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Fantasy Day of The Ragnarok


Six Thousand Club
For years vikings and in Norse mythology believed in a day, where all the creatures of myths came out of hiding and either joined Loki in his plots to rule the world, or fight against him. Many years passed and now the day has come, only there are no gods. No Norse gods, but creatures start to appear all over the world. Cities that once were plentiful and lit up, are now covered in nature and no electricity anywhere. The large cities are the only ones affected. Other small towns do not have that problem.

(I will post rules in Overview)
Ace, in her wolf form, walks around the forest, panting and a small whimper escapes every now and then. She is trying to get as far as she can from human civilization, but it seemed her curiosity gets the best of her most of the time. She reaches the end of the forest, going into a clearing of a small town. She strides in, still in her wolf form, looking around.

She finds a small abandoned restaurant and takes a sniff from the air and notices a scent of food. She wants to find a way in, but the doors and windows are boarded up. She finds a small opening between the planks and wood and crawls through, finding herself in the kitchen. She peers into the room from under a table, not hearing the slightest noise and staying still. Her nose, once again, catches the scent of food, this time knowing where it is. She follows the scent into a cabinet, and claws it open finding boxes of food. (Rotted of course)
Malevolence awoke in a shady and dusty room, not recalling how he got there. He coughed and waved his hand in front of his face, getting the floating particles of dust away from his face. Malevolence looked about the room seeing a small table, a mirror, and the bare hard wood floor he was on. He noticed its rotting and aged features. The room had an earthy and moldy smell to it, almost like rotten wood, of course. Malevolence caught sight of his hat lying beside him. He brushed his hand against the parts of it that seemed might be dirty or dusty, cleaning it the best he could. Fitting the hat on his hair he stood and straightened his clothing. Malevolence brushed off his pants and the back of his coat, not taking the chance of any grime or dirt being stuck to it. He looked around some more and caught sight of a door that led to what looked like outside. He cleared his throat, straightened his posture, checked all his belongings, seeing they were accounted for, and made his way to the door.

Upon opening said door, it surprisingly was not loud or squeaking like he suspected it would be. His eyes squinted as the light hit his face, his eyes taking some time to adjust to the light. Once his headache subsided from the sudden exposure to the light, he looked around to find himself in what looked like a town of some sort. It was abandoned and boarded up from the looks of the unkempt buildings and structures around. He looked around and decided he would make his way to a restaurant or a cafe. Malevolence turned to his right and began to walk down the sidewalk. He walked casually but with a hint of haste, wanting to find out in some way why the town was so empty and devoid of people.

As he was walking, Malevolence caught a glimpse of what seemed like a dog. He jogged over to where he was sure he saw the canine. As he turned the corner of the street and caught sight of a tail entering through the wooden boards of the restaurant, he looked back and saw that the building he awoke in was a small shack. He took note of how odd it was, but decided to stay on track. He scanned to see if there was some way of entering the establishment, but found none. He took a few steps back and limbered up real quick. He took two steps forward then kicked his foot forward, smashing down the boarded up door. He continued to kick the wooden planks and pieces until he was able to open the door and walk in. Malevolence looked around the restaurant and saw it to was empty and aged. He heard noises coming from what looked like the kitchen, and ventured forward with caution. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Malevolence called out softly, not wanting to startle anyone who might have been in the restaurant.
Ace's ears twitched when she heard what seemed like wood being broken. Her head turned toward the noise, and adjusted her ears, so she could catch more noise from the direction from where it came. Then she heard a voice. Obviously it was a male, and had an edge to it, making it known to her that the man was older. She jumped from the counter as the man walked in. She hid under a table and watched as he walked around the room, scanning. Her claws tried to drag into then ground, but it was a tiled floor. In stead of the grip she needed for comfort, a screech from the ground erupted, it even startled her as well which made her jump, banging her head on the table. She barked from surprise and went quiet again.
Asmod, being as lazy as ever, awoke to himself laid half dressed on the long end of a custom couch, gazing half-blindedly skyward. He hadn't the slightest clue as to why or how he had gotten there, but he certainly was sure of one thing. He was ready to get out of there. Living the rich life was nowhere near easy, and he truly didn't appreciate being smothered. With a lengthy groan of agitation, Asmod slowly say sat up on the piece of furniture, scanning the white painted room with sleepy crimson red irises.

The room itself seemed to be kept quite clean. But why would that surprise Asmod anyway? Shouldn't he be used to such a surrounding? Well guess what, he wasnt. His home was firey, hot, and perfect. This place was, the exact opposite. Reluctantly making his way down a marbled staircase, Asmod headed straight for the front door. He was completely oblivious to the fact he was lacking of clothing, and currently only wanted to see where he was being forced to stay.

Upon opening the door, he let out a single choice word. "Shit!" Shading his eyes with his right hand for a few moments, while blinking his irises to become accustomed to the brightly shining sunlight, he cursed the wretched mortal world, filled with pesky, worthless humans. Eventually he returned his hand to his side, just when he caught glimpse of a seemingly to be animal that had four legs. "What is that?" Being what he was, Asmod had never seen such a sight before in his entirety. Shaking the pesky thought from his consciousness, Asmod stepped down the very few steps located before him, shutting the door behind himself in the process.

Deciding he had nothing better to do with his life, he began to explore the pathetic excuse for a town. Again, that he was absolutely forced to live in. Scoffing along the way, Asmod casually stuffed his hands into the pockets of the pair of boxers of which he currently wore, with no shirt to accompany it at all. Flipping his white hair out of his face, he began to scan his surrounding with sharpened bloodied crimson red irises.
Okami woke up in a cramped space a closet mabey he thought to himself. He pounded against the door until it gave out lighting up the room he was in. It was in a bread storage room, most of the bread was moldy and he didn't know how he got there. He didn't want to call for help and he was to panic to summon his wolves. He walked around the place and realized his right leg must have been spring well taking down the door. He cused in Japanese as he hobbled around what semmed to be a resturant till he heard someone and his behind a booth. He slowed down his breath and did his best not to make a sound but he thought he heard the person walking twords him.
Victor was waiting for his scouts to return, he was planning his assault on a large city which was still able to sustain itself. Victor began walking on the overgrown road his forces took up the entirety of the road for as far as the eye could see. Victor passed by an abandoned restaurant with little to no thought of it.

After several minutes of marching they came into a wide clearing of cut down and rotted trees. His forces filled the wide plain within minutes and he took several steps forward. The wall cutting the plain off from the city was scrap metal and many guards lined it ready to open fire, though scrap it seemed sturdy and atleast five meters tall. Even from this far view he could smell the fear within them. After several long minutes he drew his sword. and pointed it at the wall,"Size saldırmaya tüm öldür, bizim meslektaşları gibi yaşamak için bazı bırakın. O lanet duvarı aşağı getir!" as he finished his sentence he let out a mighty loud battle cry in which any creature could hear even miles away. He began his sprint at the wall,which was atleast two miles away, close behind was the thick line of Anubian soldiers letting out similar battle cries.
Malevolence turned his head at hearing the screech and saw the wolf's actions. He chuckled, finding it to be rather quirky and adorable. He kneeled down and looked at her, "Hey girl... Did I scare you? I didn't mean to. Hahah, you need to be more careful with tile flooring. It's tricky stuff." He spoke to her not only as if she were an animal but also as if she was a person. He seemed to know that she was a human as well as a wolf. "My name is Malevolence, but you can call me Mel. Might I have the honor of knowing the name of such a beautiful specimen such as yourself?" He asked Ace, his voice having a hint of Gaelic charm to it. It seemed almost like he was half flirting with the lycan, which was something he was good at since he had thousands of years of practice.

Malevolence spent a lot of his life in the Britannic and Roman areas. He of course traveled to dozens of other places, learning hundreds of languages, he had a bigger familiarity with Germanic and Scottish language. He picked up the German accent more so but held onto a tint of Scottish and a bit of Irish, giving his voice a beautiful Celtic rhythm to it. Despite being in the triple digits of age, his strong voice was young and he looked as if in his early forties. He found this massive mixture to work rather well in sweet talking and charming more hostile and stubborn females. As well as subduing hostile males since he had a bit of bad luck with that.
Ace was hesitant at first but slowly came out from under the table with her eyes on Malevolence. She stopped in front of him and sat down slowly. She looked into his eyes which seemed to have a bit of Fire inside. She gulped and slowly turned into her human form (also I changed her picture.) she stood up and pulled her red hair out her face. She finally spoke which was quiet, and soft. "My name is Ace." She said softly, yet a bit edged. She was still a bit nervous by talking to someone who wasn't her kind.
Okami stayed quiet as he listened to people talk. He heard marching coming from outside. He tried to move but bent his sprang leg causing him to cuss in Japanese loudly. He looked at the two people in front of him straight in the eyes.

His body froze his breath stilled his mind went blank and panic ran over his body in tingly waves. He wanted to move he wanted to speak and above all he wanted to run but he couldn't. After sitting there for the seconds that semmed like hours he spat out the words please don't kill me. He didn't notice though that he was speaking in Japanese and not english.

@The Master @Queen of Fantasy
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Malevolence stood with Ace upon hearing her name. "You don't need to be nervous. I've had a few lycan nieces in the past. They didn't have hair like yours though." He spoke reassuringly. "You do remind me of my fourth wife though. She was Scottish like you, but she was a nymph. Her hair was like yours, she was a bit older though." He scratched his facial hair as he continued to look at Ace. He took out the golden diamond ring and showed it to Ace, "This was hers. She loved diamonds so I made it for her. Here." He handed it Ace so she could look at it.

"I met her after a battle in Scotland. She was a shy one, but she had a thing for soldier boys." Malevolence chuckled. "She liked how I didn't burn down forests and nature like most Phoenix would. And she was impressed with how I could handle a sword." He sighed, smiling as he thought back. Malevolence blinked and shook his head a little. "Never mind my past. So tell me, what are you doing in this place?" Malevolence looked around the empty restaurant. He found it rather odd for a lycan to be hanging around a place like this. But he had seen odder things, like a Scottish forest nymph who had a thing for soldiers. And a dragon who had a pet sheep named Snowy.
Asmod ventured onward, flashing menacing glares at those who dared to whisper about his appearance. Sure, he could have gotten dressed in the least, but this was one of the seven deadly sins they were referring to. One who truly didn't believe in clothing regardless. With a groan, he continued his journey, scanning the pathetic townsfolk as he passed them.

All of them seemed to be poorly designed, and as well as, well , poor. He was pretty sure he was the only one able to do such things, and there would be nobody good enough in his eyes to peak his interest. Although, that create he had caught sight of earlier, was the only thing worth his time so far. In the distance, he could hear numerous war cries, ones of which seemed to be arising from a field in the distance. "Too far." Asmod mumbled to himself as he continued onward, blocking out the annoyance he was receiving from all the senseless commotion.

As far as he was concerned, he only wanted to find girls at the moment. His need for lust was truly rising, and if he didn't find a girl soon, he would eventually have to resort towel counter measures. Whilst lost in his thought, he continued on, wandering about the useless, broken down town.
She took the ring and looked at it closely. "It's beautiful." She said handing it back to him, she heard him ask a second question. Why she was here. She sighed putting her hands in her pockets. "I'm hungry, I'm here for food. I spelled it from afar, so I came to eat... But everything here is either rotted or not good enough. She said sitting on the table. She soon heard a same voice, with a slog accent. She looked to where it was coming from and saw a short boy, with blonde hair. He seemed to have been speaking in japanese. She quickly turned back into her wolf form and hid under the table once again. She wasn't used to all these humanoids around.
Flames suddenly erupted around Malevolence. The marching outside and Okami's talking put Malevolence in a foul mood. Malevolence was quick to anger, and he wasn't one to calm down easily. After putting the ring away, he glared at Okami. He grabbed onto Okami's shirt and lifted him up. "Orokana shonen!" He shouted, throwing Okami against the wall. Malevolence took his sword and swung it, sending a wave of flames towards the door, destroying it completely. He sheathed his fiery blade and walked out of the restaurant. His eyes were made of flames, his anger flared up.

Malevolence turned and walked in the direction of where he heard marching. He left a trail of fire with each step. He turned into a Phoenix and flew off. He turned back into a human as he landed in the middle of the field that Victor was charging in. Malevolence allowed his fire to stay around him, letting Victor and anyone looking at Malevolence know that a very angry Phoenix was now present. He took out his sword and let it land on the ground, fire coating it. Malevolence waited for someone to strike first so he would have a reason for retaliation.

@Marvelous Chester @jole875
Ace squealed at the outburst of the Phoenix, and quickly ran out of the restaurant whimpering. She kept running down the road, e opposite way of the marching and where Malevolence was headed. She quickly jumped in an empty trash can and whimpered inside. With fear inside her. Most werewolves like her, would not be afraid like this but her back story goes way back when she was a pup. She cried in the trash an, and shivered, trying to get the thought out of her mind.
Like that Okamis sprung leg was broken, his head hurt and heard ringing in his ears. On top of that his chest was burnt from the phoniexes flaming hand, but he was able to summon his wolves. Kouya took one look at Okami. "Who did this to you." Before Okami could answer Kouya read his mind and rage filled his eyes "stay here I have a dick to kill" Kouya took on his spirit form completely destroying the resturant with his massive size but kepping Okami safe under one of his tails before running straight threw the army and killing thousands of soulders are eating a few until he stood in front of the phoniex. "You hurt my boy now I'm gonna kill you." Kouya shouted.

Madaro stayed close to Okami, he took on spirit form and put Okami on his back he ran around the town avoiding the war and looking for a medic or doctor of some sort.

@The Master
Malevolence saw the wolf and readied his sword. By the time the wolf got close enough he swung his sword and sent a swirling wave of fire. Malevolence used the momentum of the swing to flip back and jump up, using fire to boost him up a couple yards in the air. He swung again, sending another fire wave at the canine. After that he turned into a Phoenix and flew back further. Malevolence spun around and flew towards Kouya, using his speed and fire to act as a type of missile to strike at Kouya with. Malevolence did this all within the span of twelve seconds, having plenty of experience with fights. @Marvelous Chester
As Victor was running he saw the phoenix breed in front of him, in an instant he propelled himself in the air over the man and kept running. From a view above the Anubians ran past him like a rock in a stream. When they closed in on the wall the guards opened fire, in a matter of seconds Victor hand positioned himself on the wall and climbed it until he grabbed a guard and threw him off into the horde behind him. Climbing over the railing Victor swung his large sword slashing a man down, his counterparts were making their way onto the wall. Victor felt a needle like pain in his back, he turned to see a man that had shot him, he used his large teeth to dig into his neck ripping through his jugular and throwing him. "Şehir içine," Victor let out as he jumped from the railing and onto the ground inside the city. With in seconds the guards waiting on the inside opened fire as the horde charged them fearlessly, cutting through them as if they were sheets of paper.
Kouya howled in pain as blood dripped down his fur. His tails struck in a flurry of swift motions all aiming twords the phoniex, he swated away any warriors who got close with his giant paws.

"Come on Ookami I know it hurts but hang in there I'll find someone who can help." Madaro leaped around the battle field avoiding any fights as he looked for someone with supplies or healing magic. He eventually found the anubian a medical tents and shrunk down back to wolf size. He walked in and spears pointed at him imedeatly. "I'm not here to fight just please help the boy he is only 14 and not ready for war in returne I'll swear are loyalty to you. Just please help him."

@The Master @jole875
Malevolence hit the tails but then moved back. He flew back to the town really fast. He flew low and dodged trees, banking in numerous directions. Despite there being very few he still wanted to avoid burning any. Malevolence hit a small building really hard, not hard enough to destroy it though. He saw so busy moving around and trying to avoid any trees, he didn't pay attention to his zooming into the town. Malevolence damaged the brick wall and hit the ground hard. He turned back into a human and groaned, holding his head.

Malevolence wasn't bleeding, but he was a little beat up from being hit with the tails and ramming into a brick wall. He stumbled around, walking on the sidewalk in a random direction. He leaned against a post upon walking up to it. Malevolence groaned in pain again and grunted in frustration as his head pounded. He didn't like losing his temper since it resulted in chaos and a lot of excitement. He felt a little bad about scorching all those Anubian warriors but figured they wouldn't mind too much.

He dusted off his clothes, fixing himself up as much as he could. Malevolence heard crying nearby and turned to see a trashcan. He walked over shakily towards it and stopped, looking at it and holding onto it for support. "Who's in there?" He asked, finding it odd for anyone to be in a trashcan. He couldn't think straight because of ramming into bricks so he didn't put together that it would most likely be Ace.
Kouya thought he killed the phoniex when it was no were to be seen. Must have been smashed in the ruble he thought to himself. Before shrinking down to wolf form and appearing at Okamis side. He looked at Madaro "so are these guys gonna help. Oh and I think I killed the bitch who hurt Ookami." He said with a smile.

Okami frowned in pain. "T..there was no reason to kill anybody *cough cough* And I'm fine really". Okami tried to stand up but his broken leg took him down. "It'll heal up just help me up Madaro."

Madaro grew a bit bigger then regular wolf form and helped Okami on to his back. "Let's get out of hear a battle ground is no place for a child like you."
Asmod stood, untouched within the entire spread out rubble. To him, this entire situation was ridiculous. Shaking his head, he scanned over the multiple dead bodies lying around throughout the streets. Watching as the blood from pathetic mortals covered the cobblestoned streets.

With a blow of his breath, he averted his gaze skyward, just as the necklace of which he wore dangled from his neck. Asmod hadn't the slightest idea as to what could've happened within such few minutes, and all he did was simply walk out the house. Whilst rolling his irises he continued to contemplate the dire situation he was in.

If his home was no longer standing, there would be a price to pay for whomever or whatever caused such a ruckus. He cared not for the lives that were lost, but only simply cared for the roof of which he slept under each day and night. Snapping his finger, he allowed his hair to part from his face with no effort from his arms.

In doing so, the center of his chest began to glow with a darkened red crest, himself reaching down with his right hand, placing it to his chest, retrieving his sword from his body. If it came down to it, he would be very well prepared for an encounter with any foe at the least.
Madaro ran around town franticly trying to find a place Okami could rest at least. As he leaped over another military squad he saw a small untouched house mabey he would have luck there. He jumped over to the house and looked at the man there. "We come in peace but would you be so kind as to give this boy a place to rest. He is injured and tired." Madaro gave begging eyes.

Okami got of Madaro but still leaned against him for support. He picked up a branch on the ground nearby and used it as a crutch, allowing to make due with the broken leg for now but he would have to splint and rap it soon.

Okami looked at the man. He didn't like asking for favors or talking to people in the slightest actually it horrified him. "Do do you Umm mind if I...I im rest hear for a bit...I would uh make sure to Umm.... Pay you back." Okami looked at the man and waited for an answer good or bad.

Kouya was following alongside Madaro and Okami for quite a while before a pack of anubians charged after them. Kouya had Madaro go ahead with Okami well he defended the land around the house. He hoped Okami was alright. If not he would find the phoniex he thought he killed and torture it in the afterlife, the thought coused him to smile a bit.

@The Dark Princess
Ace could hear someone outside the trashcan she was in. It sounded like Malevolence's voice. She squeezed her eyes shut and jumped out of the trash can, bolting away from him. She kept running, and running and running... She found, at the other side of town a small drug store. She walked inside and saw it too was abandoned. "What happened here?" The thought went over and over again in her mind as she looked around. She saw a shelf with dogs toys and her eyes widened. She saw a bunny squeaky toy, and her playful side couldn't resist. She jumped at his and started playing with it, just like a puppy.

After a few minutes of playing, she walked out of the drug store with the toy still in her mouth, happily and playfully, until she realized what had happened. She sighed, still with the toy in her mouth, running away from the street which she came. She stopped at a small building and peered inside seeing two wolves, and two men. She was hiding behind the wall, watching them. The blonde boy looked injured, and she recognized it was the boy from before. She felt a little bit more at ease though, due to the two wolves in the room.
Malevolence was knocked back a little by Ace bolting out of the trashcan and away. He groaned again, his hand still on his head. He decided to leave her be and walk over to a mossy bench. Malevolence sat on the bench and simply waited. So far he found out no reason as to why the town was empty. He looked around, taking in the silence of it all. Malevolence slowly healed, his headache subsiding but his temper still flared.

Mel felt like he was going to pass again, this life nearing its end. He stood up slowly and sighed, straightening his clothing and hat. Malevolence dusted himself off, and once more made himself seem as presentable as he could. He turned into a phoenix and flew off, trying to gather what he could to make a nest really quick. His speed was amazing as he made haste to get what was needed. His final hours arriving brought a great deal of adrenaline to him, making him move faster than usual.

~ (Time Skip. I'll wait half a page of posts before resuming with the nest being finished.)

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