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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

Lana got up and made sure her backpack was secure before walking again, Luxray decided to go on his own again but she didn't mind at all. Lana sang to herself as she walked, enjoying the little time to herself even though she felt that she would be better off with Lux even though he is a bit over protected friend. She wandered around, inhaler in hand and well again singing as she zoned out
@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey pursed his lips, not meeting the other male's gaze. He nodded at the Mew's question of him being a new student, and shook his head after the one of if he was hurt or not, as if saying that he was alright and yes he was new here. But, he wasn't actually okay. He could feel the bruise already forming on his side, and is was a deep aching feeling, his hand curling around the fabric of his off-white sweater where he had been struck. But, that was the norm for his species of gijijnka: being easily injured, so he was somewhat used to masking the pain although it could get unbearable very quickly at times. This incident wasn't as bad as it could be. Kasey was somewhat uncomfortable with the male following him, but it did help him feel more accepted, with someone who could fly and be around him like all other land gijinka couldn't.


Pantera cupped a stabilizing and firm hand on one of the girl's shoulder's assisting her so that she wouldn't fall like it looked like she would have otherwise. She told the Hydreigon that she wasn't able to see? Not understanding at first, it took a couple seconds of realization accompanied with the other girl looking up at her clouded brownish eyes. "Oh, I see.." Pantera said humorously before catching her fault. "Oh! I mean..I apologize. I didn't know." she corrected, hoping she didn't offend. She let go of the girl's shoulder when she noticed she was still holding onto her and flashed a small sheepish smile of embarrassment.
Lana without knowing as much as she was her clumsy self, stumbled upon the group of gijinkas bumping into one of them. Lana quickly snapped out of it and looked down in shame mumbling an apology as she felt ashamed for letting herself not aware of her surroundings and zoning out like that. Sometimes, she would be hard on herself by giving herself small lectures. She shyly looked up upon them and walked back a bit, wishing at the time she was with luxaray instead
Lana blinks before looking down and hugs herself, "n-o…just..lo-oking for Lux.." she lied and then started to walk off, not looking towards them again. She then found her friend trying to climb a tree and laughs covering her mouth with a hand. He stops and frowns looking at her as if he was trying to say it was not funny. She pulled her hand away and nods, "Sor-ry Lux, hey wanna go with me to my locker?" she asked him hoping to cheer him up a bit. He nodded and runs towards her, she smiled and the two went back into the halls walking towards her locker. She opened the locker placing some things and her mp3 in there, looking through her bag once more she pulled out her picture of her family when they were once so kind. She sighed fidgeting again as usual, a shaky hand putting the picture into the locker and closing it securely. Lana ran a hand through her hair sitting down on the hallway floor, as the other wrapped around her legs pulling them close to her. Luxray frowned seeing her like this, so he gently grabbed her by the hand and started to drag her outside to where Lana found him having an idea to make her smile even though it will irritate him, he just wants to see her happy and free from the life that she had all that time before coming here
Mike followed Lana to see what was bothering her. "Your Luxray really cares about you." Mike walked up behind them. "He reminds me of my own Pokemon."
Lana jumps a bit and quickly looks at Mike, "hi mike..did-n't know you were following me.." she continued to hug herself and then nodded in agreement, "ye-ah..he likes to be the prote-ctive 'big brother' type of pokemon. " Luxray smiled in pride, as she smiled at him. Lana then turned to Mike and her shook her head "no-thing's…wrong, ho-nestly" her hands were a bit shaky as she then darted her eyes down at the ground not wanting to look up at the moment. Lux sighed and nudged her a bit but she just kept looking down as she hugged herself, fidgeting with keeping her hands from shaking
"I never properly introduced myself. I'm a Gallade, and I own a Pokemon." Mike bowed and sent out his Doublade.
Draco watched the girl and the Luxray come and go from the section of trees multiple times before a boy followed them out there. He sighed at the girls denial and stepped out of the trees. "Oi, quit lying. You aren't fine and you're shaking like a leaf. Not to mention that luxray of yours is about to worry himself into an early grave. " Draco frowned at the girl. She reminded him of Lilly so much that he couldn't stay silent.
Lana looks at the Doublade and smiles a bit before looking at him, "I know…I could just tell by the way you look.." she giggles before sighing and runs a hand through her hair, "Sor-ry..ju-st stil-l living th-e life with-out my evil parents. Even though they enslave pokemon, I he-lp the enslaved by freeing them..tha-ts how I met Luxray here." The luxray nodded in agreement, remembering full well of the day the two met
"My Doublade is loyal. I'm going to evolve him soon." He looked into Lana's eyes. "Freeing enslaved Pokemon is a noble cause."

I'm sorry, but my character has just interacted with the two of you. The least you can do is acknowledge him.
Lana smiles in pride, "I think it is…ever since I helped out the enslaved all my 13 years." "Oh and here..I uh…made this for you.." she pulls out a piece of paper that has a drawing on it and hands it towards him. The drawing was of him helping out the enslaved pokemon. "I…thought I would draw something..else for a change.." blushes a light, soft pink before looking over at the other gijinka…"Sor-ry there..I try to work o-n it.." she admits with a sheepish shrug
Draco looked about both of the other gijinka in disgust. "How about the fact that this girl here suffers from nightmares and shakes like a leaf. How about the fact that when she said nothing was wrong she was lieing. That luxray is worried sick about her and you can't even notice?" He looked at the Luxray and shook his head. "I tried to help." Then he walked away, utterly annoyed.
The luxray growls slightly in annoyance, before scoffing and looks away. The girl smiles at the luxray patting his head, "Its okay…he's right you know." The luxray nods with a sigh and pouted a bit making her laugh. "Its okay Luxray, honestly…you don't have to get so worked up about it. Do that..for me?" she asks. He pouted before nodding and smiled up at her making her smile back "Thank you.." She then looked at mike and smiles towards him as well, "And thank you to Mike.." she hugs him gratefully before pulling away
Mike went next to Lana and smiled at her. "You now have two Pokemon with you." Doublade hovered next to Mike and growled at him. "Make that three." Mike said.
Lana laughs giving Doublade a hug and a quick peck before pulling away, "And we can't forget about you doublade.." she smiles as the luxray laughs and the girl smirks at her laughing friend, "Why…do you want one to?" she giggled as he then stopped and blushed looking away. Lana giggles with a smile, "That's what I thought..you big softy.." he looked at her and she smiled sticking her tongue at him childishly before looking at the other two.."What do you guys wanna do at the moment?"
Lilly blushed and shook her head at the girl. "Oh, no its okay. I'm just not use to people not seeing it right away." She really didn't like to be treated differently than others and it always made her feel helpless when something like this happened. "Um. I'm kinda lost. My brother dropped me off at my room but I wanted to go outside. Could you help me? I feel better on the ground...."


Nahar flew closer to the boy and moved his hand away from his side. "You did get hurt." He worried his bottom lip with his teeth as he looked at it. "I'm very sorry about that.... If you want I can take you to the Nurse...."

Rabbid said:
(I'm out!)
(( Really? Just because someone kindly reminds you to interact with their character?

I have been ignored on this roleplay a couple times, and I've reminded everyone to not do that to me, and things about self-harm was involved (that in which I hate seeing in roleplays for many reasons) and I'm still not leaving. Have some leniency and not take everything so personally. ))

(Explanation time! My so-called 'ignoring' is because by the time I post, there's already someone who posted quicker than me. Also, the self-harm thing is an ancient tradition among samurai who disappoint people. I did not mean to offend.)

(When two other people are interacting with the same character you are, it's hard to keep up.)

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