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Fandom Chaos in Hoenn

Assailant said:
In a world of strange people, a generic trainer is just what we need.
That's a good point, but I feel a little out of place haha. It's just everyone else has a good, interesting, and epic backstory.
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]That's a good point, but I feel a little out of place haha. It's just everyone else has a good, interesting, and epic backstory.

Keep in mind, you're making your backstory. Max's "epic" backstory happened particularly towards the end of his Kanto journey. Zak's hardly even begun his.

You're LIVING the epic backstory, we've just already finished ours. Well, Max is still making his too I guess.
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[QUOTE="Jose Prime]That's true, and since nothing is set in stone, there's a ton of different paths Zak can walk. Thank you guys!

No problem. Zak's a blank slate, so he could go anywhere. Hanging out with Max too could result in some interesting possibilities.

I kind of get the feeling that Max and Zak will be companions, at least for a little while.
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]That's true, and since nothing is set in stone, there's a ton of different paths Zak can walk. Thank you guys!

Keep in mind, Dante didn't start on the path to becoming the Demon King till he was around Zak's age. Dante's goals were the same as Zak's before the war.
I apologise sincerely for my inactivity, I've currently been dealing with a familial loss. So, as you can expect, I've not really been posting anywhere.

I'll have a post up by either tonight or tomorrow~
KageYuuki said:
Sorry to hear that, Sora :-/
Onikmey said:
I'm sorry sora
Thank you guys :3

I've had people get pissy with me because of my absence, so

I'm glad you guys aren't annoyed xD

But yeah, things are sorted now (Or are near enough to it) so I'm fine now :)
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]That's a good point, but I feel a little out of place haha. It's just everyone else has a good, interesting, and epic backstory.

I personally really like Zak. I like that you had it so his Uncles were the ones he lost to the war so he wasn't really attached to them but he has the complex idea on his psyche that it was his fault. He constantly thinks of what could have been, and I think that really dictates how his mind works. Plus he seems to blame himself which, although he seems like a happy character, he does have that one thing that has created a blight in his heart. Plus you had his mom walk out on him so there's room for development there as well. She could have left to be part of team rocket. Or hired by WPF for top secret science experiments. OR she could have been a famous scientist and Team Rocket threatened and black mailed her into joining one of their messed up projects. There is so much room for development, and I honestly think Zak is more than just a Vanilla character. I think he has tried his best to fit in and so on the surface he seems normal, but he is actually a complex emotional and smart character with a big heart. I also think that when he hangs out with Max and potentially everyone else his true self will be revealed or he can grow into who he really is. Of course this is all speculation but don't call your character bland, he's just a kid finding his way. I think that's relatable, and that everyone has gone through that faze at least a little. I know I did, I went through it when I was a little younger than I am now but besides that I personally have a connection to Zak.
LeSoraAmari said:
I apologise sincerely for my inactivity, I've currently been dealing with a familial loss. So, as you can expect, I've not really been posting anywhere.
I'll have a post up by either tonight or tomorrow~
LeSoraAmari said:
Thank you guys :3
I've had people get pissy with me because of my absence, so

I'm glad you guys aren't annoyed xD

But yeah, things are sorted now (Or are near enough to it) so I'm fine now :)
I'm sorry to hear that. It's always a shame when family has to pass. I'm glad your feeling better though.
Oh shit, you guys are waiting on me aren't you? Hahaha I guess that's what happens when I read the post at like 6 in the morning.

On another note, I think I may have finished my Rocket character >3
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]I personally really like Zak. I like that you had it so his Uncles were the ones he lost to the war so he wasn't really attached to them but he has the complex idea on his psyche that it was his fault. He constantly thinks of what could have been, and I think that really dictates how his mind works. Plus he seems to blame himself which, although he seems like a happy character, he does have that one thing that has created a blight in his heart. Plus you had his mom walk out on him so there's room for development there as well. She could have left to be part of team rocket. Or hired by WPF for top secret science experiments. OR she could have been a famous scientist and Team Rocket threatened and black mailed her into joining one of their messed up projects. There is so much room for development, and I honestly think Zak is more than just a Vanilla character. I think he has tried his best to fit in and so on the surface he seems normal, but he is actually a complex emotional and smart character with a big heart. I also think that when he hangs out with Max and potentially everyone else his true self will be revealed or he can grow into who he really is. Of course this is all speculation but don't call your character bland, he's just a kid finding his way. I think that's relatable, and that everyone has gone through that faze at least a little. I know I did, I went through it when I was a little younger than I am now but besides that I personally have a connection to Zak.

Oh my Castiel, thank you so much! I've never gotten positive feedback like that on a character. I feel so loved!
Okay guys. After the earlier post, I think we should bring it down a bit.

What is one complaint you have about a character? This is for the sake of constructive criticism for all of us. Any character you can think of, see if you can find a fault (this also applies to the way someone writes them.)
My least favorite thing about each character:

Dante: seemingly aware of everything at any point in time. Makes difficult things seem easy.

Ravyn: I can't tell what she's like. Compared to her pokemon her personality is a mystery to me.

Max: Sometimes I'm hoping for more more detail in his posts when he gets involved in dailogue.

Hibiki: I haven't seen enough Hibiki posts lately to really say anything. Not your fault Sora, you've had a rough time.

Alaric: He's been out of the loop. Not his fault though, we've been slow to interact.

Gregor: Honestly the occasional grammar error is what bugs me the most. Not that big of a deal, but it's the most annoying thing.

Zak: Same as Max.

Baelok: seemingly aware of everything at any point in time. His descriptions get repetitive.

Assailant has a really good point. I'm having a good time with you all, but criticism would really help me to become a better writer/storyteller. Please share your least favorite thing about Baelok with me.
Onikmey said:
My least favorite thing about each character:
Dante: seemingly aware of everything at any point in time. Makes difficult things seem easy.

Ravyn: I can't tell what she's like. Compared to her pokemon her personality is a mystery to me.

Max: Sometimes I'm hoping for more more detail in his posts when he gets involved in dailogue.

Hibiki: I haven't seen enough Hibiki posts lately to really say anything. Not your fault Sora, you've had a rough time.

Alaric: He's been out of the loop. Not his fault though, we've been slow to interact.

Gregor: Honestly the occasional grammar error is what bugs me the most. Not that big of a deal, but it's the most annoying thing.

Zak: Same as Max.

Baelok: seemingly aware of everything at any point in time. His descriptions get repetitive.

Assailant has a really good point. I'm having a good time with you all, but criticism would really help me to become a better writer/storyteller. Please share your least favorite thing about Baelok with me.
I'm REALLY bad about paying attention to things that don't affect me, so I won't be able to say much. But I'll do what I remember.

Dante: 2 OP plz nerd (I'm one to talk, aren't I though?)

Max: Sometimes I worry I'm trying too hard to distinguish him from the rest. The main reason this is, is because of something I'll explain in the next post (too long.)

Zak: Sometimes I feel like I can't really pinpoint his personality. Ask me to describe him, and I come up short. This isn't always the case though, sometimes he's good about this. Other times, he just seems like something going through events.

Baelok: Same as Zak, though admittedly the first thing I talked about applies. I can't really pin down what he's like all that much, as I feel not much personality has been seen. Again, remember the first thing I said.
So, the thing I was talking about with Max. When I roleplay, my characters usually end up becoming a big focus. I don't know why that is, but the very first roleplay I was in (I didn't make it) it was so bad we all unanimously agreed that my character was the protagonist, were this to be a written book.

In a roleplay I was in recently, I got in a big spat with someone. They were being a generally huge jerk because... I don't know, because? But one of the things he cited in his argument was a mistake I had made early in the roleplay that had accidentally changed the direction it was going forever (it was an accident, I promise.) He ended the arguement with "fine, whatever, you just always have to make everything about yourself." Now I know he was just being a whiny bitch, but I looked back on all the roleplays I had done. My characters were consistently one of the main focuses. So I was wondering if I was subconsciously trying to make myself the center of attention without even knowing it.

Sure enough, people are beginning to talk frequently about Max on here as he battles a legendary and speaks to the dead, and I'm wondering if I'm doing it again. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely fine with being the center of attention. I just don't want to be forcing myself on everyone without even realizing it.
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]Oh my Castiel, thank you so much! I've never gotten positive feedback like that on a character. I feel so loved!

Of course man no problem.

Onikmey said:
My least favorite thing about each character:
Dante: seemingly aware of everything at any point in time. Makes difficult things seem easy.

Ravyn: I can't tell what she's like. Compared to her pokemon her personality is a mystery to me.

Max: Sometimes I'm hoping for more more detail in his posts when he gets involved in dailogue.

Hibiki: I haven't seen enough Hibiki posts lately to really say anything. Not your fault Sora, you've had a rough time.

Alaric: He's been out of the loop. Not his fault though, we've been slow to interact.

Gregor: Honestly the occasional grammar error is what bugs me the most. Not that big of a deal, but it's the most annoying thing.

Zak: Same as Max.

Baelok: seemingly aware of everything at any point in time. His descriptions get repetitive.

Assailant has a really good point. I'm having a good time with you all, but criticism would really help me to become a better writer/storyteller. Please share your least favorite thing about Baelok with me.
I gotta say I pretty much agree with all of this. Everyone's got a little thing they need to work on but we'll all get there. Dante seems a little OP, but what do I know? Ravyn seem a little mysterious but for some reason I got a feeling she'll shine through soon enough. For Max nothing really comes to mind except for add more detail. As far as Gregor goes I gotta admit I've never been good with English. I don't want to make excuses (but I'm gonna do it anyway) but I never sleep and have dyslexia which is not a good mix so I fumble pretty frequently with my writing. I try my hardest to go back and edit my grammatical mistakes whenever I notice one so I'll try and get better with my posts. I think Zak's a great character but I think Onikmey makes a fare point on adding more description when having a conversation. For Baelok, I guess descriptions get a little repetitive but I can't say it bugs me that much.

Assailant said:
So, the thing I was talking about with Max. When I roleplay, my characters usually end up becoming a big focus. I don't know why that is, but the very first roleplay I was in (I didn't make it) it was so bad we all unanimously agreed that my character was the protagonist, were this to be a written book.
In a roleplay I was in recently, I got in a big spat with someone. They were being a generally huge jerk because... I don't know, because? But one of the things he cited in his argument was a mistake I had made early in the roleplay that had accidentally changed the direction it was going forever (it was an accident, I promise.) He ended the arguement with "fine, whatever, you just always have to make everything about yourself." Now I know he was just being a whiny bitch, but I looked back on all the roleplays I had done. My characters were consistently one of the main focuses. So I was wondering if I was subconsciously trying to make myself the center of attention without even knowing it.

Sure enough, people are beginning to talk frequently about Max on here as he battles a legendary and speaks to the dead, and I'm wondering if I'm doing it again. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely fine with being the center of attention. I just don't want to be forcing myself on everyone without even realizing it.
I don't really think your necessarily the spot light. The whole thing about seeing the dead kind of came out of left field but it's whatever. Honestly I feel that Max kind of has his own agenda, just like everyone else. Gregor wants to be a great detective and uncover TR's plans, Baelok is defending his hive and having an internal struggle, Zak wants to be the very best, Max has gotta catch 'em all etc.

Anyway that's my two cents (sense? I always felt like this saying was a play on words and can't tell which meaning of the word I'm supposed to use) I'm sure most of it is just nonsense.
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[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]Of course man no problem.
I gotta say I pretty much agree with all of this. Everyone's got a little thing they need to work on but we'll all get there. Dante seems a little OP, but what do I know? Ravyn seem a little mysterious but for some reason I got a feeling she'll shine through soon enough. For Max nothing really comes to mind except for add more detail. As far as Gregor goes I gotta admit I've never been good with English. I don't want to make excuses (but I'm gonna do it anyway) but I never sleep and have dyslexia which is not a good mix so I fumble pretty frequently with my writing. I try my hardest to go back and edit my grammatical mistakes whenever I notice one so I'll try and get better with my posts. I think Zak's a great character but I think Onikmey makes a fare point on adding more description when having a conversation. For Baelok, I guess descriptions get a little repetitive but I can't say it bugs me that much.

I don't really think your necessarily the spot light. The whole thing about seeing the dead kind of came out of left field but it's whatever. Honestly I feel that Max kind of has his own agenda, just like everyone else. Gregor wants to be a great detective and uncover TR's plans, Baelok is defending his hive and having an internal struggle, Zak wants to be the very best, Max has gotta catch 'em all etc.

Anyway that's my two cents (sense? I always felt like this saying was a play on words and can't tell which meaning of the word I'm supposed to use) I'm sure most of it is just nonsense.

Also people are talking about Max in the OOC because he's got a very defined personality and its easy to put him into a comedic situation. At least that's how I see it.
I said I was gonna post when I got home put I need to take a nap (that's what I've been doing)because my mind is a house of horrors right now. So I'll be back when I'm back.

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