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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

Mike turned to Madoka. "I apologize, but you may not Mega Evolve. It is not in your blood." He turned to Aellas and bowed. "It's an honor to meet you."
Nahar looked at all of them when he heard the Sylveons words. "Here, it doesn't matter if you have family. We're each others family. Its not a big school, bit before you leave you'll have lots of brothers and sisters" a smile brightened his face when he spoke. "It's awsome to meet all of you. I am the music teacher here."
"I would have expected a Chatot as the music teacher." Mike smiled. "And I believe in a guild more than a family, but either way works."
"oh?" Nahar pouted. "I've been told I make a good music teacher." He looked at Aellas. "And I think family is good for most of the students here. They need one and the teachers are all basically one anways. So just think of me as a crazy older brother. K?"
Angel rolled her eyes at her 'brother' as he took off, then turned to return to her room. However, she- almost- ran into an all-too familiar teacher. "Oh, hello Aeryn."


Aellas laughed slightly. "I wanted to see what all they'd say." She looked at Mike. "A guild, huh? A group united for a single reason?" She shrugged. "I could see that." She glanced at Nahar. "Crazy older brother sounds about right. Just ask our headmistress."
Aeryn blinked as Angel turned quickly and almost ran into him. "ah, hello Angel. I was just watching Nahar's antics." He smiled at her. "its nice to see you smile with him"

"hey! I'm not that old!" Nahar pouted at the jolteon and crossed his arms.


Anita looked at the other girl and shook her head. She was a weird one alright. "well I was about to head up there and check in. Wanna come with me?"


Luevia turned into Lorelei, a girl they both knew from their other school who was way to serious. "oh, what got you into a sourpuss mood?" She put one hand on her hip and the other on her lips as she leaned forward and tilted her head to the side
"I-its not in my blood!? What makes you so dang special then!?" Madoka said a little angered.
Nahar got back up in the air and picked the sylveon up. "Hey, Hey. He didn't mean anything bad. He could have worded it better but he just means that there are no recorded instances of a eeveelution having a mega. Its not a bad thing. I don't have the ability either..."
"Don't tell me to calm down, Nick! This guy acts like he's superior or something because he calls us sir and m'am. Who does that?" Madoka said a little out of control.

"Oh, so only a few Pokemon have it then...I didn't know! Hey! at least ask for permission next time you pick me up!"
Azrael hummed as she closed the door to her room. She'd just dropped off her stuff and decided to go back outside. She walked back to the courtyard and noticed the biggest group in the center.


Nahar looked at the girl and grinned impishly. "But if I asked then you'd say no. Its easier this way." He went slightly higher in the air as he spoke.
"Woah we're really high up! I'm normally scared of heights but this is kinda fun!" Madoka giggled.
Pantera had since then escaped the situation stealthily while everyone was conversing, and found herself another quiet place to be: wandering the school halls in search of the locations of all her classes. The other bunch she was with were far too chatty, and too loud to stick around with. She herself didn't favor large groups of people all too much.
"Huh?" Angel not-so-intelligently responded. What was she supposed to say to that? Thanks? Was that weird? Was it cold? And why the hell was she thinking so much about a simple response? It wasn't often that Angel was surprised. "Thanks, I think..." She tilted her head to the side and regarded him curiously. "Were you here for long?"


"Neither do I." Aellas said to the sylveon. "Having a Mega Evolution doesn't make a pokemon or gijinka any better or worse than any other- something the mega-enabled students will quickly learn in their classes." She watched Nahar take her up higher in the air.


"Oh...." Lyra nodded to the other girl. "Yes. I don't know where I go... do you?"


Katrina glanced at Lue, then started snickering. "Really, you use Lori?" She shook her head. "She'd flip if she saw." She added with a grin. That made it better.
Mike broke his silence. "I am sorry to have insulted your bloodline, Madame Madoka." He shouted at her in the sky. Mike took one of his swords and scratched his arm. "It will not happen again. As for you Nicolas, you may not have a Mega, but you do have one thing. Emotions." Mike sighed and looked down. "I can't feel emotions."
"It's ok! I thought you were being mean but now I understand what you were trying to say!" Madoka screams down.
Mike bowed and climbed up the tree to talk to her better. "I only call people 'sir' and 'madam' because I must."
"Why must you? I would prefer a more casual style of chatting." Madoka said a lot more quietly than before.

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