• This section is for roleplays only.
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Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

@Ghost; Spend today to focus on other things. o^o

You're not missing too much here right now. I can fill you in later if need be.

Sounds pretty bad, but good luck! :3

I say just do it

(I can't even take my own advice though so >^<
Oh yuuki, all these likes! <3 You'll make me swoon
@Ghost; I have a personal interest in mental disorders. I just happened to read your signature after all this time. xD

One of my biggest pet peeves in roleplaying is not researching when using something incredibly specific, especially mental disorders. If you don't know about one, you could easily just make your character the crazy side of normal instead of making them a flat out sociopath. > :/

But I'll leave this rant for another day.

@Dead; omg wtf why is Amiya so cute. xD

Millie and Amiya need to start a Moe Squad.


Me too, ehehehe. Started researchin this stuff because I've wanted to understand myself better. Still, ty ty.

Although, the specifically socio/psychopath section needs some revision.... The aspd info is fine, though....

I need to fix it but I've been so busy ( X _ X )
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I know I'm neglecting a lot of other things for this rp. xD ;;

Like... ughhhh I don't wanna get ready for work.

//gross sobbing
My work right now is so boring it's painful ( . _ . )


is probably why im on rpn right now

I wish I could do that. But there's no downtime at my work. I barely even get my 10 minute breaks. OTL
i dont really have downtime theres currently no one looking over my shoulder and im waiting for the page i need to load

im a gud worker i swaer
also i'll probably get a post up by tonight? i've just been busy and it makes it difficult to actyually write anything of a decent quality

I need your opinions

I want to make a thrid character like really really badly

i want to make him a huge a-hole though

I'm having evil ideas

He will be a shape shifter of sorts

Really fun, but yes a huge ass

Should I

cause I want to xD





If you feel you can handle another character, go ahead but don't stress yourself.

It's up to your ability in controlling many characters, will you be able to control them and be able to post for them equally? owo
im honestly so disappointed i didnt think of shape shifting powers first

i think you should totally go for it! :D i love the ideas! powers- and personality-wise
Well ya snooze, ya loooose~ XP

Nah I'm kidding

It would be more having to do with altering his bones, etc, etc And skin, eyes, hair, ya get the drill~

I'm getting an Amethyst from Steven Universe Vibe for him as well~

yesh, thank you~


Gotta go, gotta wake up early tomorrow and I don't feel like being half asleep xD

Sorry for the sudden disappearance~

See ya guys

Good night!
Owlet said:
Okie dokie~

I think I can

I do think not creating him would cause much more stress xD
I know how you feell ;w;

I'm still in debate on making a second character but within the week, the decision will be made.

Also good night, sleep well!~ cx

awww, you're naming him after me?

oh no hes cute
Hey guys.

I've sort of changed up my ideas and want to make a male character. With him, I'd also like to play around with a serious relationship between a senior A or S rank (my character) and a younger student. You know, explore a couples' worries for life after graduation, especially if he's to join the service afterwards. I don't have any preferences regarding hetero or non-hetero pairings, so if you think this might interest you, just @ me or hit me up via conversation.
@Capella ~ <3

So uh...

I may or may not be attempting to make two student characters.

//continuously clicking Random page on Superpower Wiki
@Yuuki of the Strata Best of luck in your search for new/ interesting powers- I am looking forward to seeing how your student characters turn out. :)

Also @Capella if you're still looking for someone to do relationships/ plots with.... yea.

Just finishing the profile for the student, going to hopefully get teacher done so I can post them sometime tomorrow. But it's late, and I'm feeling like I'm going to crash shortly, so we'll see.
@clarinetti - still looking. my character won't get posted until tomorrow sometime, likely. my eyeballs are just about ready to roll out of their sockets.
that took...... way longer than i thought


definitely time for bed for me

*stares at clock*

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