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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

"I gotta apologize to Lana. I guess I was just a bit jealous. I did have a crush on Mikey but Lana got to him first." Madoka said
Luxaray finished the rest of his exploration by returning to Lana, but frowned seeing the poor 17 year old hyperventilating and fidgeting. He went over to her by pawing her inhaler towards her, she smiles a bit grabbing the inhaler and takes it starting to calm down and putting away her things especially her mp3 player. "Thanks Lux…just one of those nightmares again." Luxaray nods and stays by her side, knowing what she meant. Truth be told, he has been her friend ever since he was just a shinx
"It's true Mikey. I had a crush on you. You're just so cute. And Nick you're a reeally cute, awesome guy as well." Madoka said.
"Well, you can go with Sir Nicolas. I'm sorry if I upset you." Mike took out his sword and cut his arm a bit.
"Woah! You don't have to cut yourself! It was all my fault! I shouldn't have gotten mad!" Madoka said a little frightened.
Rabbid said:
"Well, you can go with Sir Nicolas. I'm sorry if I upset you." Mike took out his sword and cut his arm a bit.
(( Um excuse me? Can we keep any sort of self-harm out of this roleplay if that is what this post is in intention to portray? Seriously, that's not okay. ))
Nahar went back into the sky before the fighting started and began drifting. He was almost asleep before he bumped into something. Opening his eyes he saw a young boy. "Oh, Hello. Sorry about that."



Aeryn nodded at Angel. "Yes. Aellas and I went back to see the sages again this summer. I'm sorry we couldn't have come see your family with you. The Elder died just before school ended last year." He spoke softly and gestured that they should start walking towards her room.


Lilly had gotten herself lost in the school. She knew she was inside since she couldn't feel any earth. That also meant she was probably on an upper level. She sighed to herself and began to walk again, keeping one hand on the wall so she didn't fall. She was doing well until she ran into someone.



Azrael grabbed Mike's arm when he began cutting it, getting her hand in the way. "Hey! Don't do that!!!" Her eyes were wide.
Aellas turned sharply at Mike. "If you cut yourself one more time, I will see to it that you only have your weapons when you're in battle class."
"Really Nick? You are a really cool guy! I don't know why more girls haven't talked to you!"
"He died?" Angel shook her head. She occasionally forgot how fragile humans were. "I'm sorry to hear that." Despite her distrust and downright hatred of humans a long time ago, she had become fond of them. She had never met the elder, but she knew he had cared for him.
Lue fell back on her butt when Kat turned into Tahl. "Ah!!! Don't do that!!!! He still scared the heck out of me....."


Draco wandered around near some trees. He noticed a luxray and was curious, so he followed it. After a minute he saw the girl that he assumed was the Luxray's trainer. He watched them while leaning against another tree a little ways off.


Anita nodded and began to walk to the school. "So, what's your story?"
Aeryn shook his head. "He was old. It was well past the time when he should have left us. It did hurt though." He touched Angel's hair and laughed quietly. "Nahar really got you good this year huh?"
@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey was floating around the sky above campus, and happened to notice a group of gijinka conversing. He was distracted, or something, because the next thing he knew was a blow to his side. He yelped as if the minor bump hurt quite more than it should have. A hand at his side, his face turned the slightest of pinks in embarrassment as he spoke. "I-I- m sorry." he mumbled his cluttered words that were just barely audible, not making much sense either. He covered his face a little and floated out of the Mew's way.


While in search for the girls' dorm, Pantera was shocked as someone ran into her by total surprise. "Oh, excuse you." She said with a smile. "You should probably watch where you're going when looking down the hall." She retained the smile as she looked over the girl who had ran into her. She was rather frail green girl, but was rather cute. 'A grass type, or something,' one would think.
Nahar floated after the boy. "Its okay! I was watching the clouds and just lost myself for a bit. So are you a student here?" He looked at the boy and frowned at the hand on his side. "I didn't hurt you did I?"


Lilly blinked as she almost fell over. At the other girl's words she realized that the other girl must not have seen her eyes. Looking up Lilly spoke softly. "I would very much like to, but thats not in my future. Sorry about walking into you....."

Katrina returned to her normal form, laughing. "I can't help it! It's too easy."


"Story?" Lyra repeated, as if tasting the word to see if she understood it. After a moment, she nodded slightly. "I fought a lot when I was little. I didn't know much..." She paused- she hated admitting that she was ignorant, but she'd find out eventually, anyway. "...But then some people came and stopped the fights. They told me that it was.... illegal, and gave me to foster care. I learned much then." She nodded to herself. "Still fight, but good fights. No one gets seriously hurt now." She looked at the other girl unexpectedly, not realizing how weird it must be to hear that someone participated in illegal fights where others were seriously hurt.


Angel stiffened a little at the sudden contact. It was almost as bad-if not worse- than not knowing what to say. Not many people other than Nahar touched her. Well, no one, actually. "Well..." Angel ducked her head, breaking contact so that she could think properly-hopefully without offending. Angel looked back up and rolled her eyes a little, although she smiled. "This time he did. I'll just have to pay him back for it later." She wasn't sure she'd ever admit it out loud, but it was probably due to Nahar that she was still sane.
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