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Fandom Chaos in Hoenn

[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]Oh don't worry about it. It ain't that big of a deal :D

Can we take a moment appreciate that my last post was #999 (upside down its 666 -,_,-)
After reading through all the characters, I've come to slowly appreciate my ability to create a balanced, realistic character with reasonable Pokemon.

God preserve me if I get into any battles rip
My friend is an English major. That's probably about my max for time efficiency, but it's only medium looking to me.
Halohbottech said:
After reading through all the characters, I've come to slowly appreciate my ability to create a balanced, realistic character with reasonable Pokemon.
God preserve me if I get into any battles rip
Balance be damned! I just picked the pokemon I liked xD (I'm clueless when it comes to pokemon, always have a wiki tab or ten open when posting)
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Still, picking Pokemon you like is the most important thing in Pokaymanz, so stick with that, @KageYuuki

So that means I can use any and all Pokemon besides Fire Types because I love all Pokemon!
Halohbottech said:
After reading through all the characters, I've come to slowly appreciate my ability to create a balanced, realistic character with reasonable Pokemon.
God preserve me if I get into any battles rip
All I got is a Manectric and a Starly (and the Larvesta I just caught). Not really the strongest team.
Halohbottech said:
After reading through all the characters, I've come to slowly appreciate my ability to create a balanced, realistic character with reasonable Pokemon.
God preserve me if I get into any battles rip
Max is a strategist and a perfectionist. He planned out all of his pokemon strategically and power trained them.

He's basically a competitive pokemon player.
O i c

So my opinion managed to stir up chaos I see (exaggeration)

h a h a h a h a h a h a h a h a h a

this ought to be good. can't wait to start RPing @Elysium
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]All I got is a Manectric and a Starly (and the Larvesta I just caught). Not really the strongest team.

yeah, but if I didn't use Ground Types, your MEGA Manectric would still be super strong

not saying that Gregor's a bad charrie (i'd never say something like that) i just get an itch whenever I see someone with something I find unrealistic to the character

then again

i have a hippowdon

that is not scorpion

Halohbottech said:
yeah, but if I didn't use Ground Types, your MEGA Manectric would still be super strong
not saying that Gregor's a bad charrie (i'd never say something like that) i just get an itch whenever I see someone with something I find unrealistic to the character

then again

i have a hippowdon

that is not scorpion

I actually don't have a mega :P I forgot to get rid of that.
Throne Trinity]I actually don't have a mega :P I forgot to get rid of that. [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/4021-elysium/ said:
@Elysium[/URL] said I couldn't have it when I first joined so I don't
>>Operation Recap

>>Operation JAILBREAK

>>Objective: Recover the POWs held by Team Rocket before they can be transported to other locations.

It was a cold night. Even on the ground, the Team Rocket members standing guard outside of the bunker were wearing their winter jackets. Not that anyone could see that. It was the new moon, so no moonlight to speak of. The guards could only see what was within the search lights outside of the bunker. Of course, Dante didn't need to see anything. Vera could navigate perfectly in the pitch black darkness. Dante was wearing all black, a bullet proof vest on his chest and Gemini in her favorite place on his back as they rode on Vera, two thousand feet above the bunker, above the radar they'd have to detect pokemon like Noivern.

He adjusted his goggles over his eyes, fixing his ventilator over his mouth as he looked down at the specks of light below. "Remember Vera, the red flare is where you're picking me up. Stay up high until then." Vera chirped in reply, circling over the base as Dante stood up on her back. "Wish me luck Vera..." He closed his eyes and fell backwards off of Vera's back, free falling rapidly towards the ground in the darkness.

It seemed to be a crazy mission, sending one trainer and his team into the heart of a Team Rocket base to rescue Prisoners of War. If it was any other trainer, perhaps it would be crazy. But Dante wasn't just any trainer. He was the Demon King, and his team was the Untouchable Demons. If anyone could make this mission work, it would be them. Dante had quite the track record of defying supposedly impossible odds. That's why he was selected for this mission...

As the ground rapidly approached, Gemini wrapped her tassels around Dante's arms and slowed his descent until he landed softly on the ground just outside of the searchlights. This wasn't like any spy movie. There was no ventilation shaft to sneak in, there were no windows. There was ONE way in, and there were two guards. Dante released Luca, Zora, and Shino from their balls. They didn't like being cooped up, but it was easier on Vera to only carry Dante and Gemini. He nodded to Zora, and her eyes glowed as the whole team vanished from sight.

Moments later, the guards crumpled to the ground after being struck by an unseen force. A card was retrieved from the pocket of one guard and the door was soon pushed open. Inside was a labyrinth with Narrow corridors and Team Rocket Members moving everywhere. Even if Zora's illusion made them invisible, it still meant they could get bumped into and give them away. They didn't get far before alarms went off everywhere.. The guards outside had come to and sounded the alarm, guards pulled on thermal sights.

"Looks like stealth mode is out!" Dante called as his team attacked all nearby. Luca's aura sphere cleared a path as they rushed forward, with Zora and Shino taking out any that came from the sides. They didn't have time to clear each room, they had to get to the POWs before they could be executed or transported...

Deeper and deeper into the base they delved, cutting down any that stood in their way, painting the walls, floors, and even the ceilings red with blood. His team was covered in it, making them look like a horde of red demons charging wildly through the halls. In these tight corridors, the Demons' speed and coordination was able to overrun and overwhelm Team Rocket before they had a chance to address them.

For an hour, they fought through the building, finally making it to the heart of the base. Special cages lined the walls, electrified to prevent any of the captured from escaping. In one of the cages, the Red King was held, his missing eye untreated and not looking good at all... "Shino, Zora, get the cages open, Luca, gather up their pokemon" Dante ordered, flicking the blood off of Gemini's blades as he looked among the captured. Almost his entire form was coated in fresh blood. He lowered his ventilator and lifted his goggles as he looked to the captured. "Everyone on your feet....We're leaving." He ordered, as one by one the cages were opened and the captured trainers were helped to their feet. Luca was soon next to Dante again with a backpack secured on her back. "I've got their pokemon, now it's time to go. Last thing we need is for reinforcements to be waiting outside for us" Luca remarked.

The last cage Zora opened was that of the Red King. She helped him to his feet and out of the cage. "Looks like you've seen better days... We'll get you treated when we get out. For now, you're with me." She smirked as she turned to regroup. The POWs were all assigned to one of his pokemon. On the way out, his pokemon guarded the POWs while Dante took over as the primary fighter. For many of the POWs, this was the first time ever seeing the Demon King in person. Seeing him in action was something none of them would ever be able to forget. He fought just as his title suggested he would. The way he moved, dodging around attacks and cutting mercilessly through Team Rocket's members, it wasn't human. When the POWs had the chance to see his eyes, they looked empty, emotionless.

All of the POWs made it out alive. Operation JAILBREAK was one of the most famous events of the war, and one that damaged Team Rocket's morale in a big way. After finally catching one of the remaining Three Kings, they had been overrun and the King in question had been freed. It was a huge victory for the Allied Armies, and it was all thanks to a Demon that refused to die....

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