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Fantasy Day of The Ragnarok

Layla raised her brow, intrigued by the males interest in her. Giggling quietly to herself, she blew her breath, breaking her contact with the seat below her bottom. With the slightest flashed smile towards the drunken male as if saying 'See you around', she draped her arm through that of Mel's, gently tucking her loosened strands of hair behind her ear with her free hand.

"Get to know me? Are you sure you want to do that?" Layla brushed the ends of her clothing off, before shifting her gaze upwards towards his own. She clearly recognized the hint of charm of which he put into his voice, which did nothing but create humor for her.
Sierra was now alone. She jumped, and spread her wings, which carried her onto a rooftop. It ha stopped raining, but the clouds still lingered. She sat, letting her legs swing off the edge of the building. She places her hands behind her, and leans on them, looking in at the forest below. She closed her eyes and sighed. She couldn't get the thought out of her mind. Why was this place so dark. She didn't understand. A lot of the people here were rude and mean. She didn't understand. She looked at the clouds above and put her hands together. "Dear God, please help me with my mission down here, lord. I pray that you will help me. Give me a sign, to tell me why you sent me here." She prayed out loud. "Amen." She quietly said, then opened her eyes, staring back into the clouds.
Mel laughed softly and whispered something in her ear. Without another word he walked out of the diner with Layla.

(Sorry for the short post. Check out the OOC for an explanation)
Asmod remained settled against the enlarged post holding up rthe structure of the porch. He hadn't spoken since his encounter with Mel, and truthfully, he was prepared to strike down the arrogant bastard.

Shaking his head, he took hold of the angels words, himself knowing she was of course correct. Fighting wouldn't solve their issues. And the longer he was stuck here with these people, the more irritated he would become.
Okami got ready to leave he didn't want to burden the man he was staying with anymore. He borrowed some medical supplies and food nothing noticeable though. Then he headed out with his wolves Madaro and Kouya at his sides. After a while of walking they came to a clearing were Okami saw the wolf girl from before and some other guy. Okami imediatly feared this older guy after the last one he met threw him into a wall.

Kouya growled "stay back child let me or Madaro talk first so we know this man will not hurt you."

Okami nodded "Madaro do you mind doing the talking."

Madaro nodded and walked over to the two people. Made a few puppy sound before talking. "Hi im Madaro nice to meet you." He said to the guy standing in front of him.

Mel had left the abandoned town with Layla, enjoying his walk with her in the forest a good ways away from everyone else. "So, tell me your story. It isn't every day someone sees a demon angel hybrid." He was looking at her as he spoke and walked. Malevolence had this odd feeling that he had zoned out for a whole week. He decided to shake off the feeling and just enjoy his alone time with the celestial being.

It did strike him as odd as to the amount of demons and angels there were. He was the only non-spiritual creature in the town, besides the lycan girl. On top of finding out why the gods were gone, he would also have to find out why all these spirit beings were about and so active.
Layla tilted her head to the side, shifting her gaze skyward whilst his question was being asked. "My story? There isn't much to inform you of." Layla truly hadn't the slightest clue as to where to begin what he called her story, and more importantly, she wanted to know why she was even here, and not in her bed asleep. With a mental thump to her forehead, Layla released a small sigh, shifting her gaze down to watch her hands fumle with each other whilst they walked onward through the abandoned town.
Sierra spread her wings and jumped off the building, letting the wind push her high into the clouds. She flew above them, seeing the setting sun. She landed on a cloud, angels had that ability. She looked the other way seeing the moon starting to rise. She sat down and bowed her head, and prayed for answers.
Mel nodded, "I see. Well you must be a little confused as to why you are here." He stopped and leaned against the same brick wall he had slammed into a while back. Malevolence chuckled to himself at the memory then looked back at Layla. "Well everyone here just showed up, no one here planned on just appearing. But it is the Day of the Ragnarok so we are all here to meet Norse gods. Which is odd because they are no where to be found..." He shrugged after explaining to Layla.

Malevolence felt himself grow uncomfortable at suddenly realizing something he didn't feel he could handle. Layla looked exactly like his first wife. The only difference was that his wive's eye color was a dark gold color. He didn't have much anger, but it was there without a doubt once he continued to look at Layla. The demon that hit on her earlier only added fuel to the eternal flame that was Malevolence. Flames began to crackle around him as the temperature hit boiling point. Luckily Layla was the only one there and her demon side allowed her to survive the sudden jump in temperature.
Layla stood still and confined for a few moments, before finally releasing her breath. To her, she could sense the anger buildup within both his consciousness and his heart. With a small tilt of her head, Layla began to shift her gaze downwards, whilst straightening the ends of her clothing before speaking. "I seem to have the image of someone you know..or perhaps knew?" Layla didn't take her gaze from her clothing. SHe hadn't much need to make eye contact as of yet, and the increasing amount of heat attracted her attention. Regardless, she supposed matters would simply be made worse the longer she was with him. So making eye contact, would send them both through hell and back.
Malevolence took a breath and glared at Layla, "Dianna... She was my first wife. Your eye color and body build is the only thing separate about the two of you... That and she was a Sphinx." He stood up straight and looked around, seeing no one. He then turned his attention back to Layla, "I was buying her favorite bread from the market place, and when I came back I saw her talking quietly to a demon. I could see in her eyes and in his that they just met, but they wanted nothing more than to be in the same bed together." He growled at the memory.

"She played it off the best she could when I walked up to them. Then that night as she tried sneaking away, I killed her. Then I ended the demon's life. Both of their deaths were.... Slow and very memorable, even for creatures who don't come back from the dead. After that I destroyed both of the territories they were born in. I also ended their blood lines completely." He finished his story, his heart pounding hard enough to make his chest hurt.

Malevolence closed his eyes then opened them "Don't worry, I'm not going to treat you badly or anything. I killed anyone related to her, not anyone who looked like her." He chuckled, enjoying his own joke. "So, do you have a past as tragic as mine? Or am I the only one par for the course of eternal suffering?" Mel smirked, his last comment was a pun at demons and hell. He didn't know whether or not she would get it, but he found it funny.
Layla shifted her gaze skyward, silently listening in on his explanation. "Well. Dianna is a pretty name in the least. Basically, she had thoughts of cheating on you, thus you killed both her and the one she yearned to have. But, the fact you ended both their bloodlines...I like it." Layla giggled quietly to herself, before pursing her lips up for a few seconds, picturing such actions taking place right before her eyes. It didn't seem like much mentally, but figuratively, it made her tingle.

"Wont treat me badly? Perhaps I deserve to be treated as such. Besides, looking like such a woman, truly is insulting. Isnt it?" Layla went silent for a few moments, before shifting her gaze to graze over the area around them both. "My past...there isn't much to tell, and I'm quite sure its nothing compared to that of your own. Besides, you shouldn't have even the slightest interest in it at all. If you do, I take you as stupid." Layla slowly trailed her gaze over towards him, waiting for his response.
"I have lived longer than most Phoenix. I have centuries of experience and knowledge. I have killed angels that took out armies with ease.... For you to take me as stupid for being interested in your past...." He glared at her. "Is not too inaccurate." He half smiled then laughed hard. Malevolence sighed once he finished laughing, "Take me as whatever you want. Your past interests me nevertheless." He smiled at her.

He felt a little attracted to Layla after she told him that she liked how he committed genocide. "It is no insult either for you to look like Dianna. You can't really help that. Unless you are one of those demons who can change their forms? If you are, then this form isn't your real one. I've met a couple dozen demons like that. They never showed their real face to just anyone. So, which are you?" Mel raised an eyebrow, eyeing the hybrid.
"Does it?" Rolling her irises in a playful notion, Layla folded her arms under her breasts, shifting her gaze elsewhere once again. "Well. Let's see. I could tell you this is my true identity. Although, I do suppose it bothers you." Taking a moment to think, she shrugged her shoulders, while simultaneously beginning to speak once again. "I do suppose multiple appearances would be better, wouldn't it? Sadly, I am not one of such, manipulation. At least momentarily."
Mel eyed and scanned Layla's body, his head not moving though so he would not seem lewd. He looked back up to Layla and nodded "Well multiple appearances wouldn't be too nice. But each demon has a true form, and if this is yours, then you seem to have a bit more angel in you than demon." Malevolence stood up a little straighter. He wondered if that would upset Layla, mostly because he knew that a demon has a natural dislike towards angels and vice versa. So a hybrid will lean more towards the evil corrupt side of things, depending on their environment that is, which is why Mel didn't really assume anything of Layla.

"A demon's true form, in my experiences, exposes their features greatly. A male will be bigger, stronger, masculine, and his muscle tone will be very noticeable. A female will have more feminine features and her figure will become one closely resembling a succubus'. I have seen few though that didn't look like they were ready for combat or war. Which I will admit, is a very impressive sight to see. They also have horns of different kinds." Mel concluded. He had been around creatures of all kinds more than regular people, and even more so with demons. He recalled a moment way back during his second life where his wife Echidna ripped off one of his wings because he was talking to a succubus at a market place.

Thinking about the event made Mel smile softly, despite the actions that took place. The succubus was the owner of the stand and he was trying to get good deals on Echidna's favorite fish and bread. He found it rather hilarious how his wife tore off one of his limbs just because she didn't want to risk anything. If anything, that kind of clingyness made him feel better in an odd way.
Layla simply shrugged her shoulders once again. The entire conversation about her image didn't phase her in any way at all. Besides, herself being one of very few hybrids, she was used to others asking about why she seemed so angelic rather than demonic. Gritting her top and bottom row of teeth together, she slowly trailed her blazing gaze across the ground below her, refusing to look back up. "Well." She took a moment of absolute silence, before finally blowing her breath and speaking again. "It isn't my fault...or maybe it is." Layla took a moment to contemplate her explanation, a seemingly rigid way of conversation. Sighing, she removed her folded arms from under her breasts, slowly shifting her gaze skyward. "Perhaps my features are more angelic than of demonic. All in the same, my personality is reversed, leaning more of the demonic attribute than the angelic. Understand? Its as if, when one thing is angelic, another is demonic."
"Your demon side will always be there to reveal itself SOME day. Like how I will turn into a Phoenix naturally before I die. I'm not saying you will have to be near death for your demon side to come out though." Mel laughed softly. "Do you ever want to look more like a demon? And I don't want you to answer like everyone else and give a shrug or say 'Sure'. I want a solid yes or no. Something that blunt shouldn't be difficult for you." He smirked playfully.

Malevolence wondered though if associating with a demon, angel half or not, would make him evil again. It took him several decades under his wive's supervision to become good after centuries of corruption. An evil Phoenix was like the sins Lust, Pride, and Wrath at their core, shoved into a volatile bird of the sun. Which anyone knew wasn't a good thing, unless the other person was just as corrupt and evil. Malevolence didn't know if Layla rolled that way though.

@The Dark Princess
Layla thought for a few moments, absorbing his word towards her. It was surprising he knew she would do such without knowing her even for a few minutes. Which was an extremely short period of time. But of course, she herself could tell many things about him from the way he acted and reacted to things. So far, he seemed to be right up her ally. With a small shrug of her shoulders for a few seconds, she finally decided it was time to deliver and answer to him. "Do I? Obviously, yes." With a roll of her irises, Layla shook her head in disbelief. "You could assume that by the way I act."
Malevolence chuckled, "Well I know this one way that rushes the process. It is extremely effective. I've tried it once on a friend of mine and he was rather satisfied with the results. And his kick ass wings." Mel added. "But that is only if you want to go through with it." He shrugged, leaving it up to Layla.

Mel eyed Layla and could guess that she might want to be a demon more than an angel. Maybe she would take him up on his offer. Maybe she wouldn't and get offended at it. Malevolence didn't bother trying to read Layla. Something about Layla made Malevolence want to not know what her next move was going to be.

@The Dark Princess
"You're offering me to change who I am? I'd rather accomplish it with my own powerless, if you understand that?" With a blow of her breath and a roll of her irises, Layla shook her head. Although he meant well, she took it to some offense. It was if stating she couldn't do it on her own, or denying her strengths. Taking a moment of silence to regain her composure, she eyed Malevolence, before giggling. "I find no purpose in rushing things anyway." Layla then grazed her gaze over the area around of which they stood, watching as the sun cast shadows about the abandoned houses marking the cobblestoned roads below their feet.
"Power has nothing to do with it. In fact if you were to say that it did in front of, well... a REAL demon. They would laugh at you." Malevolence smiled condescendingly at Layla. "Changing your form requires no power and no effort, you just need to learn how. When it comes down to it, it has nothing to do with the capability of yourself. It has to do with whether or not you know how to do it. But since you don't, that is why I asked. Because I do. And it doesn't change who you are." Malevolence retorted to Layla. He said what he did the way he did because he was never one to tolerate anyone giving him attitude, let alone a demon. He WAS going to tell her the angel side of it, but decided that she'd have to earn it now.

@The Dark Princess
Layla couldn't help but giggle. She took a few steps forward, gently placing her hand on his shoulder. "Teach me?" She raised her brow and tilted her head, eyeing his gaze curiously. With asoothing tone, she smiled only slightly, bringing her position closer to his own. For once, there was somebody who didn't tolerate attitude, and that was something she admired. So far, she had only run into those that give her what she wanted for her looks, and in turn wanted pleasure. With a small glint of hatred hidden within her curious gaze, she awaited his response to her question.
Malevolence chuckled softly and looked her over. "It is not something you teach. I can tell you what it is though." He glanced around real quickly then leaned in, "You have to be impaled through the chest while you burn." Mel told Layla. "You can change back anytime you want, but you will always have the ability to change into a full demon again." He could see her hatred. "You want to know what I want... And from the look in your eyes I can tell you are used to guys wanting you, for a quick minute." He put his hand on hers, removing it from his shoulder "I have a bit more class than that." Malevolence brought up her hand and kissed the back of it before releasing it. His eyes were now a fiery color.

@The Dark Princess
Layla only took a deep breath, shifting her gaze groundward. It was a first. She hasn't the slightest idea what to do or even say next, but eventually regained her disconfigured composure, raising her gaze back to his form. "Later, but not just yet." Contemplating his last two statements, Layla slowly twisted her form, turning her back to him. She allowed her gaze to examine the horizon while she stood in silence. She couldn't help but wonder why she had to come here. Although it wasn't that bad, she simply was ready to return to the land of which she came, not that it was of importance, but it was somewhere she was accustomed to. Lowering her voice to a hushed whisper, but still loud enough to hear, she spoke to him. "You're too kind."

@The Master
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Fire wings grew from his back, the air around them jumping into the triple digits. "You look homesick. Well, you can return anytime you want. We were brought here, but we aren't stuck. I think I am the only one who knows that." Malevolence laughed. "Well, I won't stop you from leaving I guess." He took off, leaving a powerful trail of flames. Malevolence went to the North East part of the town, landing next to what looked like an old bus stop. His wings dissipated slowly as he walked over to a house that looked more intact than the others. It was a small thing, but it would make a great home for Mel.

@The Dark Princess

He took out the rings of his past wives and looked at them. "...." Malevolence held them close to his chest then put them back in his pocket. He walked inside of the house and began to remodel it the best he could, cleaning and moving things around.

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