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Fandom Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA)

Right after Crimson pointed out the guy with the purple hair she felt someone run into her bumping her into James. "sorry" she quickly said to James then turned to the guy that bumped into her. looking at him bowing and apologizing she smiled a bit under her hood then shook her head "you have nothing to say sorry about I shouldn't of been in the doorway"

@Timmy Turner @Isune
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(Sry I was at a concert)

"Okay" she says swing the lance quickly and swiftly. She heard talk about she can propel herself in any direction. She thought about trying it. She attempts to propel herself forwards and she does but she face plant the weapon falling beside her. "Oh man." She says lifting herself off of the ground.

@Shade Wraith
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"Okay" she says before getting back on her feet and picking up the lance once more. She swung it around more starting to get the hang of it more and more. She is careful when propelling herself jot really wanting to face plant again.

@Shade Wraith
"Good job, try thrust upwards towards the sky. It will launch you into the air. At the top of the jump throw my tip towards the ground." The moment she did he would spawn a large tornado which would tear through the desert.
Striking the ground a white tornado surged forth, spinning and tearing down the desert before disappearing a couple of miles away. Lancelot flew back into his meisters grasp so her descent wouldn't hurt her. "That was perfect. When you get the hang of it you can make those without having to throw me at all."
She felt herself fall a little faster before he went back to her grasp. She discended to the ground and was in awe about how much damage it caused. She spins the lance in her hands still being careful.

@Shade Wraith
"So do you feel you have an idea of what I am capable of?" He asked her. "When you get more confident you will be able to do more complex wind attacks." He remained in weapon form to allow her to keep practicing.
"Yeah I think I'm finally understanding." She says with a dry laugh. This was kind of awesome. She was hoping to become a great meister and she thinks that might just happen. She wasn't so sure before. "What do I do now?" She asks holding the weapon firmly in her hand.

@Shade Wraith
"Hm, try spinning me in front of you to create a barrier of wind." He learned all of these techniques from his father before he had moved away. It seemed his father was just as strong of a Lance as he was but their elements were different. His father was electricity while he was wind. "Once we do that try stabbing the middle of the barrier to send out a blast of wind."


The pain would slowly dissipate, leaving behind only a certain numbness to it, which he could not help but find it pale in comparison to its former stage, at the very least. A sigh of relief escaped him, his hand gently brushing his messy locks away from his face. He hoped he had not gathered any attention, during this moment of weakness. Even it Adam was not particularly prdeful, it just did not sit well with im the fact that he had actually stand out in the class for his pathetic excuse of Soul Perception.

In any case, it seemed most people had successfully partnered while he was settling after that ridiculous attempt at killing time. Frankly, he felt ashamed of himself... Scared as he was of rejection, he had to set aside his weaknesses in order to reach the next step. Time was of the essence... If he was to let this ridiculous pace control him...

His eyes scanned the room, finding a handful of students still seemingly fending off by themselves despite the circumstances. Could they be the demanding Meisters and Weapons left? As in...those with higher standards than any of the other candidates?
Marvellous. For an instance, Adam would allow his mind to choose sarcasm as the one to emote how he felt at this moment, truly a rarity for someone as honest as he was. Nevertheless, as grim as his chances looked for him in that moment, his intentions could not falter before this fact. Who knew, perhaps among them could be someone just as lost as him in this...

But wait, was he not supposed to search for a partner that balanced his faults while he would do the same for them?
Opposites attract, right?... He still recalled the words of his temporary and first Weapon partner back his time in Moscow. Oh, yes, how much sense they held on its own once he had put it like that at the time. It was the way of the wavelengths, what brings a Meister and Weapon together. Of course, it all had sounded even perhaps poetic when Ivan had told him about it. Now? It was forced, somewhat...more of an obstacle than an aid to his task. After all, how was he supposed to capture the character of another to determine their compability as partners? Was he actually supposed to guess based on looks?!

Body language. Yes, that should do it. It was far less shallow than a subjective glance. Looking for any tags that had the letters of "W-E-A-P-O-N" in them was more difficult than he had anticipated, as it involved observing the chests of girls in the room, much to his embarrassment. But eventually he had narrowed it down to a few possible candidates. One in particular, ironically being the one who appeared less interested in standing out, was that of a girl with cream coloured locks.

Adam had never been particularly good at approaching those of the opposite gender. And this case, let alone actually proposing a partnership. Just the thought terrified him a bit. Women were judgmental individuals and given the circumstances, this would even add up to the chance of absolute rejection. He gulped, his body shaking ever so slightly for brief seconds. He had to do it, it was only a matter of time until she locked eyes with him after realizing his stare glued to her. Christ, that even sounded creepy in his head!

One, two, three, four, five steps. He could do this, come on! Should he pat her arm or just talk? There was no time for hesitation, he had long closed the distance. "H...Hi!" ...Wait, that was it?! No, no, keep talking! She'll think you are a creep or something! "You're a weapon!...Right?"

He wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x

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Rayne had arrived late to the class, but had heard enough of what happened to figure it out. Maybe I should've set an alarm to get here on time, he thought as took a place near the rear of the room. The new student scanned the room of young meisters and weapons, many of whom had already paired up. "Interesting. I wonder who is still available. Or if anyone is even compatible." he wondered aloud as he recounted the mornings events through his head.

He had woken up in his new apartment, if one could even call it that, and made himself some easy breakfast. Taking his time to eat the fresh meal, he peered out the window at the DWMA, Death City's centerpiece and the place where he would be training his skills as a demon weapon from that day forth. That day. The thoughts hit him like a freight train, causing him to spray out any food in his mouth. "Damn! First day's today!" he scolded himself as he shovelled as much food into his mouth before running out the door towards the school. Luckily when he arrived, no one was around and he snuck into the class unnoticed.

"Hey. Who are you?" an unfamiliar voice came from behind Rayne.

Instinctively, Rayne transformed his arm into a four foot long bo staff and swung at what was behind him. His assailant ducked the attack with ease and restrained him. "Oh, a weapon. Are you one of the new students?" the voice said as she released him. "I am Mira Naigus."

"I'm sorry for that. You just surprised me. My name is Rayne Grey. I was actually late to class today so I am trying to figure out what is happening fully before jumping in." he half lied.

"Well, you should probably go find yourself a partner, and not attack the school's nurse while you're at it." she said in a lighter tone.

"Yeah. I guess I should." He had been trying to see if anyone looked compatible from afar, but he was told that weapons and meisters needed to connect to form a compatible bond. "Again, sorry for attacking you."

(I hope its okay I used a staff member)
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Ethan suddenly jolted up again, blinking rapidly and taking off his glasses rubbing his eyes while suppressing yawn. He really needed to get more sleep. Or maybe do something that require physical activity. Like not sitting. Stretching and this time failing to suppress his yawn, he stood up from his seat at the back of the class and proceeded to do some more stretches. Lunges, toe touches, the whole nine yards. He was sure it was quite the spectacle, but he really didn't care, he was stiff and bored.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Much, much better."

He replaced his glasses and took one last look around the room. No one really caught his eye, but to be fair, he was still have asleep.

"I'm sure if I just tell them I slept through the partnering process no one would mind. Right?" He questioned himself. Shrugging he decided he may as well do something productive in that he could go and train on his own. Or get some lunch. That always works too. Nodding to himself wisely, he decided on his plan of action. Snark his way into training, then snark his way to some lunch. Nothing could go wrong.

?Hana Tachibana :: Weapon?

?You are the strongest person I have ever known. You can hold on for a bit longer, I know you can.?

She had been staring off into space, once more.

She was just brought back to the world by a voice near her, and she jumped, giving a loud yelp before turning to her supposed "attacker". She stared at him with wide eyes, expression full of fear before she realized where she was and what she was doing, not to mention how embarrassing her reaction was and bringing a hand up to rub the back of her head. "S-sorry. You surprised me." She had muttered, before realizing that this male had asked her a question.

Turning herself to face him completely, Hana examined him. He had fair purple strands of hair and large eyes, his actions gave her a feeling that he was rather uncomfortable talking to her. She gave a slightly forced smile before bowing softly and nodding. "Yes, I'm Hana Tachibana, a sword, sir." She said, straightening herself out soon after and giving a nervous flick of her hair over her shoulder, a sigh escaping her paled lips.

Her calling herself a sword just made her clench her fist, but the fact that this male had approached her gave her the feeling that he might end up offering a partnership, which would've saved Hana the troubles of doing it herself, thankfully.

"And you are?"

Richard Hemway


Perhaps it was her cowardly disposition or maybe it was her lack of forward skill, but Richard decided to cut off the partnership with Agnes. Richard carried no ill will towards her as a human, but in perspective of her as a weapon he honestly couldn't hostility inside her. Someone who hesitated to kill for the cause was not a weapon of choice for him. As such it was only natural that he cut off bonds with her since he viewed the young weapon as a hindrance. Something he couldn't rightfully abide by with his goals. As such he decided to head back to the classroom with a little remorse in his choice. The only thought that was bitter in his mind was that he would be limited in his choice of weapons once he returned. While he could only place that blame onto himself it didn't remove the the slight scowl present on his face.

Getting near the entrance of his classroom he caught the swift movements of a student. 'Rayne Grey is it?" he thought curiously as he listened in on their brief chat as he neared the classroom. It seemed the young weapon had control of his transformation abilities and had excellent reaction times showed he had trained. Furthermore his slight muscular build indicated that his human form wasn't lacking in power either. These traits stood out nicely in Richard as quality trademarks in a weapon. Based upon these factors he decided it could prove beneficial to test him out as his tool. Still he wouldn't be so assumptions as to their nature. Instead of heading over to the classroom he approached the young weapon with a business like smile.

"You seem like a well trained fellow." stated Richard as he handed the weapon a book. "Read this by the end of the week. Covers material not shown in class." he turned heel and started to head down the hallway, "Don't bother heading into the class. Today the teacher simply wants us to find a 'partner' as it were." he stated firmly. He briefly paused to look back at the weapon, "My name is Richard Hemway, but I wish to be called Mr.Hemway. Nothing less. Please follow me so that I can test your aptitude as a weapon if you will."

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Rayne was confused at first when a random guy came up and handed him a book. "Uh, okay?" he said as the guy headed off. Once he turned back and introduced himself, Rayne was even more puzzled. "Listen, I'll follow you, but don't expect me to keep calling a guy my own age 'sir.'" he started as he followed the meister down the hall. "But if you are talking about a partnership, I'm game. I can kick some ass." This guy seems interesting, but also like he knows what he is doing. Let's try it, he thought while they continued forward.
Richard Hemway


His paused in place at the guy's snarky response. Richard was not a person to stand for disrespect in even the most casual of forms. With a humble smile her turned to Rayne, "Look I'm the type of fellow that enjoys formalities. If you could provide me the respect of calling me Mr.Hemway I am more then accommodating to provide respect in return. It is a two way street." he turned away from the weapon and continued down the hallway in stride. From what he could ascertain it seemed the kid had a bit cocky and proud, better then cowardly he felt. The direction he headed for was the forest yet again to try and make use of the remaining day light. He squandered to much of it already.

"I can tell you have trained based on your previous actions. What type of weapon are you?" he stated bluntly, "Furthermore, before we reach outside allow me to inquire as to if you have any questions for me. I won't answer any once we start training." he stated firmly. His goal today was simply to test out how how his weapon's fighting style worked. Adjustments to be made later if applicable.

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"We shall see about it. If I like you maybe I'll give it a shot." Rayne retorted as Richard pressed onward. He is and interesting individual, I think this has a shot at working out, he reflected as he followed his potential partner to the forest. Richard Hemway certainly was just that. Interesting. Sharp. Direct. Quick to the point. Confident. Formal. In a few ways similar to Rayne himself, but different in his own. He was intrigued to say the least, but he was excited at the fact that his potential meister had trained previously and had an idea of what he wanted.

"I am a multiform weapon. I currently can transform into a bo staff as well as a kusarigama. And I can tell by your forwardness you have done some training of your own. Do you think my weapon forms are suitable to you?" Rayne replied to the questions with equal bluntness. "Because I am fully capable of fighting on my own." Probably not the best course of action for a weapon trying to gain a meister, but Rayne was feeling confident that this would be a match or a bust based on their interaction alone.
Richard Hemway

Richard paused slightly before he continued walking. Out of his bag he retrieved a leather book and ball point pen. Inside he made a note, Rayna Grey: Descendant of Nakatsukasa Clan, Weapon Forms:. "You say you can transform into a kusarigama and bo staff, but there are many variations of such weapons. I'll have to insist on you being more specific." he stated firmly notebook in hand. It came as quite a shock to learn he was a multi-form weapon. This trait had only been observed in members Nakatsukasa Clan, but it was painfully clear that he wasn't apart of their clan. His blood line must have intermingled with theirs at some point in his family tree. 'Interesting' he thought. "To answer your question. Yes, your forms are suitable. Before coming to this academy I had no way of knowing what weapon I would end up being paired with. In this light I have trained using a variety weapons, though as you can imagine I haven't mastered them, but I know how to handle them. I will adjust my body, mind, and soul accordingly to master your forms. I expect nothing less from you as well."

Opening the door to the outside a slight breeze greeted him just as before. It was apparent that the sun was still just as intense as before, perfect. He stopped just before exiting and looked back at Rayna, "So Mr.Grey I need you to specify a few more things before we begin. I can tell you know a certain degree of fighting. What type of techniques do you commonly deploy?" he asked. The fact that he was capable in his human form was highly desirable in Richard's eyes. A trait of his that he planned to test out just as much as his weapon forms. He had his pen against his notebook, ready to write out his answers.

"Specifics are easier if I show you. It's a little bit hard to look in a mirror when your a six foot piece of wood and metal or a kusarigama." Rayne joked and continued. "But my kusarigama form is singular kama and weight. As a staff I am dense and durable, capable of withstanding and dealing hits that would damage other weapons and like I said, I'm six feet long." Those were the basics, as showing is much easier than telling in this case."As for souls, I think we will have an interesting match, but I am pretty easygoing and flexible if that is somehow needed. What are you writing in there?" he inquired with an intrigued expression, seeing the notepad and pen in Richard's hand.

As the question was asked, they reached the door to the outside and more requests from Mr. Hemway were made. Happily obliging, Rayne answered the question with a simple answer. "I got in a lot of fights as a kid, so my old man taught me some Krav Maga and Aikido. Keep me from getting my ass kicked through countering attacks. But I'll occasionally take the first swing." he stated as he transformed his forearm into a staff. "Most people back down when they learn you can do stuff like this though so fighting against my dad is where I got most of my practice." the teen added with a disappointed sigh.

"So I guess you're taking notes on me." Rayne guessed by the look of intrigue and interest he had on his face after learning about his weapon forms. "Guess the trial starts now then right?"

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