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Fantasy CCFA OOC Chat

Always the favorite place. I live and breathe here.

Amethyst was fucking terrified of Jack cause he looks like something when the venom swayed her mind {Illusions} so she freaked the fuck out.
Well her warped memories are not and sadly jack looks like a damn thing from it.
And like I said. Amethyst just freaked the fuck out and Artemis and Fae dont care
Grumpy dad Grayson teaches happy son Jack how to be STYLIN
I have been waiting for this!

Ok so-

In the Angli kingdom there is a set of rules you have to follow. No one really knows about the venom but Amethyst does because she is the adopted daughter of people in the council. Its suppose to be the fix for if you do anything bad. There is a certain type of snake that is used for it. It give illusions and tricks your mind into following the Rules because the scientist set it up that way.

Well if the venom doesnt work as they do it small doze but Amethyst got bigger ones because she broke more rules and major ones. What would have killed anyone normal it didnt kill her as she healed herself and her parents hated that.


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