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Umber stood bye and watched the others create their team. It was a bittersweet moment for him. While he wasn't one of the original members, he'd be happy to join up with them, as long as he was able to leave with them. Plus, the Grimm were getting stronger and more people would help. He just stood awkwardly to the side, watching them create their team.
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Toks was roaming around. She had been sent here in her teachers place, for some odd reason, from Mistral. Toks was not going to argue with her headmasters orders though, and leaving school but still getting the credits seemed to be the best option for her in her eyes. "I mean... if Headmaster Lionheart sent me... there has to be a reason, right?" she said reassuring herself. She was here to help Beacon survivors while her teacher was stuck back at the school.

She looked around and saw a group of hunters that seemed to be grouping up. She decided to walk up to them to introduce herself. "Hiya. My name is Toks, I came as soon as I heard about Beacon. I hope you guys are okay." She said as she held her dust crystal necklace.

angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Moonflight Moonflight
Cuprum's brain paused for a moment as people seemed to be flooding in. He raised his hands.
"Alright, let's settle this down. Grey, Alice, Ruby and I are here as promised before. The rest of you are here personally. Before we all go wandering off into the wild, let's organize some things. Like team names."
He said as he heard Alice. Our goal? Cuprum paused again. They have gathered up. They were going to go out of Vale. For what? Cuprum himself had a reason.
"Our goal. We met the fall of Beacon some time ago. In my opinion, this wasn't any 'normal accident.' All the happenings, the Grimms, and everything, someone has to be behind it. I'd say that we're going out to find clues of whoever planned of the fall of Beacon."
Cuprum stated.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Moonflight Moonflight Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre angelbim10 angelbim10 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Alice folded up her map, and a long sorrowful gaze up at beacon tower- and the gigantic dragon Grimm frozen on top of it. "Alice, Cuprum, Grey, Ruby. A.C.G.R.... " she paused for a moment. "Acid green?" She suggested, turning back to the group.
(Too lazy to tag :/ )
[Sorry, sorry. School and final exams; can't use my phone at school]

It was quite the ride, transporting from the northern side of Beacon to the gates of Vale. Luckily, Gera wasn't hurt; that said, she didn't know about the rest of her teammates. It quickly became obvious she couldn't waltz in and save her friends, against her judgement. So, she ran with the crowd- up until she heard of the group planning to leave. The details were faint, but it was enough for her.

She was coming from the east side, squinting and a faint smile going upon her lips as the silhouette of hunters was upon the horizon. Picking up her pace, she gentle strolled into the side in hopes of not interrupting anything. "Is- This is the group to leave?" She started, awkward with her timing.
Ruby nods listening to everything he said, before thinking about the name. Medi-ocre in her taste but sounds funny, she let out a small smile to the name showing her consideration about that is what she believes they should call themselves.
Grey wondered how in remnant did the guy knew his name until he realized he tossed his Scroll to him giving his identity away. "Yup that's right Grey Winston is my full name." He stood firm as he introduced himself to everyone. "ACGR? Sure why not." Upon hearing newcomers arriving at the scene. He immediately turned around with a smooth turn of the heel. With his arms placed behind his back he elegantly spoke to them "Greetings to you guys. And yes this is the groupings, just in time too." He answered one of them. He turned his head towards the female who goes by the name Toks. "Yes we are alive and breathing. For now..." Grey even puffed a small cloud of steam after saying such answer with a grim tone.

Turning his back towards his new teammates he asked what he believes is a million cash question "It's a nice name for a team but one question... Who's team leader?" Grey said sternly towards them.
Ruby raises her hand as if she wanted to say something, but felt it would be a waste of time so she puts her hand back down and looks away quietly
Grey noticed a small sign of movement in the corner of his mask's viewing goggles. Turning his head towards it he noticed that it came from one of his new comrades. Not knowing her name because he is slightly confused about who is who he called out to her. "I do believe you wanted say something lovely?" Again, unnecessary naming slipped of his tongue. Not only that he sounded very serious yet he tried to be soft in his words as he observed the girl's behavior and nature. angelbim10 angelbim10
Ruby blushes and hides her face a bit spoking, "..M...m..maybe he should" pointing at RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Cuprum. Before hugging herself, "I..if everyone else is okay with it to.....I..I'm ruby" she introduces herself quietly
Toks sighed a sigh of relief. "I am here from Haven academy, my teacher would have been here but he had other matters." She said as she looked around. "My team is going to go in soon in order to try and thin out the Grimm in the area as well as find survivors. I wish you all the best of luck in whatever you plan to do. Please stay for a bit and let the others see what they can do to help." Toks said with a small smile and laugh. "Better get going. see you guys later!" she said as she ran to three other students that were getting into an aircraft.

Toks was a part of the team H.A.R.T. They were a search and rescue team with Toks being their supporting ranger. As she reached her team laughter could be heard as she grabbed her bag and got into the carrier. Right before she stepped foot into the carrier, a large roar could be heard in the distance. Toks looked back towards the group called A.C.G.R and waved with a smile. "I promise we will bring back any survivors we find, even if I have to walk them here!" she yelled as they took off and the doors closed.

angelbim10 angelbim10 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Cuprum stood there, looking at Ruby.
He said. Then he went silent, turning around, not saying a word, emerged in his thoughts. Me as a leader? That's a new experience. But his thoughts didn't last much as Toks left the crowd. Apparently she was here as a Haven academy student and in a presently active team. And another newcomer.
"We might be, but we can wait."
Cuprum told Gera. He counted the remaining people. Including his team of four, that may be....
"Six. Not a good number."
He told himself. If they were going big, they needed more people to stay with. Unless they were super strong huntsmen and huntresses with super strong semblance and million years' worth of experience.
angelbim10 angelbim10 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Duke of Doge Duke of Doge CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny WritinPractice WritinPractice Moonflight Moonflight
Grey crossed his arms as he observed Ruby further. Not the social type he thought heck she may not be even used to physical contact. Looking at the guy she mentioned he gazed at him from head to toe. Seems like a good choice Grey thought. Ignoring the fact that Toks just left he continued to talk further. "Perhaps he could be our leader. Or how about we let Ruby here be our sweet leader?" Grey suggested as he pointed his hand towards Ruby. angelbim10 angelbim10 RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Ruby blinks in surprise, she had nothing against it. But how will she handle the job, she can try but keeping track of everyone and making decisions isn't really her strong suit. Ruby looks down at her feet
Umber then realised as other new comers started to introduce themselves, he hadn't yet introduced himself. "Oh!" His eyes widened. "Sorry to butt in, but I never properly introduced my self." He smiled ruefully. "I'm Umber. I transfered here from Atlas before the fall." He said with a nod to the other students around him. The deer faunus wondered how strong everyone was that had currently gathered.

angelbim10 angelbim10 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Duke of Doge Duke of Doge CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny WritinPractice WritinPractice RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Grey lowered his hand as Ruby gave him the silent treatment. He knew that she wound't answer. But he kinda envisioned Ruby as a strong leader but she just stays quite. Guess he was wrong. Grey placed his right hand on his gas mask imitating a face palm. "Please don't tell me this is a man's job..." He said with a sigh. RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan angelbim10 angelbim10

His emotional facepalming was quickly cut off by a Faunus who appears to be male. He looked at Umber with a silent mask glare he analyzed him from head to toe. He wondered what type of faunus is he. His best guess was a deer. "Nice to meet you Umber chum. Grey, Grey winston in case you didn't hear." He spoke softly. Moonflight Moonflight
She suddenly breathes in and out, nodding. If people wanted her to be one, then she will be one. Ruby looks over at Umber, "Nice to meet you.." she replies gaining self confidence now in herself and abilities. She smiles brightly, feeling much better
Alice waved as Toks left. She walked towards the gate while speaking. "Guys? Why are we still standing around talking?" She opened the gate "we've got a job to do" and with that she began walking into the wilds of remnant. As she walked, she thought about her teammates. Cuprum seems friendly. Ruby is... quiet. Grey so far just seems really edgy... 'guess options are limited in the friends department. Gotta learn to get along.'
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan angelbim10 angelbim10 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Moonflight Moonflight
"We trying to discuss who should be team leader of ACGR. Perhaps you should be the leader." Grey suggested to her. Grabbing for his whip to check if his concealed grappling claw still works. He pressed the trigger that seems to be a shape handle brake on a bike. Upon pressing a metal claw came out of the hollow end of the whip's handle. The claw caught his gasmask and locked itself to it. "Yup! Yup it does!" He grunted while struggling to free himself. Pressing the trigger twice The claw eventually released and reeled itself back into the handle. RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
"If everyone wants I would like to, but thats everyone's decision" She spoke following, but didn't mind if no one agreed to it
The screech of a nevermore was heard as the tearing of metal screeched through the air. A sudden and long screech from the nevermore made it sound as though it was falling from the sky. Soon after the thud of it sounded, a large explosion was heard. Soon there were reports of a carrier being taken down by Grimm. Black smoke rose from the tree tops, and it was not just Grimm smoke the direction Toks carrier went.

angelbim10 angelbim10 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Moonflight Moonflight RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan WritinPractice WritinPractice
Gera shifted for a moment, taking another glance at the gate. Her gaze moved to the accounted, almost looking down on her. The highlights in her hair seemed off, but asides that, she didn't seem to much off from a huntress. Ruby seems like a capable leader," she added. She was serious, but also a bit impatient.

It took a moment for the noise to catch her reaction time, and her eyes followed the smoke on the horizon. Frowning, she took a step back and hoped the teams would be settled quickly- or, quicker.
"I'm okay with being the le-" she was cut off by the explosion and black smoke rising into the sky. "Woah, ok! That looks bad" she said, her hands quickly finding her weapon, Lapis Flash, pulling the blades from each side of her waist in one deft motion. "Weapons ready people. The Grimm are going to be attracted to that!" She said before running into the forest (presumably a Naruto run because why not?) As she ran, a Beowolf put it's sights on her, charging in recklessly as Alice also put her sights on the beast, pulling the trigger, her pistols let out a full auto burst which quickly left the Grimm dead and becoming smoke.

angelbim10 angelbim10 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Moonflight Moonflight RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan WritinPractice WritinPractice
Umber dipped his head as a signal that he heard Grey's name. He didn't really participate in the whole leader discussion, as it wasn't really his say. The faunus watched ,with wary eyes, the surroundings, just in case something happened. Suddenly an earsplitting screech of a nevermore split the skies apart and black smoke wafted through the air. "Um, guys, I think you should put aside the whole leader debacle for later because that does not sound good." He pointed to the skies. He quickly pulled out his weapon, Autumn Storm, and flipped the brown and gold fan open, before leaping out of the gates. He buffeted an ursa with a great burst of wind before attacking, using it's razor sharp ends.

angelbim10 angelbim10 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Duke of Doge Duke of Doge CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny WritinPractice WritinPractice RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Grey jumped a bit after hearing an explosion from a distance Grey eventually turned his head around. Noticing quite the scene has been. Grey didn't take out his weapon just yet. He observed the field first checking on his allies and observing incoming enemies. "Looks like we've got company." He muttered to himself.

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