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Fandom Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA)

"Okay." She says and takes off running towards the city. She knew if they could at least get into the city it would be easier to fight the thing. She was watching the city come a little bit closer but not fast enough. She didn't feel as light as air she felt like there were weights on her feet, restricting her from moving any faster.

@Shade Wraith
"She is manipulating the sand, its like you are running through water. At least in the air we can glide into the city," He stated from the blade.
She uses the lance to push off of the ground and up into the air slightly she uses the lance and she was in the air. She would of thought it was cool if she wasn't in the situation she was in. She hated heights with a passion, past experiences. She didn't understand how earlier she was able to not scream when jumping off of the roof. She felt her hand shaking as she was going into the air. She knew this wasn't all her it was him mostly.

@Shade Wraith
Gliding into the city they would land on one of the streets besides a local diner, "Alright we need to move to a more enclosed place and get to a larger height. I am thinking perhaps that building over there."
"Wait a bit and let's..." He paused as he noticed a jewel on its back, "That! I bet that is its weakness. I doubt we will be able to break it doing this once so we may have to try it from different heights. I bet at this height we could stun it."
The tension in the air was evident as the stand off began. The two fighters conducted their brief scans of their opponents stance. Rayne left his midsection open, guarding his face and chest mostly. Richard on the other hand, was guarding his entire torso to begin. The tense stillness was quickly dispersed as Richard took the first strike, making a move to dodge a punch and forcing a fist into Rayne's left side, causing the weapon to falter a little. Quickly regaining his balance by stepping out, Rayne closed the distance in a swift advance and guarded his face and chest with his right arm as he forced his left palm towards his opponents abdomen. He needed to test the water as far as the meister's capability and endurance so he held nothing back as his opponent had done. He had to be a little patient before throwing in his autonomous attacks with the art. "Remember, counters and speed are how to succeed. Using your opponent's strengths against them by knowing your own." Rayne remembered his father's words and training as he struck. His human form didn't pack as big of a punch as when he was being wielded, but he had learned how to hit hard over the trouncings and lessons. Hopefully he can take a beating, cause I don't plan on taking a second off...

Richard Hemway

A direct punch to his core seemed to stun Rayne for only a brief moment as he retorted and attacked Richard in stead. Having only guarded his upper region Richard took on the full force of the punch. Keeping his feet firmly planted Richard arched his back a bit to distribute the energy from the blow. 'Excellent form.' he thought based on the young weapon's counter. Wasting no time Richard grabbed onto Rayne's wrist before he could pull his arm back, thus restraining it. Tugging the young weapon in close by his arm Richard proceeded to drive his knee forcefully into his unguarded abdominal region. Recalling how Rayne was stunned from the previous hit to his core Richard took advantage of the brief moment to put some distance between them. Quickly he raised one arm to guard his face and chest and positioned the other over his central core. Richard's eyes never left his opponent as he studied his possible routes of attack and more importantly an opening for himself. Still learning his opponent's style of attack Richard wouldn't foolishly make any assumptions. Each movement a cautionary play on his part.

"I hope you are not all bark weapon." he stated bitterly. His rude words were not a reflection of his thoughts on the weapon, instead he was testing the weapon's emotional response to rude taunts. An emotionally unstable weapon would only be a hindrance as far as Richard was concerned.

All of a sudden, a pink and plum purple blur could be seen rushing towards the sand monster. The sound that could be heard was a very, very long yell, that was heard across the city.

Once the blur almost reached the monster, it slowed down, to reveal Eris Coral. She then walked over to the two confronting the beast.

"Need some help???"

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