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Realistic or Modern Camp Heaven

Lawson looked at the seemingly drunk man stagger out of the room and shrugged his shoulders.

"I tried to be friendly boss but I am not one for the intoxicated... However he did have a drunken quest that he wanted to go on."

Lawson followed behind the drunk and chuckled as he called out a women's name over and over.

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Scarlett Baxxer

Her breath was erratic and no rational thoughts came to her mind, too absorbed in her emotions. She used the adrenaline acquired from attaining the knife to push it towards her more but from the tight grip made by Hal, it did not move more than a few millimeter. The tip barely touching her neck.

"A baby without a father!" Scarlett spat and jerked the knife again. This time piercing her skin just a fraction. The tiny gash turned a crimson red as her blood oozed to the surface. It ran down her chest, staining the shirt she wore. She had pictured the family she wanted with both parents in the kid's life. Now it appeared it would not. She was not going to a be a widow.

That is around the time Avery turned up, trying to coax her to stop this absurd act. Her eyes darted between the two woman, both inclined on foiling her plans. The sincerity in Avery's eyes struck a cord deep in Scarlett. She had means to find Dexter. That broke her resolve and the hold on the knife loosened a bit. That was the chance that Hal needed and took the knife away, Scarlett let the military woman have it and watched her dump it in the sink. It made a loud thump clank sound and made this ordeal come to an end.

@Valor Green @CheekiBreekiComrade @KarenAKAMint
Sergeant Halford

Hal closed her eyes and let out a small huff has she heard Avery behind her as well as the shouting of a drunken Leonard. Once wrested from her grip, she quickly tossed the knife off into the sink.

"Always someone to ruin the moment," she whispered softly to herself.

She grabbed a rag from the counter and moved in close to Scarlett, placing it on the small cut over her collarbone.

"I don't want to have to watch you," she said succinctly and with a harsh tone, her gaze equally austere. "You're a grown woman - fucking act like it."

With that, she turned heel and marched out of the kitchen, brushing past the two men to return to her work.




Avery Clifton


Avery watched as Hal got the knife out of her hand and then walked out. I rushed to Scarlett, "Have you ever stopped to think what Jamie goes through with no mom? That child you are holding will be fine, you will be fine." Avery had never been made at the other Camp members, and for her to have a woman wanting to end it and a drunk man in the camp, it was time to hold that forsaken meeting. "I want you," she pointed at Scarlett, "To see Nathaniel to see to that."

She helped Scarlett up and then turned to the drunken Leonard, "You are a Scout! Meaning you are in charge of the camp's safety and here you are drunk out of your mind!" She walked up to the man, "You are suspended from you duty, your Council seat if out the window!" She turned to Lawson and told him in a calmer tone, "I want all of the cabins search for alcohol. Whatever you find, hand it over to Nathaniel. You are now Scout Leader." With that Avery got out of the Kitchen and returned to the library where all of the kids waited in the far most corner.

"Sorry," she said in her usual tone, "Everything will be okay now. Who wants to go for a hike?" With that everyone got up, small smiles playing on their faces. Heading through the back way, taking the stairs to the lake. Once everything is cleared, she will call forward for an emergency meeting. Time to make some changes to what is going on in camp.

@overlordfangirl @CheekiBreekiComrade @GreatGuyTomorrow
Lawson looked at Avery in surprise

"Ye-Yes Ma'am..." he said in shock as she exited the room. He then looked at Man he had been following and apologized as he walked off with a confused look on his face.

"I am only a private h-how could she promote me to squad leader?" he spoke to himself as he walked towards his own cabin, entering and remove a bottle of scotch he had been saving under his bed. 'sighs'

"Orders are orders..." he confirmed to himself sheepishly as he searched his cabin mate's area removing any alcoholic beverages he could find. He then did so in cabin's two and three as well finding none in the teacher's quarters and the rest in his fellow scout's cabin three.

"Boss with what us soldiers have seen you need a little forget me juice every now and then." he sighs as he walks back to the main house with the beverages in hand.

"Mr. Reed I was told to report to you with the alcoholic substances." he declared as he stood at the door to the Main houses laboratory.

Nathaniel Reed


Nathaniel Was in the storage room as he was placing the finished samples in the small freezer. Everything seemed good to go. Notes and the list of crops that are great to grown was finished. As he got out of the storage room, Lawson came down to the lab, a bag in one hand and said, "Mr. Reed I was told to report to you with the alcoholic substances." Confused, Nathaniel took the bag and asked back, "What happened for this to sent down here?" Nathaniel hadn't had a drink in his entire life, war made it hard to do so, but he has seen what happens to those that tend to drift to the drink. It wasn't a pretty picture for Nathaniel.

He placed the alcohol into the storage room and locked it up. In the plus side, he was wondering ways to use the liquor to make some things for medical purposes. He looked at Lawson, remembering that he tends to call him Mr. Reed, "I've told you to call me Nathan or Nathaniel, we're close to each other's age to be referred to Mr. Reed." He laughed at the young man in front of him, he took his seat again at his desk.

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"Man, screw this." He'd toss the chocolate on the ground, and walk outside towards the cabin. He'd shake his head, begin to whistle. Opening the cabin's door, he grabs the bag near the door, and starts grabbing his stuff and placing it in his bag. After finishing packing, He would sling the bag over his back, and walk out. He'd walk to the main house, and open the door and walk in. He would yell, "I am heading out, so don't ask were I am going. I'll be back in the morning." He would turn lean his head against the door.

"Fuck this, and that damn woman. She will never understand what being a soldier is being like."​

@GreatGuyTomorrow , @KarenAKAMint , @Valor Green, @overlordfangirl
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Scarlett Baxxer

Scarlett let silence fill the space. Her head was lowered, watching her feet with a hazy glaze. What had she done? She did not believe what she had wanted to do. She needed help and not only for the little cut. She stayed where she was, long after Avery, Leonard and Hal left. The kitchen felt too small now, the lights a little dimmer than they were before. She was all alone. The boiling pot had lost all its water and Scarlett went to turn off the stove and leave the claustrophobic room to find Nathaniel. She would let her sous chef do the dinner preparation tonight.

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Nathaniel Reed


Nathaniel saw Scarlett coming down the stairs, before Lawson was able to explain. "Scarlett, what can I do-" Nathaniel began but then noticed the blood on her neck, "What happened!" He got up from his chair, with a white rag in his hands as he placed it on her neck. He helped her to the small cot in the open space. Once he removed the rag he noticed that the cut wasn't to deep. "At least it wasn't to deep that hit a major artery. I'll need to do some tests to make sure your blood levels are still good."


(Sorry for my absence, will be back to normal tomorrow. Have lots of Homework to finish.)
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"Mr. Re- I mean Nathan, Scarlett here was attempting to take her own life, something about her husband had upset her, I believe, and then myself and my Scout companion, who was intoxicated, were bringing her chocolate because of one of his past promises, I suppose... Anyways Miss Clifton was not thrilled by the fact that there was a suicidal woman and an intoxicated scout within her camp. She then had me collect all of the alcohol from the cabins which brings me here to you." Lawson said as he looked down at the floor and held his arms to his side as if he was at attention.


He would open the front door, and walk towards his bike, and get on. He would reach into his pocket and trace his finger across the roads, looking for the nearest abandoned town. He need more time to think before he acted out in rage. Tapping the town about an hour away, he would start the bike, and drive towards the porch. He would lean the bike on the railing, and walk to Nathan's laboratory.

He would walk inside and look around. He would say, "Do you have in night vision googles? I might be staying over night. Even thermal works."

Nathaniel Reed


"Ah," Nathaniel took in Lawson's story, "Seems like a long day for her. Anyway, thank you for bringing in the things. I'll try to talk to Avery later on the matter of allowing back the alcohol. I understand it's a necessity for some..." He took out a large bandage patch and placed it on Scarlett's now clean wound. "That should do it," he told her and continued, "If you need any one to talk too, my door is always opened. To anyone at that matter." Nathaniel was about to go back to his work, when Leonard came into the Laboratory, making head way to the now locked storage room. "Do you have in night vision googles? I might be staying over night. Even thermal works," he asked. Nathaniel shock his head, "No sorry, it didn't seem to be useful for Avery to have when she first came here. Since then she hadn't sent someone to get. Sorry." He stopped by his desk and asked, "Leonard, where do you plan to head out? I need some things if you are heading up north..."

@overlordfangirl @CheekiBreekiComrade @GreatGuyTomorrow

He would nod and say, "I willing to get you what you need. I just need to to try to talk to Avery while I am gone, and ask her about she feels about me." He would reach into my bag, and reach down to grab a small plastic bag. It would be filled with test tubes marked with simple code phrases.

"The militants said they found this on some patrol nearby. They used a EMP trap to get them to split, and they followed the larger group of the five, and shot them. They found this in grenade pouch. It might be some pesticides or a chemical agent. Like tear gas or something like that. I think our most recent guest is a Chemical Corps soldier." He would place the plastic bag in Nathan's hand."

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Nathaniel Reed


"I can talk to her about that," he nodded to Leonard, "I need some meds, mostly liquid disinfection and antibiotics. And thanks for the task." He placed the bag on his desk and turned to him, "Oh and if you find any of these plants, with in the forest, that would be a great catch." Nathaniel handed him a piece of scrap paper with the illustrations of herbs common to the forests.


He would fold the paper, and then throw on his camouflaged jacket. He'd take the paper and nicely place it into his breast pocket. "Will do, comrade. And thanks for try to help with the night vision situation." He would then reach into his pants pocket and pull out his balaclava. He would throw that on, and walk outside to his leaning dirtbike. He would mount the bike, and rev the engine. He would sped off, towards the beaten path.

He would be somewhat far from the camp, when he stopped the bike. He would drag the bike into a bush, hiding it. He would then look through the area for the plants Nathan needed.​

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Jack was out in a city the last time he's seen the camp, he came back with not much, he got into the house and laid what he found on a table, looking at what he got. Some expired pain killers, still work, just take a long time to kick in, ammo, mostly .22LR's and .38's. Very small arms, and he was low on shotgun ammo and .45ACP for his handgun. He sat back, and put his hands to his head, wondering where Macy was at this time of day. "Papa! You're back!" came her voice from the door, she ran to him and hugged him, "Never thought I'd see my angel again." he said happily. He let her down and she still hugged him. He's been gone for awhile, and was happy he was back, since he left a day after recovery, trying to pay these people back. Macy let go and sat next to him, talking about all the things she's learned in the school here, and told me about the games she has played since he was gone.

(@Kingmalikai , you're free from Jack, sorry for the late reply, I just thought it'd be best that I transferred him into another situation)
(It's a new day)

Avery Clifton

After yesterdays events, Avery spent the day at the lake with the kids. Nathaniel and Avery talked about the situations that happened in the kitchen. Avery was very livid with the thought of one of the scouts had the nerve to drink when on duty. But Nathaniel brought up a good point. Most of the scouts were soldiers and the alcohol was their key to get through what they went through. She didn't give him an answer after they talked, as she needed time to think over how to approach the situation.

Once most of the residence were asleep, Avery slipped into her little room and typed away, finding euphoria in writing down her feelings on paper. So now she was working working on clearing the path once again, hoping to finally finish. She had just finished lessons for the day, which allowed the kids to shadow who ever they wish, or stay by Micheal as they enjoy the day. Stopping to catch her breath she looked up to the the sky, since she couldn't see the camp from where she was. The day was nice and cool which fueled her to finished. Avery was just an hour away from finishing, but the sound of kids playing made her want to join the fun.

Tammy was with Avery, exploring the forest as Avery worked. She hadn't seen Leonard all day nor at dinner last night. Nathaniel said he went on an errand for him, when really she knew he left to vent. He might be new to the camp, but Leonard was a clear book to her. Maybe not entirely but it was clear enough to know some things. She had announced at breakfast that the consumption of alcohol will be permitted, but when off duty, hence after or during dinner. Any one to abuse this will cause the access to alcohol from the rest of camp to be with held again until further notice. After another foot in the path, Avery gave up for the time being and began to ascend back to camp.
Sergeant Halford


She had spent a good part of the latter afternoon working on clearing the path to the lake in hopes of working through her thoughts. After a few hours, she left to look around the camp and offer a hand wherever it was requested. As night fell, she took some time to watch the woods until most had turned in. The third cabin seeming empty for the night, she simply took an unclaimed bed. It wasn't until daylight broke through the window that she woke up - unusually late for her. She remained there for nearly another hour, eyes fixed on the wall with only her thoughts and a pillow over her head. Eventually, she found the will to get up and wash herself off in the lake while the others were having breakfast. She showed up late and ate little, and by the time Jack returned with more supplies, she hadn't even known anyone had left. She let out an annoyed sigh, knowing her task had fallen by the wayside, and went to meet Avery as she came up the path.

"Did you send him out?" she asked as she approached.

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Michael had spent the majority of last night fixing the kids room, and had managed to get everything mostly organized. While the kids enjoyed themselves playing with the various toys, Michael was taking the slower moments he could to catch up on his sleep.


In hours inside the forest, he was able to find the herbs Michael needed. Placing them in separate plastic bags, he would place them inside his duffle bag. When night did finally hit, he settled down under tree, with a flashlight and his favorite book. He had readied for several hours before drifting to sleep. After the lights of dawn shines through the forest, he would already been in the abandoned town in the north.

The town was empty, which Leonard could do whatever he wanted. The small town consisted of a pharmacy, a small gun shop, a mechanics, a small grocery store.​
Avery Clifton


"Did you send him out?"

Hal began to make her way to Avery. The question was confusing at first but then asked, "Jack? Kind of, he insisted to on going to pay back. But Leonard left on his own so I don't know when he'll be back." Avery took of her gloves, watching the kids running around, "Yesterday was one hell of a day, sorry I couldn't get a team together, but I'll get Lawson get a team together to head out with you."

@Valor Green

Walking along the small abandoned American town, he would look around the town and notice the overgrowned grass, the abandoned cars, destroyed signs, and large barricades of sandbags. He would leap over the barricade, and look through the single tent in the checkpoint left from many years of conflict. He would find a simple military gun case and a box with the Red Cross on it. He would walk over to the Red Cross box and open it. Grabbing the first aid kits, the orange pill bottles, and the other bottles of medication that Nathan had mentioned. Placing the material inside his duffle, he walked over to the gun case.

He unclipped the locks on the case, flipping the top open. It was a simple Marine Corps Battle rifle, the M16A4. Yet, it included a Medium Range Scope. He would shove the scope in his duffle bag with the rest of his loot. He would look around for the a new rifle sling, finding a almost destroyed one. He would snap the slings hooks onto the rifle, and sling the rifle on his shoulder. He would crack his knuckles heading back to were his stored his dirt bike.​
Sergeant Halford

She opened her mouth to speak but looked away quickly, chewing the inside of her cheek. She resumed a more stoic demeanor, attempting to quash the hint of discontent in her voice.

"Save your apologies, Miss Clifton. I haven't come to air grievances. Rather, I must question the disorganized and inefficient manner in which your scouts act with impunity. Between the dereliction of duty and impulsive behavior witnessed here, it appears that you have very little control over your men."

Avery Clifton


"Save your apologies, Miss Clifton. I haven't come to air grievances. Rather, I must question the disorganized and inefficient manner in which your scouts act with impunity. Between the dereliction of duty and impulsive behavior witnessed here, it appears that you have very little control over your men."

"I may not have full control, due to the fact that I have different jobs to do. Here I thought I could give each job their own leader which would report to me. So the only thing I mad the wrong judgement was in allowing them to vote for their won leader," Avery answered back. She was a bit infuriated to be judged in her leadership skill, besides she never thought she would be leading a group of refugees. "If you think I have so little control, tell me what you would do in my position. I was an 18 year old, how wanted to escape. Now I've gathered the strength to step up and take leadership."


He would drive through the hills, watching his surroundings. He had known militants had operated in the area, but the military (such as the 1st Marine Division, 4th Infantry Division, and reserve naval units) had been sighted in the last few months clearing out large rebel bases and operations. As he drove along the dirt paths of the forest, he could hear the distant roar of helicopters. As he drove, he spotted AH-64s and several UH-60s. He watched them from ground level.

After they flew over head, he would accelerate as fast as the bike could. He knew the soldiers would operate in the area. He would speed into the entrance of the camp, and stop. He'd throw the bike down, and yell for Avery. "We need to hide! We aren't safe anymore! I might sound stupid but you can trust me! Please!"​

@KarenAKAMint (requesting to make a active duty military character.)

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