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Fantasy Day of The Ragnarok

Ace was left behind as they left. She looked around the white room and walked out feeling a little alone... She never feels alone! She walks out of the house and onto the street, where the pouring rain soaked her fur and toy. The rain hitting the fur made a smell of wet dog, she didn't like the smell, just like any regular human would, but she had to live with it since there was no other shelter on the side walks. She walked along with her tail dragging on the floor. She could hardly see with all the fur that covered her eyes.
Layla continued on her walk alone, sniffing the air as she did so. To her demise, the scent of wet dog filled the already polluted air. With a scoff escaping her form, she turned a corner only to find the source of the wretched smell.

"So you're the cause of this?" Layla raised the brow of which rested above her right eye, glaring intently downward at the being. Although it was in the form of a wolf at the time, she could tell it was also human.

"Why don't you shift into your human form so you don't kill anyone with that smell." Layla giggled to herself, having a slight soft spot for animals. Nodding her head slowly, she knelt down reassuring the small wolf. "I don't bite, well, not you at least."

@Queen of Fantasy
Mel continued to glare at Asmod, "The only thing I love at the moment is knowing you will learn your place very soon if you don't watch how you speak and act." He shoved the sin out of the way as he walked out of the house. Mel walked out into the rain, a flat fire disk above his head to stop the rain from soaking him.

Malevolence smelled wet dog and began to walk in the direction of it, figuring it was Ace. He never did get to apologize for scaring the wolf. He continued to walk in the direction of the smell. Mel thought about the Sierra and the demon he met, finding it rather odd how they would be summoned so close to eachother. Normally angels and demons weren't ever brought to a place so close to each other. But today odd things have been happening constantly so he couldn't really complain. Mel caught sight of Ace, and a... hybrid? Right next to her. He walk in their direction, feeling his new form was a bit more welcoming. He still wanted to bathe though....
KiKi walked around the forest with the coffin strapped to her back, she was looking for something to do when she saw two giant wolves running on bye and decided to follow. She kept her distance until she came upon a few people she stayed silent behind a tree listening to them talk.

Okami finaly cought up to the man, he had his wolves shrink down to wolf size and then walked up to him and some other people. He knew one of the people there it was the guy that threw him into a wall. He didn't say it or Kouya would realize and try to kill the guy. He looked over to the guy. "Asmod was it, thank you for letting me crash at you're place for a bit. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you."

@The Dark Princess @The Master
Asmod, ready to retaliate in response to the arrogant man before him, was interrupted by the shoving oh his body as the man retreated down and back into the rain.

Scowling while watching the man walk away, Asmod caught sight of the same injured boy from before. "Ah? You're up. Nobody said you had to repay me." Asmod spoke blankly, having no tone or feeling whatsoever to his wording.

Currently, he was heated mentally due to the behavior of the man whom threatened to put his sword through him. As ignorant as it was, due to the fact he was already dead, it still angered Asmod.

Releasing the faintest sound relative to a growl, Asmod fixated his gaze on the kid in front of him. "How about just don't get into any more trouble."
Sierra watched as the two men both walked out of the door. She shoved the piece of paper in her pocket and flew out. The rain started to dim, which meant she could still fly. She smelled wet dog and followed the scent, finding the Phoenix from before, a Wolf and a hybrid of some sort.

Ace looked up at the girl and transformed into her girl form, which was actually a bit taller than the girl. "Yeah, I'm not fond of the smell either." She says rubbing the back of her head. She saw two other people approach them from behind, neither one did she recognize.
Layla simply giggled, finding herself amused by the presence of another female. "Well. At least I found another girl." With those words, Layla rose her right hand, only to run her fingers through her hair.

"Hopefully, we can find you something to change into." She stopped speaking, shifting her gaze skyward, before then trailing her gaze to watch two approaching figures. One male, one female. "Its best that we find shelter. No telling if its absolutely done raining."

Layla spoke with no emotion, having the slightest sound of seriousness in her tone of voice. She herself suggested this due to the fact that she was already soaked down from the rain, having her brown hair shifting to a darker shade, whilst sticking to her pale face.
Malevolence stood with the two girls, he looked at the hybrid and figured she was a demonic angel from her facial structure. "I'm Malevolence." He introduced himself to the angelic being. Mel heated up the area around them all, drying them off and getting rid of the smell. "Sorry for scaring you earlier by the way Ace." He apologized to the girl. He looked back to the demonic angel, finding her to be quite cute. But he wasn't about to say that out loud.

(I gtg, I'll be back though later. So, sorry for the short post.)
Okami could sense the hostility in the mans voice. His heart beat slowed as if he was scared of the man, but he swallowed his fear. "I'll be more careful bye the way that guy was the reason I was injured he said quietly so Kouya couldn't hear. I hate him to, we could go after him together we could probably kill him."

"Kill who" Kouya growled "I havent killed in a bit and I'm hungry can I eat the target." Kouya said with a slim smile even if Okami said no Kouya would do what he wanted. Then Kouya looked back to the man. "You smell like a demon are you one or are you just a peculiar smelling human."

Madaro stayed close to Okami and gave Kouya a dirty look when he talked about eating people. He knew Kouyas habits but he didn't like them, on top of that Madaro was tired so he changed his wait and size into puppy form and jumped into Okamis arms and rested there.

Kiki watched in the distance there semmed to be a few people A wolf turned into a girl and there semmed to be a hybrid of some sort.

Kiki leaped into the air and landed in the center of the crowd. She pulled out a red unbrella to stop it from raining on her, then she unstraped the coffin from herself allowing it to fall to the ground with a loud thud. She sat on the coffin and said. "Yo what's up."
Layla blinked her irises upon the new arrival, especially with it being a male. Tilting her head to the side, examining him further, a rather, handsome male at that. Shaking the thought from her mentality, she simply nodded her head for a brief moment.

Keeping her emotionless composure, she shifted her gaze back towards the wolf girl before her. "Layla. Nice to meet you, or, yeah." She spoke in somewhat of a hushed tone, deciding to behave herself for now, since she didn't know any of them.

Again, she was interrupted by the appearance of what seemed to be a young girl, carrying a rather large sized coffin. "And you are?" Layla rather enjoyed the heat the Phoenix was providing for them all, relieved she no longer had to be subjected to the terrible smell.
Ace raised her right eyebrow. "I haven't seen you before." She says looking at the man, with her hands on her hips. (And she is wearing clothing. It's a white tank top, a black leather jacket and ripped skinny, but no shoes.) She looks at the girl and smiled. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ace."
Kiki smiled, "I'm Kiki nice to meet you all. Kiki looked at the crowd of people she scanned them all over trying to figure out who they might be before they even spoke, she was also waiting for someone to ask about the coffin people always did.

She enjoyed the heat the phoniex boy was making it was better then getting wet, she put away her unbrella and stood up. Some people would wonder what a pretty little lady in a red dress was doing carrying a coffin around in the woods but she didn't care.

"So now you no me who are all of you guys." Kiki moved and spoke as if this was some kind of important event. But then she felt tired she would have to switch soon but she didn't want to she would push it to the end. Then she could switch hopefully not into a boy she hated gender swapping. She wrote a note and placed it in the coffin so her next self would know what was going on.
Ace sighs. She knows now THIS was way too many people. While everyone was talking, she turned into her wolf form, leaving her squeaky toy on the floor and runs back into the woods. She hasn't trusted people in a long while... She didn't want to start now. She ran through the forest, panting and looking ahead of her, watching as the evergreen trees pass by her as she runs at full speed. This town was indeed full or weirdos. She wanted a place empty. No one but her, and maybe a pack if she found one that would accept a runt.

Sierra smiled. "My name is Sierra. Nice to meet you..." She said, trying to act as kindly as possible, even though the question about her coffin was still lingering.
Aracarn, in his usual thoughtless manner had decided to make his way off of the main highway considering the few cars that happened to pass by occasionally kept disturbing his thoughts. He was unsure really what it was that he was currently so deep in thought about. It seemed a contradiction yes, but his mind kept probing at something in the deeper depths of his subconscious that was just unwilling to make itself known willingly. It had been this way for a tad bit over a century ever since he had awoken in a puddle of his own blood with terrible wounds and no memory of what had caused such a awkward as well as dire situation.

He only remembered the Red Celtic Cross that he had been clutching even then, and the strange revolver concealed in his coat pocket that never needed to reload, and yet did not fire conventional ammunition either. If he had been attacked, it had most likely been an ambush that had hit him quick and hard enough to put him down before he could even begin to reach for his weapon. So many years ago, and yet he remembered little more than that very night he had awoken. That night the moon had been full and it had cast not an eerie glow, but in some form, a comforting glow. As if the moon itself was the reason he still existed. Could it be?

Aracarn shook his head slightly to toss aside such distracting thoughts as he had come to realize he had become lost. He had left the main highway to move through the local pine forest whose fresh minty scented leaves felt so nostalgic to him and always had for reasons he had never known. Forests were in more ways than one, his only home. The only place he felt as if he was truly safe from the world. From whatever it was he couldn't remember. Aracarn had maintained his human form for days now, yet a pang of hunger gripped his stomach and his sense of hearing heightened just in the moment to catch the movement of something small but quick moving through the forest floor, rustling the dried leaves in what Aracarn could only call a panicked flight from some other predator.

Aracarn quickly shifted his form to what he considered his true nature and form. A large black wolf-like dog the size of a newborn horse with muscles that were visible and looked ready to rip free of the flesh that encased them in his organic body. He took a deep breath and took in the smells of his surroundings. the smell of the trees, the smell of the wind that promised rain soon enough. The smell of a small wild rabbit still in flight. He could even smells it's fear as it fled from.....a fox. A fox had taken up the hunt for it. Aracarn bounded forward, each step catapulting him forward at speeds no other forest creature like a fox or even a grey wolf could ever hope to match.

Somewhere along the chase, the fox had sensed him thundering forward behind him and had tucked it's tail, turned and fled leaving the now deceased rabbit to the stronger predator for enjoyment. It only took minutes for Aracarn to clean the carcass and leave little more than bones and bits of flesh no one would miss. Nothing even a scavenger like a crow or buzzard would waste it's time upon. Aracarn began to move once more as he caught another scent that suddenly perked his interest. Wolf. Yet...something more than just wolf. He felt he knew this scent. He recognized it. He had been introduced to it before, and yet it was from the times he could no longer remember. It was not long after that Aracarn found himself staring eye to eye at the creature that smelled of wolf....and yet more than wolf....@Queen of Fantasy
As Ace was running, she stopped right in front of a large black dog. Her ears went down, and she whimpered at the sight or how big it was. She was more afraid of large canines than anything else. In fact she was frozen with fear, staring up at the large beast, looking back down at her. She gulped and backed away a few feet, still staring into its blood red eyes. She paws quivered under the autumn leaves, which made a crunching noise at any movement. Her tail was between her legs, and if fur hadn't covered her face, you'd see a white face from fear.
Aracarn at once noticed the fear from the smaller wolf beast. The scent of this creature being more than simply wolf still tugged at his memory but allowed nothing free from it's murky depths and it remained submerged and unknown. He then noticed it's fear directed towards him and this puzzled Aracarn. Why should it or anything fear him? Unless it had reason to and this normally aroused Aracarn's suspicions. Why fear anyone or anything unless there is something unpleasant between you and it? He couldn't be for sure though.

Why couldn't he remember? A question he feared would never be answered.

Aracarn shifted back into his human form and bowed slightly toward the newfound individual who had displayed fear of him.

"I am called Aracarn Malevelan. You are?" Aracarn spoke in greeting, trying to test this creature before him and await it's response.

He flexed the fingers of his left hand however in readiness to reach for his revolver. Living beings did desperate things when in fear, even if they made no sort of rational sense. Logic and fear hardly knew one another.
Mel smiled at Layla, "Lovely name." He ignored everyone and everything else, not taking his eyes off of Layla. "Follow the heat if you wanna get to know me better. I can tell you aren't one to care much for socializing with others." Malevolence told the demonic angel. Before anyone could say anything he was off, his wings flapping as he made his way to a more desolate part of town. He left a very hot trail that only a hellish creature could pick up on.

He stopped in his tracks as he came close to hitting another wall. His wings vanished and he chuckled, "That would have sucked." Mel sighed. He looked around seeing a scarce number of buildings he could hang out in and call his own. He saw a little diner and nodded, thinking it looked cozy enough. Mel walked over and broke down the boarded up door, walking in and cleaning up the best he could using fire.

Malevolence relaxed in a chair and waited, enjoying his new abode. He gave off a heat that made the entire diner enter the triple digits of temperature. It reminded him of his second wife and how much she loved hot places and warm things. She fell in love with Malevolence because he made her a bed of fire and killed an entire group of angels. Now that he thought about it, she was his weirdest wife and most hostile. He snapped out of his train of thought, making sure the temperature didn't go above 100 just in case.

@The Dark Princess
Mordecai guzzled the very last of what was once a full bottle of Rum. He was only considered tipsy for he had only possessed a pint at most. Yes he swayed slightly in his movements but he refused to believe he was completely drunk. He had been that way before, and in a tavern room full of others who had also been completely drunk. He had left it a mess of course when an aggravating human who claimed he had eyed his equally intoxicated (girlfriend or wife or whatever she was) a little too much and had tried to test his strength against Mordecai. Mordecai had not killed him, for that, the man should be thankful. However he was sure the man would not make full use of his legs anytime soon. Mordecai found himself singing along to one of the old tavern drinking songs he remembered from many years ago. It seemed to suit the time and place quite well.

When the liquor refills quicker, sing a cheery tune

When the barmaids be pretty, howl delight to the moon

May the coin keep flowing as the dice begin to roll

May Lady Luck bless the cards, so I don't gamble my soul

I shall walk away a tavern hero, smile wide for all to see

I will return tomorrow night, pour one last drink for me!!

Mordecai had remembered that bit of the verse in the instance he had been singing it slightly out of tune, however the rest was lost to any number of drunken singing that came afterwards. Besides, most folks who couldn't remember the lyrics, would make up their own to replace those they could no longer recall while in a drunken manner themselves. It was an art of a sort if you were open to that sort of thing. Mordecai had somehow though found himself upon the outskirts of a dark and eerie small town though. Windows were boarded, a vehicle or two remained stationary on the side of the road and looked as if they had not been driven in quite some time. Most also looked as if they had been continuously vandalized by any number of thugs since they had remained where they were.

Though none of that bothered Mordecai. He had seen even more grim and lifeless places in his travels. He had seen ghost towns that were accurately called ghost towns. the souls of the dead had wailed in the empty streets in revenge for the misdeeds that had taken their lives, fully knowing they may never be avenged. The world was a dark place and it seemed more darkness came to populate it every day. How much longer before the light itself was swallowed by this endless tide of vileness. Mordecai himself was no saint or hero either. He was not a good person he knew. He had always considered himself in the grey area. Not too good, not too bad, yet open to influence from both. This was often very true if the price was right. He had to survive too you know?

Mordecai just then happened to notice a supposedly ball of flames soar by just above his head and he also noticed it make it's way into one of the many abandoned buildings with boarded windows that spoke of a ghastly fate. Still, ghastly fates that could overtake Mordecai had never much intimidated him before. He stepped inside wondering where the being of flames might have wandered off to. He spotted the individual in question settled within a chair, seemingly calm and content with the world. Mordecai supposed he was about as right in the head as any other lunatic who frequented ghost towns alone was. Though this earned a slight chuckle from Mordecai. Here he was questioning the sanity of a man's choices when Mordecai himself was doing the exact same thing!!

Maybe he had drank more than he realized....

Still Mordecai supposed he could ask directions. He was unsure how the hell he had gotten here in the first place. Liquor was supposedly the devils nectar. That saying had always made Mordecai grin amused. He and Satan had become quite closely associated with one another over the years if that was true.

"Hey there blowtorch....wouldn't mind telling me where I am would you?" Mordecai said, his lips rolling and stumbling over the words slightly.

He looked down at the pint of Rum.

"Is this really rum....?" he wondered and fell into a little fit of giggles.

Felt like Rum anyways. That would have to do.
Layla giggled to herself, raising the brow of which sat rested above her right eye as he spoke in reference to her while he seperated from the group.

Shrugging her shoulders, she decided she my as well follow in suit, curious as to what exactly he had to say fo himself. As he anticipated, she followed the visible trail of heat, sending a partng wave to the few people of which she was seperating from.

Finally reaching her destination, she ventured into the heated building, only to catch sight of Mel settled in a chair, and what looked to be a drunk, bursting out into giggles.

With a small attentive cough, Layla leaned her figure against the doorframe, watching the two males with peaked interest.
Malevolence looked at the creature and glared at him, not taking kindly to being called that. "Leave now before I kill you like the drunk dirty bastard you are." The Phoenix snarled at him. Mel was on his feet now, getting extremely upset that someone would ruin his tranquil moment. He didn't care whether or not the cat was drunk, he wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone calling him anything besides his name or Mel.

Malevolence took out his sword then smiled at Layla and waved, "This will just be a moment." He said to her. Mel could tell that the drunkard was EXTREMELY skilled, but Malevolence fought aside William Wallace, fought with Spartans, and fought in the crusades as well. Not a single time did he die in combat in any of his lives, and with all that experience he knew he had the upper hand against the cat.

He could tell Layla would enjoy a nice fight so Mel wouldn't really fight to kill, but he wouldn't let this creature get away with calling him blowtorch. His sword caught fire and he waited for the drunk to do something, whether it be laugh, pass out, fight, or just leave. He was in a stance though to impale the creature if he even TRIED to check out Layla, so he was hoping he would try to do that so Mel could end things quickly.
Mordecai frowned at the unexpected turn of events.

"Drunk dirty bastard? I see. Ah well, I suppose we all can't be as high and mighty looking as yourself O' Great and Burnt Matchstick. Thou Who Burns With Thy Intensity Of A Thousand Cigarette Lighters" said Mordecai finding his own poor humor funny and in another fit of giggles at that.

By now the individual had armed himself with a burning sword. Mordecai sighed. He was trying to keep a lid of his temper. Drunkness often led to bloodshed be it his or someone else's. He wasn't particularly in the mood to nurse anymore injuries in the morning considering he would boast a disgusting hangover no doubt when he awoke. Still, he couldn't very well let the man just show him up could he? He then noticed the burning sword individual speak to someone behind him.

Mordecai noticed a woman standing there leaned against the edge of the entrance and he had to admit she was indeed quite the looker. A poor substitute for his long dead beloved Bridgette, but attractive nonetheless. Might as well give credit where it's due. It was only fair.

"Well aren't you just a bouquet of roses?" Mordecai spoke softly to the woman.

Though Mordecai doubted the woman was anything resembling a bouquet of roses. She seemed....off? More than meets the eye? Whatever. He could ponder the mysteries of women all day and he would do no more than want another drink as his reward for all the anger and irritation it would cause him. He turned his attention back to the one with the flaming sword.

"Nice little candlelight you got there. Shall we see if it breaks like candle wax when we duel?" asked Mordecai with a sloppy grin as he drew his own blade.

It probably wasn't a good idea fighting while drunk. Mordecai giggled again.

Probably? When was it ever a good idea?

Oh well. When had he ever made good decisions anyways? Leave that for Military Generals and Diplomats or Lawyers or whatever. They suck anyways.
Layla raised her brow, intrigued by the males interest in her. Giggling quietly to herself, she broke her contact with the doorframe, only to venture further into the room.

With the slightest hint of amusement plastered within her facade, she thought it to be unnecessary to duel it out. Although, it was her opinion alone, and she had no say in the matter, whatsoever, allowing the two males to do as they pleased.

Being complimented by both males sparked a hint of confusion within her consciousness. Shaking away the thought, Layla simply watched as the fiery sword appeared, only to have the retaliating male pull out his own weapon as well. Crossing a single leg over the other, she rested her elbows on the table, leaving her palms facing skyward. Afterwards, gently resting her head in her palms.
Mel began to laugh, not able to contain it anymore. Malevolence sighed as he finished and looked towards Layla, giving her a look that said 'Can you believe this?'. He knew that she would understand, being a creature of destruction herself. Malevolence couldn't kill someone as pathetic as a drunk feline. Even though he was angry, he wasn't going to do something so low as to scorch someone drunk and in pain. He could see it in Mordecai's eyes, he had lost someone and that was his reason for his drinking.

Mel put his sword away and walked over to Layla, holding out his arm so she could hook hers into it. "Shall we walk?" He asked her, having a charm to him that was truly unique. "I would love to get to know more about you." Malevolence smirked, the heat around them still in the triple digits, something he knew demons enjoyed.

@The Dark Princess
Mordecai frowned when the man put away his sword. Swordsman just weren't built like they used to be. Long ago, if you drew a sword, you were forbidden from sheathing it away until either you had spilled blood or you had had your own blood spilled. It was something that was held to honor in the unwritten but still followed Samurai's Code of long ago. However Mordecai didn't care much about the code. He had never been a samurai so following it's laws was by all means admitting association to that long gone warrior class. He was not the type of person to claim to be something he wasn't. That was for tricksters and any other form of annoying pests that were better off obliterated from the world of the living.

Mordecai sheathed his own as he watched the flamed one approach the woman who had did little more than observe. The man spoke something to the woman but he hadn't heard it but he wore some sort of smug grin that Mordecai supposed was meant to catch her attention. Mordecai giggled at that as he took a seat at the bar a few seats down from where the man behaved like a lustful hound and the woman seemed not to mind, or at least she portrayed that sort of carefree attitude. You never really knew. People were strange.

Mordecai thought about how his head was going to attempt to murder him in the morning. Shame he had no painkillers. He could have used some of those right about now just for precautions. He brought his gaze back to the man once more. He could no longer let it slide. It could have been the rum coursing through his system or maybe he was still feeling the party vibe from the tavern earlier and he was starting to sweat through his clothing. He muttered angrily. He was nowhere near a washing machine and a clothing store seemed unlikely where he was. He couldn't smell like booze and sweat in the morning. He had somewhat of an image he tried to maintain. It was too damn hot in this place.

"You know dude, if you wouldn't mind, how about raising the temperature a bit more? I don't think my shoes are quite crispy enough" said Mordecai with sarcasm.
Ace looked up at the wolf, as he turned to man. She thought for a moment... What if he was like her. His manners seemed nice, yet her fear still lingered, she transformed into her human form and stood. "Hello..." She said bluntly, stuffing her hands into her pockets. She's heard legends of big black dogs with red eyes before. She's just never seen them up close... She bit her lip, and looked at the floor. "I'm Ace..." She finally said, letting out a sigh.


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