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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

Nahar brought Madoka back down to the ground and spun around Mike. He looked at the boy puzzled. "Of course you can feel. Everyone can. Its just a matter of finding the things that make you feel something. You obviously feel very strongly about honor." Nahar would know about everyone being able to feel. Look at Angel. She could feel, and she was supposed to not have anything.


Smiling at Angel's (cute-looking) puzzlement, Aeryn nodded. "It was a compliment, yes." He had become use to her not knowing how to react by now. He wouldn't admit it but it was one of the reasons he liked complimenting her. He shrugged in response to her question. "I've been here only for a few minutes."


Anita shrugged and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "No. but I figure I can find someone to ask..."


Lue grinned and turn into another of their old classmates, Kiera. She gave Kat the girl's signature puppy eyes and spoke sweetly. "Whats wrong with Lory...?"


Azrael walked up to the group and tilted her head to the side as she looked them all over with her almost glowing fiery eyes. The only one there that seemed to be versed in fighting was the gallade..... "Hmmmm...."
"I was trained to be a knight." Mike said to Madoka. "And yes, Nicolas." He turned to Nahar, "I may be able to feel some emotions, but I push them away. I can't feel too attached to someone."
"You were trained by a knight!? COOL! where can I sign up for this!? Imagine me! As a knight! Haha!" Madoka said while lost in imagination.
"Knights are trained to protect others, but not worry about themselves." Mike looked into Madoka's eyes. "My master was a Gallade."
"It's not fun. Also, the Gallade was my father's personal Pokemon. I was to become a trainer, but I was discriminated against for being a Pokemon." A tear went down Mike's face before he wiped it away. "They tried to catch me."
"Don't cry Mike! Everything is fine. I didn't know about your past. Thank you for opening up to me. Your life is really interesting!" Madoka said trying to cheer Mike up.
"Haha you don't have to bow, I didn't really do much. I don't understand why you have to be so formal around your friends!" Madoka said modestly.
"I see." Angel nodded a little, taking in the information. It appeared she had much to learn still about social interactions. What else was appropriate to say here? "Did you and Aellas return home for the summer?" She asked curiously. She wanted to keep him talking... for some reason. It was the first thing to come to mind. She didn't already know, since she returned to her clones every summer to check in with them.


Lyra nodded. "They told me that, if you have questions at school, an adult could help." It was perhaps the longest sentence she had said in a while, due to the fact that she was actively trying to hide her ignorance of most situations.


Katrina grinned and turned into Lue's favorate teacher... who happened to be also very close to Kiera as well, Tahl. "You know exactly what's wrong with her."


Aellas watched the students for a minute, then noticed another girl as she walked up. "Well, hello, there."
"I keep a single Pokeball with me at all times." Mike held up the Pokeball he was carrying in his bag. "It contains my personal Pokemon: Doublade."
"Woah you have your own Pokemon, Mike? That's pretty cool I could never imprison one of the creatures myself."
Mike felt an anger growing inside of him, but he suppressed it. "Imprison? I did not imprison it. I've had this Doublade since it was a Honedge!" Mike put the Pokeball into his pocket. "It chose me as its fellow knight. He is also a trained knight."
"I consider capturing Pokemon imprisonment. I'm not completely against it though. It just doesn't seem ethical to me." Madoka said.
"If something wishes to be your partner, is it imprisonment? Doublade became my Pokemon only yesterday. He got into one of my father's Pokeballs and insisted to come with me." Mike looked into Madoka's eyes. "I can speak to it."
"Y-you can speak with it? That's actually really cool. You're such a cool person, Mikey!" Madoka said cheerfully.
Lana walked over to the school, nervous and fidgeting. Her pokemon friend Lux at her side, which she enjoys at the most. She looked around taking her inhaler and then puts it away smiling, "Well Luxray, looks like we are finally free" She looked over to her friend as he looked back and nodded. She pulled out her mp3 and placed an earbud in her right ear, putting on 'Madness in me by skillet' She started to hum to the song while continuing walking, he followed by only to see a group of gijinka's talking. The pokemon ran towards the group curious to what they were talking about, she noticed this to late and ran over only to trip dropping her bag, mp3, and inhaler. Lana groans a bit sitting up and sighs looking at her scattered things, "Oh dear…not again.." she sighs as she started to pick up her things
"Nicolas, I feel sorry for you." Mike looked over at Madoka again. "Now do you believe that I imprisoned it?"

He saw a girl running toward them drop her stuff. Mike quickly ran over to her and picked up her stuff. "I believe these are yours, madam."

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