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Fandom Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA)

James Deous-Weapon

James smiled as he was called awesome and only scratched the back of his neck a little,"I'm not that awesome, believe me. Anyways, I'll kinda decide if I need to extend or not. It'll eventually come to the point where I'll do it without thinking."

@Srion Receno
"hey your more awesome then I am" she let out a light laugh, she had started to get a little comfortable with him at this point. "alright should we go back to the class or what should to do?" she asked looking at him with a small smile. would this be the best time to tell him? she looked at him for a moment longer then looked at the school. no I should wait longer until she knew she could trust him and perhaps make a few friends.

Agnes continued to follow Richard. She wished he would slow down, but it wasn't like her to complain like that. As she continued forward, the little girl wondered where exactly he was leading her. Maybe that forest behind, as that was the direction they were headed at. The short girl guessed that they were probably going test their abilities. She wondered how Mr. Hemway would react when he understood that she was mostly unfamiliar with combat. He seemed ambitious, and he was probably rather strict too. The chainsaw wondered if maybe she had decided to join him too quickly.

-I transform into a chainsaw. The machine itself is is 46 inches, and the chains extend up to 6 feet, she said, this time making an effort not to stutter, as well as sound more confident. However, whether she succeeded in this endeavor is debatable. She was afraid of seeming incompetent if she couldnt even speak properly. Uselessness was a great fear of her. The short girl picked up her pace a little, as to not fall behind Richard.

Richard Hemway


"A chainsaw you say. So an exotic variant. How curious." he stated as he started to think. He held no credence over the fact, instead he started to ponder of the optimal features of such a tool in battle. When Demon Weapons were made by Death they were created with the intention to endure combat, as such he already knew she wasn't a typical chainsaw in design. From the specifics she provided on the weapon's dimensions the machine would very well be larger then him, and likely just as unyielding. "The defensive and offensive capabilities of such a weapon are quite desirable. I recall your Weapon form being mentioned in a book. Still while your weapon form is desirable..." he stated as turned his head to look at his weapon's human form. She was quite unimpressive in size and her unkempt hair could prove pesky in battle. Richard made a slight humming sound as he looked around her various features in human form before turning his head back.

Her stature would seem detrimental, but with some aerobic exercise and proper sprint training she could prove agile. Such agility could balance well in battle since they could close distances before she transformed into her bulky weapon form. This meant they could keep to a distinctive melee style. "You have never seen any use as a weapon I see. Still I see much potential in you. Based off some thinking I already have a few more books you will be required to read." he stated in a matter of fact tone. From her lean body, clumsy disposition, and general innocence it was highly apparent she was new to being a weapon, or at least being treated as one. Richard already conceptualized this before he left the classroom.

Reaching a backdoor he wasted no time as he opened it to reveal the small forest region. The sun was blazing outside which Richard had little issue with, though he wondered how Agnes would handle it since it was apparent she didn't exercise. If anything she could rest under a tree once she reached her limit, which he intended to make her reach. He turned around to face little Agnes before heading outside. "I'll be prompt as I'm sure its apparent I will be testing you promptly. Before we begin do you have any questions? I'm only accepting them now." he stated firmly.

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Another student walks up to the new pair, "Oh I have been looking for you two. You both are new right? Here, it is your allowance for the week. I know it seems like a lot but please try to make it last. It is how you pay for your food and other things too. If you run out you might just have to get a job instead."

Iyan looked through the envelope and his eyes widened. '900 dollars? Are they foreal? That is insane!' He looked at the girl, "Ok so we get this amount each week?" The girl nodded, "Do we have our own rooms as well? And are they based on if we are partners?" She nods again.

"I take it you are partners right? Then you will both be staying in separate dorms. The males dorm is over there and the females is past it on the left. When you get into the EAT classes you will be allowed to have an actual apartment where you will have your own rooms. I gave you your room numbers in your parcels. Oh no, I am going to be late! Later!" The girl ran off.

"Well... this is... interesting." He said looking at his partner, "Your thoughts?" @ScarlettRose16
She sees the girl run up and she nods when she asks if they are partners. She sees the envelope that was given to them with the money.She was in shock at how much money they were just given for the "allowance"before the week.

"Well...its...a...lot...of....money." She says in surprise. She is going to have to find them irks dorm room eventually so it should be fun trying to find things that you only have a general idea of where they are.

"Do you know when and where our next class is?" She asks curiously not really wanting to be late even though she knew she wasn't going to be.

@Shade Wraith
"From what I know we don't have any actual classes today. It is a free day, but classes start tomorrow and we should be on time. I can't remember but I think the first class starts at 8. So breakfast is most likely at 7-730 in the morning. Seeing that classes here are different with Meisters going to classes from 8 to about 12 and Weapons from 12 to 4 with both Meisters and weapons training together from 440 to 540 I take it that we are pretty nicely set up. I guess after that we all get to do whatever we want after school. which is pretty good considering we only have about 5 hours worth of school a day." Iyan said very casually like some information broker.

She really hated the fact that her classes started at 8 she actually enjoyed sleeping and hated getting up any time before at least 9. She just brushed it off knowing there was nothing she could really do about it. "So what do you want to do? We could find somewhere to start training so I could get used to having you as a weapon?" She suggests kind of wanting to know what was possibly special about it knowing that every weapon had their perks.

@Shade Wraith
"Hm, from what I understand there is a room on the 3rd floor they use for that sort of thing but we want some place with room. If we are allowed to leave the city there is a desert but other than that is the massive graveyard." He thought to himself. "Wide open spaces are a good idea after all."
"I believe we are allowed just not at night but during the day I think we can." She says trying to remember exactly but she thinks those are the rules. She looks around and if they leave that means they have to climb the never ending staircase to get back up but it wasn't a big deal. "Let's go"

@Shade Wraith
He nodded taking her hand, "I will make our journey quicker." With that he switched into his weapon form, appearing on the blade he told her the following, "I make you light as air and because of that falls will never hurt you. You can also jump and glide further as well, but please don't over do it. I don't want to go flying into another country or anything." He laughed a bit at his joke, "Just focus on me while you do each action and you will be fine."
"That would be interesting if we went into another country." She says laughing slightly. She holds the weapon in her hand. She walks with the blade over to the steps. "So I can literally just jump down the steps?" She says looking into the blade where he appeared before.

@Shade Wraith
James Deous-Weapon

"Well I think we can leave. I think the purpose of heading to class today was to find a partner and get acquainted with them. I don't really know anywhere we can go really. You have any ideas?" James asked as the blade began to wiggle out of Crimson's grasp. Once out, the blade did a minor flip before reverting back to good ol' James.

@Srion Receno
She watched him go back to normal then shrugged, before putting her hood back up. "we can always go back to the class and make friends or wonder around the school" she shrugged again. "it's up to you really" she didn't care, though she did want to make some friends. One in particular other then her partner, she was curious if he actually did notice she was a witch.

James Deous-Weapon

"Looks like we're heading back to class then. Alright, let's go." James said as he began to walk back to class. As fun as it would be to get to know his partner a bit more, it would still be neat to go and talk to some of his new classmates. Although, there was something about his partner that seemed a bit odd. When he was being wielded, he felt something radiating off of her. It was probably nothing, but it still bothered James. However, it was still nothing worth bringing up.

@Srion Receno
"Yeah you can jump down the steps with no problem. As long as you are still holding onto me you should be fine with anything like this." He stated matter of factly.
"Okay" she says and she jumps, no fear, no hesitation. She lands in the bottom step and it was cool feeling as light as air. "This is awesome." She mutters to herself . She starts walking through death city gets through it faster than normal. She in ally gets out and ends up in a desert, it was wide open and no one around. "Okay what now?" She asks curiously.

@Shade Wraith
Crimson just nodded and started to walk behind him. She didn't think he had noticed so she left it be. She kept quiet as they walked through the school, it was an interesting place. Stopping at the door to the classroom she looked at him "did you see any one interesting to try and be friends with? " the only friend she ever had was her partner, though did he consider her as one or just partners?

James Deous-Weapon

"No one really comes to mind..." James said as he tried to think,"I'm sue we'll meet someone else when we go back in. It only makes sense." James finally made it back to the class as he opened the door and stepped back in before looking at Crimson, who were they going to talk to first?

@Srion Receno
"Hm, why not trying strike attacks first. Each swing and stab will cause wind to surge forth. You can propel yourself in any direction while on the ground or in the air by swinging me around." He stated, "I will leave my second attack for after you get the hand of my first set of abilities."
Walking in it seamed like some o the students were gone already but the boy with purple hair was still there. She looked over at him then at James. "what about him? " she said quietly as she looked back over at the boy.

@Isune @Mine

( Yu-Gi-Oh! Variation of Soul Eater Opening : [media]

[/media] )
The boy was walking through the many hallways, reaching the class he was assigned to. It took quite a bit of effort to reach this school, and they hoped it wasn't to their disappointment. Yugi's life was basically one big pyramid, with many locked rooms even he could not open, as the child had many secrets about him, some that he didn't even know himself.

For one thing, Inside the Millennium Puzzle/God Puzzle, there is an ancient Pharoah whose soul is very formidable, and unimaginably powerful. He was very powerful to, but not nearly as so. He didn't know why he was there, but he vowed to help the kind kingly figure out exactly what to do about that scenario.

Unknown to either one of these powerful souls, a dark soul, the very darkness that makes up both of their beings, is essentially becoming a Kishin. ( The Darker Yugi shown in the opening scene )

While returning to one of his classes, he bumps into one of the students of Shibusen's prestigious school. As he was knocked on the ground, he looked at the individual, and bowed, shyly adding: " Please forgive me ! " He added, still bowing.

( @Shade Wraith , @Isune , -i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x , @Srion Receno , or @ anyone who will reply to this first )

?Hana Tachibana :: Weapon?

?You are the strongest person I have ever known. You can hold on for a bit longer, I know you can.?

While lost in her thoughts, Hana suddenly realized everyone was already pairing up and leaving.

She jumped up, making a loud noise as she did so and cast a worried expression to the remaining people in the room. How was she ever to find a partner if everyone else was already pairing themselves up?

The answer was simple, she'd just have to approach someone.

She wasn't anti-social, not really shy either, she just never felt herself the kind of girl to approach others. When it came down to it, she really was a nervous wreck and hated being judged by other people, but sadly people were always judging each other, they were always sizing each other up.

Hana looked around the room, having to go by memory to see which person was meister and which was weapon. It was fairly easy, Hana being a weapon she had a slight sense in which she could tell when another was a weapon or not. It wasn't a strong sense, just a faint feeling she got when it came to other weapons. She probably got this being raised in her house of weapons, to be perfectly honest.

She walked down the steps of the seats in the classroom, suddenly taking in the architecture of the room. It was nice, the building obviously well cared for. At first Hana had thought it scary, but seeing the interior made a gentle smile dance onto her lips.

Her father had gone to this school once, however hadn't made it to become one of Death's weapons.

The story for that was simple, her father's partner had died by the hands of a kichien. After that day, her father quit the school and never came back. Hana was suddenly thinking about it. Her father's name was Maximus, his partner's was Rose. What if Hana wasn't strong enough for a partner, and her's ended up meeting the same fate as her father's had, as Rose had?

The thought terrified her and she looked at the tag the teacher- Mr. Stein- had given her, reading out the letters of "W-E-A-P-O-N" Weapon. That was what she was, a sword about five feet tall. Oh yes, five feet. That's how long, she, as a blade was. She couldn't even call herself a sword, she didn't have a hilt, and her blade was oddly shaped. The most she could say was a hilt for her, was the small piece of blade that cut out from her sword and was covered up in a strong bandage.

Hana positioned her tag on her shirt, staring at it after a moment. This would at least make it easier for people to see as to what she was, a weak, deformed, large sword.
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Ethan had sat towards the back and pretty much dozed through the orientation. When people had begun to disperse and pair up, he had finally blinked back into reality. Looking around he noticed the few people left, and what tag they had.


If someone wanted to partner up with him, he was sure that they would approach him themselves. Probably.

"Still though..."

It might be smart to keep an eye on everyone that's unpaired. Just in case no one approached him.

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