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Fantasy Day of The Ragnarok

Asmod rolled his irises, glancing over the injured stranger. "You wont be long. I have things to do." With those small choice of words, Asmod led them all inside, reluctant to have such, things in his domain. Regardless, he had nothing better to do and would most likely find the least bit of entertainment and leaving these few people in his home. Although one thing was for sure, he wasn't one to tolerate attitude from anyone or anything.

Motioning them towards the couch, he blew his breath, fixating his gaze on the broken male. "Try not to get blood on the walls or anything, its all white."

(Had to do short post, heading out.)
Madaro set Okami on the couch. "Rest now little one, Madaro then turned around to look at the man that had helped them. Thank you kind sir. My name is Madaro and if there is anything I can do to repay you please ask."

Kouya laid next to Okami applying pressure and health magic to any of Okamis bleeding wounds, and growling when're man that helped them even got close to Okami. "You will be ok Okami you will be ok my boy."

Okami laid there for a while before passing out of pain and bloodloss.
Ace felt quite sad for the boy who was hurt. It didn't look like he had done anything wrong... She hopped on the windowsill and watched them, with the squeaky toy still in her mouth. She thought that, if they were too busy, they wouldn't notice her. She saw the two wolves again, and her tail started wagging. (I'd like to mention, she's a younger werewolf, so she has puppy instincts.) She watched them in awe, she was curious. She hasn't seen a wolf in many years.

(Sorry it was short! My mind isn't working as great, since i have to go to church in a few minutes.)
Kouya stayed close to Okami eventually he stoped the bleeding. He stared at Okami with worry in his eyes if Okami was hurt badly or possibly to the point he might die, Kouya would never be able to forgive himself. He smelled another wolf nearby and turned to see a werewolf girl. Kouya didn't hate wolves so he just stared at her in a manner saying. If you touch the boy I'll still kill you.

Madaro saw the werewolf girl and smiled. "Well hello there friend." He said with a grin. "Sorry about Kouya he would usually be nicer twords wolf kind but he is worried about the boy at the moment." Madaro nudged Kouya to get him to lighten up and in return Kouya growled like he was gonna kill Madaro. "I guess Kouya is really worried about the boy."

Okami dremt. He was in his house in the forest his parents were fighting as usual so Okami escaped to the woods as usual except that day he found a young wolf stuck in a hunters trap. He tried to realise the wolf. But then the forest fought on fire. Okami knew one the dream something was wrong. The forest never set on fire in real life, he tried to take control of his dream and make the fire go away but that didn't work. Then he saw ragnarock destroying the forest.

Okami woke up in a cold sweat. "H..how long was I out" He tried to get up but failed the pain was to much. He looked at the werewolf girl and stayed silent he was to shy and in to much pain to attempt to speak anymore.
Ace was surprised that they could talk. Even in her wolf form, she couldn't talk. She had to be in her human form. She jumped off the windowsill and pushed her head onto the door, making go open. When she came in, she shut it again, for it was starting to rain, and by the dark clouds. It seemed it would go on for a long time. She sat at the doorstep with the squeaky toy in her mouth. She watched them, and waited for a response.
Malevolence was sitting in his massive nest on top of a tree. The rain was annoying but it wasn't coming down hard enough to ruin his nest or hurt him. He pushed the cinnamon bark around a bit and aligned the fragrant leaves better. Malevolence began to flap his wings and cause the nest to catch fire. Once the nest was on fire a strong smell filled the air. The leaves and cinnamon burned the Phoenix fiercely in a roaring fire now. A loud and beautiful song escaped Malevolence's mouth and echoed on for dozens of miles. The song slowly and quietly came to a halt as Malevolence was reduced to ashes with the nest. The strong fragrant smell of cinnamon and leaves lingering strongly through out the entire town.

Within a few moments, an egg emerged from the ashes. It had a design of bright colors all over it and caused ash to smolder around it. It sat in the nest as the rain came down. The sound of hissing and fizzing came from the nest as the rain hit the egg. It continued to just remain there, nothing really happening just yet.
Asmod sauntered out of the room, landing him to now be located on the street. He hadn't the slightest clue what he wanted to do, nor did he feel the need to go about looking for things to do.

With a small chuckle, Asmod brought his hands to rest behind his head, while his gaze scanned the premises set before him. He had only encountered the child as of yet, and as of late, didn't care enough to go and check on him.

Without a single sound, Asmod simply settled himself against the tree behind him, grazing his gaze over the skyline.

Layla blinked her crystal blue irises, shifting her gaze skyward. So far, all she had seen was ashes and smoke, while rain clasped down upon her form. Her once bouncy brown curls, turning into straight, crinckeld locks of her hair.

With a soft sigh, she ventured through the falling rain, clasping her hands together at her front. There was no sign of life whatsoever, and she truly didn't care. The lonelier she was, the better it would be. Although, she was getting a little hungry.

With nobody around, she listened to her slowly growling stomach, whilst shifting her gaze downward upon the dusted cobblestoned road.

In her dismay, Layla came across the sound of flapping wings, which of course, would catch anybody's attention. With a slight shift of her gaze, she caught sight of an enlarged tree.

Raising the brow of which rested above her right eye, she allowed her gaze to slowly trail up the trunk of the tree, until catching a glimpse of what seemed to be a nest of which held a single egg. "Birds?"
Malevolence emerged from the egg, a fiery explosion erupting from the top of the tree. The fiery ball that was Malevolence fell to the ground with a thud, a fully grown phoenix spreading its wings as fire crackled around him. He turned into a human and looked at himself in his new form. Malevolence was in the middle of a road in the town, having no clothes on. He stretched and smirked feeling younger and better than ever.

He walked around, looking for a pool of water he could bathe in. Malevolence was focused on doing that before anything else. He remained in his human form as he continued to walk, the rain not really getting to him at all. Malevolence stopped and sat down on a bench with a sigh. He was tired and had no idea where anything was. His instincts making him extremely uncomfortable until he was able to get a bath.
Sierra gracefully floated from the cloudy sky onto the road, with a strip of light focused behind her. Once her feet touched the ground, the light disappeared and she became wet from the heavy rain. Her wings behind her dragged on the floor from them soaking up the water. She quickly sprinted under a roof of a porch and watched the rain. "I wonder why I was sent here." She thought out loud. "I don't see anyone." She sat on a bench swing that was hanging from the roof, and dried her pure white wings with her hands bu squeezing the water out of them.
Asmod ventured out from his cover, carelessly strolling through the rain. In his mind, it was simply another thing pesky humans had to go through, and seemed to be afraid of.

With a small grunt as he stepped down from a pile of rubble, Asmod began to scans the premises. Currently, nobody was anywhere to be found. Not a single sign of life. No filthy humans, no animals, not even immortals. Well, except for himself to his knowledge.

Removing his tired hands from behind his soaked head, he shoved them into the front pockets of his dampened black jeans, shifting his gaze downward upon his naked chest, watching as the droplets of water ran about the single scar located around the middle of his chest. "Rain. What a thing."
Malevolence stood up and tried to make some feathers appear on himself so he could have some sort of covering. As they appeared, the now heavy rain hit his fiery feathers and sizzled as the water and fire touched. He shouted in shock and pain, his feathers going away. Malevolence walked around the town, trying to find some sort of cover. He walked past buildings that were boarded up and tried looking for a house of some kind.

He saw a stream of light come out from between the clouds. Malevolence walked down the street so he could find out what that light was all about. He knew it was an angel of some kind, which meant that there was a place he could get dry and warm. Malevolence got to the area where the light was, seeing the angel walk to a porch and dry her own wings.

Malevolence walked over and waved "Hey, do you mind if I dry up with you?" He asked her, not minding his own lack of clothing. He saw that the angel was young and had rather nice wings, so he was worried he might startle the young one. Malevolence stood a couple yards away from her standing in the heavy rain still, lacking any clothing. He was hoping he would be able to get dry soon so he could continue searching for the reason for the town being so empty.
Sierra smiled and nodded. "Sure." She said joyfully. She flicked her finger which used magic to have clothes appear on him. a black T-shirt and Jeans. "Sorry. I hope you don't mind. I'm more comfortable this way." She said flapping the one wing she dried first. She could see that he was some sort of creature that flew, just like her. She continued the dry her wings when he came onto the porch.
The clothes burned to ash and Malevolence glared at her, "Don't try to clothe someone without their permission angel..." He stood on the porch and began to dry himself off the best he could. He made fire appear on his body to boil off all the moisture. So far he wasn't liking the angel, mostly because of her presumptuousness. Malevolence made his own clothes like he usually did. The ring he had helped make the fiery clothes solid and like regular clothing. "Besides, the talisman I have won't allow others to cast any sort of magic on me or at me. My name is Malevolence, you can call me Mel. What's your name?" He asked, straightening his clothes and fixing his hair. Malevolence was not looking normal, for this form at least. He wasn't used to being Latin but it would have to do for now. Mel just hoped it wouldn't get in the way like his fourth form did most of the time.
She looked at the ground while speaking. "I'm Sierra. It's very nice to meet you Mel." She says smiling kindly. After her wings where dried, she wrapped herself with them and sat still, watching the rain. "Hey, do you know why there doesn't seem to be anyone around? I was sent here for a reason, but I'm not sure why." She says looking through her feathers. She tucked her legs inside her wings, making her safe and warm.
Malevolence made his wings appear and had them warm up the area around them. "That is what I am looking into actually. I have run into a few rough spots but so far all I can conclude is that this town was just left alone for a long time. I woke up in a shack today so I don't know much about other places." He spoke, thinking about it all.

He nodded, having it finally click with him. "It is the Day of the Ragnarok. That is why we are here, but I do not know why there are no humans... It's quite odd." Mel had kept track of hundreds of days that were special in some way. Being alive for as long as he was, keeping track of dates was a rather important thing. There was mating season for a Phoenix, the Eclipse for fire a elemental, the summer solstice, the winter solstice, Spring time for nymphs, day of the dragon, and many more days and weeks and months and seasons he kept track of.
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Sierra sighed getting up. "Maybe if you look into one of the houses we can find something." She says looking inside the window. "It's totally dark in there..." She stands back and over to the door. She turns the doorknob, leading into an empty house. She walks over to a table that has a piece a paper on it, explaining everything. "It seems the owner of the town owned a huge debt. The entire town went bankrupt. Everyone here had to move out."
Asmod turned a corner, coming across the sight of a brightened light shining from the sky. With a curious expression now on his facade, he decided to head into that very direction.

Kicking the dusted rubble along the way, he shook his soaked white hair, watching as the droplets flew off and landed elsewhere. Moments later, he came into view of two figures with wings. One male, one female.

Deciding they could be together and perhaps would know what was taking place, he reluctantly approached the front step of the porch the wptei were settled on. Eyeing the two for a few conds before parting his lips to speak, Asmod raised the brow of which sat above his right eye.

"Well? Would you two happen to know what going on here?" He observed carefully as the female being stood up and opened the door to the house, only to make her way inside while he spoke.

In seeing such, he simply averted his gaze back to the male being with wings, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets.
Mel turned and looked at the demon. "Lust..." He spoke with disgust. Mel had seen numerous sins, and he could recognize one from a mile away. The way Asmod held himself and spoke let Mel know which one he was. Malevolence had engaged in a fight with Pride and Wrath before, winning both fights but barely. The strongest of the seven were Lust, Greed, Sloth, and Envy as far as he could tell, having been put into a stale mate with Envy many times.

Malevolence told Asmod about it all including how odd it was that no Norse gods had come to see any of them since it was in fact their day. "Norse gods are not ones to miss out on any special occasion, it isn't like them. So for them to be gone now is something more odd than a Nephilim." He looked back to Sierra, "What do you make of this?" Mel asked her.
She handed him the paper and glanced over at the demon. She felt a weird feeling come upon her. It felt like fear. She shook it off and answered. "Well, This might have been where the mayor lived, since this is a letter from the U.S. Government." She said folding her wings. "I bet it was horrible having to move out of here." She said sadly. She glanced over at the demon again and shivered. Angels and demons. A horrible mix. She shuffled slowly a little bit away from the doorway, which he stood.
Asmod simply nodded his head. The explanation itself was pretty much normal to Asmod. He had experience, or well, witnessed such things before.

With a soft shrug, he settled himself to lean against the post holding up a single structure piece of the home. He hasn't much need to reply, but he did find the need to observe them both.

"Mayor?" Asmod couldn't help but chuckle, seeing the little angel before him shiver wit fear. Regardless of her fear, he wanted to get down to the bottom of this mess he had fallen into. Thus retrieving his hands from within his front pockets, and folding his arms, placing them firmly against his chest. "What does that have to do with us being here?"

Malevolence glared at Asmod, "You find that funny, you'll find my sword through your chest hysterical...." His voice was completely serious. "It has to do with all creatures being summoned from where ever they are for the Day of The Ragnarok. So creatures are scattered through out the world, confused and without any gods." He explained this to Asmod in a very condescending way. He never did like Lust, the creature or the sin. He had killed his first wife because she lusted towards a demon. Mel of course killed her before she could act on her feelings, which is partially why he disliked demons and sin. He was ready to fight Asmod if he needed to. Mel was in no mood to let a demon get a kick out of the suffering of another. He didn't want to fight too much, but he couldn't really back down now either. The lesser of two evils would be standing up to the arrogant sin.
Sierra walked over to the two. "Fighting will not help with out little mystery here." She says sighing.

(Sorry Guys, I had to do this short entry. I'm talking with a friend. I'll be back a a little bit.)
With the slightest hint if amusement upon his facade, he watched the male intently. "Ah? You startnh a fight?" Shaking his head, Asmod simply shrugged his shoulders, shifting his gaze back towards the angel, "My apologies miss." Rollmg his irises, he returned his attention to the male. "So basically, we're stuck here. Wonderful. And I love how you like trouble."
Okami finaly was well enough to move. He got up and used the stick crutch for support. "We're are the others." He asked Madaro.

"I don't know but I can track there scent if you want." Madaro said with a smile he was happy Okami looked better. "Are you sure you're up to moving though."

"Yeah I'll be fine Kouyas healing magic is strong, I wonder why he never uses it on anybody but me."

Okami had Madaro turn to full spirit form and got on his back. "Ok follow the scent of the man who helped us."

"I'm on it" Madaro ran at full speed twords were the man may be. "You're holding on right I wouldn't want you falling of."

Kouya trailed behind also happy that Okami semmed to be ok. The man who helped tem didn't seem completely human, Kouya was interested in figuring out who he was.

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