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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

"Most of my life now." He replied, rolling his shoulders against the flute on his back.  "I've had my own for what could easily be called my entire life."  

He chuckled at no one in particular.  "Now I suppose I should ask how often you make use of your own power.  It's quite an interesting one."
Mikuru nodded and started thinking, "Well., I can use it to get from place to place pretty quick. Like." She said and ran off returning in a few seconds with two muffins. "That." She smiled. "It all really just depends. My turn, Who taught you how to play?"
"I'm self taught.  My mother has shown me a few of her favorite pieces, though I had to turn them from piano into flute by my own hand."  He gulped down air.  "She was a wonderful woman.  Quite wonderful."  He paused, deliberately blinking a few times.  He pushed a smile back onto his face, his gaze returning to the other side of the table "What was your family like?"
"My family..? I was an only child, and my parents instead of helping my with my ability, chose to hide it. Which.. Can I not talk about it..?" Mikuru asked and trailed off. She looked down at the table for awhile, not saying anything. She looked back up and faked a smile, "Where did you get the flute?"
"I've always had it.  A present, I suspect."  He rotated it in its sling with his two fingers, raising an eyebrow.  "It's a question I'd quite like to have the answer to myself."

He turned back to face her.  "Now, for my question..."  He paused, weighing a few questions and the worth of their answers.  "How might you have been taken to this... hole."  
(Sorry for the 1-2 posts per day, I'll try and find more time to squeeze in more writing so I'm not three pages late all the time.)

Aaron realized Mikuru had already left, and with a tut he swung out the door and followed the path to the canteen. On his way, he spotted Mikuru talking to Ten. He opened his mouth to announce himself but noticed Mikuru didn't look so great, and decided to find another table for the time being. Now's probably not a good time.. He thought to himself, skidding to a stop at a surprisingly normal looking vending machine. Curiously, he pressed one of the options, and a bottle of Mountain Dew rolled into the receive bin. "Free drinks, huh?" He muttered, intrigued.

Grabbing the beverage and pivoting around, he scanned the rows of tables for someone he recognized. After a brief moment, he spotted Aki passed out on one. Aaron pulled into the opposite seat, drink in one hand, and gave her a nudge with the other. "They serve alcohol here or something? What's with the hangover?"



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Aka picked herself off the floor and dusted herself off, though there wasn't much dust to be found even on the floors of Starlight Academy.

She re-brushed her hair, pulling at the curls so they looked more compact then frizzy.

But as she was looking in the mirror, an eye turned purple. But not the dark purple you're thinking of. A bright, aster purple. Violet. Lavender.

Curious, Aka held a warm flame in her hand and held it up to the eye. It turned blue again.

It was weird, but she'd seen weirder things. Like being kidnapped by the military. Being woken up by light. Having a hazy memory. Yep, she'd definitely seen things. 

She hoped that she didn't have some sort of odd heterochromia. 

But all that was beside the point. She was stuck here with odd powers, a purple eye, and seriously older people. Aka needed to make a decision for her own happiness. Much as she'd like too, she couldn't sit in the corner and daydream anymore if she wanted to survive this place and be happy. 

The first step was probably switching dorms. Being with Lucas wouldn't be bad and she'd heard his roommate was cool. But the next part of what she needed to do terrified her. She had to talk to people. 

Aka sighed and looked around her room, looking for her messenger bag, or something. Just something familiar. Nope.

'Oh well.' Aka muttered, walking next door and taking her apparent toiletries (the toothbrush and hairbrush), basically her only belongings and walked next door, trying to find Lucas or his roommate, ignoring the canteen altogether since she'd eaten.


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(It's okay, I was 6 pages late aha)

Aida looked around at the people coming and going from the cafeteria. She envied those in groups. Obviously they found it easy to socialise. Not her though, especially with her own past. I can't stay over her forever, but I also don't feel comfortable talking to people... Aida allowed herself to lose herself in thought. Without really paying attention, she snapped her fingers and allowed the flames to dance over her skin. She watched them as she indulged herself in thought, mesmerised. 

It's not like they'll hurt me, right? She was still debating on how to approach people. But if they're like me, with... abilities.... Aida began creating shapes, starting with a rose. For her, the rose was her symbol. It reminded her that she was beautiful, she was strong, and she still continued to bloom. And I can be a thorn in someone's side if they're not careful. It's not that she enjoyed being lonely, it was more that she was afraid of hurting other people. She had done before. 

While daydreaming, she had managed to finish eating without realising. The flames that changed at the wiggle of a finger had her captivated, entranced. With her powers, she had control. With the control, she had security. Security, to Aida, was everything.
Mikuru thought about it, "I'm not sure.. It's kinda fuzzy.." She said and started thinking again. "I was out running.. Some guy asked me for help.. Then it all went black.. That's all I can remember.. What about you?"

Mikuru looked and waved to Aaron when he was at the vending machine, even though he probably didn't see her, it was the thought that counts.
"I remember little myself.  Only a dull blow across the back of my head"  He glanced around at the mass of fellow prisoners.  "To think they could capture so many..."  He turned back to Mikuru.  "To think so many existed in the first place."

He adjusted his flight goggles over his neck.  "Who might you have been waving to?" 

(And I'm sorry I've been spamming short posts so much)
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"My friend Aaron!!" She repiled and giggled. "He's like you, you both don't talk much, hell you guys would like each other. The way that they kidnapped people.. If they really wanted to help us, wouldn't they just invite us..?" Mikuru complained. 
"Of course."  He made note of doors to and from the room, scanning for the movement of guards towards or away from any of them.  "Which leaves a question neither of us have the answer to."  He let a dramatic pause take its effect.  "Why are we here?"
"Yeppy.. I'm not sure to be honest, maybe it's fate. Maybe, it's luck, maybe it's hell." Mikuru said and started to laugh evilly, you know for effect and stuff. She stopped and smiled, "The headmaster won't tell us either, because.. he's an asshole.." She paused and started to think. "Maybe its some plot to take over the world!" She joked, and started to laugh. "Either way, we're here now, and we're gonna have to live with that." 
(Sorry for not posting today, I was busy.) Aki picked up her head and yawned. "Ahhhh~! That was wonderful!" As Aki stretch, she noticed Aaron acrossthe table. "Good morning... do you know how long was asleep by any chance?"

@Caffeine Freak
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"No idea, just came over and you were passed out." Aaron lifted his hand to take another swig of his drink, but paused as if suddenly realizing what was in his hand, before slipping it into his pocket. "Don't suppose you have any idea how long we have until lessons start-"

"Attention, students! Lessons will begin shortly, please make your way to the Enrichment Center."

"Enrichment center?" Aaron twisted round to see a wave of students obediently leaving the tables and following security's directions. "I'll catch you later, Ak, I gotta run some errands before class starts." He offered a brief wave before turning and shoving his way though the crowd. Luckily enough, the pathway everyone was following went past his dorm - allowing him to slide the bottle of Mountain Dew into the desk drawer. "You're my ticket outta here." He grinned at the desk drawer as he shut the door.

As he was sprinting through the facility, he noticed that the section he was in was empty save for a group of generously sized students in front of him. No security in sight. He made to run past them, but one of them stepped out into his path, knocking him over.

"Watch it, kid." The one who tripped Aaron snickered, towering over him

"You should be careful who you barge into." Another purred.

You're kidding me.

Even at the bottom of the ocean, no one was safe from douchebaggery.

Aaron pried himself from the floor, only to find himself being circled by them. Vultures drawn to a carcass. One of them flayed their hands, which burst into flames.

In response, Aaron pulled out a can of deodorant.

The large student howled with laughter and shot a beam of flames from his hand. Aaron sidestepped and sprayed his deodorant at the adjacent goon. The gas passed through the beam of fire and erupted into a volcanic cloud, scorching his target. The goon growled and shook the flames from his now-charred shirt. They all backed up a little.

"You don't mess with a guy carrying deodorant." Aaron declared.




Aida got up from the table, clearing away her plate before heading in the same direction as everyone else. 'spose I'll make friends in class? She was at the back of the crowd, and so happened to be around to witness the boy getting bullied. "Already, are you kidding me?" She muttered, walking up to the circle. It wasn't like her to let a kid get bullied, especially with her past. 

"Oh wow, how big of you. It takes a whole gang of you to pick on one guy huh? So big." Aida sneered, flames starting to flicker in her hands due to anger. "Why don't you big boys scram before I make you." She had a frown on her face, arms folded, and flames dancing around her hands. For someone who was rarely alone, she had a decent amount of control. Sure, she was tiny compared to them. Sure, they had more experience than she did. What did Aida have? Anger, determination, and willpower. "Or would you like me to find some way to get a damn security guard back here?" 
"This ain't none of your business, girl. Keep walking." The burnt goon replied coldly.

The other tapped him on the shoulder. "We should just split, Franz, this ain't worth it. What if one of those police guys really do show up?"

'Franz' Turned to him. "As if one of them could take on us! Quit being a pussy and waste the stupid kid."

They all focused back on Aaron, who was holding a lit lighter underneath the canister of deodorant. A high pitched whistling noise emitted from the nozzle.

"What did I say?" Aaron whispered, intently staring at the base of the can, which began to glow bright orange. "You don't mess with a guy carrying deodorant."

He lobbed the canister into the air, which exploded outwards, sending shards of scorching metal whizzing through the air.

The gang dissipated, coughing and groaning, while Franz glared at Aaron, a thick red line tore across his cheek where the shrapnel had struck him. Aaron opened his mouth to quip, but was cut off as Franz' meaty hand wrapped around his throat and lifted him into the air "You're dead kid. Dead."

((Bharail CS))

Bharail Seymund


Age: 14


Red Gestalt

Red Gestalt is a power inside of Bharail, allowing her to create shapes from strange red and black mist floating around her. She can change the state of the mizt into a solid, liquid, or a gas. Because of her lack of training with the power, she's only able to create a pair of hands, a wall of cubes, and a small square that she floats around on (Along with tiny animals that she entertains herself with from time to time). The hands are able to lift roughly 300lbs, but items made of Starlight will phase right through them. She refers to this power as a form of "visible telekinesis". Why is it called "Red Gestalt"? Can't say.



Bharail is part of the Seymund household, a German family known for being involved in the drug trafficking business. At the age of 7, Bharail first discovered the red energy and started to play with it, creating shapes and tiny animals the size of a small egg. When her father discovered Bharail's new ability, all he could see were dollar signs. Four yeas past, and the girl was turned into a weapon, using her power to make sure deals go smoothly. Her emotions dulled due to the constant violence she experienced and often caused. Because of the constant success of their deals and reports of strange, red energy, the academy was notified.

By her 14th birthday, Bharail had grown stronger, now able to use her power to maim and even kill those who were unlucky enough to anger the Seymund family. She celebrated her birthday at the family's summer home in Brasil. The adults partied and drank all night while Bharail enjoyed nothing. She decided to leave the party and walk along the beach at night, pondering if her work with the family should be ceased. While lost in her thoughts, everything went dark. She awoke in the Cryo-tube of the academy

Theme of a Lonely Replicant (Bharail's theme)

Fight with Security:


Durring a fight with another student:


@Caffeine Freak

I like cupcakes....
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"None of my business? It became my business when you decided to bully someone." Aida growled, getting angrier by the moment. She then broke into a chuckle at the exploding canister, taking cover wherever she could. She didn't plan on being assaulted by shrapnel, especially as it could cut into old scars. She lit two small fires in each of her hands, walking up to the guy called Franz.

"Put. Him. Down."  Aida punctuated each word with a more violent burst of flames in each hand, and her eyes flashing scarlet before reverting to their natural brown. "You really don't want to screw with me when I'm angry." The temperature of the flames got hotter, as did their height. It was out of her control now, all she could do was channel it into a certain direction or somehow contain it in her palms. I really hope those guards don't come back, else I'll be damned as well. Aida was aware that they were pretty late for class at this point, and didn't really mind. The life of a fellow student came first.
Tenueto continued to sit at his table, still deep in his plate of what looked like mashed potatoes.  A guard nocked him on the shoulder.  "Come on kid, time to pack up."

"Of course, I mean little trouble." Tenueto replied, standing up and walking out of the room.

The guard, quietly grumbling about his boredom in what seemed like such an exciting place, escorted Tenueto to the 'Enrichment Center'.  As they were walking, they came upon a set of students, some almost groggily stumbling away, one holding a smoldering flame, and one holding up another by his neck .  "It seems this would be quite the opportunity for you to break your streak of boredom." Tenueto mused, a smile running across his face.

The guard himself chuckled "You took the words right outta' my mouth."

(I'm sorry?)
As students head to class, Adam is released and sent along with everyone else. All bruised and slightly limping, he makes his way to "The Enrichment Center". "Well, can't even have a coffee without being tranquilized, I guess." he says, remembering that he tried to steal a guard's coffee cup. "I wonder if any of the guys are gonna be there with me." Adam says to himself, smiling.  

(I'm baaaack!!)
Aki got up to get to class and sees Aaron being held in a choke hold. She starts running towards but sees him get rescued by a girl she didn't recognize and sees that the knives still on the table were NOT plastic. Smiling in Glee as she knows the other guards will come and assist with the guard that was smoking now. With a sickening grin Aki pick them up and walked towards the group. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Aki said with a innocent tone "that guard deserved it since he was blocking the path." Then Aki smile and with a dark tone said "shouldn't you be helping students that don't know their way"


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Full Name:

Mhiannan Macintosh

(Mhiannan is Gaelic (Scottish) for Wish)

Age: (between 14 and 21)





Mhiannan's power is telepathy. She can read people's mind and affect their minds in certain ways which she hasn't learned much of yet. For now she only knows how to read minds and give people headaches. Her powers are also only triggered by emotion for now.


Mhiannan was born in a town in Scotland called Prestwick. She grew up an only child because her father was diagnosed with cancer soon after her birth. He did survive but at the expense of children. Her parents were desperate for more children and were upset. Mhiannan comforted them. She was very good with her family and loved them much. Soon she was surprised to see that her parents took it into their own hands and adopted a child. She and her new brother quickly became best friends... But that's not forever. When Mhiannan was only 13, her brother was diagnosed with cancer. Unlike her father, her brother died. Mhiannan sparked her power that day as she read her brother's mind as he was dying. She read him and knew how he was feeling and he knew he wasn't feeling well. She just broke up inside. In school, she pretended that she was perfectly fine when she wasn't. Thinking about it caused her to stop thinking in general. Her grades lowered and she was having thoughts of suicide. The only thing she could do about it was sing which put up her self esteem a little bit. She also noticed whenever she thought about her brother, people around her were getting headaches. Soon, when she was 16 and her powers were becoming more apparent, she was walking home and she felt a piercing in her back... As if she was poked by a needle (she was shot by a tranquilizer bullet) and the next thing she knew, she woke up in Starlight Academy.

Theme Song:

Come To Me, Les Misarables

Guess what! IMA COW!
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