth form a rare smile. "that is awesome" she said as she brought him back down so she could look at the blade. "so you come apart with all fast movements or how dose that work?" the smile had faded slightly but her eyes showed she was still excited.
Richard Hemway

Exiting the classroom he would see if Ms.Fabian passed his first little test, being obedient. Soon enough he heard the sound of small footsteps as Agnes trailing after him confirming she passed. It seemed she had to put in effort to keep up with his brisk pace through the hallway, still judging from her rhythmical breathing it seemed she had decent endurance in human form. Soon enough her little jog was watching his pace as she trailed behind him. He had no intention of slowing down because if she followed it was of her own will.

Richard was naturally curious as to the traits his new weapon would exhibit. Interrupting his thoughts the young weapon spoke up with a not so subtle stutter in her voice. Judging from her tone and indirectness she appeared nervous and drawn back to Richard. For her perhaps becoming a weapon was a new lease on life, but Richard had been training, both mentally and physically, for this day it was inevitable. The uncertainty in her voice and her body language made it clear to Richard she was introverted, which was a trait he could toy around with. Still her abilities in a social context were of little value to him at the moment.

"Yes a weapon. Remember this fact fondly. So, tell me Ms.Fabian what type of weapon are you?" stated Richard not even taking a glance back at her. The question may have seemed simple at first, but depending on her answer he could easily determine her physical prowess and mental aptitude. All important information for what he would need to do. Richard still kept up his steady pace down the hallway, with a book in hand. On his last visit he recalled an odd forest region being situated behind the school. It seemed natural and wild, a natural battle field. Taking her there he felt he could access her abilities in peace.

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