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Realistic or Modern Camp Heaven

Sergeant Halford

"I don't mean to cause offense, madame," she said as she shifted her stance to tower over the younger woman. "Your actions are commendable for a civilian, but there is a reason the military does what it does - because nothing else can work. So, I feel honor bound to give you fair warning. To give soldiers free reign is to invite defenselessness and betrayal upon the men, women, and children in your care."

She heard a dirt bike approaching through the woods and lowered her voice slightly.

"Personally, I wouldn't give a man a gun unless he could follow orders first. I'll leave you to think on that."

With that, she'd turn and make her way back to the house, stopping on the deck to hear Leonard's mad ramblings from a distance.

Avery Clifton


Avery watched Hal walk away, and then the sound of Leonard calling out to me. "What are you talking about?" she asked him and began to make her way to him. She stopped after she caught the sound of distant helicopter around the area. Avery called out, "Come kids back inside!" I began to collect stragglers as the other workers dropped their tools and headed to the main house. "Where's Lawson?!" I called out to the group, "I need scouts inside, the last thing we need is for a scout to be seen with a weapon. Now!" She made her way to Leonard and stood in front of him, "Good to have you back, but I need to know you are okay."


"After a lot of deep speculation of what I had did in the past, and what has happened here. I feel as if the things I had done in the past, like as two days ago, are extremely childish. So I am ready. But, that's not I am worrying about, when I coming back to camp, a couple of military helicopters flew to that town I visited with the rebel camp."

He would pause to catch his breath, and say, "We just need to be extremely quite for the rest of the day. Make it seem like it's just a empty house."​
Avery Clifton


She looked at the older man and nodded. She was thankful that he was back and safe. What he did was was bad, but everyone should be tittle to a mistake here and there. "Alright, get in," Avery answered as she motioned to the house. The sight of Hal caught her attention and walked over to her, "How long did you say you lost connection with your base?" The helicopter was far away but it was audible. "I mean there is a helicopter around and Leonard claims it's a military unit," Avery explained.

@CheekiBreekiComrade @Valor Green
Sergeant Halford

She looked apprehensively toward the sky.

"Thirty-six hours, approximately. This is far too soon for a search party, but that won't stop me from seizing it."

She leaned over the deck's banister and shouted toward Leonard.

"Leonard, my sidearm!"


He would take the M1911 out of his waistband, and wipe it on his sleeve. He would look over and hand the pistol over with the grip towards her. He would then say,

"You can come grab it."

He would place the pistol on the deck railing. He would open the door, and walk over to the window. He would unsling his rifle, and get into a fire position, but with the barrel down.

He would be watching the skies.

@Valor Green, @KarenAKAMint
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Jack just now noticed the commotion and ran out, he saw that there was a strange happening going on, "W-What's going on...Wait..." Jack drew his shotgun and kept it down, "What are you doing here!?" he asked, fearing that she was here to claim him, "Why...is she here?" he asked the rest of them confused by why a military girl was here.

(Short because I'm interested)

@Valor Green @KarenAKAMint @CheekiBreekiComrade
Avery Clifton


Avery looked at Jackson as he came into the porch, shotgun in hand. "Wow! Put the gun away," Avery exclaimed, "The General came to camp just before you did. She lost contact with her base, so I offered to help. We do not target others while in my care. So put the gun down." Avery moved further to Jackson, having her hands up as she slowly reached for the barrel of the gun to lower it.

@CheekiBreekiComrade @Valor Green @CERBERUS177
Jack nodded and lowered his gun, still scared of her. He slid his mask up, hiding his face, as it was already half hidden. "I-I'm sorry ma'am." he said, looking to Avery. "But...what...what's going on." he said, then goes into a whisper, "She cannot know who I am, please! They'll take me away..." he said, looking as sad as possible with his eyes,

@KarenAKAMint @CheekiBreekiComrade @Valor Green
Sergeant Halford

She took her pistol and holstered it slowly, turning to face Jack with a glower.

"Ahem... Sergeant," she corrected as Avery spoke on her behalf. She leaned back against the banister with weary eyes.

"If you're military, then this is where we get off. We've got operators in the area with aerial transport - possible search and rescue."


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Jack fumbled for words, "Mil-Military? You must be mistaken! I'm no where near military." he said, denying it, hiding it, "I'd rather die than be military! What happened to freedom huh?" he asked, that one question many other survivors asked him when he was still with them, "Never, will I be military!" he said, keeping his mask up.

@Valor Green @CheekiBreekiComrade @KarenAKAMint
Noah "Jackal" Klein

A roaring boom echoed across the valley. After seconds, a distant black cloud of smoke could be seen. A roar of gunfire could be heard, but stopped immediately as it stared.

07:34 - Crashsite "Delta Echo Alpha Delta"

Noah groaned, grabbing his flight helmet, and tossing it away. He would be hanging sideways, due to the helicopter crashing landing, and then top sizing. He would feel his combat vest, looking for punctures. He would tap his fingers on a wet spot, and look down. The wound was a simple puncture, meaning just some simple shrapnel. He would groan, as he reached for the buckle of his strap. He would unclick it, and fall to the floor of the helicopter. He would reach for his pistol holster, unclipping the plastic strip holding the gun in place. He would pull the gun out, and drag it across the floor of the helicopter. He would bring it close to his face, and unengage the safety. He would flip over to his back, and scan his surroundings.

The helicopter was quiet, and had three dead bodies. The first body was the pilot, who he never met before the mission. The co-pilot was a drinking buddy he had met at the base. The door gunner was a new guy. The new guy was pretty young looking, but the kid knew what he was signing up for. He would lay on the floor, and feel for his flare gun. Unclipping it from the bottom of his seat, he'd would point towards the door facing the sky, and pop the flare.
Sergeant Halford

She let out a sigh with an exaggerated roll of her eyes.

"Very well, then," she said with a smarmy grin. "I frankly haven't a single concern for who you are or what you believe in. If you aren't with me, then I bid you adieu as I believe my ride is here."

She pointed up toward the sky, listening for the sound of helicopters to grow louder. At that moment came a distant roar followed by a flare rising up above the trees. She turned her head off to the side, eyes wide in disbelief as a state of shock seized her.

"Bollocks..." she muttered under her breath.

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The small arms fire erupted again, causing the helicopters to pull back, in the direction they came from. The flare reached a decent height, and then simmered down. As the helicopters flew away, several rocket propelled grenades soared towards the departing helicopters.


The lone wounded soldier was looking for any signs of militant movement. After deeming it safe, he would yell for anyone. At first it was a simple help, but then it would transform into, him saying he was wounded and friendly. After losing his breath, he would load a another round into the flare gun. He'd point it into the sky, and fire.


Leonard would be watching the sky, and then see the man, who was wounded earlier with a shotgun in hand. He would tell everyone in the house to stay down, as he watched towards the door. He would open the door slightly, and stick his rifle's barrel through. He would then open the door with one hand, with his rifle in his other hand. The door would be fully open, and shake his head. "What are you all doing? Especially you, Mister! I thought you broke something. Lower the damn shotgun!" He'd change the rifle's firing rate to semiautomatic. (The M16A4 Battle Rifle.)
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Sergeant Halford

"Get back here, you bastards," Hal growled as she scanned the treeline with her binoculars, seeing a second flare fly up into the air. She drew her sidearm and checked the magazine before turning back to the others gathered there.

"Leonard, get your bike. We'll scout ahead while Clifton rallies troops and transport to search for survivors."

She looked to each of them for confirmation.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.1c7adacc9ea24324590e94ca5b0e7034.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144635" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.1c7adacc9ea24324590e94ca5b0e7034.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Leonard

He would nod with confirmation, slinging his rifle, and jumping over the railing. He would do a small roll, and get to his dirtbike. He would place a American flag patch on his camoflauged jacket. He would start the bike, and drive towards the porch. "The gunfire must have been from the town I visited the other days ago." He'd would reach into his duffle bag and grab a Desert Camoflauged helmet and a pair of googles. He would say, "We can speak on the way to the Crashsite."



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Avery and Nathaniel

Confused at the whole thing, she snapped out of it when Leonard and Hal left the porch. "I'm not one to pry, but I think it would be best to have you stay with me. I'll send Lawson and Nathaniel to the crash site," she told Jackson as she entered the room. Nathaniel and Jamie came up from the basement, "What's going on?" he asked. I made my way to him and relied what just happened outside. "I need you and Lawson to head over to the crash site. You'll meet up with Leonard and Hal there. There is two four wheeler in the back of the barn. You can use that to get through the forest," she told him and found Lawson, "I know these are Military officers, but they might need our help so I don't want any disputes while I stay here." Nathaniel nodded and patted Jamie on her head. He ran down to the lab and retried the first aid kit, "Let's go then."

@CERBERUS177 @GreatGuyTomorrow
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Jack shook his head, "Last scavenge mission wasn't that good Avery, let me help." he said, remembering the junk he brought back, since it wasn't much of anything to go off of, he walked around with her and begged to go, he wanted to be of some use here.

@KarenAKAMint @GreatGuyTomorrow
Sergeant Halford

She stuffed her beret in her back pocket and mounted the dirt bike behind Leonard, one hand firmly on his shoulder and the other holding her M1911.

"On with it, lads!" she shouted back to the house as the two set off into the woods.


He would put up the kick stand and speed off. They would be driving down a simple dirt road, taking a left, which led into some minor forest and small hills. He would scan the area, and then stop. "I know you think I am just some idiotic rebel. But I am more then that. After this small mission we can grab a bite and I will show you the real me." He would point towards the crashed helicopter. "There." He would lean the bike right, and head for the distant destroyed Blackhawk.


He had been bleeding for some time. He could slowly feel the blood piling up in his lungs, meaning it was just more than some simple shrapnel. He would hear the distant engine sound, and he would take his pistol, and crawl towards a simple bit of cover. He would blindly fire towards the two on the motorcycle. After three shots, he dropped the gun, due to his hands being slippery from the blood.
Sergeant Halford

"Awfully presumptuous of you to claim to know my thoughts."

She cut herself off as Leonard began to drive further toward the wreckage.

"Whoa, not too close! Not too-..."

Three shots rang out, and she bailed off the bike, rolling into the twigs and brush. She crawled up to cover behind a tree.

"Stand down!" she shouted, peeking out from behind cover. "Leonard, do you have visual?"

Avery Clifton

She looked at Jackson, and then to Nathaniel as he stood by the door. She bit her lip but gave in, "Fine. You can go, I'll keep Lawson here then take the two vehicles and get down to the wreckage." She waved them out the door as she heard Hal call out to them.

@GreatGuyTomorrow @CERBERUS177

As the gun fires, he jumps off the bike, like the sergeant. He would roll over to a area with a bit more cover, peaking over the grass. He would look over and do a hand signal. What he would sign to her, "Its a single soldier. He's injured. Bad." He would aim down his rifle's iron sights, zeroing in on the helicopter. He would get the rifle comfortable, and they say, "I come in peace, soldier. I can tell you took a pretty bad hit."


Noah would jump with fright, hearing the voice of a man. He would raise one hand up, signaling peace. He would then say, "Uh.. S-sorry for shooting at you-u.. I thought you-u were some rebels.." He'd would stop to catch some air. "I just need s-some medical attention. I took a b-bullet to my lower torso." He would lean his head back, waiting for a response.
Sergeant Halford

"Hold position, and watch for contacts. I'm moving up."

Hal slipped out from behind the tree and ran with her head low toward the injured man, ducking down next to him with eyes scanning the trees.

"Where are you hit, soldier? Keep pressure on it."

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He would tap his lower part of the Flak Jacket. He would the cough, spitting blood in the other direction. He would say, "They were using a Anti-Aircraft gun, mixed with small arms. I must've caught a bullet without noticing, with all the adrenaline pumping.." He would them place pressure on the wound, groaning with the feeling of terriable pain. He would pass out after placing pressure on the wound.


He would walk backwards towards the crash site in a almost crouched position watching the surrounding area. He would stop in front of the Blackhawk and tap it, signaling he moved up.

"The tree line is empty, I don't notice any shell casings, or even scope glints. We are all by our selves right now."

(I need to go to bed I am sorry! You can Roleplay with the others arriving and moving him. As for Leonard he can simply watch the area.)

@Valor Green
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