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Realistic or Modern Camp Heaven

Scarlett Baxxer

She was the only one who was not participating in helping the newly acquired man and his daughter. She had stayed inside the kitchen. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong to just be on the sideline but what else could she do? She was not much help with her current "bun in the oven". Scarlett felt useless and a nuisance in the camp. She debated why she had not left since the first day and remembered a flash of her husband. He was out there, on his way over and she had to stay put. She wanted her husband back. Finally an idea popped in her head and she rushed to find the woman clad in uniform. Maybe, just maybe she had seen her husband. But first she had to go to her room and get a photo to show the lady.

After obtaining the military photo of her husband, she set on her search to find Hal.

@Valor Green
Avery Clifton


"Avery! I got supplies!"

Avery and Hal were well away in the path. Avery was covered in her own sweat from the hours she was working for. Leonard came up to us in the now clear path, well the opening of it, carrying a supply bag with him and a grin on his face. "You went off again?" Avery asked, "Don't you think you are making to much trips to the town, south of us, or have you been going to the abandoned town up north?" She asked, letting her tools fall to the dirt, "Anyway what did you find this time?" Avery walked up to him having him show her his finds, hoping it the essential.

@Valor Green @CheekiBreekiComrade @overlordfangirl
Scarlett Baxxer

The Main House was not massive compared to other places she has been but Scarlett still had a hard time remembering which hallway led to where. What felt like an eternity turned out to be fifteen minutes. Once she went around the kitchen twice, she heard Avery speak outside. She briskly went to the window and her hunch was answered in seeing Hal with Avery. She sped down the hall and out the door, to the clearing. A bit too fast for someone carrying for two.

She coughed to make her presence known.

@Valor Green @KarenAKAMint @CheekiBreekiComrade
Sergeant Halford


She looked up from her work, standing upright to meet a young woman.

"What can I do for you, madame?" she asked, letting the axe rest of her shoulder. She'd rolled up her sleeves as the cool morning air had warmed up.

Scarlett Baxxer

"Hey, Leonard. Nice to hear that you got that dirt bike. Bet you my blanket that you did not bring this pregnant lady some chocolate? Haha Just kidding... Actually I came to speak to her." She motioned to Hal who slung the axe with ease like an extension of her arm. "Can we? In private Miss..." Scarlett laughed out of nervousness. She had completely forgotten to ask for her name when she first entered the dining room in the early morning. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she paid no attention to the introduction she made.

"I don't even know your name, sweet pea. But can you tell me now before we continue?"

@Valor Green @CheekiBreekiComrade @KarenAKAMint
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Sergeant Halford

Hal cocked an eyebrow at the mention of a pregnancy. She hefted the axe off her shoulder and let it fall blade first into the dirt where it stuck.

"Sergeant Emilia Halford," she said, motioning just beyond the other woman. "After you."

Avery Clifton


"It was the semi-empty town if it changes much. Only had an outpost. Besides I got a dirt bike."

Leonard handed Avery the bag, it was heavy at first but she placed it on the floor and began to shift through it. "A dirt bike, seems like one hell of a ride back. Just try to stay clear of populated town. Last thing we need is bad people coming here and taking things from us, after we did the same to them." She found canned foods, something that could be stocked up for now and when winter begins to come again, Toys, which the kids would love since the old ones are getting old and broken. Maybe we should keep these hidden until the moment arises, maybe presents for their birthday or Christmas. Small house hold things, shampoo, soap, razors, he even found an electric razor. Maybe now we can give the men a better hair cut.

The one thing that interested her the most was the books. They were mostly novels that can make for great reads, but the textbooks was a great find. With this she could teach the kids more things. Most of the topics she had been teaching are elementary things for the young ones and more science and ways the jobs here in camp work. Maybe this will spark an interest to some of them. Avery knew Jamie would love the science books. "Great!" I exclaimed to Leonard as Scarlett and Hal left to talk, "One thing thou, tell me before hand when you go next time. We need comms for the Sergeant since I promised we would get her that and then she will be leaving. And stay out of the town south of the Camp..."

She handed him the bag back to him as she picked up her ax again. She was about to go back to work when she remembers something, "Leonard, can you stack this bag in the food shed in the back of the barn. That way the kids won't get to it. I want the toys to be a surprise for them later on." With that, she got back to work, one goal in mind. Get at least half way before dinner or sooner. She still needs to hold a Council meeting, especially now since so much has happened today.

@Valor Green @CheekiBreekiComrade @overlordfangirl
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"Micheal! What are we going to play?" Michael snapped out of his daydream, "I, uh, let's plaaayyyyyyy...." Michael drew the word out as he racked his brain for what they could do. Michael's eyes went over to the dining table and chairs, suddenly gaining an idea, "-yyyyy Musical Chairs!" Michael mentally applauded himself on the back for that one. (Sorry for the long wait.)
Macy looked confused, she didn't know what that was, and might need a bit of help, "What's that?" she asked him.

(Short since I can't find anything else to say about that)

"Oh! Well..." Michael realized that this child probably never had a childhood due to to the war. He grit his teeth and closed his eyes at the thought of even more destruction being caused in the lives of others, "Well don't worry I'm sure everybody will be more than willing to teach you how to play." Michael finished with a smile as the rest of the kids released a semi-collective yes. Michael began setting all the chairs in the Dining Room in a circle, starting to clear away some of the tables as well.

@CERBERUS177 @KarenAKAMint
Jaime Reed


"It's a pretty easy game," she told Macy, "Basically, music plays while we go around the chairs. Once the music stops, you have to sit on one of the chairs. The last one not sitting is out. The game stops once their is one chair and one person on it." Jamie explained, a smile playing on her face as she did. "I recommend to going for the one chair further up then the one beside you," she whispered making sure not to give away her secret to the other kids.

@CERBERUS177 @Kingmalikai
"O-Oh, alright..." she said and watched as they set up the chairs, she hoped Jack would wake up soon, she wanted to be with him, she didn't think she can take a child's life this far in now, so she might as well see if Jack can teach her how to use a gun, or maybe teach her the tricks he learned in the military, as she has seen him try that with many people trying to hurt her. She glanced at the door she came into the house.


Having finished setting up the chairs, Michael now just needed to find somebody to play music, "Wait here everyone!" Michael ran off into the practically destroyed kid's room, I'm going to have to fix this at some point. He picked up a thankfully saved guitar from one corner of the room and rushed back out into the kitchen with the guitar in hand, "I'm warning you all right now it's been a month since I played this." Michael smiled and sat down in one of the chairs outside of the circle.

@CERBERUS177 @KarenAKAMint
Scarlett Baxxer

Scarlett nodded as she led the way. She decided the kitchen would be the perfect place to have their discussion and could get a start on making dinner all the same.

"Do you know how to cook, Emilia?" She curiously asked as they entered the Main House. It was significantly cooler inside the grand building than outside. The redhead set about getting pots filled with water and potatoes from the pantry, handing some to her companion to take back to the kitchen island. After they deposited the vegetables on the stone table, Scar pulled out her photo from her jean pocket.

A small four by six inch military portrait of her husband, Dexter. He was donned in his military uniform and hat, his expression solemn, unfriendly, and the background a solid mix of grey and blue. Had it been before the revolution, the background would have had the American flag proudly hanging on a pole beside him. Pictures were a luxury that neither side had the time to partake so Scarlett treasured the one she had. Silently wishing she had been able to find a disposable camera on her many treks with her platoon. She would take a less than formal picture of her husband, even one with her in it; displaying a more relaxed and happy moment away from the hard times. She wiped at her eyes, taking care of her watering eyes before they threatened to spill out.

Taking a much desired breath of air, Scarlett gave the picture to Emilia for her to study. She waited a few seconds before explaining herself.

"I was wondering if you saw a man, just like him on your way over here. He might have more facial hair than the picture now but still the same looks. He is about five feet and eleven inches. We... got separated on our way over here and I've been waiting to here from him."

@Valor Green
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Sergeant Halford


"Just Hal is fine," she said as they entered the house together. She helped Scarlett get all of her ingredients set out and paused, leaning back against the edge of a counter as the other woman seemed distracted by a photo. She took the picture and examined it for a moment.

"That's General... Penn, eh? Heard of the man, never met him."

She furrowed her brow for a moment and looked back up with her head piqued curiously.

"Heard he went AWOL, actually. Wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that, would it?"

She made a vague motion toward Scarlett's abdomen.

Jaime Reed


Jamie was excited once Micheal had came into the room again with the guitar. She was looking forward to the game, that she seemed to not notice Macy looking back toward the basement. "Let's start!" she exclaimed, her eight year old legs making her jump. She then stopped and gave a quiet mutter, "Sorry..." once she remembered that her Papa had told her to not make to much noise. So she just looked at Micheal and waited for him to start the game.

@Kingmalikai @CERBERUS177
"Alright then everybody start walking." Michael begins to play a tune he remembers from a while ago, but has since forgotten the name of, [media]

[/media]. Michael strums for 25 seconds before he stops playing.
Scarlett Baxxer

"Yes... yes!" Scar was ecstatic in hearing that Hal heard of her husband. It was short lived when Hal pointed to her abdomen. Self consciously clutching the tiny bump she had and hesitantly nodding.

"It was... Been diagnosed pregnant for two months. I don't know their gender." She took out bowls, cutting boards and knives; beginning to peal the potatoes from their skin and dumping them into one of the bowls. "But let us stick to the subject. Did you see my husband in the woods?" She had asked with an insistent and pleading tone. A voice of someone who was dangling between despair and hopefulness.

@Valor Green
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Kingmalikai said:
"Alright then everybody start walking." Michael begins to play a tune he remembers from a while ago, but has since forgotten the name of, [media]

[/media]. Michael strums for 25 seconds before he stops playing.
Macy follows what Jamie told her and took a seat, sealing her place for the next one. She was feeling a bit happy about playing the game. She doesn't know why though...
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Jaime Reed


Micheal began to play the guitar, and Jamie moved around the chairs, waiting for him to stop playing. Jamie kept close to the other kids in front of her. Once the song stopped, Jamie jumped forward and took the boys chair from him. Allowing her victory.

@Kingmalikai @CERBERUS177
Sergeant Halford

Her expression softened as she spoke.

"As I said, I've never met the man, and if I had met anyone on my way here, they'd have come with me."

"Looks like we'll be taking out one chair now!" Michael takes one of the chairs and tosses it off to the side, "Round 2, GO!" Michael began strumming the guitar again and in a matter of 2 seconds stopped.

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