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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey flinched away from the other male's touch as the Mew moved his hands from his side as well as pulling up the side of his sweater to reveal the forming bruise of blue and yellow. He blushed ever so slightly, as this stranger male, who was obviously older than himself by a few years even though the Shedinja was an adult himself, was getting so close to him and even touching him directly skin on skin. By sheer fear and unease, Kasey struck out his hands against the Mew's side with some force as well as ghost-like shadow energy to get him away. In the spare of the moment, the ghost type hadn't really thought about what that would do as well as the after effects. This was a Mew, a psychic type, weak against ghost type attacks. Kasey just hoped he didn't hit him too hard to cause major damage. And after it happened, the younger male just hung there in the air, wide-eyed while covering his face in hopes of defending himself from any sort of rebounding attack from provoking the Mew.


Pantera merely kept on her smile, relieved that she hadn't offended the girl. And, as she said that she was used to it and okay with people not knowing, the dragon gijinka giggled. Her blush was very cute, and she couldn't help but blush as well, grateful she couldn't see it. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind. No hard feelings, I assume?" She wanted to treat the girl normal as well, and she could tell from the girl's expression that she didn't want to be treated differently because of this disability. And that was plenty fine with Pantera. When she heard the grass type's predicament, she let out a long 'hmmmm', and looked around. "Sure, I know how to get outside from here. I mean, you're a grass type, right? So even when not having all your five senses, you would rather be outside than inside." She said, taking the girl's hand in a mere friendly and helpful manner, and not anything romantic, and began to lead her outside, making sure to look back at the girl occasionally to assure that she wasn't going to bump into something or anything.


Rabbid said:
(Explanation time! My so-called 'ignoring' is because by the time I post, there's already someone who posted quicker than me. Also, the self-harm thing is an ancient tradition among samurai who disappoint people. I did not mean to offend.)

(When two other people are interacting with the same character you are, it's hard to keep up.)
((I feel you on the 'someone posting quicker than me' thing. It happens to me all the time and it's rather aggravating when you're in a Detailed thread and you have to reconfigure your entire huge post. Now that you've cleared everything up, it should be alright, because we understand your irritation.))
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(Okay. If it's okay with the creator, I'll join back in. It sucks when you're talking to someone and a new person walks in so you have to redo everything.)
Nahar stared at the bruise for a few more seconds before he was hit by the other gijinka. As he wasn't prepared for it, He started to fall out of the air with wide eyes.


Lilly held tightly to the other girl's hand as they walked down the hall. She could tell the other girl was trying to help her. She smiled at the thought of being on the grass again. "Yeah. I love being outside. Not just because I'm more comfortable. I don't know how exactly to explain it fully but I can almost see out there. I can feel movement through the plants i guess...." She snapped her mouth shut and blushed. "Sorry. I'm rambling...."
@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey's hands shakily wavered from over his eyes, and he peeked out through his fingers when nothing happened after a second. What he didn't anticipate, however, was the Mew falling from where they were in the sky. He panicked for a moment, unsure what to do. He wasn't a psychic type, so he would probably have to touch the other male to save him. He was knowledgeable of the move Dream Eater, which was a psychic type attack, but that wouldn't help him at all in this moment. He could help him with shadows of some sort, but that didn't seem ethical either as he had just hurt the other gijinka. But couldn't the psychic type just float back up? That's what floating and flying Pokemon do, well, unless they were really hurt. Kasey couldn't relate on this, because a majority of attacks went right through him except for a select few based on type. He shook his head from all his distracting thoughts.

had to help the other gijinka, for no one else was going to do it. So, with a very deep and semi-hesitant breath, he darted downwards toward the falling Mew. He was quite a bit larger than Kasey, so this would be kind of awkward and didn't seem too plausible. But, he was still floating down to the other male, physically and mentally preparing himself. So, without further thought, he came just inches from the Mew and darted down another inch, then tightly wrapping his arms around his waist and tried his hardest to fly back up rather than falling down himself. But, he had never been too powerful or even decently muscular. He was actually rather frail, to tell the truth. So, forcing himself up against gravity, Kasey ended up just slowing both of their falls, them both landing quite roughly in an awkward pile of male. He sucked in a breath from the impact, and began to get a little dizzy, the edges of his vision slightly blackening. He was about to pass out from such impact on his frail and easily-injured body. But hey, at least the Mew was unharmed? Oh, that's right, he sort of landed on top of Kasey. "Whoops," he coughed out with a pained wheeze.


Pantera giggled again, sounding like a little schoolgirl. And that was very embarrassing, whereas anyone who could see would notice the dragon gijinka red as a haban berry >
. She squeezed the girl's smaller hand, a small sign of affection, still in a very friendly way. "I understand what you mean...Well, at least I think I do," she said to the grass type. She then came to an interesting realization. "Hmm, I don't even think we've done introductions, now, have we?" she asked the rhetorical question with a laugh. "Well, I'm Pantera Blackfang, a Hydreigon. And, I'm seventeen, if that matters." she greeted the other girl, noticing to herself that she was getting oddly comfortable with this girl, very quickly as well. That was alright, because making friends was important, or so her mother and every adult female figure would say. By this time, Pantera and the girl had just stepped outside of the halls and were now in the outside. She just hoped that the girl wouldn't just leave her after her helping her.
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AlannaTrebond said:
"It's no problem. My name is Lorelei, by the way, but my friends call me Lori." She told the girl in a friendly manner. "What's your name?" She asked as she walked.
Aria smiles. "I-It's nice to meet you Lorelei. My name's Aria, but you can call me Ari." She says as she follows Lorelei. "Or, at least the friends I used to have did..." She mumbles to herself.
Lorelei smiled at the girl. "Don't worry, Lori. Most of the people that I've met here have been friendly so far. I doubt that it'll take you long to make more friends than just me." She reassured her, then opened a door. "And this is the section for the girl's dorms."
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
(Yay! lol)

Lana went over her to her locker and took some stuff out of it, and into her backpack not glancing towards her family photo once as she then closed it and walked over to the garden. She entered the garden and continuously walked as she puts in her earbuds in her ears, and plays music on her mp3. Luxray however, was still trying to climb the tree that he vowed silently to himself he would. When he climbed the tree, he felt more pride then any other day and jumped down only to run off to where Lana was and show her his progress of climbing a tree.

(Its so quiet lol)
Lana jumps a bit and looks at Madoka, "O-h...ye-s, do you need something?" she asks, her hands start to shake and fidget so Lana quickly puts her hands behind her back hoping it would help her shaking. One look towards her luxray, she could practically know what he is looking at Madoka about. She was confused at first before understanding it and then went back to looking at her. "I'm sor-ry..." she said feeling guilty. she didn't want to make any one upset
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[QUOTE="Jayden Kisubo]Sorry sorry. I go on break soon so ill be able to post then.

When do you have break?
AlannaTrebond said:
Lorelei smiled at the girl. "Don't worry, Lori. Most of the people that I've met here have been friendly so far. I doubt that it'll take you long to make more friends than just me." She reassured her, then opened a door. "And this is the section for the girl's dorms."
Aria smiles. "Thank you Lori." She says happily, walking through the door. "I probably would have been wandering around for a while if you hadn't shown up."
"Um I just wanted to come over and say hi. I didn't really introduce myself. I'm Madoka the Sylveon. And I couldn't help but notice that you're so pretty! And so is your Luxray." Madoka said trying to make a new friend. "I don't really talk to humans so if you think I'm weird I totally understand."

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