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Fandom Chaos in Hoenn

Airagog said:
I know, I'm lame. I'm on a non-combative character kick. I'm probably gonna swap out a few of his pokemon for others like Audino or Blissey.
EDIT: Nick is future male nurse joy confirmed.
I think it's cool you have a character who is a pacifist. It adds more variety.
Airagog said:
I know, I'm lame. I'm on a non-combative character kick. I'm probably gonna swap out a few of his pokemon for others like Audino or Blissey.
EDIT: Nick is future male nurse joy confirmed.
I don't think your lame.
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]I think it's cool you have a character who is a pacifist. It adds more variety.

I agree. I know I'm one to talk, since I was saying how out of place I felt with Zak. But I think it's good that your character is a pacifist. He's got a moral code, most characters have already killed, so he's kinda like a Batman. You could expand on that idea as well. You've hinted that he's done something horrible in his past, so maybe later you could reveal that to us. Perhaps that's his reason for not killing.
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Stats do play into this RP. While I don't need you to calculate out every little number, slow Pokemon are slow, weak Pokemon are weak, etc.
To answer airagog's earlier question:

The attack stat, as I understand it, reflects a Pokémon ' s ability to cause physical damage. It may not be just strength though (for example hone claws makes things sharper not stronger), so you'll have to be creative describing a power-tricked shuckle. Essentially, anything is possible for anyone, so long as we do a decent enough job describing it and it makes a good story. I think that was what one mean ghost was trying to convey.
Onikmey said:
To answer airagog's earlier question:
The attack stat, as I understand it, reflects a Pokémon ' s ability to cause physical damage. It may not be just strength though (for example hone claws makes things sharper not stronger), so you'll have to be creative describing a power-tricked shuckle. Essentially, anything is possible for anyone, so long as we do a decent enough job describing it and it makes a good story. I think that was what one mean ghost was trying to convey.
I've already gone over a bit of it with Elysium. We'll see if anyone actually forces me to truly fight. If that happens I'll bring maths in and go from there.
What I can't figure out is why a pacifist would have anything to do with training/battling Pokemon in the first place.
Airagog said:
I've already gone over a bit of it with Elysium. We'll see if anyone actually forces me to truly fight. If that happens I'll bring maths in and go from there.
Math would have very little to do with an actual fight. It'll dictate if one pokemon is faster than another, but really, combat experience and fighting talents would dictate who would win.

In any kind of fight, you can talk the mathematics, speed, pound for pound force behind each punch, but really in a fight what it all comes down to is who is the better fighter. Ask anyone that has done any sort of martial arts and combat training and that's pretty much the solid truth of the matter.
KageYuuki said:
What I can't figure out is why a pacifist would have anything to do with training/battling Pokemon in the first place.
Because pokemon battling can be fun and enjoyable for trainer and Pokémon. When done for the sheer enjoyment it's a great way to bond and a great way to make friends. It stops being fun and starts being mindless violence when people start dying though. That's what he abhors. How something that was meant to bring people together has become a means of war.
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Math would have very little to do with an actual fight. It'll dictate if one pokemon is faster than another, but really, combat experience and fighting talents would dictate who would win.
In any kind of fight, you can talk the mathematics, speed, pound for pound force behind each punch, but really in a fight what it all comes down to is who is the better fighter. Ask anyone that has done any sort of martial arts and combat training and that's pretty much the solid truth of the matter.

That's great. Nick is at least on part with the best trainers in terms of Pokémon level in the rp. He was an ex champion (who resigned willingly) and nearly beat Sinnoh with 3 Pokémon.
Airagog said:
That's great. Nick is at least on part with the best trainers in terms of Pokémon level in the rp. He was an ex champion (who resigned willingly) and nearly beat Sinnoh with 3 Pokémon.
Ex-Champion of which region? :0
I just want to make sure that everyone is clear on the fact that the mountain is slowly caving in on itself and will collapse soon. Just in case somebody hadn't picked up on that.
I believe there's a line between stats and a sense of realism when it comes to an poke rp and it because blurry. I, for one, have a hard time sometimes seeing between the two. On one hand, you know what a pokemon is capable of and what it's not, influenced by the games.

And on the other, you have to remember that pokemon are animals. We don't have stats for animals in RL. So say, in a dog fight, you're not going to say one breed has a better attack stay than the other, blah blah blah.

I believe there needs to be a balance between the two. For example, Zak's Galahad (Chesnaught) knows Iron Head to counter fairies and ice pokemon. But Chesnaught's special defense isn't great, so Zak won't make Galahad the first choice against said types.

Sure, I could say Galahad was able to take some hits, but he isn't going to last long against a pokemon like Gardevoir.
Alaric went from somewhat deranged to terrifying in this post, and I effin' love it.

And Jose brings up a great point, and perhaps the perfect explanation for what I intended for battles and stats in this RP. So thanks for that :)

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