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Cuprum jumped off into the forest, following the others as the explosion was heard. Three balls of smoke appeared from him and jumped into the forest. Cuprum blinked mad.
"Grimms, grimms, grimms, teammates."
He muttered. Visions of grimms and students fighting flashed. The spheres didn't reach the point smoke was coming from, assuming from the surroundings they showed. Cuprum turned them into radars and kept them going on.
It was soon after he checked on others that an Ursa spotted him. Grunting, Cuprum stopped in his position and drew his Copper Surgeons. As the Ursa rose to strike him, Cuprum fired two shots at the neck. He spinned the guns and switched to cleaver mode, and charged straight in. The Ursa flailed its arm, but Cuprum rolled under its legs and jumped up its head. He slashed its head, finishing the grimm off. He holstered them in gun mode and hurried off back to the crash site.
The carrier looked as though it had met a train head on as another 3 trains followed after it. Metal was scattered around the crash site and bodies seem to have been thrown from the air ship. The team H.A.R.T was seen amongst the bodies. The Nevermore was unmoving on its back as it was dissipating into black smoke, followed by smaller Grimm caught in the blast radius. The Haven academy logo was seen on multiple sheets of metal and cargo boxes, some of which were salvageable. Fires were sprouting from wrecked engine pieces and the aircraft itself.

It seemed there was no survivors until Metal fell from near the crash. Toks was laying there motionless and barely breathing. She was scratched and bruised so bad it seemed like she shouldnt be alive. A green glowing dust crystal was almost finished turning to dust as the metal sheet hit the floor. Toks fell to the ground with a thud and a soft groan. Her aura was depleted and it seemed she could not take any more blows. She was the only survivor of the crash.

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre WritinPractice WritinPractice angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Moonflight Moonflight
Grey had finally decided to follow his fellow teammates. Dashing through the field he took out his whip and aimed it's other side. The whip's cord was still rolled up as the claw launches. The claw caught a piece of thick branch into the trees. Grey slightly pulled his grapple and reeled himself into the tree branch which was strong enough to pull him instead of him pulling the branch. The tree was rather high so he can see black smoke from his view while a single beowolf scratches from underneath the tree while he stands in it's branches.
Meanwhile, one of the soon-to-be new students had heard the terrible crash from relatively nearby. Emeril was in the woods practicing his swings on weaker Grimm, them barely standing a chance against the almighty Jade Dragon, when he saw a large airship of some kind come to rest in a ball of fire and a loud explosion. He wasn't really sure why or how it was taken down, but he knew he had to do something about it. His aura had taken about half damage as he was nearly finished his quick training session before initiation, but that didn't matter all that much to him. He wanted to help where he can - it's why he wanted to become a Hunter, after all, especially with all the recent events with Beacon and the Grimm.

As he finishes blasting apart the Boarbatusk who had tried to attack him, the sounds of the intense shelling echoing through the air (I imagine it like Yang's wrist gun things, but louder) he presses a series of buttons that sheathe the two extending blades that came together like a greatsword (with a large gap in the middle so the explosions can get out) and folds the whole gunlance in half at what appears to be the barrel, and puts it onto his back. With that, he runs as fast as he possibly can with all the weight on him until he arrives at the scene of the crash - bodies everywhere, scrap metal everywhere else. A true catastrophe. As Emeril recoils in shock at the scene portrayed before him, he hears one of the nearby bodies groan next to him, clearly needing medical attention. There wasn't much he could do, but at least he could defend her from the Grimm that inhabit the woods.

As he approaches her, he bends down to see the extent of all the damage. Grimacing, he decides to try and help by bandaging up some of the more severe cuts but he isn't a doctor, and there's not much else he can do. He looks around to see if there is anyone nearby, but isn't too hopeful with how this crash looks.

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre WritinPractice WritinPractice angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Moonflight Moonflight CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny

(is this fine? i just sorta skim-read this, so if im getting anything wrong just tell me?)
Alice found the sight of the crash, quickly searching through the tangled mess of twisted metal. Eventually hearing metal move and hit the ground. She made her way over to the noise, finding a male student attempting to treat the girl she knew as Toks' wounds. "Oh... hey." She said a bit surprised. Behind her and towards the treeline, thanks to her large rabbit ears, she could hear multiple Grimm making their way to her location. She quickly spun around with Lapis Flash in pistol form, dropping to one knee in the process. "We can either stay here and defend her. Or, if you can carry her, I can cover you as we get her back to my team, who's just over there, and hopefully on their way." She pointed in the direction with her head begore looking over her shoulder at the boy "what do you think we should do?" She asked before turning back to the approaching threat.

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
WritinPractice WritinPractice

angelbim10 angelbim10
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Moonflight Moonflight
Emeril jumps slightly at the surprise visit from the rabbit faunus - he was still on edge from all of the Grimm. Still, after hearing what she had to say he couldn't help but mentally thank her for her help. He wasn't going anyway in a hurry, and definitely wasn't built for speed. Still, it wasn't himself he had to worry about - this girl wasn't going to make it if all he did was defend her from Grimm - there were nearly endless amounts of them now hidden in the forest. "We should probably get her some help." He says simply, as he bends down to pick her up as gently as limited time would allow him.

As he stands back up, he nods back to the faunus as he starts running as fast as he could towards the direction she pointed out to him. "I hope your team is close by. I don't think we're in much of a state to risk a Grimm attack."

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan WritinPractice WritinPractice angelbim10 angelbim10 CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Moonflight Moonflight
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While watching by the trees. Grey found the crash site that caused the sound. He jumped down from the tree and used the beowolf underneath him as a safe landing LZ. The poor Grimm's head was crushed as Grey stomped on it with both feet. He ran towards the crash site with haste. Along the way he eliminated 3 beowolf's, killing each with 3-6 whip strikes.

Releasing his whip's grapple once more. He grabbed the nearest tree to the crash site. Upon reeling himself towards a tree. He released the claw early as soon as he has enough momentum to reach the crash. Grey landed close to the crash site pretty fine. He eventually found one of his teammates with a new student with them. He jogged towards them with full energy.

"Grey reporting." He said as he approached the two. He saw the injured girl, seems like there are some survivors in this traumatic scene. "This place is swarming with Grimm's we need to evacuate everyone now. I just encountered four beowolf class Grimms earlier." He said calmly to his teammate .

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Alice covered Emeril's movement through the trees as promised. Quick bursts from her weapons were heard every couple of seconds to fend off the advancing Grimm. "Thats" she swapped one into sword form, cutting a Beowolf across the chest. "Just" she shot it in the face with her other part of the pair. "Great Grey. Please help"

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Groaning at the mention of the Grimm swarm, Emeril pushes his body into overdrive as he forces himself to move quicker through the forest. He was starting to feel the burden of his heroics in his thighs, since his armour and weapon probably weighs more than he does, but he couldn't give in now - they were somewhat near the edge of the forest from what he remembers. Occasionally, he looks down to in his arms at the girl checking every now and then to see if she is alive or not - should she die here, all of this would've been for naught. As he hears gunfire and Beowolf howling behind him, Emeril decides just to ignore it as best as possible and to just focus on his task - it wasn't worth thinking about the danger behind him.

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Ruby helps out with the evacuation and others, calling in "RUBY REPORTING. I am helping with the evacuation citizen's, what's everyone else's status besides grey"
Grey rolled his whip as she asked for a request to help. Adjusting his neck tie and brushing the dirt off his shoulders he replied. "Whats the request Blondie? Help the survivors? Fight the Grimm? Both?" Grey asked. A small puff of steam puffed out under his mask. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Umber quickly delt the finishing blow to the ursa and it collapsed to the floor with a hard thud. He sprang forward, trying to avoid contact with other Grimm till he came to the wreckage. He noticed a couple of other students along with the girl who had crashed. "So I'm sure you guys have noticed, but there's Ursa out there along with the other Grimm. There will probably be worse coming." He warned them. Umber saw a quick movement out of his eye, to see a deathstalker coming their way. Adjusting his grip on his weapon, Umber rushed forward to distract the grim from advancing on the injured girl and the few with her. It was a good thing Umber was fast as hell and had good reflexes, otherwise he'd probably have some difficulty.

angelbim10 angelbim10 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Duke of Doge Duke of Doge CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Cuprum checked the spheres and found out that one reached Alice, and showed her with an armored student and an injured one. He turned it into radar mode and checked the distance, noticing that they were quite close. He ran through the forest and stopped few steps away from them as a Beowolf stopped him.
"Excuse me, I have a job to do."
He said, as he drew one Copper Surgeon, aimed it in a moment, and fired at its head, putting it down in one clean hit. He then proceeded to the three, walking out of a bush.
"Found you guys."
He said. A sphere that was hovering on a tree near the three returned to Cuprum and disappeared.
angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Emeril simply comes to a halt in front of the now smoking corpse of the Beowolf, nodding his thanks towards him. "Do you know how far we are to getting clear of these Grimm? I'm not sure how long this girl'll last without medical care." As he says that, he looks down once more to check how she was doing. She seemed to be at the very least stable (presumably) enough to make it, but he couldn't take the risk. He was an engineer, not a doctor. He doesn't really know what an ill or injured person looks like, or how to fix it.

He was itching for a fight, of course, but these people seemed to have fresh auras and, more importantly, range on their attacks. One thing about his gunlance is that it has barely any range. Not very useful when you are trying to get someone to safety. He continues moving, as a second wasted is a second that a Grimm could use to finish off the injured girl in his arms.

angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Moonflight Moonflight RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Cuprum nodded after inspecting the injured girl. They had to get back inside the border.
"We should get back inside the border. There we might be able to fetch a doctor quick."
Cuprum stated as he shot up a sphere into the air. It looked around, searching for the Vale border.
"Aaaand found it."
Cuprum pointed at a direction as the ball returned next to him. He drew the other Copper Surgeon too as he lead the way, fully ready for combat. Aren't the border guards sending anyone? He thought. Or maybe the Grimm activity is keeping them busy. Whatever the reason, they didn't like any of them at all.

angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Moonflight Moonflight The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Ruby meets up with Cuprum and Emeril, after fighting off some of the grimm. Looking at them before at the injured girl, she remembered when she use to be like her before her family went into hiding. Holding her head, she shakes it off pushing the thoughts to the side not wanting it to bother her
Grey is finally taking notice that his team has made it to the crash site. Upon seeing his teammates Grey waved his right arm indicating he's with the girl and Alice. "Hey Ruby! Over here!" Grey called to them. He stood by trying to defend the survivor until he is given an order. angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge @
Ruby looks over and runs over to Grey, before stopping and smiles a bit "Hey Grey" she replies to him before looking over at the girl and Alice
With everyone's cooperation, Toks made it to the border, and she reached the hospital just in time.
"You made it just in time."
The doctor said. The students were now gathered at Toks' room.
Cuprum stood in the corner of the room, next to Toks' bed. The girl made it, luckily. Only her. He remained silent, not knowing what to say.
angelbim10 angelbim10 Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Moonflight Moonflight Duke of Doge Duke of Doge The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Gohan510 Gohan510
And anyone I forgot to mention.
Emeril, who had been running basically until they got into the border, was exhausted. While his arms were perfectly fine, his legs were burning like fire - he guesses it's to do with his equipment. As he takes off his huge gunlance from his back and leans it against the hospital room wall, he sighs a breathe of relief as he sits down in the corner of the room. After a few seconds cracking his knuckles, and various other body parts, he decides to speak up. "How is she?", he says to no-one in particular, "Will she be waking up soon?" Emeril says, curious to why her ship went down in the first place.
Ruby watches quietly, leaning into a corner watching everything that was happening as she thought remeniscing back in her memories again zoning out suddenly
Toks was sleeping peacfully. Vital signs were as normal as the could be for a radioactive girl. She groaned as her eyes slowly opened and she looked around hazily. "Wh-where am i..." she said through a painful groan and tried to sit up. "Th-the ship...." She said as a pain truck her side and she ell straight back onto the bed. She almost wanted to scream. "H-how did I get h-here..." She held her side painfully. She knew there were others in the room but she did not pay them much mind.

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald angelbim10 angelbim10
After hearing the injured girl wake up from her injuries, Emeril looks at her with sympathy in his eyes. After all, she was the sole survivor on a ship whose crew he presumes to be good friends with the girl. He winces slightly at her pained moaning, still somewhat surprised, but glad, that she managed to pull through. "Erm...", he says tentatively, unsure of how to word his answers, "you're in a hospital. We found you with hefty injuries in the middle of a crash site - I was hoping you knew more than we do." He says, now standing up to walk to her bedside.

CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan angelbim10 angelbim10
Ruby looks over, she wanted to say something. Anything but couldn't bring herself to, she curls up in a corner holding her head in silence as thoughts plagued her mind when she is needed elsewhere. Maybe she wasn't cut out for this, maybe it was all a big misunderstandings
Cuprum nodded at Emeril's comment. He looked at the students again, the ones who would be on a journey with him. Also some newcomer who happened to help them. A part of his mind told him to keep going on with the journey plan, but he decided to put it away for now. The girl's recovery was what seemed the most important. While his eyes moved pointlessly in his thoughts, he saw Ruby curled up in the corner. He walked across the room, and sat next to ruby.
"Tough experience?"
He tried to talk with her.
angelbim10 angelbim10
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny

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