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She only curled up more in a sense to make herself look invisible to everyone, "I'm not cut out for this.." she replies weakly having so much doubt cloud her mind and her heart. Ruby could only hide her head in her knees and hope her family wasn't found yet, considering her mother was pregnant with her baby brother. "I wish my family was here" she whimpers to quietly to be heard shaking a bit
Emeril's eyes fill with sorrow and sympathy, as he stumbles with his words. After a few seconds of him fumbling his words, he morosely places his muscled hand onto her shoulder with the intention of trying to console the girl as he slowly shakes his head in response to her pleas. After another solemn silence from him, he decides to speak his part. "Sorry", he says simply, "but it was just you." With that, he retrieves his hand as he bows his head, partially out of guilt that he couldn't save anyone from the crash, for they were already gone, but partially out of respect.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan angelbim10 angelbim10
Grey entered Toks's room checking on her after a quick trip to the bathroom. His gasmask maybe inappropriate at the moment but he didn't bother taking it off. He saw his teammates along with Toks and a mysterious student he has never gained much to know of earlier. Grey walked towards the girl's bed and observed her without saying another word. He didn't want to interrupt their conversation. CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan angelbim10 angelbim10 The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Ruby looks up seeing Grey had entered the room, before going back to acting like she didn't exist. Feeling a build of anxiety she suddenly ran out of the room closing the door to roughly without meaning too and towards the waiting area. She finds a place to hide and stays there, knowing she wasn't really needed at the time. Ruby pulls out a picture of her family and looks at it quietly while shaking trying to calm herself
Alice was waiting outside the room Toks was in, thinking that she would want some space from people after just waking up. Then she saw Ruby run out of the room in a hurry. Alice blinked and looked from the door, to where Ruby went. Alice was soon hot on her tail. Waiting just out of Ruby's sight. Alice sighed and poked her head around the corner. "Ruby? You okay?" She said in a very calming voice. "If your willing to talk. In willing to listen" she smiled and gave her rabbit ears a wiggle "... and I'm willing to help you. If you want, that is..."
angelbim10 angelbim10
Ruby held her head hiding her face, crying silently as her body shook "I feel like a failure I feel like I can't contribute" she whimpers out and sniffles whimpering. She stayed in a ball, "I can't work I can't do anything right I can't even stop thinking about my family thats in hiding! I can't stop worrying about my mom who is pregnant I can't stop being afraid my family is already kidnapped by now.....I....I can't face my own fears!" She sobs softly, hiding her face feeling everything just break around her
Ruby held her head hiding her face, crying silently as her body shook "I feel like a failure I feel like I can't contribute" she whimpers out and sniffles whimpering. She stayed in a ball, "I can't work I can't do anything right I can't even stop thinking about my family thats in hiding! I can't stop worrying about my mom who is pregnant I can't stop being afraid my family is already kidnapped by now.....I....I can't face my own fears!" She sobs softly, hiding her face feeling everything just break around her
Alice came to her side, sitting next to het 'that's a lot of issue's "woah, woah. Settle down red. Deep breath. Why would your family be kidnapped?" She asked looking at her tenderly.
She sniffs, "We....we aren't just humans but we pretend we are....i...its the only way to keep us safe from the dangers of people who hunt people like us down....wh...who aren't human in general......" she wipes her tears whimpering. "We are another race, not humans....not faunas...not hunters or anything like that.....b....but we aren't suppose to tell anyone.....o..or bad things happen"
After observing the girl's condition. Grey needed check back to the bathroom in case he has forgotten anything. Upon exiting the room. He saw his fellow teammates just close by the weeping was giving away their location. Walking down towards their location Grey gently swooped in "Is there something the matter here ladies?" Grey asked in a really concerned tone. He saw Ruby shedding tears while being comforted. He showed sympathy and kept his soft side. angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Looking up at the beautiful sky as the wind blew his hair Shadow only looked as there was smoke clouds coming form a far. Maybe it was just a grim attack he would think so he paid no mind as all he wanted was to relax. Relaxation was all he asked for with his beautiful companion. A faunus a quite beautiful one at that too, but don't get the wrong idea she's feisty. He looked over to his side to see she was resting on his arm slowly as her minded was drifting away by the empty sky that would soon be filled with dust and corruption. He smiled as he looked back up at the sky as his weapon was on the left side of him.
Blossom looked at Shadow and smiled as she stayed close to him. Doing this though didn't feel right as she stood up and looked over the hills that they sat on top of. "We can't just be laying here day dreaming. We have to help those inno-" She was cut off as a blue stream of light shot up at the sky clearing the clouds. "THAT LIGHT SHADOW LETS GO!" She said running down the hill bolting to the seen.
Shadow grabbed his weapon and tried to keep up with Blossom who was clearly jetting down the hill. He was trying to keep his balance so he wouldn't lose his balance and roll down the hill but it was hard as he tried to keep up. "Blossom wait up!"
Mysterious Man
Clearing out the village of the grim his blade was steaming with a blue glow as their robe stayed intact. He heard the voices of a crying child and a mother scared as she cried out thank you to the mysterious hooded man. He pierced his blade into the ground as he walked over to the two and crouched down patting the babies head. The women said that the babies child went out into the forest north of here with a group of other men to solve the grim issue. The man nodded as he stood up and walked over to his sword to pick it up. After resting his blade on his shoulder he took two steps and vanished before the ladies eyes.
Blossom was breathing heavily as she finally made it to the tore up village as many women and kids where inside of the buildings as she saw one holding her once crying child, the child seemed to be put at ease for some reason. She walked over to the lady and sat on her knees as she reached for the baby. "May I? She's so cute!" Blossom said assuming the babies gender. The mother nodded and gave blossom the baby girl. "Such a beautiful baby, what happened here ma'am?" She asked the lady as he cradled the baby in her arms.
Finally catching up he rest his hands on his knees as he slouched over breathing heavily trying to catch his breathe. He over heard the lady explain to Blossom what happened and that a random person with a butcher knife looking sword cleared the village with one attack. Shadow knew that this was a sign of who they've been looking for was near. "Do you know where this person went ma'am?" She nodded and pointed north into the forest. "Perfect let's get going Blossom." He said standing up straight filled with energy again as he had a clue on where to find his missing friend.
She smiled and handed the lady her child as she kissed the baby on the forehead and stood up with Shadow. "Thank you for the information!" She said waving at the two.

Blossom & Shadow
They nodded at each other as they ran off into the forest in search for the group of men and the hooded figure.

Man #1
"Boys get back!!!" He said as he rolled back holding a pike as his body was covered with dust from the slam attack the Death Stalker had done. Watching many friends fly back and be surrounded by Ursa's he was worried he'd never make it back to his lovely wife and new born daughter. He held his necklace that was wrapped around his neck in the palm of his hand as he sighed. "I must fight for them!!! AND THE REST OF THE VILLAGERS!!! CHARGE CHARLEY AND BRONX!" He commanded his team to follow after him in the attack to kill the Death Stalker. The fierce battle and great combination was almost perfect as they fended themselves off but in a blink of an eye Charley was pierced by the stinger. "CHARLEY!" He said as the stinger released from Charley's body as the body fell, the man ran over to charley's aid as he slid and caught charley. Bronx protected the two as they discussed what they needed. "I understand Charley I'm sorry for failing you.." He said as tears dropped down his face, as he looked at the grimm with hatred. "WHY!?"
Bronx was fending off the Death Stalker as him alone wasn't enough a shield and mace with his strength alone wasn't enough to protect his friends. The Death Stalker slapped his shield out his hand as it struck with it's stinger, Bronx closed his eyes as he accepted his fate. There was a clean cut sound as for a moment he opened one eye to see the stinger was cut off.
Mystery Man
Appearing in front of Bronx the mysterious man had barely came at a matters notice to save the man. The blade was still steaming with a blue aura surrounding it as he sighed looking at the grimm that surrounded this forest, there was more stronger ones waiting other then the Death Stalker as he looked up at it.
"Who are you?!"
"I go by the name Black." Kai said has he took his hood off and blocked the attack from the Death Stalker's claw. He slid back a bit realizing the force from the beast attack as he was then attack by an Ursa from the side. The Ursa was pierced in the stomach as he pulled his blade out to soon be smashed on by the Death stalkers claw. The dust from the attack covered up the area as it was an intense attack, the dust was blown away as he used his attack again this time the slash went straight through like a cut. The Death Stalker was cut in half by one move, who was this man that went by the name of black? Why was he so strong enough to scare the other Grimm off for now to stop their attack.
All Men
They rejoiced and laughed as they witness the grimm had ran off from the scene it was a blessing that this mysterious man had came to their rescue.
For a moment Bronx looked over his shoulder to cheer with his fellow comrades, but he wanted to look at the hero one more time. By then Black was gone as all that was left was a feather, why was a feather left behind? Because a group of Nevermore was watching over the battle as they flew in a circle around the fight to soon fly off.
Blossom & Shadow
To be able and feel the amount of power that was used deep in the forest they rushed over to see what went down. Blossom was in a rush as she thought this was her time to see the man who saved her, for some reason she had a bit of affection toward this boy. Why though she always thought. Shadow was trying to keep up with her but she was moving to quick to the forest. "Wait up Blossom!" He cried out as he was trying to dodge the trees like she was. Blossom didn't listen to shadow as she kept going to push through and find her "Hero".
Cuprum tried to walk out of the room to follow Ruby, but stopped. From the hallway walked in a woman with orange hair and wearing a purplish jacket. She looked around at the students with a raised eyebrow. She then dug her hand into her pocket.
"If I must be right, this room is for the survivor of the airship crash...."
She said, pulling out her scroll.
"Who is also a student from Mistral."
Cuprum, who was standing near the door and behind the woman, slowly approached from the back, but she stopped him by drawing her dagger and aiming it at his neck.
"I'm not here for a fight, kiddo. But I can beat you up if you want."
Cuprum backed up, and she quickly sheathed the dagger.
"And I apologize for an abrupt entrance. I'm Fandango Cardio, call me Fan, and I'm a 'freelancer' teacher. Mr. Lionheart asked me to check his students. When I get here, it turns out they all crashed. While I was counting the bodies, I found one missing, and I got here."
Fandango glanced at Toks and back at the scroll.
"And an additional note: all students from Mistril is to pull out of this operation, due to bad communications. Don't ask me, that's what he said."
She added.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Moonflight Moonflight
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Duke of Doge Duke of Doge angelbim10 angelbim10 (Ruby, Grey, and Alice saw Fan enter. Others saw her in the room.)
Toks sat up painfully. "I... I can't..." she said as she sighed. "I am not going to leave... without some sort of recovery... Physically and mentally..." She said to Fandango. "If you are to even think of bringing me back... Talk to my teacher... Professor Merlot. If he says for me to come back.. I will." She said as she looked to her bow in the corner of the room. "He is the only one that can tell me to leave... until then I will Travel to Haven on foot." she said as she looked back to Fandango sternly.

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Fandango stared at Toks, and back at the scroll.
"Toks, was it? It's not my job to DRAG you back there. So that means I'll have to talk to your teacher."
She said. She looked around at the other students, and looked at Cuprum.
"Kiddo, is this all you got?"
Cuprum looked around to count the members.
"Uhh... Three's outside."
"Good. That would make... about two teams or something."
She muttered. Tapping her foot, Fandango scratched her chin, as if thinking of something. She rolled her eyes around.
"If Toks gets the clear, we're gonna move straight out of the border. We won't be taking any transport, since the situation isn't good enough. Though you can expect a ride near Mistril."
Fan explained. She then checked her scroll.
"Professor Merlot, was it? Lucky day, seems like our principal handed me his number."
Fandango, without hesitation, left the room as she dialed professor Merlot.
"That was.... quick."
Cuprum commented.
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Ruby watches before walking over quietly after regaining some consiousness, she stands besides Cuprum quietly though looking back at the two. She looks down afterwards before letting out a small sneeze, her nose twitches as she sighs knowing later she will have to explain this to her team about what she is talking about. Ruby watches the scene play out, but stays besides Cuprum feeling stable right now
Finally reaching the scene she was huffing and puffing again as she saw the group of men. "Hey! Have any of you seen a boy with black hair and is wearing a cloak. He has a butcher knife sword as his weapon!" She said to the men as they looked at her and responded with a yes. "Where did you guys see him off to?" She asked feeling a bit of relief, she heard Shadow finally catching up to her,
Man #5
"He seemed to go up north more, but in full honesty I don't want to get your hopes up since he just vanished in a blink of an eye." The other men agreed as they were getting ready to leave.
Walking over to Blossom and Shadow
He smiled and pulled his hands out to them for a greeting. "Yes he was here and it would make sense for him to head towards the mountain, my name is Bronx nice to meet you." He said smiling as the two shook his hand and greeted themselves. "He came and took out a grimm it really helped us out since we were surrounded by many." Bronx said scratching the back of his head.
Looking over Bronx head Shadow saw the spooky looking mountain with Nevermores flying all around it. "Why are they hovering over the mountains like that? Is something there they want?" Shadow asked Bronx with his eyes still focused on the giant birds circle the top of the mountains.
"Sadly no one knows but I'm sure a powerful grimm sleeps in there, no one has ever been up there. All who try usually never return back home." Bronx said turning around slightly to look up at the Mountain with a worried face. "You kids won't run up there will you? Please tell me you won't." Bronx said with a even greater worry.
She nodded with a smile on her face. "Of course we are! We have someone up there that we need to talk to, but before we head up we should probably head back Shadow and tell the others." She said looking over at Shadow. "I want to rush up there but what if the teachers find out we're all the way out here? We would be so screwed!" She said scratching the back of her head looking worried.
"Indeed we should. Thank you Bronx for the information we shall take our leave. You're all headed back to the village right? If so we'll come by there before we head off in the mountain with some help." Shadow nodded as he walked off back into the forest looking back before stepping inside, then turning back around to go into the forest. "We're coming for you.. Kai." Shadow said to himself as there was lightning in the sky.
She nodded and waved at the men as she ran after Shadow, finally catching up she walked side by side with him. "You think we won't be to late to catch up to him? He's been on the move forever now." Blossom entered a phase of sadness as she looked down at the ground while walking.
"This time for sure we'll catch him. I will beat him till he answers all our questions I promise that!" Shadow said as he gripped his fist tightly and grinded his teeth.
"No no no! That won't be needed. Why would you attack him knowing he'd over power you?" She looked at Shadow with a confused face. "You think I should try calling Ruby instead of us walking all the way back." She stopped walking as she pulled out a handy device and dialed Ruby's number. "This way we can tell them everything without having to be there am I right?" She started to call Ruby's device. angelbim10 angelbim10
"Whatever." Shadow looked away from her for a moment until she mentioned calling a friend. "That might actually save us time indeed you should!" He said with sparkles in his eyes after Blossoms idea.

Merlot was outside of the school, having enough of the students. He was about put a cigarette into his mouth when he heard his scroll ringing. "ugh... who could it be this time...." he said as he sighed. he saw it was that Fandango woman the Headmaster gave his number to. He answered it with an obviously fake happiness. "He there Sunshine, what'cha need?" he said. the falseness of Happiness was really obvious as he went to his normal tone. "Seriously... calling during school hours isn't much like a teacher, now is it.."

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Fandango Cardio
"Wow, I thought this call would never make it."
Fandango said as Merlot answered the call. She then cleared her throat.
"Alright, professor. A team sent by Mr. Lionheart died in an airship crash except one. That's Toks, I believe, and I was on my way to deliver them a message from Mr. Lionheart himself telling them to pull out. Turns out Toks is the sole survivor. To keep your principal's order, I gotta escort her back to Haven. She said I needed your clear. So here's the question: You want Toks back in Mistril or does she stay here?"
Fandango finished her rather quick speech.
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny

Cuprum Buckshot
Cuprum noticed Ruby standing next to him. He looked at her. Did she seem fine?
"Hey, all good now?"
He asked her. Though whatever just swept by didn't make himself so good. He's had a dagger aimed at him. It was less than a minute but it was still threatening. Letting out a sigh, he sat down on the floor.
angelbim10 angelbim10
Merlot sighed. The tragedy Toks must have gone through. "Listen... Orange peel, was it?" he said with a smirk. "Do not tell Toks this, but she is like a daughter to me... but at the same time I can't tell her what to do." he said as he pulled out a photo of his old family. "Tell her and any other survivors to make it to Mistral.... but tell Toks to do it her way, She is special... notice how no one knows what her true semblance is? People think it is just better strength and agility but it is much more than that." he said as he hung up and looked to the sky. "She is strong... Maybe I'll tell her my story when she gets back..." he said with a chuckle as he took a puff of his cigarette

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
She made a small so so motion before freaking out trying to catch her phone, once caught she opens it up while listening to whoever was on the other line. Ruby sat down and felt nervous, her body shaking a bit waiting and listening
Fandango Cardio
Fan slightly tilted her head as she listened to Merlot.
"Huh. That's a lot of talking."
She said as soon as she checked that he hung up. She walked back into the room and straight to Toks.
"Your professor says that you should go back to Mistril 'your way.' Now I have no idea what that means, but I hope it involves safe ways."
She said. Even though she thought whatever the professor suggested wouldn't be so risky, she didn't know about this 'Toks' girl. And her ideas. To be sure, she might have to alter 'her ways' if necessary.
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny

Cuprum Buckshot
Cuprum looked at Ruby. Though she claimed to be so so with her hands, she was shaking. And that usually wasn't what so so people would do. What happened when she went out there? He thought. Though he couldn't guess what, he decided not to ask about it for now. Something she wants to hide isn't something she wants to talk of.
He said shortly as he saw Fan enter.
angelbim10 angelbim10
Time passed enough for Toks to Recover. As she walked out of the hospital with her friends aside, Fandango had them gather up in a local cafe.
Fandango Cardio
Fan looked at the students she might had to help reach Mistril.
"Alright fellas, as you expect, or maybe not, the world out there is gonna be troublesome. It's gonna be worse with bad communications. But before we go, we'll have to form teams."
She said, looking at everyone in the eye for a moment. To keep things organized, she was thinking of registering them as the official teams. Just then Cuprum spoke up.
"We've got team ACGR of me, Grey, Alice, and Ruby."
He said. Fan typed it in her scroll. She tapped her chin for few seconds.
"And the rest.... require more members. Curse it."
She said.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny angelbim10 angelbim10 Gohan510 Gohan510
As Emeril leaves the hospital room and grabs his gunlance, he notices a bit of general muck about it. While the large contraption was more than the armoured man could ask for, it did sometimes get dirty from fire dust that may not have exploded in the chamber properly, or the occasional Grimm vapour when he kills them.

He follows the group, without much to say since people were understandably interested in other things, keeping towards the back - it would be easier walking around without his large frame in front of everyone, anyway.

Soon enough, he finds himself in a café where he takes the opportunity to clean down his weapon - it was a sturdy thing that could withstand a lack of maintenance, but it looked better when it was shiny.

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan

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